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Yo! Phuzzle 1.1.8
Operational Success Ltd
Stop sharing photos and make your friendsworkfor them! Turn your personal photos into fun photopuzzles(phuzzles) to send to your friends. Add an extra twist byhidingphuzzle pieces of your personal photos and make yourfriendcompensate you to reveal what you have hidden. Simple enough,butmake sure you earn enough YOs (credits) to reveal phuzzlepiecesthat your friends hide from you. Become the fastest insolvingphuzzles and earn YOs playing versus your friends.Choose: the friend, the photo, the difficulty level and whetheryouhide any phuzzle pieces. Your friend will have to completethephuzzle on your terms to keep the photo in originalformat.Remember, make any hidden pieces interesting in order tomake yourcurious friends compensate you. If you never want yourfriends toreveal the piece, make it really expensive for them to doso!If you like competing, battle your friends on who is fastestandearn yourself much needed YOs. Get good and move up thosewinners’rankings. Still in need of practice? Do not worry, the YoPhuzzleteam will be sending you weekly phuzzles, awarding you YOsjust forcompleting them!Modes:Do It Yourself - Upload your photo and complete yourownphuzzles.Phuzzle a Friend - Share phuzzle versions of your photos, withtheability to hide pieces from your friends.Phuzzle Battle - compete on who is the fastest to solvepersonalphuzzlesStats - see where you stand amongst your friendsPhuzzle of the Week - the Yo Phuzzle team will send you weekly,funphuzzles for your pleasure and to increase your YO balance.