Mirwanda Center برنامه ها

Web Blocker *ROOT* 1.5
Mirwanda Center
WEB BLOCKER PRO IS FREE NOW.Description:Web Blocker block websites, you don't need any special browser,this app will block all request to websites you block. You can useit as distraction blocker, so you can be focused on your work, orsomething else, it's up to you.+ Block website that you don't want to see.+ Most web blocking app use special browser, but web blocker isnot+ You can still using your favorite web browser.Require root access.Pro version features:+ Password protect, so other people can't change thesettings.+ Time protect, so you can't change the settings for specified time(useful if you want to focus on something but always get distractedby some websites).+ Icon hider, hide icon from app drawer and access the app from thedialler.If the website still not blocked, turn the internet off, andturn it on again.Still not working? contact the developer.Note:1. the websites you block will stay blocked if you uninstall thisapp. so if you no longer want to use this app, make sure to removeall blocks first!2. you can only block domain and subdomain, like www.example.com orblog.example.com, not a page such as www.example.com/somepages/here(credit to Gio Di Russo)3. note that blocking example.com won't block www.example.com, andblocking www.example.com won't block blog.example.com. You have todefine it one by one (sorry for this limitation).4. Doesn't work on OPERA or OPERAMINI because they are using serverside data. (credit to Mahabub Jitu)5. I am not taking any of your data, this app doesn't have internetaccess permission, so there is no way I can do it! (credit to somejerk who said "this app is a scam!")6. This app doesn't stack with apps that blocking ads (blocking adsis illegal anyway).7. Does not work on proxy. If you use proxy, please exclude127.0.0.1a lot of 1* because people doesn't know how to root... how sad--"
Blank Screen 2
Mirwanda Center
Blank Screen is meant to show you blankscreen... Yep, that's it.How can this app benefit to me?If you are like us, we are using a device with AMOLED screen, andwe know that AMOLED screen suffer from burn in and will take a lotof battery when displaying colorful stuff, that's sad, isn't it?especially if you only want to standby waiting for whatsappmessage. Isn't it great if there is an app to prevent that fromhappening?I've seen a lot of similar apps...Maybe you have seen similar apps, but here is why you should chooseBlank Screen:- On a device with AMOLED screen, Blank Screen prevent screen burnin and also save lots of battery.- Blank Screen prevent the device to lock itself.- Blank Screen is simple to use, we offer simplicity, because 90%of smartphone user like apps that easy to use, and we believe youlike it too.- It is free, everyone love free stuff, right? but just becauseit's free doesn't mean it's bad, Blank Screen is well designed, weare making it with love :)Known limitation:- There is still some light on AMOLED device even if the screen isall black (you can see that on a very dark room), we can do nothingabout it.Is my lovely phone compatible with this app?- Blank Screen is compatible from the old android 2.2 devices (suchas Galaxy Mini) to the newest 4.4.x kitkat, so don't worry. Wealready tested it. :)But my internal memory is full....- Blank Screen will always install on sdcard, don't worry :)We are going to actively listen to your suggestion, and tryingto answer your question as good as we can. You feedback isappreciated :)Please donate if you find this app useful, I am not going to putads in this app. (it is no longer blank screen if there is ads,lol)--------------------------------------DISCLAIMER:This app is meant to show people blank screen while preventing thedevice to lock itself, we are not responsible for whatever the userintents to use the app. lol.
Tebak Angka 1.0
Mirwanda Center
Pertama tama mohon maaf sama om google kalo aqpake bahasa indonesia... :DTebak Angka Indonesia, game sederhana buatan anak bangsa, kayakgame yang ada di alfalink jaman dulu, nebak angka acak dari 1 sampe1000, 10 kali kesempatan, kalo salah, tar dikasih tau, misalnyapertama 1-1000, kalau kita nebak 500, dan angkanya 234, nanti jadiantara 1-500, dst...Made in indonesia!Semangat! belajar bikin aplikasi android biar eksis :)Bagi yang protes kok cuma gini doang game buatan anak indonesia,ya gpp, memang aq baru belajar, trims.komen yaaa :)
My Ibadah 1.5
Mirwanda Center
My Ibadah is an app to record and remind us ofibadah. Well, this is basically for muslim. This app is one of myapp that I seriously made, and I love it. This app is really usefulif you are sometimes forgetting to ibadah.With this app, you can see how well you are on ibadah. There isa chart that makes you can see your progress.Important note:Reminder will reset if you turn off your phone. So, you have toopen this app once if you want to hear the reminder :)Please give this app 5 star ^_^, or at least dont give it 1star. I don't know, it's just sad when someone give me 1 star, itfeels like when my teacher say: "you're fail!" :/Oh, and sorry for the default data that is in Indonesianlanguage. Just edit/delete it okay :)And sorry for my bad english :D
Logical Thinking 1.1
Mirwanda Center
Logical Thinking is meant to help you to thinkabout something logically, whether it is about a decision, selfacceptance, when you worrying about something, etc.If you are like us, in a normal situation, when we think aboutsomething we use our logic, right? but when we are under pressureor feel threatened, we tend to think emotionally. Well, actuallythere is nothing wrong thinking emotionally, but for most case,emotional thinking sometimes misleading us to a bad decision,that's sad, isn't it? isn't it great if there is something to helpus thinking logically even when we are under pressure?Maybe you have seen similar apps, but here is why you shouldchoose Logical Thinking:- Logical thinking help you thinking logically when you are underpressure- The course of flow is pre-made, we will release new flows in ourweb site regularly, and you can import a new logical flow using thefile provided in our web site. Send us a message if you want toknow how to make your own flow :)- Logical Thinking is simple to use, we offer simplicity, because90% of smartphone user like apps that easy to use, and we believeyou like it too.- It is free, everyone love free stuff, right? but just becauseit's free doesn't mean it's bad, Logical Thinking is well designed,we are making it with love :)- Logical Thinking is compatible from the old android 2.2 devices(such as Galaxy Mini)- Logical Thinking will always install on sdcardWe are going to actively listen to your suggestion, and tryingto answer your question as good as we can. You feedback isappreciated :)Please donate if you find this app useful, I am not going to putads in this app.---------------------------------------------DISCLAIMER:This app meant to help you to think about something logically, wedo not responsible for anything you do based on the logical flowthat we provided.
Cost Benefit Analysis 1.0
Mirwanda Center
Cost Benefit Analysis is meant to help you tomake a decision, this app will suggest you a decision based on thebenefit and loss of the decision.If you are like us, we sometimes have to make a decision,experts say, to make a good decision, we should make a cost benefitanalysis, but since we don't have any analysis tool, we rely on ourpersonal judgement, and sometimes is not the best decision to make.it's sad, isn't it? isn't it great if we have a tools to help us tomake a good decision?Maybe you seen similar apps, but here is why you should chooseCost Benefit Analysis:- Analysis is based on how important is the criteria, a lot ofunimportant criteria shouldn't surpass the important one.- All analysis data is saved exclusively, so you don't have toremake it for the same decision analysis- Cost Benefit Analysis is simple to use, we offer simplicity,because 90% of smartphone user like apps that easy to use, and webelieve you like it too.- It is free, everyone love free stuff, right? but just becauseit's free doesn't mean it's bad, Cost Benefit Analysis is welldesigned, we are making it with love :)Is my lovely phone compatible with this app?- Cost Benefit Analysis is compatible from the old android 2.2devices (such as Galaxy Mini). We already tested it. :)But my internal memory is full....- Cost Benefit Analysis will always install on sdcard, don't worry:)We are going to actively listen to your suggestion, and tryingto answer your question as good as we can. You feedback isappreciated :)Please donate if you find this app useful, I am not going to putads in this app.---------------------------------DISCLAIMER:This app is meant to help you to make a decision. We are notresponsible for any decision you make using this app.
Information Terminal 1.0
Mirwanda Center
Information Terminal is meant to help you tokeep up to date, this app act as a guide to make you more focus toget the information on the internet.If you are like us, we sometimes need the latest informationabout something, but when we open the web browser, we tend to loseour direction and start opening kitty videos, facebook, other kittyvideos, etc. that's sad, isn't it? isn't it great if there is atool to keep you focused?Maybe you seen similar apps, but here is why you should chooseInformation Terminal:- This app act as a guide to make you more focus to get theinformation.- With this app, you can record what site you want to visitdaily.- Information Terminal is simple to use, we offer simplicity,because 90% of smartphone user like apps that easy to use, and webelieve you like it too.- It is free, everyone love free stuff, right? but just becauseit's free doesn't mean it's bad, Information Terminal is welldesigned, we are making it with love :)- Information Terminal is compatible from the old android 2.2devices (such as Galaxy Mini).But my internal memory is full....- Information Terminal will always install on sdcard, don't worry:)We are going to actively listen to your suggestion, and tryingto answer your question as good as we can. You feedback isappreciated :)Please donate if you find this app useful. I am not going to putads in this app.--------------------------------------DISCLAIMER:This app is meant to help people to keep up to date, we are notresponsible for whatever happened on the site they visit.
STAN informatic club 1.3
Mirwanda Center
Ini merupakan versi android websiteSTANinformatic club (STANic). Biar kamu bisa akses forum tanpaperlubuka web browser :)STANic merupakan wadah bagi mahasiswa STAN untuksalingberdiskusi mengenai masalah teknologi informasi. Ayo gabung!Siapaaja boleh ikut!
Koran Kita News 1.0
Mirwanda Center
korankitanews.com adalah portal beritayangmenyajikan informasi secara teks, audio, dan video, yangterbentukberdasakan teknologi hipermedia dan hiperteks. Dengankemajuanteknologi dan informasi serta perkembangan media,korankitanews.comhadir dengan berbagai fitur baru yang merupakanpercampurankomunikasi media digital. Informasi yang disampaikandiperbaruisecara berkelanjutan yang terangkum dalam sejumlahkategori, yangmenjadikannya sebuah portal berita yang bisadipercaya danterupdate.Untuk informasi dan pemasangan iklan silahkan hubungi kamidiinfo[at]korankitanews.com
Preparation plus 1.0
Mirwanda Center
Preparation plus is meant to help you tobeprepared, with this app, you can record what you need to preparesoyou will remember it and keep track of your preparation.If you are like us, we sometimes forget aboutsomething,especially when we get hasty. We planned so well, butbecause wedon't have any list, usually there will be something thatleftbehind, that's sad, isn't it? We believe that some of you feelthesame thing right? That's why we made Preparation+Maybe you have seen similar apps, but here is why youshouldchoose Preparation+:- Every Preparation have their own tasks list, it helps tomakethings easier.- You can recheck it without manually clicking every single one,andwe think that's neat.- Preparation+ is simple to use, we offer simplicity, because 90%ofsmartphone user like apps that easy to use, and we believe youlikeit too.- It is free, everyone love free stuff, right? but just becauseit'sfree doesn't mean it's bad, Preparation+ is well designed, wearemaking it with love :)- Preparation+ is compatible from the old android 2.2 devices(suchas Galaxy Mini) to the newest.- Preparation+ will always install on sdcardWe are going to actively listen to your suggestion, and tryingtoanswer your question as good as we can. You feedback isappreciated:)Please donate if you find this app useful.--------------------------------------DISCLAIMER:This app is meant to help people to be prepared, we arenotresponsible for whatever preparation the user made.
Hosting Palembang 1.0
Mirwanda Center
HostingPalembang.co.id merupakan salahsatuunit usaha CV Karya Pelangi yang bergerak pada penyediaanjasaonline seperti hosting, domain, dan media online, sertapelatihandesign website untuk lembaga swasta, sekolah, perguruantinggimaupun personal.HostingPalembang hadir di kota Palembang SumateraSelatankhususnya sebagai bentuk kepedulian terhadap duniaTeknologiInformasi khususnya penyedia jasa hosting dan designwebsite yangtentunya memberikan kemudahan dan harga terjangkau olehsemuakalangan.HostingPalembang mempunyai bandwith lebih besardibandingkandengan provider lainnya sehingga akses yang cepat baikdalam maupunluar negeri. HostingPalembang dijalankan dan dikelolaolehorang-orang berpengalaman.Selain itu HostingPalembang, yang merupakan domaincorporasi(.co.id) memberikan jasa konsultasi GRATIS bagi calonklien yangakan membuat website, sehingga calon klien tahu kebutuhanbaikpenamaan, space hosting, ataupun aplikasi yang diperlukan,sesuaidengan baik kebutuhan personal maupun perusahaan atau lembagayangdipimpin.
SMS Collector 1.1
Mirwanda Center
SMS collector is meant to help youcollectingdata from sms messages that follow certain rule suchasCollect#Name#Hobby#DateofBirth.The data will be saved on a text file in [ketik regspasi]folder.
Do it NOW 1.0
Mirwanda Center
Do it NOW is meant to encourage you tostartdoing your tasks. With this app, you can write your task andthegoal. After that, you see a screen that you can read toencourageyourself. Read, Visualize, Act!If you are like us, we have tasks to do. Actually these tasksisnot hard to do, but the most difficult thing to do is tostartdoing them! And it get worse when we don't like them, we tendtoprocrastinate and say "there is still some time" (yeah, themostused excuse of all time). that's sad, isn't it? isn't it greatifthere is some way to encourage you to start doing that tasks?How is this even works???Three word: Read, Visualize, Act!Experts say, to do something, we need motivation, and onegreatmotivation is a Clear Goal. After that, you need to visualizethatyou are really going to do it. When visualizing it, you needtothink positively about why you are doing it. For us, thatisencouraging, if you want to know whether is it working or notforyou, why don't you just try it out? :)Maybe you have seen similar apps (maybe not!), but here iswhyyou should choose Do it NOW:- Do it NOW handle the data, so you don't have to write your goalina paper.- You can store your goal and even some more encouraging factorsuchas "I will do something that I like after this task", or "Iwill doit with love" :)- Do it NOW is simple to use, we offer simplicity, because 90%ofsmartphone user like apps that easy to use, and we believe youlikeit too.- It is free, everyone love free stuff, right? but just becauseit'sfree doesn't mean it's bad, Do it NOW is well designed, wearemaking it with love :)*** Remember it is all about feeling, this app won't work ifyoufeel annoyed. Think positively. ***Is my lovely phone compatible with this app?- Do it NOW is compatible from the old android 2.2 devices (suchasGalaxy Mini).But my internal memory is full....- Do it NOW will always install on sdcard, don't worry :)We are going to actively listen to your suggestion, and tryingtoanswer your question as good as we can. You feedback isappreciated:)Please donate if you find this app useful, I am not going toputads in this app.---------------------------------------------DISCLAIMER:This app meant to encourage people to start doing their tasks, wedonot responsible for anything they do.For more information, visit Mirwanda Centerathttp://www.mirwanda.com
NotTiled 1.8.6
Mirwanda Center
A free, open source, and multiplatform tile map editor for all yourtiling needs
USM STAN 2.6.0
Mirwanda Center
Kumpulan Soal dan Pembahasan USM PKN STAN.