MapSofa برنامه ها

Service Threads 1.0
Start threads in a background service.Thethreads run for 30 seconds and generate notifications on theUIevery 10 seconds. The service threads use Eventbus tocommunicatewith an activity.
REST JSON Http Client 1.0
This RoboSpice http client overcomes theflawsinherent with Android's AsyncTask and Loader.The http client queries a web service for weather data of majorUScities in JSON format.The app parses the JSON data into POJOs.
MapSofa 7
Explore and share photos and messagesaboutyour area, as you relax on MapSofa. Search for photosanddescriptions. See your location and the location of photos onamap. Upload photos of what you've seen so far. Post commentsandchat. Share what's happening around you. MapSofa has the bestviewof social life, food, shopping, and entertainment inyourarea.
List-Detail-Phone-Tablet 1.0
This app demonstrates the use offragments,adapters and layouts to implement list and detail views.Differentlayouts are created for phones, with a shortest width lessthan 600dip, and tablets, with a shortest width greater or equal to600dip.
Material Design Content Pro 3.0
Content Provider based on SQLite withMaterialDesign UI: Cards and Stylised Toolbar and Status Bar
Broadcast Intent Receiver 1.0
This broadcast intent receiver listensforsystem broadcast intents and displays system intentactions.