ParkingCloud Corporation برنامه ها

아이파킹 스토어용 (iParking Store) 1.0.9
ParkingCloud Corporation
주요서비스1. 온라인 주차비 할인- 주차 할인권을 구입하고 관리해야 하는 불편함을 해소- 스마트폰으로 차량번호 검색 후 할인적용 버튼 클릭 한번으로 간편하게 주차비 할인 가능2. 날짜 별 할인내역 관리- 주차비 할인내역 간편조회- 투명하고 정확한 주차비 할인현황 파악 가능※ Store app 서비스를 이용하기 위해서는 iPaking 제휴매장만 가능합니다.궁금하신 사항은 고객센터(1588-5783)로 문의해 주시기 바랍니다.The main services1. Online Discount parking     - Eliminating the inconvenience ofhaving to buy and manage a parking voucher     - After searching the vehicle codewith your smartphone, click the Apply button discounted parkingdiscounts as one can easily2. The date discounts History Management    - Easy parking discounts HistoryLookup    - Identify clear and precise parkingavailable discounts Status※ iPaking only possible alliance Store app store in order to usethe service.   If you have any questions, please feel free tocontact the customer center (1588-5783).
아이파킹 CEO 1.2.7
ParkingCloud Corporation
About i PARKING CEO Application for building owners and parking lotmanagers
아이파킹 MEMBERS 1.4.5
ParkingCloud Corporation
Introducing i PARKING MEMBERS Application for parking fee discountused in stores, stores, offices, etc.
아이파킹(i PARKING)-주차 할인/정보/가격비교 1.12.22
ParkingCloud Corporation
"I park everything in parking!" Parking is as fun as shopping, andi-park!