برنامه ها

Ieper 2014-2018 2.4
Through an application on tablet or smart-phone you discover thecity of Ieper (Ypres) and its war history in a totally differentway. The concept ‘Battlefield 2014-2018′ is geographically limitedto the inner city of Ypres and includes missions in the In FlandersFields Museum. Through unique photos the application allows you toget a perfect image of what happened in Ypres 100 years ago. Thisapplication is also very interesting for participants for whom thegame elements aren’t important. At several check-points questionsneed to be answered and validated online. Realize the highestpossible score in the shortest possible time. Afterwards playerscan check their score online and consult their rankings on amonthly and yearly base. To play Battlefield 2014 you need avoucher code. More info on
Ludiris 1.7.1
Ludiris werd speciaal ontwikkeld voor spelers uit detoeristischesector. Via Ludiris kunnen uw gasten via smartphone oftablet dedirecte regio rond uw hotel, B&B, restaurant ofeventlocatiespelenderwijs leren kennen. Dankzij Ludiris krijgt ueenijzersterke en innovatieve marketingtroef in handen. Wil uindetail vernemen hoe Ludiris uw business een boost kan geven,neemdan een kijkje op