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Eishockey Tippspiel 1.01
Du wolltest schon immer einkostenlosesEishockey Tppspiel um mit deinen Freunden die Ergebnissezu tippen?Hier ist es endlich! Erstellt eure eigene Gruppe undfindet herauswer unsere deutsche Liga am besten kennt.Leider dürfen wir die Logos und Teamnamen nicht kostenlosverwenden.Features:- Gruppen erstellen und beitreten- Aktueller Spielplan- Tabelle- Top100- Persönliche DesignanpassungenYou've always wantedafree Hockey Tppspiel to tap the results with your friends? Hereitis at last! Created your own group and find out who best knowsourGerman league.Sorry, we can not use free logos and team names.Features:- Create and join groups- Current Schedule- Table- Top100- Personal Design adjustments
Multiplayer Games 1.3
As the title says,this app includes a fewlocalmultiplayer games. Perfect for the pastime in school orotherwise.Current Games:- TicTacToe- Nine Man Morris- Pong- Airhockey- CubeJumpSuggestions for new games or improvements are appreciated!
Chasm Jump 1.1
Jump from one platform to the nextwithoutfalling into the chasm! Try to get as far as you can andmake a newHighscore!Upcoming Features:- Kampagne-Mode