MeSign Technology Limited برنامه ها

MeSign - Encrypted Email Client 1.3.2
MeSign Technology Limited
MeSign App is an encrypted email client that is freeandeasy-to-use. No need to register a new email account. JustdownloadMeSign app and log in to your existing email account. In afewmoments, your free email certificate will beautomaticallyinstalled, and you can start sending encrypted anddigitally signedemails as easily as regular cleartext emails. Youremails will bestored in ciphertext on your email server only. Youremail privacywill be end-to-end encryption protected. Here are somecoolfeatures you will love: - Automated S/MIME encryption Realprivacyof communication requires encryption of emails in transitand atrest. It is normally a hustle to apply, install and configureemailcertificates into your email client. We have achieved acompletelyautomated S/MIME encryption without changing your emailaddress.MeSign app automatically installs and configuresS/MIMEcertificates issued by MeSign CA in a few minutes afterlogging in.Then, all your outgoing emails will be encrypted toensureprotection and confidentiality. - Automated email digitalsignatureand timestamp The sender’s identity as well as the time ofsendingcan be forged and manipulated. With MeSign app all emailsaredigitally signed and timestamped to ensure authenticity,originalsent time and identify a fraud. - Easy key management Thefreecloud key management service enables you to automaticallyinstallyour encrypting certificate whenever you install MeSign Appfrom anew device to log in to your email. The expired emailcertificatewill also be automatically renewed for free. - Automatickeyexchange The free cloud public key exchange service enables youtosend encrypted email to anyone without manually exchangingpublickeys in advance. - Full security scan MeSign app performsemailattachments and hyperlinks security scanning andSpamidentification of all incoming emails. - Email encryptioniscompatibility with Outlook, Thunderbird, iMail etc. MeSignuseS/MIME standard for email encryption, compatible with otherS/MIMEsupported email clients like Outlook, Thunderbird and AppleMail,and can decrypt the encrypted email with each other.DownloadMeSign app now and discover these and more features. Let usprotectour privacy and communicate securely.