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OpenGL ES Sierpinski Gasket 1.0.1
Muse Visions
Enjoy the very colorful 3D Sierpinski Gasketfractal on your screen!Spin it around, pinch and zoom, and play with it.Once released, the fractal will start rotating on its own, so youcan focus on showing your friends how much better the screen onyour smartphone is ;)Sierpinski Gasket is implemented in OpenGL ES to give the bestperformance on your smartphone!Features:- Render loop on a separate thread for best responsiveness.- Settings menu with controls to tweak number of points and screentimeout.- Automatic rolling (demo) mode.
JSON Sudoku Solver 1.0.1
Muse Visions
JSON Sudoku Solver is an open sourceapplication that can be used to solve Sudoku Puzzles stored on aweb server in JSON format.** NOTE: This application is for educational purposes only andcan be only used to solve puzzles stored in a web server. Pleaseemail me if you need more information **Full source code and license terms available here:
OpenGL ES Cube Test API 0.1
Muse Visions
Try the OpenGL ES spinning cube!Had a long and tiring day at work? Get some relief and spinyourcube on the screen!Queuing for lunch? Impress your colleagues with aspinningcube!Waiting for your train? Spinning cube!Bored at meetings? Spinning cube!OGLESCubeTestAPI is a simple extension of theTouchRotateActivityexample available on the developer Androidpages. The app allows theuser to swipe the screen to rotate a 3Dcube.Inertia has been added so that once you release your finger,thecube has a residual inertial motion, a.k.a. keeps spinning forawhile ;)Both OpenGL ES 1.0 and 2.0 renderers are included, andselectedautomatically depending on the API level supported.The application currently requires Internet access, used solelytogather statistics with Google Analytics. No personalinformationwill be collected.Tested on Samsung Galaxy S2.
Perfect Square 1.0.2
Muse Visions
Perfect Square is a fast and addictivepuzzlegame available on Android! It is a variant of the Knight'sTourpuzzle and uses 7x7 or 8x8 grids.** How to Play **The game consists of a grid of empty cells. The purpose of thegameis to fill all the cells from 1 to 49 according tosomerules:- Any cell can be selected as the first cell- It is only possible to move by three cells horizontallyorvertically- It is only possible to move by two cells diagonally- Available cells are marked in blue- Once a cell has been selected, it cannot be used again- When no available cells remain, the game is overIn order to fill all the cells and win the game, it is necessarytothink strategically about the sequence of remaining moves thatwillalways leave at least one cell available.** Features **- Support for 7x7 and 8x8 grids- AdMob advertising- Time for each game is measured and visible on screen- Scores are stored on the phone and online** Permissions **[Full Internet Access] Scores are submitted to a central serveroncea game is completed, along with Android ID, Phone Model Name,ScreenResolution, Screen dpi. No private user informationiscollected.[Access Network State] For AdMob Advertising[Vibrate] For haptic feedbackMore information and userguide:
App Finder 1.0.1
Muse Visions
App Finder is a tool for finding andlaunchingapplications already installed on your phone.Tired of swiping through multiple screens to find the appyouneed? App Finder makes it easier by using search!How does it work? As you type the desired application nameintothe search box, App Finder creates a list of choices thatmatchyour query. You can then launch your app by simply tappingonit!Features- Search results are updated as you type- Clear button to quickly clear input- List of installed applications sorted by name- Updated to Ice Cream Sandwich look** Note: App Finder does only show installed (non-systemapps).Stock applications like GMail and Maps won't be listed inthesearch results! **