NPCコーポレーション برنامه ها

NPC-AR 2.0.0
AR experience app. -You can enjoy AR using PDF that can bedownloaded from within the app. -Enjoy 360-degree images, photoframes, video and audio.
ARZO application is an application that you can experience variousAR.
aruzo-kun 3.1.6
Aruzo-kun is an AR (augmented reality) browser.
かとう観光ナビ -ARアプリでアートのまち加東市を巡る- 1.0.8
Kato Sightseeing Navi is an application with AR function thatallows you to enjoy a walk in Kato City, Hyogo Prefecture.
タスカルAR 1.0.1
It is an application that you can enjoy learning aboutdisasterprevention while playing using AR.