NearBytes برنامه ها

Voucher Merchant 1.2
NearVoucher is a white-label solution, for merchants or portals,that enables a secure and fast way to acquire and redeem vouchers.It can be easily integrated with existing voucher platforms orexisting apps. The consumer redeems the voucher without the need tobe connected to the internet, directly to any SmartPhone, Tablet,Computer or Kiosk. It's the ideal solution for shopping malls,portals or store chains that want to make the transition from papervouchers to mobile
Voucher Client 1.2
NearVoucher is a white-label solution, for merchants or portals,that enables a secure and fast way to acquire and redeem vouchers.It can be easily integrated with existing voucher platforms orexisting apps. The consumer redeems the voucher without the need tobe connected to the internet, directly to any SmartPhone, Tablet,Computer or Kiosk. It's the ideal solution for shopping malls,portals or store chains that want to make the transition from papervouchers to mobile
Sallio 1.6.0
Application-keychain access for residential, corporate and inparking lots.
Some Wallet 2
Some Wallet is a demo m-wallet application that uses Sndkey. It's awhite label solution that performs payment transactions using soundas the communication method, without the need of internetconnection. The Some Wallet app provides an unprecedented andinnovative experience in mobile payments. By using this demoapplication, please do not use data from an actual credit card. Youcan try this along with Some Merchant App, and (click on Proceed to Checkoutbutton) More details: SndKey is a solution specially developed forthe area of ​​mobile payments. It is a whitelabel solution forcreating m-wallets, ready for integration with payment gateways.Thus it is possible to bring to market m-wallets customized withenough agility and safety. The SndKey whitelabel solution consistsof two applications: m-wallet and mPOS respectively called SomeWallet and Some Merchant, as a demonstration. Integration withe-commerce websites is surprisingly simple. SndKey still unifiesthe mechanics of virtual / actual payments with the highest levelof security. The m-wallet application, developed with SndKey,offers the possibility to make payments even with the client beingoffline, without using any special device or gadget. The datatransfer is made by sound.
Some Merchant 2
Some Merchant is a demo m-pos application that uses Sndkey. It's awhite label solution that performs payment transactions using soundas the communication method, without the need of internetconnection (for the m-wallet app). The Some Merchant app providesan unprecedented and innovative experience in mobile payments.Please, ask for your credentials through, andyou'll be able to try this out with Some Wallet App. More details:SndKey is a solution specially developed for the area of ​​mobilepayments. It is a whitelabel solution for creating m-wallets, readyfor integration with payment gateways. Thus it is possible to bringto market m-wallets customized with enough agility and safety. TheSndKey whitelabel solution consists of two applications: m-walletand mPOS respectively called Some Wallet and Some Merchant, as ademonstration. Integration with e-commerce websites is surprisinglysimple. SndKey still unifies the mechanics of virtual / actualpayments with the highest level of security. The m-walletapplication, developed with SndKey, offers the possibility to makepayments even with the client being offline, without using anyspecial device or gadget. The data transfer is made by sound.
VII Forum EE Check in 2.0.0
Ferramenta para check in de visitantes dos quiosques do VII ForumEE.
VII Forum EE Expositor 2.0.0
Ferramenta para check in de visitantes dos quiosques do VII ForumEE.
Encontro de Vendas 2020 1.0.0
Um App para unir e engajar os participantes da convenção anual2020. Neste ano trazemos muitas novidades! Além de organizar a suaestada, trazer agenda e interagir na plenária com nossa Mestre deCerimônias, garantindo um evento único e inesquecível.
PreDesconto 1.1
PreDesconto é um aplicativo carteira para uso de créditos deconsumopré adquiridos com desconto em um estabelecimento. Ocliente adquireuma quantidade de créditos de consumoantecipadamente em troca de umdesconto significativo para consumoposterior, no mesmoestabelecimento. PreDesconto garante umaexperiência de comprasimples, rápida e segura. Utilizando atecnologia NearBytes, oaplicativo permite o acompanhamento e usode créditos de váriosestabelecimentos diferentes com totalsegurança. O cliente nãoprecisa estar conectado no momento dacompra.
NearCast 1.0
Test application for the NearCast sound identificationtechnology.Read more at Open the app andplay thefollowing video in otherdevice: NearCast Appwillidentify the sound from the video.
SallioPonto 1.2
App Time Clock marker SallioPonto Simple and safe!
S-Contact 2.0.0
S-Contact exchanges visiting cards between smartphones using sound.
SallioPonto Empresa 1.2
App Time Clock marker SallioPonto Simple and safe!
PreDesconto Loja 1.1
It's a wallet to use pre credits acquired at a discount inonelocation.