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Allegro Widget 1.0
Widget do wyświetlania filtrów użytkownika zprogramu Kangur dla Allegro.plAukcje są wyszukiwane na podstawie filtrów co 30 minut, a liczbaznalezionych ofert jest pokazywana na widgecie.Do poprawnego działania widgetu wymagana jest najnowsza wersjaaplikacji Kangur dla Allegro.plWidget to display theuser filters the Kangaroo program for Allegro.plAuctions are searched based on the filters every 30 minutes, andthe number found is shown in the widget.For proper operation of the widget requires the latest version ofthe application Kangaroo for
Exposure Calculator 1.6.2
Exposure Calculator is an advancedexposurecalculator that helps you find the proper exposure settingsforyour picture. It allows to automate the exposure calculations.Youmeter the exposure value (EV) or shutter speed/aperture withameter and enter it in the Exposure Calculator. Now you caniteratethrough the calculated exposure settings.It calculates alsodepthof field and hyper focal distance.This is a preview version.