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Cycling Multi Tracker Watcher 1.1.1
Oros Tech
Cycling Multi Tracker Watcher requires tobepaired with Cycling Multi Tracker to work. To pair you need toscanthe QR code that is generated by Cycling Multi Tracker. Oncethepair is complete you can receive location information. iftheremote application's slope is calibrated and the phone'sslopechanges by 45 degress while tracking you will receive anemergencyevent notification that pin point the location on the map.If youclick on the icon on the map you get the option to getdirection onhow to get there (if you have google maps installed).You can makethe application to always run when the phone boots soyou wont missan emergency event. The location information isencrypted duringtransit to avoid evesdropping
Cycling Multi Tracker 2.0.2
Oros Tech
Cycling Multi Tracker is an Application for your smart phone thatkeep a record of your Cycling activities. You can track in realtime your speed, distance, calories, altitude, heart rate (requiresBluetooth LE Heart Rate sensor) and other. If you have a Heart Ratesensor , you can set heart rate zones and get voice information onyour current pulse rate. You can set the max heart pulse and get anaudible warning when you reach it (consult your physician for yourpersonal limit). If you have a dock for your smartphone on yourbike, you can calibrate the application so you can see if your areon a negative or positive slope. If you install Cycling MultiTracker Watcher Application you can share securely you locationwith a trusted person and in case you fall off you bike youlocation will be transmitted to that person after a delay *You canchange the data that are displayed at a cell by clicking on it. *ifyou want to change the color of a cell long click on it. New:Google Drive Backup of Application Data Permission Explanation:-android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE Needed to start Databasedata -android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION To keep Track of allthe relative information about your cycling ride-android.permission.BLUETOOTH Needed if you want to use yourBluetooth Heartrate Monitor -android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS Neededby Google Drive API for Backup your data
Cycling Cadence and Speed Computer 1.2.8
Oros Tech
See that data from your Bluetooth CSC sensor in this simple touseapplication, when you are cycling