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Radio Wifi Thermostat CT-30 1.1.11
If you have a radio (wifi) enabled thermostat CT-30 (aka CT-50 and3M50, available from home depot or online) you can control it whilein your home using this simple app which extends your phone to bepart of your home monitoring or home automation system. Use yourphone as a portable thermostat control! Customize your phonethermostat controller with buttons like "Vacation", "Holiday","Away".In contrast to the manufacturer's cloud management, this app hasinstance access and response. No more shivering/sweating, waitingand wondering - you can make and see the change instantly. Keep anandroid phone or tablet by your bed as an alarm clock and handythermostat!The cloud based app provided by the manufacturer is fine, butthis app provides a few advantages. First, it's instant, no waitingfor the cloud service to notice and change your system. Second, ithas a widget so you can see what's going on at a glance. Finally,it's local - there's no security risk to your network (externallyconnected devices can serve as bridges to break into your homenetwork).This app uses the internal URL (IP) and the manufacturer's APIof the thermostat. It is for use within your home only. Don'texpose your thermostat URL outside of your home network! Thethermostat does not provide security to protect it's URL or data,and this app cannot add security on it's own. If you need to changethe temperature settings while away from home, use their cloudservice.This really is a free app, not ad supported! If you would liketo support the development of this application and others like it,consider purchasing the companion CT-30 schedule editor or theCT-30 server.Note - this app only supports functions provided by the CT-30API. Functions such as holiday mode, filter, etc, are notprovided.For secure remote access, you can use SSH passthru, or use myCT-30 server. You can find setup instructions for using an SSHserver on my website.The CT-30 server can be used on any spare android tablet, andthere's a stand alone java jar version that will run on any sparecomputer supporting java. Whichever you use must be dedicated (onand connected within your network) to provide remote access.Accessing the secure server from this client requires asubscription with a free 7 day trial period - cancel within thattime to avoid charges if the server doesn't work for you.NOTE: The CT-30 has a built in web server that tends to be alittle unstable and occasionally drops requests from the app. Whenthis happens (or when your phone is not able to connect to thethermostat) the widget and the app will show ?'s instead of thetemperature. It will attempt to reconnect every few minutes (lessoften if not on wifi).The CT-30 server can eliminate this problem as it buffersrequests to the thermsotat.
Radio Wifi CT-30 Editor 1.0.7
Companion to the Radio Wifi Thermostat CT-30,this simple app allows you to edit the CT-30 Heat and Coolschedules from your android table or phone. The thermostat clock issynchronized with your phone when you change the schedule.The purchase of this app supports both it and the thermostatcontroller (Radio Wifi Thermostat CT-30) app. The thermostatcontroller is not ad supported and is free to use on it's own; itis not necessary to purchase this app.The thermostat IP address and units preference is specified inthe settings menu.Note: The "Holiday" program is not supported through the CT-30API so cannot be changed in this app.
HomeBridge/HomeKit for Automat 2.2.3
Add a HomeBridge from your AutomationManager for IoT server toapple's Homekit
AutomationManager for IoT 17.2.3
Run your own home automation hub - escape the IoT clouds!
DSC Security Server 5.9.3
DIY remote access and monitoring for DSC panels using theenvisalink card
DSC Security Keypad 1.6.3
A extra DSC keypad on your phone for your DSC/envisalnk card.
WeMoHome 7.3.12
Faster control of your devices while at home.
WemoLEDs 4.15.6
Unleash your Wemo Link and LED bulbs with WemoLEDs.
AutomationOnDrive 5.1.0
AutomationOnDrive is an extension app for Automation Manager
Wifi Radio Thermostat Client + 2.7.0
Local client and advanced automation hub for Wifi Thermostats CT30,CT80, 3M50