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Goldfinch Trainer 2.0
Goldfinch birds are crossed and bred with other canaries to obtainthe best singings.Their colour and singing can be various depending on theparents.You can train your goldfinch and canaries to sing better.
Dog Training 2.1
Videos will be updated frequently and shown inthe order of update, so that you will be seeing newest videos whenyou open the application.I will be adding the funniest and cutest cat videos which will bethe funniest animal videos you will see!Great application for your kids, children.Both entertaining and good for amusementSecret dog camera to watch out.Understand the value of crate training:You might think it cruel to pen a dog up in a crate for hours ata time. But dogs are instinctively den animals, so confined spacesare not as oppressive to them as they are to us. In fact, cratetrained dogs will seek out their crates as a source ofcomfort.Crate training is a useful way to manage your dog's behavior whenhe's unsupervised for extended periods of time.For example, many owners crate their dogs when they go to sleep orleave the house.Begin crate training young:Although older dogs can be taught to enjoy their crates as well,it's easier to train a young dog.However, if your puppy is a large breed, don't train him in a smallcrate that you think he'll grow into.Dogs won't relieve themselves where they sleep or relax, so youneed the crate to be appropriately sized.If you use a crate that's too large, he might urinate in the farcorner of it because he has so much space.Obedience training really is not for the's for YOU.This training teaches you how to communicate what you want your dogto do in a way that he understands. If you send your dog to someoneelse to train them, they learn to work with that person, not you.Take the time to learn how to train your dog, don't pass theresponsibility off to someone else. In some cases, you may need tohave your dog learn the basics from someone else. But then, youshould have the trainer work with you AND the dog together. Thiswill make sure that you have the ability to continue the trainingat home. Check back in with the trainer for “tune up” sessions foryou and your dog to keep everyone on track.Remember that every dog is different. One dog might learn at aslower pace than another dog, and that's okay. There is no suchthing as an untrainable dog!Remember that dogs do not communicate the same way humans do. It'sup to you to learn their "language" not the other way around.Do not let your dog "lean" on you either when you are standing upor sitting down. This is not a sign that they like you. This is asign of dominance. The dog is encroaching into your space. You arethe leader. Stand up and let your knee or foot nudge them out ofyour space. Praise the dog for getting up. Give the dog a commandto lay down on their bed or go to their crate if you need to manageyour personal space more effectively.If using hand signals, be sure they are unique and distinct for thedog to see and differentiate. There are standard dog trainingsignals used for basic commands like “sit,” “stay,” etc. If you areunsure, ask your trainer or look online or in a book for a clearerpicture of the body language to use.Be consistent. Make sure the command and hand signal use is thesame each time. 10-15 minutes per day day is all that ittakes.When using voice commands, use a firm voice. You mean for this dogto sit, so speak with meaning. Do not continue to repeat a commandover and over again hoping the dog will eventually perform thecommand. Reinforce the command within 2-3 seconds if the command isnot done and then praise the dog. You don’t want to be one of thosepeople you see repeating “sit” 20 or so times until the dog sits.You want a sit on the first command, not the 20th.Do not allow your dog to bite you, even playfully. This sets a badprecedent and it will be difficult for you to break them of thishabit. Dangerous, aggressive dogs will need special training froman experienced dog trainer. In some cases, a veterinary behavioristwill need to become involved.The best dog camera.
Budgerigar 2.1
Two little cute parakeets tweet and talk to each other.Make your bird listen. Both amuse and help it to talkParakeets are social animals and require stimulation in the shapeof toys and interaction with humans or with other budgerigars.Budgerigars, and especially females, will chew material such aswood. When a budgerigar feels threatened, it will try to perch ashigh as possible and to bring its feathers close against its bodyin order to appear thinner.Tame budgerigars can be taught to speak, whistle, and play withhumans. Both males and females sing and can learn to mimic soundsand words and do simple tricks, but singing and mimicry are morepronounced and better perfected in males. Females rarely learn tomimic more than a dozen words. Males can easily acquirevocabularies ranging from a few dozen to a hundred words. Petmales, especially those kept alone, are generally the bestspeakers.Alternative common names include budgie, shell parrot, warblinggrass parakeet, canary parrot, zebra parrot, flight bird, scallopparrot, love bird and the alternate spellings budgerygah andbetcherrygah.
US Currency Exchange Rates 1.2
Daily and instant datas provide you crossexchange rates between Euro, American Dollar, British PoundSterling, Swedish Krona, Turkish Lira and many othercurrencies.Also includes commodity prices such as gold, silver, copper, oil,natural gas.Makes accurate and fast calculations.The easy way to access free exchange parity dataIf you've never exchanged currency before, it's a good idea foryou to understand a bit about the process so that you don't get anyexpensive surprises. The general idea is that you'll find abusiness that exchanges currency, and they'll give you the currencythat you want in exchange for a small fee (plus, obviously, theamount of money you want changed). Now, in addition to this, it'simportant to understand that some currencies are worth more thanothers. For example, a single euro is usually equivalent to $1.30USD or .80 GBP. How much the difference is will fluctuate, usuallywith the state of those economies. So, even though you'reexchanging $100, you may only get out 75 euro.Your goal, then, is to exchange currency when your currency is highand the foreign currency is low, because this means that you'll getmore of the foreign money than you would otherwise.Understand that the dollar (for example) being worth less than theeuro doesn't have much to do with the cost of items. The relativecost of items is determined by the market in that area. So, forexample, a banana in the US is much cheaper than a banana inSweden, even though the dollar is strong compared to krona.It is important to exchange some money before you leave for yourtrip. You’ll probably encounter the advice that it’s better toexchange currency in the country you’re traveling to and that’susually true. However, you will want to have some cash prepared forwhen you arrive. There is going to be some amount of travel time,between landing in your destination and getting the chance toexchange more money, where lots of things can go wrong. It’s a goodidea to have a little cash on hand, including small bills and coinsif possible, so that you’re prepared for anything.Before you exchange money or decide how much to exchange, do alittle research on the exchange rate. The rate will fluctuate andif you’re likely to exchange a lot of money, you’ll want to time itcarefully so that you don’t lose too much money. Generally, you’rebetter off waiting to exchange most of your money until you arrive.However, if the rate for your home currency is falling, you’rebetter off exchanging almost everything you’ll need before yougo.The easiest place to exchange currency when you’re at home is atyour bank. Go to the banking institution that you use and tell themthat you’d like to exchange currency. The upside of bank exchangingis that most banks will charge only a very small fee for exchangingcurrency (if they charge a fee at all) and you’ll know you’regetting a good rate.The only trick here is that, unless it is a very major bank in avery major city, they’re unlikely to have the currency on hand.You’ll need to order the currency at least a few days and sometimesas much as two weeks in advance.Your best bet for exchanging currency when you’re traveling isto use an ATM. Find an ATM with a major bank in the area and then,so long as you have one of the major VISA or Master/Maestro cards,you’ll be able to do basic transactions like withdrawing money.This will usually give you the best rate and if you have atravel-friendly bank, you’ll hardly pay any fees at all.Always use up-to-date rate tables to figure your exchange rates.Currency exchange rates fluctuate frequently. While you can get arough estimate using old rates, if one or the other currencychanges value, and you are exchanging large amounts of currency, itcan add up to a lot.Travelers' best exchange rate service.
Champion Canary 1.3
Also you can set as ringtone or set as alarm.Your phone will have nice ringtones with bird sounds, becausenatural sounds always better ringtones.We gathered the rewarded canaries from all around the world.Canary sound will relax and calm you, also cheers and entertain thechildren. Not only that but also helps your canaries to sing,teaching it. Helpful for canary trainingCanaries were originally found on a few temperate islands in theAtlantic ocean. The little birds are now domesticated and arelovable little pets. They usually live in park-lands, fruit farms,and slopes with little vegetation. They feed on seeding plants,cabbage, lettuce, poppy and chickweed. In February and March, thesebirds begin nest building. In the wild, they are usuallygrayish-green or greenish-yellow. Their sexes slightly differ incolor and markings. Some people think they're hard and/orimpossibly trained, but with this guide it will be really easy tobegin and finish with.Give your bird lots of love.Don't rush the bird. Stay patient. Training birds can be verydifficult.Let the bird bite your finger so he gets more comfortable. Don'tworry, it tickles!Give your bird daily time for exercise outside the cage daily afterit is in the middle of training.Give the bird, 15 to 20 minute sessions each day to avoid thecanary from losing interest.
Canary Sound 1.0
The Canaries are amazing singers, their songis very metallic, bright,and harmonious with different notes. Wehope you like and enjoy this app, also we will be glad if ourapplication helps your canaries to respond and start singing alongwith ours. Thanks for listening and we wish the best for yourcanaries.Canaries are lively, intelligent birds, known for their singing,and friendly companionship. Many owners train their canary to siton their hand, on a perch, and to fly around the room.Though youngbirds are easier to train, you can tame and train most canarieswith enough patience and consistent practice.Let your canary get used to her surroundings:It’s best to focus on training one canary at a time, with onecanary in a single cage in a room. Canaries are prone to gettingnervous about possible predators around them, so be patient and letyour canary get familiar with the area around her cage. Avoidmaking sudden movements and loud noises when you enter the room soyou don’t startle your bird.Spend time sitting in the room with your canary for the firstseveral days. When you enter the room, make a low sound or whistleand then repeat the same sound or whistle every time you enter theroom. This will become your “special noise” for your canary, whichwill signal her of your presence.Keep her cage at eye level:Hang your bird’s cage so it sits eye level with you, as she canbecome stressed from having to make too many movements with herhead. Place her cage in a room with some household activity so shecan watch you and become comfortable with your presence.At night, cover her cage with a dark cloth so she knows when it’snight and time for bed. Take the covering off in the morning so shecan recognize that it is day and time for activity.Observe your canary:Avoid direct eye contact when you first enter and sit in the room,as many birds associate direct eye contact with danger. Instead,watch your canary in her cage from a safe distance. As you watchyour canary during the first few days, you may note she is flittingaround the cage as well as feeding, bathing and preening in yourpresence.Once she stops flitting around and grooming herself, you can beginto make closer contact with her.Talk quietly to your canary for 10 to 15 minutes, twice aday:This will help your canary get familiar with you over a period oftime, and build your relationship. Sit near her cage, whistle toher, and talk in a quiet tone. Over time, she will recognize yourvoice and come to see you as a friend.Stress can kill canaries so focus on acting calm and soothingaround her. Some canary owners create a certain low noise, like ahumming or shushing, that they then repeat when they move close tothe canary’s cage. The canary will get used to the “special noise”and come to associate it with their owner and with comfort.Practice calling your canary to your hand:Once your bird starts to venture out of her cage on her own andbecomes comfortable landing on perches around the room, you cantrain her to land on your hand. Use treats to motivate her andreward her during this training.Once your bird is out of her cage, hold a treat in your hand,between two fingers. Create a perch with your two fingers togetherand out straight. Call your canary to you, using the “specialnoise”.If she lands successfully on your two fingers, reward her with atreat. Continue to do this until she seems comfortable landing onyour hand.Young birds develop their singing abilities in strikinglydifferent ways, depending on their species. For example, songbirdssuch as canary, goldfinch, wrens, sparrows, thrushes, and warblerslearn their songs from others. In contrast, flycatchers and theirrelatives don't need to learn their songs--they inherit all thegenetic instructions they need to sing the appropriate song.Canaries cannot talk, only parrot is talking and some birdstalks like budgerigar, parakeet.
Singer Canary Tutor 2.0
Your bird will learn to sing like our championcanary.The Domestic canary, often simply known as the canary, (Serinuscanaria forma domestica) is a domesticated form of the wild canary,a small songbird in the finch family originating from theMacaronesian Islands (Azores, Madeira and Canary Islands).Canaries were first bred in captivity in the 17th century. Theywere brought over by Spanish sailors to Europe. This bird becameexpensive and fashionable to breeding in courts of Spanish andEnglish kings. Monks started breeding them and only sold the males(which sing). This kept the birds in short supply and drove theprice up. Eventually Italians obtained hens and were able to breedthe birds themselves. This made them very popular and resulted inmany breeds arising and the birds being bred all over Europe.The same occurred in England. First the birds were only owned bythe rich but eventually the local citizens started to breed themand, again, they became very popular. Many breeds arose throughselective breeding, and they are still very popular today for theirvoice.Etymology:The birds are named after Spain's Canary Islands, that derive theirname from the Latin Insula Canaria (after one of the largerislands, Gran Canaria), meaning "island of dogs", due to its "vastmultitudes of dogs of very large size"Varieties:Canaries are generally divided into three main groups:Colorbred canaries (bred for their many colour mutations - ino,eumo, satinette, bronze, ivory, onyx, mosaic, brown and red factoretc.)Type canaries (bred for their shape and conformation - AustralianPlainhead, Berner, Border, Fife, Gibber Italicus, Gloster,Lancashire, Raza Española, Yorkshire, etc.)Song canaries (bred for their unique and specific song patterns -Spanish Timbrado, German Roller (also known as Harz Roller),Waterslager (also known as "Malinois"), American Singer, RussianSinger, Persian Singer).While wild canaries are a yellowish-green colour, domestic canarieshave been selectively bred for a wide variety of colours, such asyellow, orange, brown, black, white, and red. (The colour red wasintroduced to the domesticated canary through hybridisation withthe red siskin, a type of South American finch.Competitions:Canaries are judged in competitions following the annual molt inthe summer. This means that in the Northern Hemisphere the showseason generally begins in October or November and runs throughDecember or January. Birds can only be shown by the person whoraised them. A show bird must have a unique band on its legindicating the year of birth, the band number, and the club towhich the breeder belongs.There are many canary shows all over the world. The world show(C.O.M.) is held in Europe each year and attracts thousands ofbreeders. As many as 20,000 birds are brought together for thiscompetition.Canaries were once regularly used in coal mining as an earlywarning system. Toxic gases such as carbon monoxide, methane orcarbon dioxide in the mine would kill the bird before affecting theminers. Signs of distress from the bird indicated to the minersthat conditions were unsafe. The use of miners' canaries in Britishmines was phased out in 1987.The phrase "canary in a coal mine" is frequently used to referto a person or thing which serves as an early warning of a comingcrisis. By analogy, the term climate canary is used to refer to aspecies that is affected by an environmental danger prior to otherspecies, thus serving as an early warning system for the otherspecies with regard to the dangerUse in Research:Canaries have been extensively used in research to studyneurogenesis, or the birth of new neurons in the adult brain, andalso for basic research in order to understand how songbirds encodeand produce song. Thus, canaries have served as model species fordiscovering how the vertebrate brain learns, consolidates memories,and recalls coordinated motor movements.
Chardonneret 1.0.1
Entraînez votre oiseau chardonneret canari avec cetteapplication.Faire votre oiseau écouter, et il va apprendre à chanter ceschansons.Chardonneret est un nom vernaculaire ambigu en français, pouvantdésigner plusieurs espèces différentes d'oiseaux. Ce nomvernaculaire est aussi à la base de plusieurs noms normalisés ou denoms vulgaires créés pour la nomenclature scientifique en français.C'est ainsi le nom normalisé de 16 espèces de passereaux du genreCarduelis qui comprend aussi des linottes, les tarins, les sizerinset des verdiers. C'est aussi l'un des noms vernaculaires duChardonneret élégant.Ils sont réputés pour leur plumage ou la beauté de leurschants1.Le nom de chardonneret dérive de "chardon", cette petite plantehérissée de piquants qui pousse le long des chemins. Selon certainsauteurs, ce nom a été donné à ces oiseaux parce qu'ils senourrissent des graines de chardon1. Cependant, l'explication de lafréquentation des chardons par ces oiseaux pourrait avoir une autreorigine. Dans leurs déplacements, les moutons se frottent contreles chardons et y accrochent quelques flocons de laine. Alors, lechardonneret vient prendre le flocon, l'effiloche pour le démêleret en capitonne le nid de ses petits, parfois nommés grisets.Il existe de nombreuses formes locales de ce terme par exemplechardonnerel ou chardonnail, en Provence il existe par exemplecardalino. On y retrouve plus facilement la proximité avec le latinimpérial carduelis dérivé de carduus, le chardon.Train yourbird canary goldfinch with this application.Make your bird to listen, and he will learn to sing these songs.Goldfinch is an ambiguous vernacular name in French, might pointto several different species of birds. The vernacular name is alsothe basis of several standardized names or common names created forscientific nomenclature in French. Thus the standard name of 16passerine species of the genus Carduelis which also includeslinottes, siskins, redpolls and greenfinch. It is also one of thecommon names of the Goldfinch.They are renowned for their plumage or the beauty of theirchants1.The name derives from Goldfinch "thistle" this little plant thatgrows bristling with spines along the paths. According to someauthors, this name was given to these birds because they eat seedschardon1. However, the explanation of attendance thistles by thesebirds could have another origin. In their travels, sheep rubagainst thistles and there hang some wool flakes. So just take thegoldfinch flake, for the fray and unravel capitonne the nest of itsyoung, sometimes called sixgill.There are many local forms of this term such chardonnerel orchardonnail in Provence there is such cardalino. We find it easierproximity to the imperial Latin carduelis derivative carduus,thistle.
Spanish Timbrado Trainer 2
Open this app and make your timbrado canary listen.It will learn and sing like our champion spanish timbradoThe Spanish Timbrado Canary is the newest breed of song canary,developed in Spain in the 1940's and 1950's. It is also consideredto be the purest domestic form of canary. Being closest geneticallyto the original wild canary as it was developed by crossing thewild canary with the song bird of Spain. This combination resultedin a bird with a very unique song. The name, like its song,suggests the chattering of Spanish castanets, Although loud, theirsongs are not grating or harsh. They consist of many quicksuccessions and combinations of notes. A good Spanish Timbrado hasa bright cheery song and is very pleasant to listen.This bird can make a wonderful companion to be enjoyed for itssong as well as its beautiful appearance. They are developed withall sorts of colors along with a variety of clear, metallic tonesto their songs. They are steadily growing in popularity.The Spanish Timbrado is classed as one of several well known"song canaries", bred for song rather than physical appearance orcolor. Shows for these birds are of a different nature than showsfor other canary types. Basically being entered into singingcontests these canaries are bred with the goal of achieving winnerswith the best balance between quality and variety of song. Eachbreed has a distinctive song and a well-defined song standard. Someof the other well know song canaries include: the Roller Canary,the American Singer Canary, the Russian Singer Canary, and theWaterslager Canary.Scientific Name:Serinus canaria domesticusDistribution:One of the newest breeds, the Spanish Timbrado Canary began to bebred by an organized breeders' association in the 1940's and 1950'sin Spain. Being bred for a very loud very clear metallic sound withbell tones, the most common meaning of the name 'timbrado' is theringing of an old-fashioned doorbell. The first rules of standardfor this bird were established in about 1963, but have been updatedat least three times since then.Description:Though the Spanish Timbrado Canary is classified as a "songcanary", it is also bred for appearance which can vary widelydepending on where an individual bird is from. Most Timbrados willreach a length of just over 5 inches (12.7 cm). As they are judgedin shows for their appearance as well as their song, they need tobe compact and robust looking, the chest must be wide, and the feetvery short. The feathers need to be tight and the tail v-shaped butnot too long.Their coloring is often closer to that of the wild canary, beinggreenish, but they are also found in yellow, white, cinnamon, andvariegated. There can be no frilling or red coloring in itsplumage.The song of this canary is most important. The song of theSpanish Timbrado Canary consists of twelve notes. They must beloud, metallic, bright, and harmonious. Negatives in the song arescreeches, strained sounds, and nasal sounds. Standards for threetypes of songs have been established; the original known as'Classical' line, the 'Floreado line', and the 'Intermediate' linewhich falls between the other two.Canaries of both sexes can begin to sing a weak song as early asfour weeks, but females usually don't sing after about six monthsand won't have the full long song of a male.
Police Simulator 1.1
Listen the Police Radio sounds from all overthe world. Car pursuits, gun cars, police conversations, announces,police catching thieves, criminals, speed makers, robbers, thugs,billing modified cars and more...Police radio scanner lets you listen to Police and Radio scannersfrom around the world. USA, Russia, Germany, Turkey, Algeria,Arabic, Canada, UK, Germany, Japan, Italy, Chile, Austria with morescanners added all the time.Listen to police radio in your area any time, day or night!These are live streams, feeds from real scanners.More countries will be added.Police radio is a communications radio system used by lawenforcement agencies all over the world.Many such systems are encrypted to prevent eavesdroppers fromlistening in.Portable radios:The vast majority of economically developed countries policeservices have access to such equipment; also, in most countries,police cars have sets which are designed to receive calls from thecontrol room, and respond. Also, small personal radios exist thatallow each officer to carry one easily, as well as a large centralroom at the Police station which directs personnel to the locationof emergency incidents. Portable police radios first appearedwithin the British police in 1969.By Country:Norway:In Norway, it is legal for private citizens to listen to the policeradio, There are even streams available online.United Kingdom:It is an offence under the Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006 to listento police radio in the UK. The move from open analogue to theencrypted digital Airwave system in the UK has made it practicallyimpossible to just listen in to police radio.United States:U.S. state patrols, county sheriffs' offices, and municipal policedepartments often run their own systems in parallel, presentinginteroperability problems. The FCC assigns licenses to theseentities in the public safety (PP and PX) allotments of thespectrum. These include allocations in the lower portion of the VHFspectrum (around 39 - 45 MHz), highly susceptible to "skip"interference but still used by state highway patrols; the VHF"hi-band", from 150 to 160 MHz; and various UHF bands. Many systemsstill use conventional FM transmissions for most traffic; othersare trunked analog or digital systems. Recently, there has been amove towards digital trunked systems, especially those based aroundthe public-safety standard Project 25 format set by the Associationof Public-Safety Communications Officials-International. A minorityof other police radio systems, the largest examples being theMilwaukee Police Department and Pennsylvania State Police use theincompatible OpenSky format. TETRA, the standard in many Europeancountries as well as other places in the world, is virtually unusedin the United States.Recently, some states have begun to operate statewide radionetworks with varying levels of participation from police on thecounty and city levels. Some of them are:Illinois: StarCom21Louisiana: LWIN Louisiana Wireless Information NetworkMichigan: MPSCS Michigan Public Safety Communications SystemMinnesota: ARMERMontana: Montana Statewide Interoperable Public Safety RadioSystemNorth Carolina: VIPEROhio: MARCS - Multi-agency communications systemWisconsin: WISCOMIt is generally not illegal in the United States to listen tounencrypted police communications. However some states prohibitsuch listening within vehicles.Country list:- The United States of America- The United Kingdom- Germany- Italia- Canada (French)- The Netherlands (Holland)- Republic of Turkey- Algeria- Morocco
The Canary 2.0
Canaries are first brought to Europe bySpaniards in the 15th century and several species are bred togenerate various and specialized new species. These birds becamepopular among royalties and eventually within the people. Canariesare trained to sing and today there are many canary species thatare bought for the singing some of which are:1- American Singer:American singer canaries are bred from Roller and Border canariesin the early 20th century. The purpose in this breeding was tomerge the look of Border and singing of Roller canaries and hasbeen successful. These birds are known for good look and singing.Their singing has euphonic and various melodies.2- Morocco Flauta:Although not known for sure, these canaries are thought to be bredfrom Spanish Timbrado, Waterslager and Hartz Roller. This bird isdistinguished by its singing rather than its look and known withmany melodies such as: Flawtapelle, Flawtabellen, Flawtajok andmany others.3- Hartz Edel Roller:This bird appears 300 years ago around Germany, Belgium, Luxembourgand the Netherlands. They are known and bred for their hollow andmellow melodies.4- Waterslager (Malinois) :Waterslager are alike with their relative Harz-Roller canaries inlook and size but singing is quite different than both Harz-Rollerand Spanish Timbrado. These canaries are bred in Belgium where theyare popular. They are mostly plain yellow and slightly spotted butthe color doesn’t matter because these birds are bred for theirstrong and sweet melodies. COM specifies these birds as “differentsinging canary”5- Russian Singer:Brought to Russia from Germany in 18th century in first place,those birds are loved by Russians due to high imitation skill. Theyare bred for their imitation and exceptional singing ability only.Although they are preferred to be plain yellow and white mostly,their look is rarely taken into account.6- Spanish Timbrado:Defined as a singing canary in 1970s, this bird is mostly unknownexcept Spain and some Latin American countries. Their singing ishigh frequency and much faster than Waterslager and Harzcanaries.
Nightingale Bird Sounds 1.0
The common nightingale or simplynightingale,also known as rufous nightingale, is a small passerinebird bestknown for its powerful and beautiful song.It was formerly classed as a member of the thrush familyTurdidae,but is now more generally considered to be an Old Worldflycatcher,Muscicapidae. It belongs to a group of more terrestrialspecies,often called chats.As in many other songbird species, male nightingales singmostduring the hour before sunrise. During this dawn chorus, notonlyunpaired males but also paired males sing throughout thebreedingseason.The common nightingale has also been used as a symbol of poetsortheir poetry.Poets chose the nightingale as a symbol because ofitscreative and seemingly spontaneous song.Persians say the Nightingale is in love with the Rose.They go on for hours never repeating the same song twice.They also change their singing perches frequently.So every nightyouhear a new concert in a new venue.The ultimate experience comes when the dew is falling at theearlyhours.Unfortunately this particular bird was not full throat-ed.Ayoungone for sure.They bring on their canaries in their cages to teach themnewmelodiesAlso every May older more experienced birds create new fads tooutdotheir younger rivals.Singing the joy of life is always followed by the futility ofitall.Melancholy is followed by Hope.Want to relax after work? Or maybe you want to fallasleepquickly? Then, listen this birds andfall asleep quickly while listening sounds of birds andrainforest.Features;✔ set your favorite ringtone as alarm✔ best bird calls✔ bird identification✔ birds of north America songs✔ 3D bird sounds ringtones✔ bird quiz for kids✔ beautiful bird wallpaper✔ bird pictures✔ only natural sounds of the birds✔ best nature sound effects✔ tinnitus mask (birds singing)✔ white noise for baby sleep generator machine✔ yoga music for relaxation and meditation✔ nature ringtones✔ meditation music✔ bedtime music and bedtime sounds✔ music for children to sleep✔ lullaby of nature✔ animal sounds✔ sounds for little kids, babies, infants, newborns✔ sounds of nature: bird songs✔ sounds of the gameWith birds sounds you will:★ sleep like child (soothing music)★ go to bed happy (white noise)★ rest all day (lullaby)★ slumber quickly (bedtime songs for kids)★ be asleep soundly (relax melody)★ birds sounds for kids★ doss (meditation sounds)★ roger (birds sounds effects)★ bird training
Bird Sounds 1.3
Helpful for your bird to learn singing. Teachit to sing like the songbirdsLovely bird voices for you to relax and for your kids with thepurpose of amusement.Also you can set as ringtone, set as alarm. Your phone will havea nice melody with birds sounds.Our various bird species are such as:- Canary- Goldfinch- Mocking Bird- Nightingale- Sparrow- Meadowlark- Robin- Forrest- Cardinal- Malinois- Yorkshire- Borderfancy- Crest- Atlantic- Timbrado- North American birds- Black bird- Talking birdNot just bird calls or bird songs, but all the sounds birdsmake, such as wing sounds and bill rattles. Since most bird speciesuse different vocalizations for different circumstances, We'vetried to tell you what the bird was doing at the time of therecording. It has become even more obvious to me during thisproject that a bird's vocalizations can be nearly as complex in theinformation they contain as our own. Individuals of a species singdifferent songs with different "words" and "phrases" than anotherindividual, and the same species from different territories singabout different things in different ways.One of our ongoing trials is what to call the sounds birds make.They sing, they talk, they whinny and squawk and squeak. They chipand chirp and chack, and the cry and crow and caw. Some ducksquack, some whistle, some peep or screech. Some birds bark or croakor grunt or grumble. Many species, at one time or another mutterand mumble and whisper. You could fill volumes, write epic speechesand set up courses for online universities based on the sounds ouramazing feathered friends make. We find myself making uponomatopoeic names like "Chack" and "Pipe" and "Chuckerring".Flickers have a "Klear" call, Great Blue Herons "Gronk". If youhave a name for some bird's sound, share it, so some day we'llwrite a bird call thesaurus.Some birds sing while some birds like parrot talk.✔ set your favorite ringtone as alarm, notification orcontacts✔ best bird calls✔ bird identification with the help of wallpapers✔ birds of north America songs✔ 3D bird sounds ringtones✔ bird quiz for kids✔ beautiful bird wallpaper✔ bird pictures✔ bird noises✔ only natural sounds of the birds✔ speak bird✔ best nature sound effects✔ tinnitus mask (birds singing)✔ white noise for baby sleep generator machine✔ yoga music for relaxation and meditation✔ best sleep machine✔ nature ringtones and rain alarms✔ meditation music✔ bedtime music and bedtime sounds✔ music for children to sleep✔ lullaby of nature✔ animal sounds✔ sounds for little kids, babies, infants, newborns✔ sounds of nature: bird songs (no music)✔ sounds of the game✔ sounds of the seasonWith birds sounds you will:★ sleep like child (soothing music)★ go to bed happy (white noise)★ rest all day (lullaby)★ slumber quickly (bedtime songs for kids)★ be asleep soundly (relax melody)★ kip all night (birds sounds for kids)★ doss (meditation sounds)★ roger (birds sounds effects)- nature apps- nature music- nature sound- ambient soundsSome warblers also use just a simple call note on their winterfeeding territory.Some birds sing while in flight, especially species that nest inopen areas such as grasslands or the Arctic tundra.Male Western Sandpipers arrive in Alaska several days before thefemales and make frequent display flights over their territories asthey utter their flight song. Some display flights last up to fiveminutes and cover the sandpiper's territory. Others are rapidflights low over the tundra, followed by an abrupt ascent.The Ovenbird, a warbler of northeastern forests, sings a loud,ringing song while perched. It also performs an aerial display attwilight or dawn. The male chips softly, then flies 3–15 metersabove the treetops, where he hovers with spread wings while singinga rambling flight song.Although most birds sing with their voices, others use theirbills or wings to drum up a mate's interest.
Rooster Sounds 1.2
A rooster, also known as a cockerel or cock,is a male gallinaceous bird, usually a male chicken (Gallusgallus).Mature male chickens less than one year old are calledcockerels. The term "rooster" originates in the United States, andthe term is widely used throughout North America, as well asAustralia and New Zealand. The older terms "cock" or "cockerel",the latter denoting a young cock, are used in the United Kingdomand Ireland."Roosting" is the action of perching aloft to sleep at day,which is done by both sexes. The rooster is polygamous, but cannotguard several nests of eggs at once. He guards the general areawhere his hens are nesting, and will attack other roosters thatenter his territory. During the daytime, a rooster will often siton a high perch, usually 0.9 to 1.5 m (3 to 5 feet) off the ground,to serve as a lookout for his group. He will sound a distinctivealarm call if predators are nearby.(The term "cock" is also used generally to refer to a male ofother species of bird, for example "Cock sparrow".)Back before alarm clocks jolted us awake to greet the morningwith bleary-eyed confusion, roosters performed that daily duty.Now, a new study shows that roosters don't need the light of a newday to know when it's dawn—rather, their internal clocks alert themto the time.Next to the bark of a dog or the gentle meowing of a cat, the crowof a rooster is one of the most recognisable animal noises onEarth; but why exactly do roosters feel the need to crow and isthere any truth to the idea that they crow more (or only) in themorning?Surprisingly, although chickens are one of the most ubiquitous(and delicious) animals on the planet, it wasn’t until 2013 thatscientists definitively answered these questions.First and foremost, it’s important for us to point out thatroosters will crow at all times and in response to a range ofseemingly innocuous stimuli, like the sound of a car or someonewalking into their coop. This is because the crow of a roosterserves several functions. Along with being used as a warning ofsorts to let other roosters known the boundaries of its territory,the crow can be used to communicate with other birds and sometimesto celebrate getting lucky; roosters really aren’t picky when itcomes to excuses for crowing.That said, although roosters have been observed crowing at alltimes of day and in response to even the most mundane of stimuli,they will indeed typically crow just before or at the crack ofdawn. Because of the rooster’s tendency to crow at everything, formany years scientists and bird nerds (ornithologists) were underthe impression that roosters crowing at day break were simplycrowing in response to the changing levels of light, as they’vebeen observed doing when they see car headlights or otherartificial light sources. However, after years of anecdotal storiesabout roosters seemingly knowing when day break was about to occur,scientists at Nagoya University in Japan decided to see if this wasjust in people’s heads or if roosters really were anticipating,rather than reacting to, the sunrise.Features:- set as- ring tone- alarm sound- alarm tone
Talking Parrot 2.2
Videos will be updated frequently and shown inthe order of update, so that you will be seeing newest videos whenyou open the application.I will be adding the funniest and cutest parrot videos which willbe the funniest animal videos you will see!Great application for your kids.Both entertaining and good for amusementRun the app and lean back, videos will be shown automatically asthey come to end, you dont have to click next.We gathered the best parrot sounds for you.More than 15 parrot sound.Talking birds are birds that can mimic the spoken language ofhumans.Many species of the genus Amazon Parrot are strong talkers.The African grey parrots are particularly noted for their advancedcognitive abilitiesand their ability to talk.There are two domesticated species of which the Timneh African greytends to learn to speakat a younger age than the Congo African grey.Pet Congo African greys may learn to speak within their firstyear,but many do not say their first word until 12–18 months old.Timnehs are generally observed to start speaking earlier, some intheir late first year.Cockatoos, Australian galahs can talk, although not as well as someother parrots.Male galahs are reportedly easier to teach than females.The yellow-crested cockatoo is rated as a fair-to-goodtalker.The long-billed corella is described as being able to talk veryclearly.Parakeets, The budgerigar, or common parakeet, are populartalking-bird species because oftheir potential for large vocabularies, ease of care andwell-socialized demeanor.The monk parakeet, sometimes known as the quaker parakeet, is alsoa skilled talker.The rose-ringed parakeet, also known as the ring-necked or Indianring-neck parakeet, is an accomplished talker and popular pet whichcan develop a large vocabulary and talk clearly in sentences.The blossom-headed parakeet is rare and therefore not often kept asa pet, however, they are good talkers.The African ring-neck parakeet can also talk, but only if trainedat an early age.The Derbyan parakeet an excellent talker. The clarity of theirspeech has been compared to that of amazon parrots although theymay not learn extensive vocabularies.The slaty-headed parakeet generally does not learn to talk.The Australian king parrot can be trained to talk if it ishand-reared.One hand-raised Australian magpie developed the ability to mimichuman speech,including words and phrases. This individual mimicked a largenumber of (non-human) sounds,but a third of all mimicked sounds were of human speech.The authorstated that mimicry by the magpie was far more accurate than thatof the lyrebird.Mimicking human speech is not limited to captive birds. WildAustralian magpies, lyrebirds and bowerbirds that interact withhumans but remain free, can still mimic human speech.Also please look at other apps like talking pierre, we recommendit.Clicker train your parrot. Parrots are very trainable, respond wellto clicker training, and will appreciate the mental stimulus.Mental activity will help decreasing squawking significantly.Clicker training a parrot not to squawk is parallel to clickertraining a dog not to bark. Get a clicker and small, ingestibleparrot treats.First associate the clicker and treat with one another. In front ofyour pet, click the clicker and “immediately” give the treatafterwards. Do this until your parrot starts watching expectantlyfor a treat after the clicker--this is a sign that they havesuccessfully associated the two together.Use the clicker as you would a treat. The clicker replaces the needof providing a treat, which can be expensive over time, messy, anddifficult if your bird is a picky eater.Parrots are smart birds that speak english very well, they arebest friends for kids. Which animal can play and speak as well asthem else?Our number one parrot's name is angela, we are talking withangela.
Crazy Cats 1.6
Some cats use their tongue to talk, some catsuse their motions to talk. Which one is it? That is for you todecide.Videos will be updated frequently.We recorded our talking cat tom and other player cats.We will be adding the funniest and cutest cat videos which will bethe funniest animal videos you will see!Great application for your kids.Entertaining and amusing.Watch and learn how to train your cat.Deliver commands to your cat. Being consistent with the wording,tone, and other accompanying signals while giving your cat trainingcommands will help both of you agree on and understand clearexpectations.Develop a command tone to use with your cat when he or she is doingsomething that you consider to be wrong. Use a voice that comesnaturally to you and can be replicated easily, but that is alsodistinct from your everyday talking voice. If you use this voicesparingly but seriously, your cat will learn to associate the voicewith the idea that she is displeasing you.Make a quick and sharp hiss or spit sound as a "no" command. Thisis similar to the sound made as a correction or warning in “catlanguage” and using it can communicate your intent more clearly toyour cat.With patience, cats can be trained to respond to commands, much thesame as dogs. You can even teach your cat to shake your hand.Notice other body language:Since cats are more "fluent" than humans in body language,certain gestures will accompany vocalizations to reinforce theirmessage.A cat lifting her nose and tilting her head back slightly is saying"I acknowledge you." Cats sitting in windows may greet you in thismanner as you walk by.A cat may lay her ears back if she feels fear, anxiety, orplayfulness. This may also be seen when cautiously sniffingsomething she wants to know more about.A cat who flicks his tongue out slightly and licks lower lip isshowing that he is worried or apprehensive.Watch your cat’s tail.Like dogs, cats communicate with the positioning and movement oftheir tails.Knowing the signals of tail position in conjunctionwith vocalizations can help you understand the needs and wants ofyour cat. Some common tail positions include:Tail straight up with a curl at the end: this indicateshappiness.Tail twitching: your cat is excited or anxious.Fur on tail sticking up or bushy: your cat is excited or feelsthreatened.Tail vibrating: the cat is very excited and happy to see you.Tail fur sticks straight up while the tail curls in the shape of anN: this is a sign of extreme aggression and may be present duringfighting or self-defense.Tail fur sticks straight up but the tail is held low: your catfeels aggressive or frightened.Tail held low and tucked under the rear: you cat feelsfrightenedSome cats enjoy tummy strokes, though most are wary of exposingtheir vulnerable underside. Overcome this fear slowly, and withpatience. Most cats are less protective of their chest than theirbelly. Stroke your cat’s chest a little, every day, but stop if yousense the cat becoming tense. He will gradually come to trust youto stroke him. This approach works best if you begin when the catis young.Most cats enjoy being scratched softly under the chin, test this ifit does not like it then try on the cheek or top of his/herhead.
Swiss Exchange 1.0
Reach the recent currency exchangerates.Make your calculation.Scroll down to see all exchange rates.Use the "refresh" button and receive the latest data.Currency exchange rates, converter, calculator for Franc,Euro,DollarIn finance, an exchange rate (also known as a foreign-exchangerate,forex rate, FX rate or Agio) between two currencies is therate atwhich one currency will be exchanged for another. It isalsoregarded as the value of one country’s currency in terms ofanothercurrency. For example, an interbank exchange rate of 119Japaneseyen (JPY, ¥) to the United States dollar (US$) means that¥119 willbe exchanged for each US$1 or that US$1 will be exchangedfor each¥119. In this case it is said that the price of a dollarin terms ofyen is ¥119, or equivalently that the price of a yen interms ofdollars is $1/119.Exchange rates are determined in the foreign exchangemarket,which is open to a wide range of different types of buyersandsellers where currency trading is continuous: 24 hours a dayexceptweekends, The spot exchange rate refers to the currentexchangerate. The forward exchange rate refers to an exchange ratethat isquoted and traded today but for delivery and payment on aspecificfuture date.In the retail currency exchange market, a different buyingrateand selling rate will be quoted by money dealers. Most tradesareto or from the local currency. The buying rate is the rate atwhichmoney dealers will buy foreign currency, and the selling rateisthe rate at which they will sell the currency. The quotedrateswill incorporate an allowance for a dealer's margin (orprofit) intrading, or else the margin may be recovered in the formof acommission or in some other way. Different rates may also bequotedfor cash (usually notes only), a documentary form (suchastraveler's cheques) or electronically (such as a creditcardpurchase). The higher rate on documentary transactions hasbeenjustified to compensate for the additional time and costofclearing the document, while the cash is available forresaleimmediately. Some dealers on the other hand preferdocumentarytransactions because of the security concerns withcash.Fluctuations in exchange rates:A market-based exchange rate will change whenever the valuesofeither of the two component currencies change. A currency willtendto become more valuable whenever demand for it is greater thantheavailable supply. It will become less valuable whenever demandisless than available supply (this does not mean people nolongerwant money, it just means they prefer holding their wealth insomeother form, possibly another currency).[7]Increased demand for a currency can be due to either anincreasedtransaction demand for money or an increased speculativedemand formoney. The transaction demand is highly correlated to acountry'slevel of business activity, gross domestic product (GDP),andemployment levels. The more people that are unemployed, theless thepublic as a whole will spend on goods and services.Central bankstypically have little difficulty adjusting theavailable moneysupply to accommodate changes in the demand formoney due tobusiness transactions.Speculative demand is much harder for central bankstoaccommodate, which they influence by adjusting interest rates.Aspeculator may buy a currency if the return (that is theinterestrate) is high enough. In general, the higher a country'sinterestrates, the greater will be the demand for that currency. Ithasbeen argued[by whom?] that such speculation can underminerealeconomic growth, in particular since large currency speculatorsmaydeliberately create downward pressure on a currency by shortinginorder to force that central bank to buy their own currency tokeepit stable. (When that happens, the speculator can buy thecurrencyback after it depreciates, close out their position, andtherebytake a profit.)
Happy Baby 1.0
KIDS CHANNEL- Videos for children, there are many entertaining, educatingandfunny baby videos here.- Bliss on the brainDon't bother trying to keep things new and exciting, nothingpleasesyour baby more than knowing what's going to happen next. Aregularnap schedule, a nightly cuddle and your singing "You AreMySunshine" for the hundredth time will keep him content.Happinessis that simple when you're tiny.- Sucking is your baby's most instinctive survivalreflex,designed to get him nutrition. But even after histummy'ssatisfied, his urge to suck may not be. That can makehimcranky—unless you let him go to town on a paci or his fingers(bothare perfectly okay). His sense of calm will be restored.- Your baby loves looking at you. Loves it. Loves it likeyoulove looking at her (or Hugh Jackman, whatever). So flash heragoofy grin and open your eyes wide so she knows exactly whathappylooks like. Play peekaboo. Lean in close and kiss hernose.Whatever gets your smiling face in her field of vision will beathrill. Entertaining and funny baby first tv channel inyourpocket, when your baby is boring, let watch her/him. About 2yearsold, teach your baby numbers arround.- Stretching doesn't just feel good to adults. Try thisstretchfor some all-over happy, from Nicole Netelkos, owner of OmBabyYoga in Point Pleasant Beach, NJ: With your baby on her back onablanket, gently extend her left leg and right arm out fromherbody. Next, hug her right knee up to her chest and gently moveittoward her left side. Repeat the moves with the oppositelimbs.-Calm tummies make for contented babies, so if yours howlslikehe's in pain or draws his knees to his chest, especially afterameal, a stomachache could be taking its toll onhisstill-developing digestive system. To ease baby gas pains: Layyourbaby facedown on your lap, so there's pressure on his belly,andpat his back. Or lay him on his back and pedal his legs in theair.Aah, relief (sometimes stinky).-No matter how quickly you swoop in on a dirty diaper, yourbabywill probably end up with diaper rash at some point. But youcanbring the smiles back quickly by applying a zinc oxide ointmenttoirritated areas; it heals the rash and forms a barrieragainstwetness to prevent another one. And really, who doesn't feelhappywith a warm, dry bum?-By 3 or 4 months, most babies are able to grab things, and getakick out of clutching something in their little paws. Ashockinglyeasy way to get a giggle: Hold something colorful andsoft just infront of your baby, let her reach for it then hand itover.- Feel-good feetEven pre-walkers get a kick out of putting their legs to thetest:Hold your baby under his arms and bounce him betweenamini—obstacle course of overturned laundry baskets and boxes;whenhe lands, let him put some weight on his legs before whiskinghimoff to the next stop. It's a just-wild-enough ride to put yourbabyin a good mood.Even though your baby doesn't have sore tootsies, she'll stillbedelighted when you give her feet a massage, since your gentletouchfeels good and the massage will relax her. For a quickiefootrubdown, apply gentle pressure to each of your baby's tinytoesthen rub the palm of your hand in a circular motion on herheels.Press your thumbs up and down across the soles of her feet,thenfinish up with a kiss for each big toe.