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MEmpresas 2.2.2017.05.26.01
M Empresas is the app for the Bank’s CorporateCustomers available for smartphone’s and tablets.You can authorize some Pending Operations initiated on theCorporate website or browse the Operations History anywhere withoutusing a computer. But there's more: with M Empresas App you willalso be able to perform other day-to-day transactions such aschecking current accounts or credit cards balances and history,make transfers, top-up cell phones or pay bills on the go.Millennium bcp continues to deliver new solutions and services thataim to be the right partner for the Portuguese companies’ businessprojects.Download M Empresas now and put your hands on the App that willhelp the way you manage your business. It´s simple, fast andsafe!SecurityThe access to the application is protected by a PIN known only byyou.The device is registered individually and assigned to yourprofile.The communication between your device and Millennium bcp is carriedout through secure and encrypted channels.All transactions that may affect the company's assets are validatedthrough a password that has been defined in the Corporatewebsite.NotesThe use of this service through a mobile connection may imply datacommunication costs. Please consult the prices charged by yourmobile operator.The bank applies to transfers and other operations the pricing thatthe Customer has in the website of languages used are PT, EN, and Spanish, which can be selectedusing the language preferences option on the device.RequirementsRequires android 4.1 or higher.
M2020 2016.04.28.01
A App M2020 é uma aplicação para smartphonesetablets para os Clientes Empresa do Banco.Através da App M2020 é possível gerir o seu projeto do Portugal2020- acessível de uma forma rápida, cómoda e segura - em qualquerlugarsem recorrer a um computador.A AppM2020 fornece uma visão global do projeto, indica o TOPdascategorias de investimento e o detalhe das mesmas.Disponibilizaainda um sistema de alertas com a previsão dereembolso das faturasenviadas ao Balcão 2020, bem como, informaçãosobre execuçãofinanceira e temporal. O Millennium bcp mantém umaforte aposta nasEmpresas procurando, através de novas soluções eserviços, ser cadavez mais o parceiro de eleição para os projetosde negócio.Faça já o download da App M2020 e fique a conhecer aaplicaçãoque vai simplificar a forma como gere o seu projeto doPortugal2020.SegurançaO dispositivo é registado individualmente e assignado aoseuperfil.A comunicação efetuada entre o seu dispositivo e o Millennium bcpéfeita em canais seguros e de forma encriptada, confidencialidadedacomunicação.NotasA utilização deste serviço, através de uma ligação de dadosmóveis,pode implicar custos de comunicação de dados. Consulte otarifárioou plano de assinatura junto do seu operador móvel.RequisitosRequer sistema operativo Android 4.0 ou superior.The M2020 App isanapplication for smartphones and tablets to the Company of theBankCustomers.Through App M2020 you can manage your project from Portugal 2020-available in a fast, convenient and secure - anywhere withoutusinga computer.The AppM2020 provides an overview of the project indicates theTOPof categories of investment and the detail of the same. Italsoprovides a system of alerts to the forecast of reimbursementofinvoices sent to the Tour in 2020, as well as informationonfinancial execution and time. Millennium bcp maintains astrongfocus on companies looking through new solutions andservices, isincreasingly the partner of choice for businessprojects.Download now from App M2020 and get to know the applicationthatwill simplify the way you manage your project from Portugalin2020.SafetyThe device is registered and individually assigned totheirprofile.The communication made between your device and Millennium bcpisdone on secure channels and encrypted form,communicationconfidentiality.GradesUse of this service through a mobile data connection mayinvolvedata communication costs. See tariffs or subscription planwithyour mobile operator.requirementsRequires Android 4.0 operating system or higher.
MSeguros 1.3.2019.05.07.01
Viewing your policies is easier now. With the App MSeguros youcanview your insurance portfolio at any moment, giving you accesstothe information and documentation regarding the policies onyourmobile phone. Through it you can also quickly view theemergencynumbers and make the call in a single step. To use the AppMSegurosyou need to install and register the App Millennium on thesamemobile phone where you wish to use the App MSeguros. To makeloginon both Apps easier, you will only need one PIN code. Shouldyouneed to recover the PIN code, you will have to do so throughtheApp Millennium. The session always closes once you stopvisualizingthe App on the screen of your device. Your opinion isveryimportant to us, help us give you a better user experiencebysending us your suggestions and doubts to the Stick around, follow us on Facebookat MaisMillennium.
This is what’s you’ll find inside Millennium App: Pay Every timeyouneed to pay a service just tap the Pay option on the tab bar,fillin the details and in a few minutes, it’s done! Transfer Ifyouprefer to make a transfer, it’s also on the tab bar. Fill inthename, IBAN, amount and you’re ready to go. That simple!StayONCustomers asked for it and here we are delivering it: fromnow on,you can find all your interactions with us in one singleplace, sothat you’re always ON top of everything: notificationhistory,documents, Banco Mail, account manager and more. Share IBANSendyour IBAN to your contacts via Facebook, WhatsApp, SMS oremail. MBWAY Use MB WAY in Millennium App: pay with your phone,transferthrough phone numbers, split the bill with friends or justrequestthem money. Direct debits No more visits to the ATM. Checkandmanage all your direct debits in Millennium App. Plus we’veadded achart with all your direct debits history, so you can betterkeeptrack of them. Privacy mode Use Millennium App wherever you areandstop worrying about prying eyes: enable Privacy Mode beforeyoulogin the App to hide your account balances. PushnotificationsWant to be updated on your account movements? Enablereal-time pushnotifications and get notified as soon as you getyour salary alongwith direct debits, card movements or simply whenyour balancefalls below the amount you’ve set. Touch and Face IDMakeeverything faster with Touch or Face ID: login the Appandauthorize operations with your fingerprint or Face ID. Creditcardswith instant decision Apply for your credit card and get aninstantdecision! Médis Dental insurance Need to go to the dentist?Getyour Médis Dental insurance first and make your dentaltreatmentsat a much better price. Médis insurance If you need see adifferentdoctor, then you can also calculate and get Médisinsuranceaccording to your own needs. ON/OFF Travel Insurance Onebutton. Afew taps. And you’re ready to go. We’ve created a buttonto giveyou full control over your travel insurance. Tap ON andyou’reinsured. Tap OFF and it’s deactivated at the end of your triporwhenever you want. No signatures, no papers, just one button!Only1,25€ a day and only for the days you travel. So pack your bagsandjust tap the button when you’re ready. Aggregate accountsfromother banks Bring all your accounts in other banks toMillenniumApp and check balances, account movements and maketransfers fromone single App. Savings Open a savings account in asnap. Swiperight and that’s it, you’ve started saving. Personalloan Calculateyour loan with our virtual assistant and make yourdreams cometrue. All 100% online and with no papers. Used car loanIf you’relooking for a used car, then we also have the answer. Andofcourse, no papers involved and 100% online. “How much can Iborrow”calculator If, on the other hand, you want to buy a home,use ourcalculator “How much can I borrow” and we’ll tell youexactly howmuch you can apply for a mortgage loan. Mortgage loanOnce you knowhow much you can borrow to buy your home, use our newmortgagecalculator to submit your application. Investment funds Toallinvestors out there: we’ve created an investment area where youcanbuy funds and certificates and even choose the fields youprefer,such as technology, sustainability, among others. CustomizeyourApp the way you want to Add your personal touch by choosingabackground picture or customizing your profile with your photoandemail.
MTrader 3.0.10
Do you invest in the stock market? Do you follow the latest newsofthe markets? Now you can find all of this and much more inonesingle app: MTrader. Mtrader App allows you to trade in themaininternational stock markets. Plus, you’ll have access to: Realtimequotes of international stock markets Follow real time quotesofthe main stock markets (Lisbon, Paris, Amsterdam, Brussels,Madrid,Frankfurt, London, New York, Nasdaq, Milan, Dublin,Switzerland,Austria and Scandinavia) and of the financialCertificates issuedby Millennium bcp. Simple and more intuitivelayout Trade directlyin the stock market. Buy and sell in a swifterand more intuitivelayout. Market depth and latest trades You’llhave access to themarket depth, to the ten last purchase and sellpositions of theEuronext securities market and to the last fivepositions ofcarried out trades. News and Research Daily video withnews on themarket opening, notes and rumours that may have animpact on yourinvestments, along with opinions of national andinternationalanalysts, dividend charts and schedules that help youbetter planyour week. All information in one interface In the sameinterfaceyou’ll have access to real time information of yoursecuritiesportfolio, streaming access to your order book and directtradingin the app.