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T 2048 1.1.0
Mikhail Palin
Addictive puzzle game, from which it willbedifficult to break away.The playing field is a square 4x4. The aim of the game istoobtain chips par value of "2048". After that, the game is won,butyou can continue the game, if the game allows.Rules of the game:1. At the beginning, there are two chips, each of whichdenomination"2" (with a probability of 90%) or "4" (with aprobability of10%).2. Slide your finger across the screen to one of four sides:up,down, right or left, runs the course. At the same time allthechips will try move to the side, where you stated. If thechipshave the same face value, they merge and become a single chip.Thenthe chip turned and the denomination doubles.3. After making the turn there is a new chip in a free space withapar value of "2" or "4" to the above probability.4. The game ends if the playing field is not free space and thereisno adjacent chips of the same denomination.5. For every turning chips game points are increased bythedenomination of the resulting chips.The statistics page displays information only oncompletedgames.Despite its apparent simplicity, the game is not just towin.Hopefully the game's graphics will impress you.Enjoy the game!
Only One Line 2048 1.0.2
Mikhail Palin
The game is like the Fifteen Puzzle andthegame "2048", but in this game there are significantdifferencesfrom the rules of these games.In the 4X4 field appears first two chips, each having anominalor two, with a probability of 75%, or four, with aprobability of25%. Then comes Your turn. You can turn to the rightor left or upor down on any vertical or horizontal row. To do this,you need tospecify only a row (or a column) and direction of thedrivingfinger across the screen. Chips move in the direction thatyou havespecified. If the same nominal chips collide with eachother, theymerge into a single chip. The chip is turned, and thisfeaturebecomes a face value of two times more.After Your turn on the playing field appears a new chipwithnominal value two or four, with the above probability. Whatfollowsis your turn. And so on.The goal - to reach the nominal value of the chips 2048. Ifyousucceed, the game is won.However, the game does not end there. You can continue toplay,bringing the score to the maximum. Try to get to 4096 chiporhigher. It is very difficult.The game ends if the field is no space and it is impossibletodouble the chips. That is, the chips of the same rating arenotadjacent to each other.Points that you are assigned to correspond to the sum oftwicethe chips.Statistic shows the complete game.Download the game. Try playing .. You like it!