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LoMag Barcode Scanner to Excel 1.41
A completely free barcode scanner enabling youto save data to Excel. You can change your phone into a datacollector without any limitations to the amount of collected codes,completely free of charge. An application useful forinventory-making and other logistic processes at the warehouse. Theoutput file may be quickly sent via e-mail.The barcode reader supports the following code formats:- codes on products: EAN-13, EAN-8, ISBN, UPC-A, UPC-E- industrial codes: Codabar, Code 128, Code 93, Code 39, ITF,RSS- 2D codes: QR Code, Data MatrixThe most important functions of the application:- Continuous scanning of successive barcodes with quantity 1- Barcode scanning and input of quantity from keybord- Barcode scanning and input of quantity and price- Scanning of barcode and serial numberSupport of many data sets, which may be named and browsed. Datasets may be saved in Microsoft Excel format compatible with version97 and newer. The app allows you to send files via e-mail or savethem on an SD card.There is also a possibility of continuing the scanning in theselected data set.The Excel files created by LoMag barcode scanner are fullycompatible with LoMag Inventory Management.Basing on the files, you can create the following documents inLoMag:- GRN (Goods Received Note), e.g. delivery of a given item to thewarehouse;- GIN (Goods Issued Note), e.g. sale of an item;- GRN correction (Return to supplier), e.g. return of a faultybatch of items;- GIN correction (Return from customer), e.g. return from acustomer as a result of a claim;- Stock level correction note, e.g. loss of item at thewarehouse;- Interbranch Transfer e.g. transfer of a part of a given stock toanother building:- Discount document (Change in the item’s value), e.g. a decreasein prices resulting in a drop in the value of a given item;- Internal GRN (Internal Goods Received Note), e.g. reception of anitem of own production;- Internal GIN, e.g. issuance of a given item to an employee;- Inventory sheet, which forms a basis for inventory-making- Inventory of the whole warehouse- Opening Balance, i.e. the initial stock level upon thecommencement of operations with the program.Please note:To perform the scan, your device needs to be equipped with a camerawith autofocus function.Privacy:http://www.longint.com/PrivacyPolicy.htmlReservations:The barcode scanner used in the app operates on ZXinglibrary.https://github.com/zxing/zxing
LoMag Warehouse online + MSSQL 1.3.73
Simplified version of LoMag Inventory working online with MicrosoftSQL database
LoMag Ticket scanner - Control tickets - Guestlist 0.0.26
It's simple and secure application for event organizers tocontroltickets on the venue entry. Ticket scanner allows you to useyourphone to scan tickets and verify codes. The program can usethephone's camera or use hardware-based code readers (eg indatacollectors). Simply send barcodes from Excel or a text file andyoucan verify your guest tickets for your event. Usage: - Uploadlistof barcodes for your event from Excel / XML or Text file -Addextra attendees codes manually or scan extra codes from tickets.-Manage multiple events simultaneously using many files - Scan1Dand 2D barcodes, including QR codes and check if code fromticketis on the list - analyze statistics, send results to email /file /cloud Application settings: - data format: XLS, XLSX, CSV,Json,XML - text file format: SCII, Unicode - block duplicate scans-timeout for next scan - vibration/sound after scan - typeofsupported codes: QR CODE, DATAMATRIX, UPC, EAN8, EAN 13, CODE128,CODE 93, CODE 39, ITP, PDF417
LoMag Barcode Scanner 2 Excel stock inventory data 0.0.154
A completely free barcode scanner enabling you to save data toExcelXLS, XLSX, CSV, JSON, XML. You can change your phone into adatacollector without any limitations to the amount of collectedcodes,completely free of charge. An application usefulforinventory-making and other logistic processes at the warehouse.Theoutput file may be quickly sent via e-mail or saved to SD card/Onedrive / Dropbox / Google drive or other cloud storage Appalsoenable to browse / edit / delete data. You can create andmanagemany files with data, continue to edit them later. All filescan bebackup or restore into 1 file, moved to other phone.Manyconfiguration options: - blocking duplicate codes - sum upnumberof the same codes - automatic scanning of subsequent codes-scaling photos in an Excel file The barcode reader supportsthefollowing code formats: - codes on products: EAN-13, EAN-8,ISBN,UPC-A, UPC-E - industrial codes: Codabar, Code 128, Code 93,Code39, ITF, RSS - 2D codes: QR Code, Data Matrix The mostimportantfunctions of the application: - Continuous scanning ofsuccessivebarcodes with quantity 1 - Barcode scanning and input ofquantityfrom keybord - Barcode scanning and input of quantity andprice -Scanning of barcode and serial number Support of many datasets,which may be named and browsed. Data sets may be saved inMicrosoftExcel format compatible with version 97 and newer. The appallowsyou to send files via e-mail or save them on an SD card.There isalso a possibility of continuing the scanning in theselected dataset. The Excel files created by LoMag barcode scannerare fullycompatible with LoMag Inventory Management. Basing on thefiles,you can create the following documents in LoMag: - GRN(GoodsReceived Note), e.g. delivery of a given item to thewarehouse; -GIN (Goods Issued Note), e.g. sale of an item; - GRNcorrection(Return to supplier), e.g. return of a faulty batch ofitems; - GINcorrection (Return from customer), e.g. return from acustomer as aresult of a claim; - Stock level correction note, e.g.loss of itemat the warehouse; - Interbranch Transfer e.g. transferof a part ofa given stock to another building: - Discount document(Change inthe item’s value), e.g. a decrease in prices resulting ina drop inthe value of a given item; - Internal GRN (Internal GoodsReceivedNote), e.g. reception of an item of own production; -Internal GIN,e.g. issuance of a given item to an employee; -Inventory sheet,which forms a basis for inventory-making -Inventory of the wholewarehouse - Opening Balance, i.e. the initialstock level upon thecommencement of operations with the program.Please note: Toperform the scan, your device needs to be equippedwith a camerawith autofocus function.Privacy:http://www.longint.com/PrivacyPolicy.html Reservations: Thebarcodescanner used in the app operates on ZXinglibrary.https://github.com/zxing/zxing
LoMag Data Scanner & Inventory. Barcodes to Excel 1.33
This is extended version of LoMag Barcode Scanner to Excelenablingyou to save different data to Excel files: - 1D & 2DBARCODESlike product codes, serial numbers, tickets .. - Free TEXTSlikeitem name, description - NUMBERS : quantity, prices - YES/NO :true/ false fields - DATES e.g. expiry date - TIME : productiontime -LONGITUDE & LATITUDE : manual position or from build-inGPS. -ACTUAL DATE AND TIME : current time stamp. - ORDINAL NUMBER:1,2,3.. for each record - PICTURES : photos from camera Youcanspecify many fields of each type : many barcodes, names,photos..and determine the order of fields: First article code, thenarticlename, .. Full version allows you to edit and delete data infiles.The barcode reader supports the following code formats: -codes onproducts: EAN-13, EAN-8, ISBN, UPC-A, UPC-E - industrialcodes:Codabar, Code 128, Code 93, Code 39, ITF, RSS - 2D codes: QRCode,Data Matrix You can change your phone into a data collector.Veryuseful app for inventory-making and other logistic processes atthewarehouse. The output file may be quickly sent via e-mail. Themostimportant functions of the application: - Continuous scanningofsuccessive barcodes with quantity 1 - Barcode scanning and inputofquantity from keybord - Barcode scanning and input of quantityandprice - Scanning of barcode and serial number Support of manydatasets, which may be named and browsed. Data sets may be savedinMicrosoft Excel format compatible with version 97 and newer.Theapp allows you to send files via e-mail or save them on an SDcard.There is also a possibility of continuing the scanning intheselected data set. Please note: To perform the scan, yourdeviceneeds to be equipped with a camera with autofocusfunction.Privacy: http://www.longint.com/PrivacyPolicy.htmlReservations:The barcode scanner used in the app operates on ZXinglibrary.https://github.com/zxing/zxing
LoMag Warehouse Management PRO 1.25
This is the full version of “LoMag Inventory ManagementFREE"without limitations on amounts of items and documents,additionallyenabling you to: - Import data from Excel - Clean alldata - Createbackup copy - Restore backup copy - the purchase ofthe fullversion automatically transfers the data from the FREEversion Themost important characteristics of the program: - inbuiltbarcodescanner employing the camera of a mobile device - stocklevel as ata given date and hour exportable to Excel - warehousedocuments:Goods Received Note, Goods Issued Note, Inventory -adding items todocuments by scanning codes or browsing the itemlist - history ofwarehouse transfers for a chosen item - browsingthrough warehousehistory of documents and their content - editingor removing thelast warehouse document - quick search of items bynames or codes -editing the item list, ascribing codes with ascanner - adding ownunits of measurement and removing unused units- changing the dateof the documents (introduction of historicaldata) - export ofdocuments’ content to Excel (including inventory)- expandedinventory-creating options, automatically supporting thefollowingfunctions: + displaying a list of items, which are not intheinventory, with a quick addition option + automatic addingofoutstanding items to the inventory together with theircurrentstock levels + automatic adding of items outstanding fromtheinventory with zero stock level + saving incompleteinventorieswith a possibility of finishing them at a later date +theprocedure of approving the inventory with an automaticcorrectionof stock levels + report on differences before and aftertheinventory, with the items with different stock levels markedincolour and a recap of differences and values + the deletion oftheinventory is possible during as well as after conclusionandapproval of the inventory The support of prices is optional.Youcan keep only a quantitative register of items withoutenteringprices onto the documents. If you work with prices, you canenterdifferent purchase prices for the same item. When an itemwithseveral purchase prices is issued, the programautomaticallyaverages the prices, in keeping with the FIFO rule.This means thatthe proposed price upon issue is a weighted averageof purchaseprices for the items available in stock. There is alsoan option ofchanging the price manually when issuing items, orentering yourown selling price not related to the purchase price.Whenconducting an inventory the program also proposes aweightedaverage purchase price, so that the value of the item wouldnotchange, if the stock did not change. The inventory also allowsyouto change the values of the items manually. The inventory isadocument which defines amounts and values of items anew – sowhenissuing items the program analyses the item history since thelastinventory. The incorporated barcode reader recognizes thefollowingcode formats: codes on products: EAN-13, EAN-8, ISBN,UPC-A, UPC-Eindustrial codes: Codabar, Code 128, Code 93, Code 39,ITF, RSStwo-dimensional codes: QR Code, Data Matrix For the readerto workcorrectly, the camera should be equipped with autofocus andflashfor illuminating the codes in dark rooms. Without thesefunctionsthe recognition of codes may be impossible, or it mayrequireplacing the code at an appropriate distance from the camera,sothat it captures focus. You can also use an external reader,e.g.Bluetooth operating as a keyboard entering the codes. Thebarcodemay be any string of signs, not necessarily a concrete typeofcode. The field may also be used for another purpose, e.g. asaunique index, which will facilitate finding the item. Thebarcodesin the database must be unique. The program featuresanincorporated user manual and the possibility of contactingitscreators. Privacy: http://www.longint.com/PrivacyPolicy.html
LoMag Warehouse Management FRE 1.24
Simple, intuitive inventory management software with a powerfulbarcode scanner!
LoMag Barcode Scanner 2 Excel 0.0.162
Barcode scanner, photos, GPS data, txt, numbers collector saveresults to Excel