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Enterprise Approvals 1.0.3
NCR Technosolutions LLC
Enterprise Approvals mobile app is one of themobile applications in the Enterprise Mobile App Room (EMAR) fromNCRTS (NCR Technosolutions). This app is a convenient tool tocapture raise approval requests on the go and also to view approvalrequests received from others in the enterprise. (Reporting toyou).With this app you can receive and view approval requests send toyou. The approval requests can be manual requests raised by otherpeople in your organization or it can be automated alerts generatedfrom systems like SAP or other apps in the Enterprise Mobile AppRoom. You can view all the approval requests in one place and acton it. You can receive approval requests based on exceptionsituations in process areas like sales, service, HR, admin, IT etc.You can view all the alerts in one place and act on it.The approve for any request is automatically determined based ona configurable logic. The app is configurable to your needs andyour admin can configure the app to your business needs. You canview the details of an approval request, who send it and when. Youcan also forward a received request to other relevant people withinyour organization (they will be registered users of this app).Approval requests can be configured to be send to a group ofapprovers. One of the approvers in the group can reserve therequest for processing. You can approve or reject an approvalrequest. You can mark a request as unread for later processing. Youcan comment on an approval request received.You can filter the received requests by various criteria includingapproval category & dates.The Enterprise Approval application works in both smart phonesand tablets. To effectively use the app, you will need to be aregistered member in the Enterprise Mobile App Room.Typical features include.1. Raise approval requests2. View list of received requests3. View approval request details4. Receive automated approval requests based on exceptionsituations in your enterprise in areas of sales, services, HRetc.5. Receive requests from other systems like SAP or from othermobile / cloud apps in the Enterprise Mobile App Room.6. Configure logic for approver determination from the backendadmin panel.7. An approver can reserve approval requests send to group forprocessing.8. Take actions – Comment, forward, mark as unread.9. All within the enterprise / business organization.
Delaware 211 1.0
NCR Technosolutions LLC
In times of need, the greatest challenge canbe knowing where to go for help.The Delaware 2-1-1 App provides one central resource for accessto the health and human service organizations that offer thesupport to make a difference for all Delawareans.Whether faced with the panic of a natural disaster or strugglingto meet everyday basic needs, Delaware residents can rely on 2-1-1for a direct response and prompt assistance using either this app,the 2-1-1 website, or by calling 2-1-1 from within Delaware.This free service is confidential and available when you needit.Dial Delaware 2-1-1 Monday through Friday from 8 AM–9 PM or usethis application to find out how we can help you in these—and manymore—areas of need.EmploymentJob TrainingFamily IssuesVolunteer OpportunitiesFinancial AssistanceSocial ServicesPublic AssistanceMental Health CounselingEmergency HousingFoodTransportationHealthcareDental ServicesSenior ServicesClothingAffordable HousingEducationLegal ServicesCrisis Preparedness
Time Sheet 1.0.4
NCR Technosolutions LLC
Time Sheet mobile app is one of the mobileapplications in the Enterprise Mobile App Room (EMAR) from NCRTS(NCR Technosolutions). This App has been designed for tracking allyour work time engagements. This App facilitates the user to logthe time spent on various duties performed related to the corporatework from his/her mobile device and for the managers to process theapprovals of the time sheet.Time Sheet app allows the user to create Time Sheets which actuallydefines the hour the user have worked. This application allows theuser to minutely specify the number of hour user has spent onvarious assignments in the specified time duration. Thisapplication further provides the functionality of specifying whichproject the user is working for, the client for whom the time wasspend. Admin can set various compliance requirements for time sheetentry and the same will be enforced during the creation of a timesheet by a user.Time Sheet app has been designed for managers who wish to keep atrack of the time sheets of their reports. The manager can find outwhich employee has filed which time sheet and can approve, reject aTime sheet or ask for a re-submission with changes.Company admins can manage their users as well as customize theapplication using an admin panel. You will need a corporate useraccount to use this app effectively.App Features:1. Capture Time Sheet on the go.2. Add Activity notes to Tasks in a Time sheet.3. Capture various kind of time by task types.4. Allocate time spend to clients, projects, internal cost centersetc.5. View Time sheets by Time period, Day view.6. Submit Time sheets for approval.7. Approve Time sheets.8. View & track time sheets created.9. Enforce corporate compliance for logging time / workhours.10. Set user default values for quick entry of time sheets.
Lead Capture 1.0.5
NCR Technosolutions LLC
Lead Capture mobile app is one of themobileapplications in the Enterprise Mobile App Room (EMAR) fromNCRTS(NCR Technosolutions). This app has been designed for thoseuserswho are constantly on the move and are capturing lead fortheorganization. This unique app brings you the flexibilityofcapturing lead details with just a few clicks.This application facilitates the capture of leads manually,byscanning a business card or by scanning a bar code / QRcode.Usercan capture details of the contact person, details oftheorganization the contact belongs to, the products / serviceswhichare of interest. User can also characterize the lead in termsoflead origin, priority and qualify the lead. The details oftheleadis stored into the server directly eliminating the chanceoflosing a lead anymore.Company admins can manage their users as well as customizetheapplication using an admin panel. You will need a corporateuseraccount to use this app effectively.App Features:• Lead capture: Capture Leads by scanning business cards,scanningID badges in events or simply enter a lead manually.• Capture Customer contact details, Customer details andestablishlinkage between the Customer and the contact.• Validates the existences of the Contact, and customer andpreventsa duplicate creation.• Captures lead with details related to Interest areas (Productsorservices), quantity and notes. Capture multiple interest areasperlead.• Qualify a lead in terms of lead qualifications, LeadPriorities,lead status etc.• Log actions taken during the Customer contactconversations.• Trigger future actions for the lead from the mobileapplicationitself.• View Leads lists and filter by various criteria.• Edit leads as and when required.• Data securely stored in the cloud.• Company admin has a customized admin panel to set controls,andview Lead sheet logged.• Users can maintain user defaults for various Leadsheetfields.
Sringar App 0.0.1
NCR Technosolutions LLC
Sringar - the home of Kolkata's topBeautySalons & SPAs
Rent A Ride 1.0.1
NCR Technosolutions LLC
This app is not for commercial use as ofnow...This is only for field testing. Will announce whencommerciallyavailableThis Taxi App is the most convenient & quickest way to bookataxi. Any logged in user can see a list of available taxisnearbyhis current location within a certain range. Keyfeaturesinclude:• Convenience of selection : You can filter the available listoftaxis according to Ratings, Language, Distance, Payment mode,etc.• You can even add any taxi into Favorites: Most frequentlyusedTaxis can be added as favorites for quick bookings infuture.• You can even Rate your favorite Taxi accordingly.• Ability to check details of previous bookings.• Push notifications for various alerts like bookingconfirmation,rejection, etc.Download the app now and check it out free!
Rendezvous App 1.1
NCR Technosolutions LLC
Night club app where user can shareevent,Invite event , user can chat
Travel Expense 1.0
NCR Technosolutions LLC
Travel Expense mobile app is one of themobileapplications in the Enterprise Mobile App Room (EMAR) fromNCRTS(NCR Technosolutions). This app is designed forcorporatesexecutives who are constantly on the move and hardpressed fortime. Now the person can access his expenses and fileforreimbursement anytime, anywhere. This results in timelysubmissionof expenses and subsequent processing.Travel Expense App allows the user to create Travel Expensesheetsto capture all the expenses incurred for business trips. Theusercan capturetrip expenses for every individual datesandspecifically insert minute details about the expenses. You cantakea pic of your receipts and attach with the respectiveexpensehelping you manage your travel expense receipts very easily.Youcan create, update, and edit your Travel Expense Sheetsanytime,anywhere.Travel Expense app has been designed for managers, who wish tokeepa track of all the employee travel expenses that are filedunderhim while on the go. The manager can find out which employeehavefiled which travel expenses and can approve, reject aTravelExpense sheet or ask for a resubmission withchangescapturingapproval notes for the same.Company admins can manage their users as well as customizetheapplication using an admin panel. You will need a corporateuseraccount to use this app effectively.App Features:1. Capture travel expenses on the go with your mobile device.2. Capture various kind of expenses by expense types.3. Allocate expenses to clients, projects, internal costcentersetc.4. Add expense receipts to expense items.5. Characterize expense items as billable (or not), reimbursable(ornot), company paid (or not) and also if the expense is asharedexpense.6. View expense sheets by expense period, Day view.7. View expense Receipts added to the expense sheet.8. Enforce Travel expense compliances.9. Submit expense sheets for approval to approver.10. Approve expense sheets with approval notes.11. Set user default values for quick entry of travelexpensesheets.
Leave Request 1.0.1
NCR Technosolutions LLC
Leave Request mobile app is one of themobileapplications in the Enterprise Mobile App Room (EMAR) fromNCRTS(NCR Technosolutions). This app is designed such that the usercanrequest leave or manage leave requests from a mobile devicewhileonthe go.The user can view the leave balanceby various leavetypes.User can request leaves by filling in an intuitiveleaveapplication form with notes and submit them to their manager.Themanager can in turn check the requestor’s leave balance andapprove/ reject the leave or ask the requestor to resubmit theleave withchanges. Approval can add notes and reason for thedecision. Therequestor gets to see the approver’s decision and thenotes enteredby the approver as part of the approval process.Now the user can view the number of leaves remaining of anemployeeand simultaneously approve or reject a leave request thathave beenmade to the user. The manager can also leave a note foranyapproval or rejection of leaves.The power of this application extends to the ability of a usertosee the leave calendar of his peers (same team in theorganization)as well as the leave calendar of his / her reports.All this fromyour mobile device anytime, anywhere.Company admins can manage their users as well as customizetheapplication using an admin panel. You will need a corporateuseraccount to use this app effectively.General App Features:• Request Leaves with effortless ease through your hand heldmobiledevices.• View your leave requests• View your leave balance• View list of leave requests waiting your approval and processtheapproval.• Approver can view leave balance of the leave requestors.• View leave calendar of your peer team and your reports.• Works perfectly in your smart phone as well as yourtablets.• Company admin has a customized admin panel to set controlsthebehavior of the application and manage the users.• Data securely stored in the cloud.
Facility Reservation 1.0.0
NCR Technosolutions LLC
Facility Reservation mobile app is one ofthemobile applications in the Enterprise Mobile App Room (EMAR)fromNCRTS (NCR Technosolutions). This app is your one stopcorporateplatform to keep track of all your Facility Reservations.Thisapplication is based on corporate facilities which aremadeavailable to you for your benefit by your organization.Your company administrator can define the facilitiesavailable,their location, features, and availability from thecompany adminpanel. You can search for any listed facility that hasbeenprovided to you on demand, check the current availability andbookthem to avail their benefit. Now you can book yourFacilityanytime, anywhere.You can track your reservations, cancel reservations andevenreserve a facility which is already reserved in ‘Wait” status.Ifthe reservation of the facility is cancelled your booking willgetconfirmed saving you the headache of checking back every nowandthen.Company admins can manage their users as well as customizetheapplication using an admin panel. You will need a corporateuseraccount to use this app effectively.Facility Reservation App Features:• View & Reserve corporate facilities.• Search for available facilities by date/ time or by locationorfacility features.• View your reservation and get alerted before a reservation.• Watch a reservation slot and auto confirm when itbecomesavailable.• Company admin has a customized admin panel to definefacilitiesand control the application.• Data securely stored in the cloud.
Customer Logistics Room 0.0.1
NCR Technosolutions LLC
Customer Logistics Room mobile app is oneofthe mobile applications in the Enterprise Mobile App Room(EMAR)from NCRTS (NCR Technosolutions). This app works with yourbackendSAP ECC system and can be connected very easily to your SAPECCsystem. To make this app work in an optimized manner certainSAPABAP enhancements / programs will be implemented in your SAPECCsystem.With this app you can keep a track of the Order anddeliverysituation of your customers. You can list your favoritecustomersand can see the order situation in terms of New Orders,OpenOrders, and Blocked Orders. You can list the sales orders andviewthe details of the sales orders. You can also view thedeliveryschedule of one particular order in a calendar view and canalsoview the delivery schedule of all orders from aspecificcustomer.With this app you can access these info anytime from anywhereandbe always prepared to provide accurate info to your customers.Thisapp will also let you follow up with the concerned people ifthereis any delay in order processing.The Customer Logistics mobile application works in both smartphonesand tablets. To effectively use the app, you will need to bearegistered member in the Enterprise Mobile App Room.Typical features include.1. List your customers / favorite customers2. View the Order and delivery situation summary3. View details of a customer4. View details of a specific Sales Order.5. View the delivery schedule of all the line items of anorderin a calendar view6. View the delivery schedule of all orders for aparticularcustomer.7. Contact relevant person from the app itself to speedupthings.8. No data is stored in the device.9. SAP ECC login & connectivity set up required to usethisapp.
Corporate Undercurrents 1.0.2
NCR Technosolutions LLC
Corporate Undercurrents mobile app is oneofthe mobile applications in the Enterprise Mobile App Room(EMAR)from NCRTS (NCR Technosolutions). This app is you’re anenterpriseplatform to for peer to peer rating in an organization.Peer toPeer rating, i.e. one colleague rating another in anorganizationbrings out the under currents in an organization and isa veryeffective tool for HR, employee motivation,counselling,identifying training needs and allocation ofimportantresponsibilities in an organization.This app support anonymous rating of colleagues. You can giveathumbs up or a thumbs down to your colleague. You can rateusingvarious criteria predefined by your own organization. Therating istotally anonymous, in the sense that your colleague willnot knowhow you have rated him / her. You can view the net + scoreof allemployees who have a net + ve score above the limit set byyourorganization. You can also view how many times someone hasratedothers in a time period.Top rated colleagues are shown in the Leaderboard for thewholecompany or your office or your department / team. This appbringsout the true under currents in an organization and helps HRand themanagement to reward the leaders and also finetunestrategies.This app is a mobile app for business.• Rate your colleagues by various criteria.• Animation using sound during rating.• View the net +ve score of colleagues with a Net +ve score.• View the breakup of rating by criteria for the colleagues withnet+ ve score.• View the trend of how others have rated you by month/period.• View the top rated colleagues in leader board for theentirecompany and office and department / team.• Company admin has a customized admin panel to set controls.• Data securely stored in the cloud.Download the app now and check it out free!
Customer Financial Room 1.0.0
NCR Technosolutions LLC
Customer Financial Room mobile app is oneofthe mobile applications in the Enterprise Mobile App Room(EMAR)from NCRTS (NCR Technosolutions). This app works with yourback endSAP ECC system and can be connected very easily to your SAPECCsystem. To make this app work in an optimized manner certainSAPABAP enhancements / programs will be implemented in your SAPECCsystem.With this app you can keep a track of the accountreceivablesituation of your customers while on the go. You can listyourfavorite customers and can see the financial snapshot in termsofOutstanding amount, Overdue amount, last payment made,CreditLimits, % of credit limit utilized and also certain salesinfo liketotal revenues from the customer for the financial yearetc. . Youcan list the invoices which are overdue or outstanding.You canalso view the payment details from a specific customer.With this app you can access these info anytime from anywhereandbe always prepared to provide accurate info to your customers.Thisapp will also let you follow up with the concerned people onatimely basis for any financial / account receivablesexceptionsituation.The Customer Financial Room mobile application works in bothsmartphones and tablets. To effectively use the app, you will needto bea registered member in the Enterprise Mobile App Room.Typical features include.1. List your customers / favorite customers2. View the accounts receivable & credit situationsummaryfor a customer.3. View details of a customer4. View list of outstanding invoices, overdue invoices etc.5. View summary of invoices.6. Contact relevant person from the app itself to speedupthings.7. No data is stored in the device.8. SAP ECC login & connectivity set up required to usethisapp.
NCRTS Corporate App 1.0
NCR Technosolutions LLC
This app highlights the flagship productofNCRTS (NCR Technosolutions) – Enterprise Mobile App Room andthevarious mobile applications developed by NCRTS for small,mediumand large enterprises. In the app you can find the details ofthesuite of mobile applications developed by NCRTS and alsosomeinformation about the upcoming apps. Enterprise Mobile App Roomisa suite of mobile applications which enterprises can useforincrease productivity, collaboration and being informed forbetterdecision making.The app details the various kind of mobility programs offeredbyNCRTS to customers to help them get started in themobilityjourney, define mobility roadmaps and develop applications– highquality at a cost effective rate.The app provides details of the mobile app developmentservicesprovided by NCRTS, range of expertise, focus areasetc.The app provides an easy way to request services, contactNCRTS,provides open job positions with NCRTS, how to engage theservicesof NCRTS and why products and services from NCRTS standsout.
StyleCheck 1.0.3
NCR Technosolutions LLC
StyleCheck is the home of Top fashionboutiquesin town. It is an online e-commerce marketplace for theleadingfashion boutiques, fashion dresses. The boutiques bring toyouSpecial promotional deals, new arrivals, and latestcollections. Youcan now browse the items in your mobile phonewithout going to theboutique. You can buy from the app(comingsoon), making it easy andconvenient. Save big with discountedprices and coupons.StyleCheck goes beyond just buying fashion apparels. Imagineasituation where you are in a store and can’t decide upon whichitemto buy. Wondering if you could reach out to your friends andcountin their opinions. With StyleCheck you can. You can takefeedbackfrom your friends (whom we called Style Checkers) and weighintheir feedback in your buying decision.StyleCheck is now available in Kolkata. Top boutiques of Kolkataarein. More are joining by the day. Newer items are added everyday.Best fashion designers are in.Download StyleCheck now. Sit back, relax and imagine walkingthrougha virtual shopping lane with all the boutiques vying foryourattention and trying to impress you with their fashionapparels andaccessories.Invite your friends and earn rewards points.APP FEATURES:► StyleCheck mobile app lets you browse the top offers fromtopboutiques from your mobilephone. Find products you love: Choose from a vast collectionofdesigner dresses & fashionaccessories for men, women, Boys and girls.► You can shop anytime and from anywhere. Yes, even fromyourhome, office or simply while onthe road.► You can add items in your interest list for visit totheBoutique. When you visit the boutique, youcan get to see the items much quicker than usual as theBoutiquealready knows what you willlike to see.► You can easily get to know the latest collections,newarrivals, special price offers from the bestboutiques in town. Get notifications on best deals and offers.► There are times when you want to make a purchase butcan’tdecide on which one and wouldlike to consult your friends. StyleCheck app makes that a breezeandhelp you get opinions fromyour StyleCheckers.► Shop for premium and designer brands brought to you bytheleading boutiques in town.► More Payment options are being added in StyleCheck to makeyourbuying experience apleasant one.► More exciting features are coming! Stay tuned.You can register in StyleCheck signing up with your Phone no/email id. You can also register with your Facebook login orGoogle+login.Download Stylecheck App brought to you by NCRTS, and goshoppingnow !Suggestions/feedback are always welcome. Drop us a
Survey 1.0.0
NCR Technosolutions LLC
Survey mobile app is one of themobileapplications in the Enterprise Mobile App Room (EMAR) fromNCRTS(NCR Technosolutions). Survey is a powerful applicationdesignedfor business to conduct surveys from mobile device abouttheirproducts, brands, customer contacts, equipment’s fromserviceperspective, survey of employees, channel partners andmuchmore.Survey app has been designed such that a surveyor can selectasurveyfrom the list of survey assigned to him / her and conduct asurveyon the go. Gone are the days where you have to follow thetediousprocess of providing a pen and paper for customers to fillup thesurvey or reply on sending out a survey to users by email.Now theuser can conduct the survey at the point of interactionwith thetarget responder using a mobile device and complete thewholeprocess in just a few minutes.Survey App allows the user to capture responses using varioustypesof responses including digital media options like pictures,audio,video.The survey can have a predefined list of responder asset bythe administrator to be targeted or it can be a survey ofrandomresponders.Company admins can manage their users as well as customizetheapplication using an admin panel. You will need a corporateuseraccount to use this app effectively.App Features:• Survey anything, anywhere from the mobile device inyourhand.• Works seamlessly in online and offline mode.• Design rule based complex surveys with flexible forms.• Full support for digital responses to Survey questions.• Suitable for planned targeted survey as well asrandomsurvey.• Review of survey response trends on the go.• View the status of a Survey.• Survey Data securely stored in the cloud and temporarily inyourdevice.• Company app admin can create a Survey from the applicationadminpanel, create target responder lists and assign the list totheSurvey.• Company app admin can assign surveys to surveyors.• Download Survey information to your phone / mobile device.
EMAR Admin 1.0
NCR Technosolutions LLC
This app is one of the mobile applicationsinthe Enterprise Mobile App Room (EMAR) from NCRTS(NCRTechnosolutions). This app has been designed for company adminswhomanage the users / employees who have subscribed and are userofthe various apps in the Enterprise Mobile App Room. Thisappprovides the flexibility of the admin to respond to the needsoftheir user while on the go. This app is essential andcomplimentaryto the admin users of the organizations running one ormore apps inEMAR• Admin users can securely login to the application and viewthelist of users of their company using one or more of the EMARappsfrom NCRTS.• Admin user can activate or de-active an user or unlocklockedusers.• Admin users can view the list of active users by apps or thelistof apps a user is subscribed to.• Admin users can register devices of the users using any oftheapps in EMAR.• Admin users can register new users for one or more of the appsinEMAR.• Admin users can also subscribe or unsubscribe apps for anuser 1.0.3
NCR Technosolutions LLC
Are you a dancer or a dance instructor? Do you own or run aDancestudio? Are your kids dancers? Are you in love with one ormoredance forms like ballet, Tango, Rumba, Hip-hop, Salsa, Tapdanceand more? If yes, then this is the mobile app for you! Themobileapp is completely free to download and use fordancers,instructors, and Guardians! mobile app is aplatformfor Dance studios to engage with their members in thedigitalworld. Studio owners, Instructors, Students, and Guardianscan usethe application. The platform gives thedancestudios a digital presence and opens up new avenues toengage,re-engage with their members and Who can use the app? 1.DanceStudios must first register them in this application anduponapproval, set up their studio in the platform. 2.Students(dancers), Guardians, Instructors of dance studiosregistered inthe mobile app can use the app. 3. Studio owner /staff can use theapp. Note:If you are not a registered member of adance studioregistered in the app, you cannot use the application.Please askyour Studio to get registered in the application and thenstartenjoying the app. Studio owners / admin will have access to awebbased admin panel from where they can set up the studio. Youcanenjoy your free trial and then pay nominal usage charges forusingthe software platform. Registered users of a dance studio canusethe mobile app free of cost. Key features 1. Showcase dancestudioprofiles 2. Show case Instructor / dance teacher profiles 3.Manageattendance 4. Manage schedules 5. Announce launch of dancecourses6. Post news and activities 7. Studio Media gallery 8. Youcan signup for new courses 9. Students can pay for dance classes totheStudios. 10. Manage payments made / received / overdue 11.Manageevents 12. Buy or reserve merchandise. 13. Manage guestvisitors.14. And much more. Check out the app in details and getonboard!