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Radio Viborg FM 1.5
Android app der er gratis, og samtidigfungerer upåklageligt på alle nyere Android enheder, understøttercirka 7900 forskellige Android enheder. Her kan du høre RadioViborg uden FM forbindelse og uden headset tilknyttet :)Radio stream fortsætter hvis man skifter signal område, og kanspille helt ned til Edge som forbindelse, her kan den dog være lidtustabil.Hvis man minimerer app spiller den videre uden problemer.Vi gør opmærksom på at vores APP kan trække meget data. Så deter en god idé at undersøge hos dit teleselskab, hvor meget dubetaler.Læs mere om Radio Viborg på www.radioviborg.dkDenne app er udviklet af Modified Solutions ApS, og er stilletgratis til rådighed for benyttelse.Vi kan kontaktes via radioonline@itunedradio.commed forslag / forespørgsler, eller via https://www.modified.dkAndroid app is free, andalso works perfectly on all newer Android devices, supportsapproximately 7900 different Android devices. Here you can hearRadio Viborg without FM connection and without headset attached :)Radio stream continues if you change signal range and can playdown to Edge as context, here it may be a little unstable.If you minimize the app plays it off.Please note that our APP can pull a lot of data. So it's a goodidea to check with your provider how much you pay.Read more about Radio Viborg on www.radioviborg.dkThis app is developed by Modified Solutions ApS and is providedfree of charge for use.We can be contacted via radioonline@itunedradio.comsuggestions / queries, or via
Jule Radio - stille jule musik 1.1
Første udgave af jule musik på jule radio, viholder denne opdateret løbende - lyt eventuelt med på også :)The first edition of theChristmas music on Christmas radio, we keep this updated regularly- Listen possibly on too :)
Popular daily pics - ReShary 1.013
ReShary allow you to upload any media(currently only images and animated gifs), and it will become apopular media instantly - judged by the other app users.When you have viewed a media and slide your finger to the right,you will be presented with a speedometer - where you select howgood the media really is.If you give it absolute maximum score, it will be automaticallyreshared to for example 10 other unknown users - that have interestin the media.The media's owner, gets points - and popularity according to howmany times his media is reshared but also gets negative score if amedia is voted as bad.Quality is of the essence here - because the more media withhigh quality will bring fame. If more media with low quality - willbring failure.Photographers - gets their images rated by unknowns - and he/shecan see what photo he made, that was best - and where he shouldfocus his efforts.Painters and other artists - could take a photo of his/her art -and upload it to ReShary and have it rated.Anyone else: Upload everyday pictures and become known for yourgood, funny and high quality reviewed ReShary 4.1/5.0 - and gave it anrating, not bad - but not impressive - at least he also gives ussome suggestions what to change. Video review is available at #Review #Reshary #Rate #discoverAppsZoom Review: 7.2 / 10 :Rate media content and share your own creationsReShary is a social application that allows users to uploadpictures and GIFs, and make them viral by receiving a rating fromother users.Discover funny memes and curious images to complete your collectionand help other users become more popular and well-known for theircreations.How does it work? You could start by rating some media, so be sureto swipe right and use the speedometer to determine the value ofthe viral image. Upload your own media and see how your scoreincreases or decreases based on the popularity of yourcontent.Keep in mind, and as you might expect, the higher the rating, themore chances your media will be shared.The app has a great usability and an interesting concept which wehaven't seen before. However, it's also true that the quality ofthe images can be low if people don't take the app seriously. Wehope users can contribute with awesome content.