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Bifold Closet Door Design 1.1
Quill Spray
The bifold closet door is a door for closetswhich is designed to fold outwards just in the same way that anaccordion does. Often these doors are made of two panels which areconnected together by hinges and it is these hinges which allow thedoor to fold outwards.The bifold door is especially useful as a space saver and yet stillallows you easy access to the contents inside the closet unlike asliding door would. The great thing about this type of closet dooris that it can be custom made to fit any size closet.Certainly there are some situations where a bifold closet doorwould be much more effective to use. These doors are good forexceptionally large closets like those that stretch the wholelength of a room. As previously mentioned, if equipped with slidingdoors they do not allow you access to the whole of the closet.Whilst with bifold doors you are able to easily gain access to allcorners of the closet space.Another situation in which you may want to utilize these doorsrather than using a standard door fitting is when you have awardrobe that is fitted with swinging style doors. Unfortunatelyalthough the wardrobe fits into the bedroom there is not enoughroom in which you can effectively open the doors, so by replacingthese swinging doors with bifold closet doors you will easily beable to access the storage space within. This means that you do notneed to get rid of the current wardrobe and buy or build one muchsmaller in order that you can get into it, but rather just spend alittle money on replacing the old swinging doors with a bifold doorinstead.Although there are many advantages to be had from the installationof a bifold closet door there are still some other things whichneed to be taken into consideration before you go ahead and havethem fitted:1. First of all you will need to ensure that the space you havewithin your storage cabinet is utilized fully. Unfortunately theitems that you have already purchased in order to fully utilizethis space may not work with bifold closet doors, so you may haveto find another way of utilizing the space that you have. But ifyou speak to the company where you purchased your bifold closetdoors they should be able to provide you with some answers.2. As bifold closet doors tend to see a lot of use where they arebeing opened and closed constantly, this may well place untoldstress on its mechanical parts. As the bifold closet door is on atrack it is this which will bear the brunt of the stress placed onthe doors and they can soon become warped and damaged. If you wantto stop this from happening you could try spraying them with asmall amount of a greasing product (WD40 springs to mind) on to thetracks.One of the most popular types of closet doors is bifold closetdoors. They are space saving as well as modern in style with acontemporary appeal. They come in a wide variety of designs such asaccordion, glass, mirrored and louvered. You can also choose fromframed bifold or frameless. The most common wood used is pine andmahogany. They are perfect for interior doors of any type and locksmay be purchased for them to prevent them from being opened. Bifoldcloset doors are adjustable so dimensions don't have to be precise.They are available at most local retailers in standard sizes but ifyou have non-standard sized, you can purchase custom builtdoors.The most popular types of bifold closet doors are glass, mirroredand louvered. Glass gives your home a very contemporary look andadds a touch of elegance to your home. Mirrored doors make smallspaces look bigger and brighten the area. Louvered doors areperfect for a linen closet or laundry room because they allow thespace they enclose to breathe. Many people consider accordion doorsold fashioned but that couldn't be farther from the truth. They arevery modern in their design today because they can be made of woodwith vinyl hinges.
House Simple Door Design 1.1
Quill Spray
Sometimes a door with a lot of adornments ordesigns isn't quite what you want. Some doors with their mouldingsor various panels can seem like too much for your home. After all,if you have a home that demands focus, then the doors should eithermatch that focus or move out of the way.This is a perfect reason for flush doors within the home. This is avery basic style that makes it highly versatile and quite popularfor numerous types of homes. While these doors can be used as anexterior door, they are most popular as an interior door. Each sideof a flush door is typically plain on each side, though it ispossible for the wood veneer to have patterns or inlays. Ratherthan style, think of them as functional doors instead. Between thetwo faces the door may be hollow or it may have a solid core. Ifthe door is considered hollow, that doesn't mean it may not havesome kind of support system on the inside, such as a honeycombconstruction.These types of doors are still given the same treatments as otherquality doors, such as a finish or at least some type of sealant tohelp prevent against warping or other type of damage. While thereare flush doors out there that are made of lesser quality materialssuch as thin laminate or plywood on each side, a higher qualitycompany will provide flush doors made with solid wood. They don'talways have to be the traditional rectangular shape, either. Flushdoors can come in arched forms, sliding forms, and more.People with flush doors can occasionally get creative with them.Some of these doors blend so nicely with the walls when they areclosed that people will paint them with intricate designs orpatterns in order to make them look like a piece of wall art.However, if you do decide to choose a lovely piece of wood for yourdoor, you may want to skip the paints and go directly to thevariety of finishes available. Ask about the different colors ofstains, glazes, or topcoats. These can make even a simple doorsomething special. When done right, you can use the door as a meansto help the room itself pop and draw in visitors' eyes.These days when everything is so state-of-the-art, technologicallyadvanced, computerized, electronic, digital, computer-generated,radio monitored, battery operated, wireless, compact, and remotecontrolled, it is still nice to know that there are a few thingsthat haven't changed.For protection in an apartment, room for rent, hotel room, or ahouse, there is still a need, at least for most folks, to feel alittle bit safer, even though doors can be locked with mechanismsthat should be on the space shuttle, made out of steel, iron, ortitanium. A simple door brace, which can be lodged between justunder the door knob and a chosen spot on the floor, does not needthis high-speed-electronic-digital-computerized technology to work.You simply put it under the door knob in a secure setting and wedgeit into a spot on the floor, which would prevent the door fromopening, even if James Bond were just outside and able to somehowpick the lock of the door.There are even Dual Function Door Braces, which can be wedged underthe knob of a hinged door, or set down in the track of a slidingglass door. Preferably you would find one that is made out of20-gauge steel, and with some sort of padded foot made out of asure grip rubber to prevent any kind of scratching of the floor. Anon-marring yoke is also a nice benefit to protect against finishdamage. While we are at it, you might also search for a door bracethat you can collapse into a shorter length when traveling or whenit is not in use, this way it would be more portable. Then when youneed or want to use it, you can just extend it to the proper lengthrequired. The ideal would be an under $20 door brace that can alsobe adjusted to reach up to 46" in length, but that can collapsedown to only 31" so that it can easily fit in a suitcase whentraveling.
Casement Window Design 1.1
Quill Spray
If you are renovating your home andconsidering new replacement windows, you have several great stylesto choose from these days, including beautiful casement windows.You know these windows: they're attached to their frames by hinges(usually on the side) and open by way of a crank or a lever(usually at the bottom) that also serves as the window'slock.Casement windows have been around a long time-as long as poets havebeen writing about them you could say. But modern casement windowsare more than just a thing of beauty. They're a smart choice. Infact, I see a number of terrific benefits to choosing casementwindows over other styles:If You Want an Unobstructed View: Casements make a fabulous choicefor rooms that look out over the ocean, lakes, woods, meadows ormountains. Unlike sash windows, all you see is the glass-and yourbeautiful vista. (Now you know why the poets love them!) You'llwant to just sit back and enjoy the view for hours.If You Like to Fully Open Your Windows: Like the open air? Yes,this window is for you, nature lovers! No other window design opensas wide. As an added bonus, casement windows catch side breezes.Because casement windows sport an open sash that acts as a flap, itcan funnel the air into your house. This is a real godsend if yourhome is close to another house or a building, with very littlespace between for air to enter directly. And they can be hinged oneither the left or the right side to open out, further maximizingon the amount of air you can capture.Let the Sunshine In but Keep the Thieves Out: Casements let a lotof light in, creating a bright and positive interior atmosphere. Atthe same time, they keep unwanted intruders out, because casementsare very difficult to break into. This is because the locks oncasement windows are hook-shaped and these hooks are embeddedwithin the frame- which makes them virtually untouchable. I shouldadd, while on the topic of safety, that casement windows tend to bediscouraged in homes with children. But there is no need to worry,because today's casement windows are available with childproofsafety handles.So Very Versatile: These windows hold their own beautifully, butthey can be easily installed on either side of a picture window orin bay or bow window to add extra charm and character to your room.And with a full range of colors, veneers, grilles, screens andhardware to suit every taste, modern casement windows let youreally enhance your home's unique style.Here's another thought: if you are remodeling your kitchen, don'tdismiss the idea of a casement window over a sink or cabinets,where opening and closing traditional sash windows can be a realchore. Casements, with their crank handle, are just easier toopen.It's Easy Being Green: These windows are weather tight, and that'sgreat news for today's energy-conscious homeowner. When you close acasement window, it pulls snug against your home. And becausethey're solid pieces of Low-E glass outfitted with argon, they areincredibly energy-efficient. Once you have replacement casementwindows installed, just sit back and watch your energy savings addup.The Sounds of Silence: That airtight "snugness" has anotherbenefit: silence. Casements can really keep the noise out, and thisis especially true of Andersen's FIBREX windows, a unique patentedcomposite that has the added feature of durability. FIBREX won'trot, even in those salty ocean breezes! So many reasons to take asecond look at replacement casement windows for your next homerenovation project! Gerry Rogers is the founder and president ofMr. Rogers Windows. He has been selling and installing homeimprovement products for over 20 years. After introducing hisWorry-Free, Lifetime Performance Guarantee, Gerry has earned thetrust of thousands of clients by "doing the right thing" to ensurecomplete satisfaction when it comes to quality products andinstallation.
House Window Glass Design 1.1
Quill Spray
Want to give a room a beautiful look withoutchanging much of it interior? Then how about using decorativewindow glass? Decorative window glasses are available in manystyles, designs and colors.The best thing about these glasses is that they are extremely easyto install and maintain. They can be installed in any room,including kitchen, bathrooms and lobby to create a sense of privacyas well as ambience. Hotels and restaurants also use themextensively as well as stores and shops.However, the most extensive use of decorative window glass is inhomes. They create partition between two parts of the house withoutmaking it too congested and dark. Transparent and translucent glasscreates a sense of space, provides ample light, while creatingpartition. Hence, these are great for kitchens and bathroom.However, decorative window glasses are not just for cosmeticpurposes. Frosted and tinted glass can also keep you healthy. Mostpeople think that while indoors, they don't have to worry abouttheir skin. But experts tell us that the sunlight coming from ourwindows and glass doors is enough to harm us. These days, specialglass is available that can stop harmful UV rays from entering yourhome. This can not only keep you and your family's skin young, butalso reduce the risk of various skin diseases, including skincancer.In addition, this type of glass also helps to keep your home cooland clean. It stops the sunlight from entering your home and hencereduces the affect of outer heat. You can save a lot of money onair conditioning during those scorching summer months and also helpthe environment by reducing your energy consumption. They keep yourhouse clean by ensuring that you get a good view of the outerworld, while stopping bugs and dirt from entering your home.Therefore, if you are want to create a healthy atmosphere in yourhome without making the space look small and closed, and thenchoose designer window glass. You can choose the color and designof the glass according to the interior of the house. For example,if you have an earthy and informal feel to a room, you can usefrosted colorless color to compliment the room.Decorative window glasses have become a rage in interior designing.The sheer number of designs and versatility that they provide hasmade them a favorite of people who want a classy, beautifulhome.While designing your windows, you should give special care andattention to the window glass. With the right kind of window glass,you can give a new and fashionable look to any room in your house.The most important thing about your windows design is that theyshould add to the beauty of your room and not over power it.Here are some common mistakes made while choosing window glass forhomes:1. Too dark: The window glass should not be too dark in colorbecause it might make your room look very dark and gloomy. If youwant to reduce the excess sunlight, then you should try to use thereflective glass that keeps the sun's heat and harmful rays out,while allowing the light to go inside the room.2. Wrong color: The color of the window glass should match theentire room. You can use different combination and mix-match theshades, but the make sure that the color doesn't clash with or overpowers the furniture and upholstery in the room.3. Bad pattern: When you will go to the window glass store, thesalesperson may try to sell you many "unique" and "latest" designs.Always remember that salesperson try to push on the designs whichgive them the greatest profit. But you should always choose apattern that suits your house and looks beautiful. Don't go by thelatest trend or what the salesperson says.4. Fragile built: This is really important, especially if you havesmall children at home. The glass should be strong enough to takeimpact and not shatter easily. A fragile window mirrors cannot onlybe a waste of money, but can also prove to be dangerous for you andyour family.
Closet Door with Mirror 1.1
Quill Spray
Closets that are old can really affect theentire look of your home especially if they are in your bathroom orbedroom or hallway. If a closet is not a decorative piece they canalso look tatty. However, closets can be attractive and functionalif you install sliding doors. These doors come in an array ofdifferent styles and colors. For instance in your dining area youcould have closets that are made from a wood finish which will giveoff a warm feeling as well as blend in with the rest of thefurnishings.However there are several wonderful ideas that are also interestingwhen it comes to closet doors ideas. Instead of actually installingdoors one can hang some curtains instead. The curtains can be madefrom beads or jewelry or one could hang vertical blinds on theclosets. For instance in a bedroom or lounge area vertical blindhung in closets as opposed to doors give an illusion of a windowbeing there.Beaded hangings are also very attractive and popular as they areultra modern and they come in many different designs and areexceptionally colorful. Then there are also mirrored closet doorswhich can extend from the ceiling to the floor. These types ofdoors look great in small rooms as the mirrors reflect light-givingthe room a brighter look. If you are not mad about having such bigmirrors then you can set smaller mirrors in the middle of the doorswhich will add texture.Another option is sliding closet doors, which offer a fantasticrange of colors and designs such as checkerboard, stripes and otherdesigns. There are also many different textures to choose from andyou can choose multiple sliding panels which offer moreconvenience. Included are Asian geometric sliding doors if you wanta touch of orient.Embarking on a home remodeling project can be costly and timeconsuming. There are some remodeling ideas that you could adopt tominimize your cost and save you time. One of them is using moderncloset doors as replacement doors.Your home would benefit from installation of a modern style closetdoor. It comes in a contemporary design so it can attract attentionand can fit any modern home decor. You do not have to dig into yoursavings to really make a stunning change in your home. Just byinstalling a modern closet door, you will achieve the desiredeffect that you want.But first, you must familiarize yourself with the many differenttypes. It would be for your benefit if you could find a design thatwould compliment any room in your house, from bedroom to laundry topantry.Accordion door:This door type is made up of hinged panels, with four or fiveinches in width. It opens by each hinged panel folding over eachother. If you closed this door, it provides a solid wall of panels,giving you a secure look. Some materials to consider for this typeare aluminum, glass and wood. Some examples include the FirstChoice Series 140 and Danny Plastics Accordion Doors.Bifold door:This door is a space-saving solution and will allow you completeaccess to your closet. If your room has a small wardrobe or linencloset, then you would be better off to install a bifold closetdoor. If you have a large closet, this type is also perfect becauseit is pleasing to look, adding a modern architectural effect anddecorative touch to your home. You can put in a good paint to makeyour closet with bifold door blend in with the rest of your homedecor and wall. An example of this style are the Kestrel ClosetDoors 6222 Plantation Louvered Doors.French door:If you want a classy and elegant look to your home, a French door,like the Masonite Pine French Double Door is perfect. The uniquedesign of this door type allows a controlled amount of light topass through without compromising your privacy. You can opt to usematerials such as glass, mirror, wood or plexiglass.
Indian Window Designs 1.1
Quill Spray
Studies have shown that natural light improvesmoods, reduces eyestrain and even creates the illusion ofspaciousness. A home filled with natural light not only appearsbigger but is more pleasant to live in. Short of building a glasshouse, how do homeowners facilitate as much natural light in theirhomes as possible?Windows are a fantastic way of allowing sunlight to in but thewindow design you select is key. Some window designs are bettersuited to the facilitation of natural light than others so it isimportant that you keep this in mind when discussing your plans forthe inclusion of new windows in your home.Window Design StylesThere are several styles of windows from which to choose here are afew of the most popular:Bay - These large windows are traditionally made of three windows,one large window flanked by smaller windows. A window seat under abay window is heavenly.Double-hung - This classic window design style has an outside sashthat slides up and down and an inside sash that slides up. Thisstyle of window allows a lovely breeze in as well as facilitatesnatural light.Casement - Casement windows are usually hung in pairs and mountedon hinges that allow the sash to swing in or out (depending on whatyou prefer).Bow - These windows are similar to bay windows but have more thanthree panels which join to form a gentle curve.Tilt-turn - This window design is popular in Europe, these unusualwindows tilt in towards the room at the top and also turn a full180 degrees - excellent for easy cleaning.Jalousies - This window design is comprised of many slats of glassthat open and close. Jalousies windows are extremely similar toVenetian blinds.Skylight - This window design is perfect for small rooms wherenormal windows would be overwhelming. Skylights are essentiallywindows which are fitted at an angle rather than vertically,usually through the ceiling or roof.Fixed - As these windows can not be opened their sole purpose is toallow light in.Stained glass - This window design is popular in Victorian inspiredhomes around the world. Patterns are made from different pieces ofcoloured glass and the sparkle of different coloured beams of lighthas a wonderful effect.Window Design ConsiderationsBefore finalising your window design ideas you need to take a fewthings into consideration.The design of your home - you'll want the design of your windows tofit into the overall design of your home. Rounded windows may looka little obscure when fitted into a really tall wall just as overlylarge windows may be inappropriate in a small home. Select a windowdesign that can be used through your home to achieve a consistentdesign theme. Incorporating a large variety of window designs maybe overpowering. Window design should be complimentary neveroverwhelming.The climate you live in also has to be taken into consideration -if you live in a cold or noisy area you may want to fitdouble-glazed windows but not all window designs are well suited tothis type of treatment. Make sure you get all the informationyou'll need to make wise window design choices from your windowsupplier.Letting the Sun InFilling your home with natural light is easy with the correctwindow design selection. Another way of facilitating natural lightis to always keep your windows clean. For homeowners who don'tfancy spending weekends balanced Self-Cleaning Glass is a definitemust. Self-cleaning glass is making life far easier and is givinghome owners many reasons to use glass in the construction of theirhomes. What could be better than bright, open rooms with excellentoutdoor views facilitated by huge glass sheets, without having tospend your days cleaning the glass?
Bathroom Shower Window 1.1
Quill Spray
Shower window curtains allow lighting to comeinto the inside stall or tub area for greater visibility andprivacy while taking an enjoyable shower or bath. These curtainsare water and mildew resistant, made out of high quality vinyl.Their opaque section comes in a variety of pleasing solid colors aswell as the standard white or beige. They are easy to match withother bathroom accessories and decor. These curtains look fabulouswith a shower valance or external print curtain as well as one thatis lacey. These windowed curtains come in the same sizes as theopaque standard curtain and affix to the shower rod like anordinary shower curtain, with decorative rings or hooks. They arean excellent replacement for the conventional shower curtain;lending elegance and luxuriousness to any bathroom.The top window section of this kind of curtain only reveals the topof a person's shoulder, neck and head. Complete privacy isabsolutely assured. The person enjoying their time in the stall cansee out of the top window section. No longer does one have to feelcompletely enclosed and separate from the rest of the bathroom. Fora guest bathroom, they give a showering or bathing moment luxurythat a guest might not have at his or her home. They are opulentand can make the stall or tub seem more appealing, instead of asmall and cramped space. This could facilitate one's guest feelingvery welcome throughout the visit.These important windowed curtains do not have to be treated anydifferently than an ordinary shower curtain. They clean and rinsethe same. These curtains are durable and long lasting. They are agood value and are easy to replace if one decides to change thebathroom's colors or decor. These can update an older bathroom'slook into a more contemporary and stylish ensemble. This specialwindow topped type of curtain is uniquely different and eyeappealing; a great accessory.As an excellent bathroom necessity, these keep the water and soapsuds from leaving the stall or tub area. A person does not have toworry about water leaking onto the floor or rugs while showering;prevents those undesirable soapy water spots from forming aroundthe bottom of the exterior of the tub or stall. This kind ofcurtain keeps the outer-side of the tub streak free; keeps soap andwater where they belong. Shower window curtains are great to havein any bathroom.Little has changed in the bathroom design arena over the past 20 to30 years. A new shower design is in order and if you read furtheryou will find some delightful ideas to enhance your bathroom whilstbeing funky and creative at the same time.You usually get a bathtub, shower, toilet and basin in mostbathrooms. What I propose is that you get rid of your bathtub. Yes,shock, horror, what are you going to do instead? Well, I think thata whole new concept in showering is in order.There are so many types of showers to choose from that theelimination of the bathtub is the logical and trendy option. Youcan have a Di Vapor Shower, Aqualisa Shower or Roman Showers oreven Trevi Showers. These are just the tip of the iceberg. Thereare even dolphin showers as well as steam showers where Di VaporSteam Showers are the head of the pack. British residents have awhole host of designs and styles from which to choose.By eliminating the bathtub, you will have a huge amount of extraroom to turn your bathroom into a trendy feature. Apart from theobvious ideas like the fact that showers are easier to clean thanbath tubs, getting rid of your bath tub makes perfect design sense.How often do you really have time to use your bathtub anyway? Ifyou are like us, then not much.
Dark Oak Door Design 1.1
Quill Spray
When looking at the vast range of doorsavailable on the market from all the various suppliers, one can'thelp being amazed at the popularity attached to oak. As a timberoption in home design, oak crops up everywhere in doors, floors,kitchens, furniture and staircases. All of them are dominated byoptions in oak.Oak does a clever marketing job for the timber industry of today.Like the well-known toothpaste, oak has that ring of confidence inrespect of its quality, its durability and its tradition. Is thatwhy it is so popular when it comes to our choice of wooden items?Add all of the permutations of oak that the publicity machines havegenerated and you're obviously on a winner. Light oak, dark oak,golden oak, antique oak, blond oak, brushed oak, and distressedoak. The list goes on.Whilst there are a number of oak species that are used in thecommercial world, most of the oak finishes described above havebeen achieved using stains to change the base colour into somethingthat does not grow naturally.We are sometimes asked, "Can you show us the colour of your oak?"That's a toughie! Oak is one of the most beautiful naturallygrained timbers in appearance, but it's not a single colour, it's asubtle combination of browns, tans, golds and dark yellows thatcreate a unique natural vision. Each piece of oak has its ownindividual characteristics.Have you noticed how oak doors have become more affordable now thanthey used to be? Oak has not suddenly become much cheaper as a rawmaterial. Developments in manufacturing techniques mean that doorsare being constructed more and more using composite cores such asMDF or particle board made of re-constituted wooden material madefrom lower cost species, which are then faced with oak veneers andlipped with solid oak around the perimeter. The doors are stillsolid and weighty in nature, but their actual oak content mightonly represent 15% of the total mass of the door depending on thedesign.Whilst that might sound as if you have been short changed whenmaking your purchase, remember that by using these composite cores,the manufacturer has radically improved the performance of the doorin use by producing a stable product that is less likely to deformby way of warping and twisting, and they may have made a widervariety of options available to you by removing much of the costattached to using the solid oak throughout. Additionally thereduction in the amount of oak used in the door means that avaluable resource is being used conserved. Oak used in most doorsis harvested from managed forests to ensure that it will beavailable for generations to come.You might come across 'oak effect' products. Sometimes, these aremanufactured using timbers that are similar in appearance to oak.Chinese ash and the delightfully named Kembang Semangkok, knownmore commonly as KSK, are sometimes substituted for real oak tofurther reduce costs.When choosing a door, check the specification of the product beingoffered to you to see how it is constructed and what species areinvolved. It is all a matter of judgement as a cheaper door mayappear more attractive from a cost saving point of view, but itwill not probably last as long as a more expensive door, nor retainits appearance over time.Changing a door is not something undertaken lightly and it is notto be done too often, so go for the best quality, and down theyears oak doors have proven their value by retaining theirappearance over time and adding a comforting feature to any roomsetting.In recent times, interior oak doors have increasingly gainedpopularity amongst homeowners. This is partly due to the fact thatthey are durable and tend to last a long time, not forgetting theirexquisite ornate designs which make these doors a style statementin whichever home they are used in.
Bay Window Bedroom Design 1.1
Quill Spray
Need an overdose of sunshine right across yourliving room? Or tempted to invite the spacious, green outdoors topunctuate your cozy lounge inside? All this and more can beaccomplished in a jiffy by saying yes to bay windows. Getting theseversatile additions for your home is one of the best ways to makeyour rooms sunny, spacious and stylish. Dating back in popularityto the early English Renaissance, bay window dramatically increasesthe usable living space of a room, adding greater dimension andbringing in more sunshine.A traditional bay unit extrudes from the main exterior wall of abuilding and comprises of three sections with the side sectionstypically angled at 30 or 45 degrees. Another similar option is abow window that consists of four or more glass sections to simulatea rounded appearance. You can also go for square windows, where theprojection outward creates a square or rectangular shape. Anendless variety of window combination can be tried out in a bayunit though the most popular ones are those with a large centerpicture window with clear vertical casements on both sides.Decorative glass, especially those that are leaded, frosted,beveled or stained, looks particularly attractive for the sidesections of a bay unit. The entire installation can lengthen theroom up to 3 feet, with the width of the unit being dependent onthe size and number of windows as well as the angles of thesides.Often considered a better alternative to a balcony or porch, thesewindows are easy to install and highly energy-efficient with glasscoatings that help deflect UV and IR rays. Bay window make a designstatement in living rooms, master bedrooms and dining rooms withmost home owners choosing to replace ordinary windows with bayunits, especially for living spaces that overlook picturesquescenery. These windows are often designed with window seats thatare creatively utilized as a breakfast bar, reading corner or ashowcase for indoor flora. It is vital that bay units are boughtfrom renowned windows solution providers and manufacturers who willbe able to offer customized European quality windows that suitIndian conditions and can withstand stronger UV rays. These unitsalso include monsoon stoppers and hurricane bars, keeping theclimatic conditions of a particular location in mind.Though DIY bay units are available in the market, it is alwayswiser to entrust the job to the window experts since eachinstallation requires a lot of micro-planning. Windows bought fromreputed window experts are durable as well as long-lasting andalways meet the industry standard in water and air infiltration,following extensive tests conducted for physical loads exerted onthe glass from inside and outside. Check out those companies thathave complete control over the entire supply chain of bay windowmanufacturer, right from production of PVC resin to extrusion,fabrication and installation. They alone can ensure qualityinstallation and effective after-sales service for the newarchitectural feature you plan to enhance your home with.A Bay window is an opening protruding from the main walls of ahouse or construction which forms a kind of a room of square orpolygonal shape. These are used to extend the room and make thehouse look spacious and more open. They can also be decorated toincrease the overall beauty of the room and its appeal both toinhabitants and visitors.These are also used to give a better view of the surroundingsoutside, more than ordinary widows do. They also increase theamount of light coming into the room. Due to the large space usedby the window, there will also be an increase in the amount of airgetting in and out of the room. After putting it up, It will addnew design or shape to your room. The room ends up looking uniquethan when ordinary windows are used.
Exterior Metal Door Design 1.1
Quill Spray
The previous articles in this series focusedpredominately on door locks and lock features. This article willfocus on the actual doors that the locks are attached to. Upgradingyour exterior door material, just like upgrading a lock, canenhance your home security. When selecting a secure door it isimportant to stay away from selections with hollow cores. These arevery easy to force open or break through, even with very littleforce in some cases.There are doors composed of many materials that are both attractiveand great for home security purposes. Some of the most commonmaterials used for exterior doors that can bolster your homesecurity include solid wood, metal, fiber glass, and uPVC.Solid WoodMany exterior doors are composed of wood veneers with hollow cores.A more secure option would be to choose either a solid wood door ora door with a solid wood core. Solid wood doors weigh much morethan doors with hollow cores. They are also a much more affordableoption compared to other types of doors with a high securityperformance. This is because they are relatively easy to installand are less expensive to manufacture. They do however require morelong-term care and maintenance than exterior doors composed ofother materials.uPVCThis material is used for a number of different building projectsincluding windows, siding, and weatherboarding. It is also referredto as Rigid PVC or unplasticized polyvinyl chloride or simply asvinyl. It is a durable, easy to use, and fairly low-cost materialthat comes in a variety of finishes, including realistic woodfinishes. Doors made of this material need a special frame to beinstalled. There are also locks made especially for these doors.They are harder to break into than solid wood doors, and offer alighter option over heavy metal doors. Another perk of using uPVCdoors is that they create good insulation, which is also why thematerial is used for windows, siding, and plumbing.MetalMetal doors are one of the most expensive options but they alsooffer the most security. They are pretty much impossible to forceopen. Like uPVC doors that require a special frame, metal doorsmust be placed in metal door frames. Proper installation is a must.It is therefore best to higher an expert. Metal doors come in manydifferent styles, including styles with beautiful decorativedesigns.FiberglassFiberglass doors are a popular choice these days for many reasons.They are not only a good option for home security purposes. Thesedoors are attractive, provide great insulation, are incrediblystrong, and are resistant to problems like rusting, cracking, andwarping. Fiberglass doors are also scratch, dent, and rustresistant, and require the least maintenance compared to other doormaterials. In addition to this, fiberglass doors can be stained orpainted to look like real wood. Because of all their great benefitsthey are also one of the more expensive options.Customized outside doorways with stunning new exterior foldingdoors can really make a difference in how your house is seen.Enhancing your house in addition to highlighting your own flair forstyle, a beautiful wood doorway can really add to the curb appealof the whole house since it's the first thing visitors see beforecoming indoors.What Makes The Best Looking Exterior Door?Wood doorways are very well-liked and there are all sorts ofvarieties of wood that are used in both exterior and interiortypes. To be sure, so much of the decision is a subjectiveone.Mahogany and Red-Oak are the two most popular exterior woodoptions. Mahogany is perhaps the most popular in both French doorsand wood sliding closet doors because of the variety of colors itcan take on through stains, from blonde-ish brown to more reddishtones. It's also a very resilient and tough type of wood, whichmakes it especially popular on exterior types.
Wood Front Door Design 1.1
Quill Spray
Wood front doors continue to be favored theworld over due to their elegance and natural warmth. The kind ofwood front doors you choose will depend upon your taste, place youlive, the overall architecture of your home and the budget that youhave allocated for this purpose. Here are some tips which may helpyou in buying wood front doors.You find wood doors in a large number of designs, colors, woodtypes and sizes. There are a range of wood types to choose from foryour door. These include mahogany, teak, chestnut, walnut, oak,pine, fir and cherry wood. You could go in for a solid wood door, apaneled one or that which has glass inserts in it. A wood door withstained glass panel would bring in lot of light. The colors of thestained glass should be in sync with your windows and exteriorwall. In terms of design, there are a whole range of options foryou. If you want to go in for a vintage look, you could buy a wooddoor with the look of an earlier time such as the Victorian,Georgian, Tudor eras. Some doors have exquisite carvings on them ordelicate inlay work. Others offer a minimalist look keeping in mindcontemporary tastes of certain people.Most front doors, including the wood ones, conform to one of thefollowing styles. The usual kind is the single acting doors whichare hinged on one side and hence open in only one direction. Thenthere are the bi-folded doors which have two panels that fold inthe middle and move to one direction. This is appropriate if youhave a wide space for a front door. The third style is that of thesliding door which is again popular but more with glassdoors.The main thing to be cognizant of while selecting wood doors isthat they should be in perfect blend with the overall look of yourhome. The other thing is that your door is the first thing that avisitor notices. Therefore, it should cast a good impression onyour visitors. For some people, the door is a form of stylestatement of the lifestyle of those living in the house.There are some facts about wood front doors that you should know.They are prone to damage with extreme weather conditions such ashigh temperatures, rain, frost and humidity. They are alsosusceptible to termite attacks, cracks and warps. Though the wooddoors available now days are of better quality, yet they generallyrequire a greater degree of maintenance over the years as comparedto doors made from other materials such as fiberglass and steel.These days, you find that wood doors have steel interiors. Evenfiberglass doors come with a wood finish.According to the principles of Feng shui, your front door shouldnot be see-through such as a glass front door. Solid wood door ishighly recommended to ensure safety and security. Red and green areauspicious colors for front doors. Hope all these tips will helpyou in selecting the right kind of wood front doors for yourhome.When choosing one there are many aspects to consider. These doorscome with a variety of detail choices from type of wood, style ofdesign, color, texture, glass panes, and varnishing. Wood frontdoors are one of the most affordable choices available forhomeowners and still allow the homeowner to change the color andvarnish consistency to match their liking. Although there is somemaintenance required with these doors, the benefits are worth thework.The front entry door of the house often makes the first impressionon guests. The best way to make an unforgettable good impression iswith wood front doors. These element blocking barriers keep thehouse safe while still lending themselves to the ambiance that thehomeowner is seeking to share. With the simple timeless beauty ofelegantly carved wood front doors a homeowner can create aninviting first glance into their home.
Bay Window Exterior Design 1.1
Quill Spray
The feature of a bay window has added eleganceand whimsy to buildings as an architectural staple since 1894 whenthe British Building Act changed regulations, so that casements nolonger had to be flush with the exterior wall. Projecting outwardfrom an exterior wall, such a feature creates the illusion of alarger room, while allowing the outdoors to become part of theinterior. These features also allow sunlight to pour in from anglesan ordinary window could not allow.Such features remain an architectural gem with several differentstyles and casements to choose from. A traditional casementfeatures three panels, including a large picture pane, flanked bytwo spots contained in casements. The two encased apertures oneither side of the fixture open to allow air flow. A bow is oftencategorized with the bay and has a similar look, however ratherthan one large picture casement or aperture, there are two or morewith four or more panes flanking. The casements on the flankedwindows give the bow window a more rounded look, while the baywindow features a more angular look. Bay and bow windows can havedifferent grille patterns placed within the glass including:colonial - a classic pattern that fits any architectural style,never looks out of place, and adds tradition. You can choose thenumber of squares on each sash; prairie - a great way to accentyour windows. A large central section of uninterrupted window, withhorizontal sections surrounding it, reminiscent of a framesurrounding a picture; farmhouse - a less common pattern that stilllooks traditional with two vertical bars on the top section of thewindow; modified prairie - eliminates two of the horizontal barsthat come on standard prairie grilles, offering a less obscuredview. Grille patterns enhance the look of a feature by addingmodern flare or country styles.Due to the unusual shapes of bay and bow fenestration, it may bemore difficult to find window treatments, however there are manyunique designs to choose from. Roman shades can be used in eachwindow to give a clean and functional look, or a curtain can behung on a customized rod with elbows to accommodate the uniqueshape of the area. Wood shutters add county charm and offerflexibility as they let in light and views, completely block them,or allow for a touch of both. If privacy is not a concern, acolorful fabric valance can be hung to add a splash of interest.Another decorative option is to install a unique seat to fill thebay area. This creates a sunny, whimsical location to read a book,take a nap or simply look out the window at yoursurroundings.Popular since the late 1800's, bay windows continue to act as anarchitectural staple to any home. With many options when it comesto style, grilles and window treatments, it is easy to make a baywindow look and feel elegant and whimsical.There is something about bay windows that you just do not get withany other configuration of domestic glazing. It was once said thatgreat architecture lets the world into your home: that a reallygood piece of building design will make the occupants of thatbuilding feel that they are as much a part of the natural worldoutside, as they are of the domestic world inside the walls. Thebay window achieves this with superlative ease, making it the idealfirst choice for every glazing solution in every home.A bay allows you to be sitting inside your home, but to besurrounded on three of your four sides by the outside world. Theeffect is a little like sitting on the prow or stern of a ship.When you have bay windows in your home, the world is all around you- and you feel as though you are sitting in those wide open spaces,even though you are completely protected and warm.The bay is the perfect place for a little nook, or some kind ofseating arrangement that allows you to really relax, to read andwatch the world go by in total comfort.
Wooden Front Door Design 1.1
Quill Spray
If you've been thinking of treating your hometo some new wooden front doors, you've probably already given somethought to the major details.The shape of your doors, the color, and the type of wood all needto be decided on early.However, once you have a general idea of how your new wooden frontdoors will look, you can begin to think about the smaller detailsand design elements that will truly make them your own.Depending on the style of your home exterior, rustic and vintagedesign elements can make wonderful additions.Such adornments usually bring iron or steel features that bothcontrast with and complement the already attractive natural woodfinish. They also bring a real, tactile taste of the past to your21st century home.From gothic to farmhouse, and Victorian to Prohibition era, therustic or vintage design elements you might install are limitedonly by your imagination.Vintage doorknockers and handlesUnless you're happy for anyone to enter your home whenever theylike, your wooden front doors are going to need handles.However, the style is completely up to you. Modern vintage orVictorian style door handles are available, and provide thesecurity of state-of-the-art locking mechanisms with the classiclook of the period.Made of solid metal, they'll enhance the look of your solid woodenfront doors without compromising the security they give.For those who wish to make a real statement, matching door knockersare also available. Although perhaps more of an ornamental featurethan your handles, their unnecessary nature just adds to thedecorative effect.Speakeasy, hard as nailsBecause wood has long been the best material to use for exteriordoors, it's on wooden front doors that many of the most iconicvintage design elements work best.The mere mention of the word 'speakeasy' brings up images of a timelong since past, and the inclusion of metal speakeasies on woodenfront doors brings those images to life.A forged iron grill hidden behind a small flap, speakeasies areseldom needed in the modern era. However, as a vintage designelement, they bring a taste of the past that few other ornamentaladditions can.Clavos are another purely decorative rustic metal addition to yourexternal doors. Heavy duty nails, made from iron or steel, clavoscan be round, square, or diamond-shaped. Whichever style youchoose, the effect will be of a tough, rustic door with morecharacter than most.Gothic glass and vintage metalShould you decide to add windows to your wooden front doors,vintage metal can again be used for a rustic or even gothiclook.Leaded glass windows can be made in almost any design to suit anyhome exterior or personal taste, and the windows themselves can besmall and subtle, or the main feature of the door.Black wooden front doors have an inherent vintage look, and it'sthe smaller details that can direct this towards the Victorian orthe gothic. Colors and shapes in the glass play a part in this;especially when combined with the right metal door handles andknockers.However you decide to add rustic or vintage design elements to yourwooden front doors, the right balance should be always found.Combining a few of the elements here will have a bigger impact thanusing just one, but incorporating too many will be overkill.Which to include is up to you, but choosing the right ones willgive your wooden front doors a real touch of rustic, Victorian,gothic, or simply timeless vintage class.The very first impression that other people will acquire from yourhome comes from your very own front door. For this reason, it isimportant that your door shows appeal and is of sound structure.There is a rich supply in the varieties of designs and materialsfrom which you can choose the door which perfectly suits yourdesired needs and purposes.
House Door Design 1.1
Quill Spray
There are numerous types of front door designavailable depending on a home's needs. These can be customizedaccording to one's personal preferences and style. A few criteriafor these selections includes size, style, and material of thefront door.For example, materials which make up a front door can range fromwood to fiberglass to steel to vinyl. Depending on your needs,different considerations for the material can be taken intoaccount. Wood doors will need additional maintenance but providemore in terms of appearance and style. Steel and vinyl doors on theother hand are good for security and cost-efficiency, but theydon't look as good.One important thing to consider when picking a front door design isthe style of your house. If you have a country-themed or moremodern style of house, choosing a door that is steel or vinyl mightlook out of place. So in these cases, it makes more sense to pick awood style door.On the other hand, if you live in an area where security orneighborhood safety is a concern, such as a big city or a less thandesirable part of the city, steel doors are an excellent front doorto pick. These provide great security and protection at anaffordable rate, provided you pick a reputable door provider.Another consideration when selecting a door for the entrance toyour house is whether or not you want to let light in. If your doorfaces the sun and you don't want your house to get really hotduring the day, it's best to pick a door that blocks out the lightand doesn't have front glass paneling. By contrast, if your door isin a shady area, glass doors look good and let in a little bit oflight for the front parlor area of the home, making it moreattractive.Of course size is always a consideration when selecting a frontdoor design. Your door must fit in the entry corridor depending onthe measurements the house has been built with. Before purchasingany door, make sure it will fit in the selected area.If you have questions about what type of door you should pick, ithelps to do some research online. Usually search results will yieldcompanies that can not only provide you with a door, but can alsoadvise you in what type of door will work best for your entryway.In fact, they may even have someone come out to look at your houseand see what type of door might work and provide an attractive,affordable selection.Ultimately what should be taken into account when picking a door isthe cost, the size of your house, the position in which the housefaces, and what security and durability concerns you have. To makean educated and cost-efficient decision, you should make a list ofall these criteria and then go over it carefully with your spouseor whoever owns the house with you.The front door of a house assumes tremendous significance as itreflects the tastes and preferences of those dwelling within thehouse. While building your home, it would be nice to pay attentionto the look and appeal factor of your front door. These days youcan choose from a range of front door designs for your home. Hereare some tips on how to select the front door designs.The basic thing to bear in mind when you are searching for doordesigns is that your door should be in harmony with the overallstyle and form of your entire house. If the blend is improper, thenhowever attractive you try and make your door, it will still standout in an inappropriate manner in relation to the rest of yourhome. Take a simple example. If your entire house has a classicallook to it and you go in for a door design which is morecontemporary in look, then however beautiful the door may be initself, it would look odd in relation to your home. Similar casesof non-blending of the door with the overall house could be use ofcontrasting colors or materials. Hence, your objective should be toensure that your door complements the overall aesthetic look ofyour home and uplifts it in a positive manner.
Panel Door Design for Houses 1.1
Quill Spray
Panel doors are quite popular for a number ofreasons. They add an extra bit of quality and beauty to a home.There is a wide variety to choose from, so you don't have to worryabout your door looking like your neighbor's if you don't want itto. But what kind of panel door should you choose?There are a lot of options when it comes to panel doors. Raisedpanel. Flat panel. Various wood species. Glass panels. The size ofthe panels. The number of panels. The position of the panels. Doesit sound confusing yet? Don't let all these options frighten youaway. Instead, think of them as all the great ways you can design adoor that suits you and your home perfectly.First you may want to know the difference between a raised paneldoor and one that has a flat panel design. Raised panel doors arealso called stile and rail doors. These typically have elevatedareas as well as recessed areas surrounded by decorative woodenlines. Essentially, the name says it all. Raised doors do require alittle more manual craft time than the flat door. Flat doors aresimpler with cleaner lines that decorate the door without anyadditional recessed or raised areas. The lines merely act asoutlines to showcase the panel design.Choosing between a raised door and a flat door will probably be oneof your biggest choices. After that, it will become a matter ofstyle. Panel doors can have anywhere from a single large panel toover ten panels. The more decorative you want your door to be, themore likely you are to choose a higher number of panels. If youwant to allow natural lighting into your home, you can request thatsome of the panels be glass instead. You can even choose thelocation of the glass, anywhere from ¾ of the door panels beingglass to just the very top of the door. You can have a single glasspanel or have them divided up.Once you have the main layout of your door, all you have to chooseis the wood you want it made of and whether or not you want itpainted or otherwise decorated in some way. Keep your home in mindto ensure that the door matches well and soon you'll have abeautiful new entryway into your house.Though you may have never heard the term "stile and rail door,"you've no doubt seen one of these kinds of doors. Stile and raildoors are basically doors that come with panels; in other words,they're not just flat wood doors. The stile refers to the verticalpieces on the door, while the rail is the horizontal pieces. Thepanels of the door fit in between the stiles and rails. Many peopleopt for this type of door because they are strong, well-made, andthe finished product is attractive and gives the door, andultimately the room it's in, a lot of character.If you're building a home and deciding on doors, or if you're justreplacing existing doors, the stile and rail door is a popular onethat you'll be able to enjoy for years. There are, however, a lotof options when it comes to which style or design you want withthis type of door. There are tons of different configurations thatyou can select from with the panels, and you can also choosebetween having an all wood door, or one that includes glass aswell.When selecting the door that is right for you, it's really going tocome down to personal preference, as well as the overall look ofyour home. You want your doors to match the rest of your home, soobviously you will choose a look that blends well with the otherfeatures. The great thing about stile and rail doors, though, isthat there are so many options, as mentioned above. If you have anolder home and want your doors to represent that, you mightconsider simple single panel doors for the interior, and thensomething with glass and wood panels for exterior doors. The beautyof these doors is that you can mix and match them for differentrooms or areas of your home, making your living place trulyunique.
Kitchen Window Treatments 1.1
Quill Spray
An assured way of spicing up your kitchen isopting for the kitchen window treatments. A tasteful kitchen decorpeps up our culinary side and makes the most significant but plainpart of our day quite enjoyable. There are many amongst us whoconsider the time spent in the kitchen as an average experience anda drab routine. Sometimes we even dread the idea of fixing anelaborate lunch just to avoid those extra long minutes in thatboring kitchen. If you are tired of the way your kitchen looks,then a great way of beautifying it easily and effectively is bygoing for the various kitchen window treatments available in themarket.The first step to achieve the objective of kitchen windowtreatments is to know about the various window styles that areavailable. You can choose from the popular designs that are neatand visually appealing. If you have a flair for coming up withcreative designs for kitchen window treatments, you can even get acustomized window of your own. You must chose the type of windowwhich suits the environment and is durable. Kitchen windowtreatments should not result in a look which is a drastic contrastto the rest of the home decor or stand out in a conspicuous manner.Instead, chose a design which blends in well with the interiors andenhances the aesthetic appeal of the kitchen.There are many styles of windows and kitchen window treatments tochoose from. One can go for a light, modern and classy theme or anornate, Victorian and heavy look.One of the most useful window styles when experimenting with thekitchen window treatments is the basic awning window which ismainly for ventilation purpose. It consists of a huge glass withhinges on the top. These windows come in many patterns and can bemade very attractive by a beautiful stained glass painting on thewindow glass which would give a pleasant and mystical effect to thewhole kitchen ambiance.Another one is the bay style which is an intelligent choice amongstall the kitchen window treatments if you have a small and dingykitchen or have space constraints. Bay windows have the tendency tobrighten up the room by allowing a lot of light. They are alsoeasier to install and are available in different styles like angledbay, boxed bay, garden bay and bow or curved styles. Angled baywindows are set at an angle of 45 degrees and make the kitchen lookbigger. The box bay windows are square shaped and come with a shelfprotruding outside the house. Garden bay windows are a smart choiceto lighten up dingy, dark and dull kitchen interiors.Casement windows are put to their best use when placed over thekitchen sink because they are easier to operate using the attachedcrank. These window styles and kitchen window treatments come indecorative themes such as the French casement windows.Simple slider windows with patterned screens can give a completelynew look to the kitchen.After choosing the window style, the second step in the process ofkitchen window treatments is to select a way to enhance the look.You can make things even better by using awning curtains, valances,diagonal panes, glazing effects, colorful drapes, classic curtainpanels, dramatic kitchen blinds, pleated shades and romanshades.Including a pleasant window treatment for your kitchen candefinitely brighten up the disposition, and it's simple andenjoyable to do by yourself. Making your own kitchen windowtreatment is usually inexpensive and also personal. Reality is thatkitchen place is the area of your house in which you spend lot ofyour time. For this reason it is essential that you merely generatea pleasurable ambiance by designing modern kitchen windows.Kitchen window covering can assist you produce an environment thatwill reflect your individual style. There are many ideas accessiblethat you may find in magazines, books as well as over on theinternet resources. All you have to do is to have sufficientunderstanding of the job that you would like to use.
White Oak Door Design 1.1
Quill Spray
You might not realize it, but there are a lotof different ways a piece of wood can be crafted and cut in orderto bring out its natural beauty. Quarter-sawn white oak is sawed ata very specific angle in order to create a unique grain pattern onthe face of the board. This can be done with other wood species aswell, but it is quite striking when done with white oak.Oak has always been a prized wood due to its color and durability.You can find oak wood just about anywhere, from being crafted intobarrels for aging wine to furniture you sit on. Oak doors arestrong and look stunning in any doorway. When they arequarter-sawn, they are given an additional handful of benefits asdoors.When lumber is quarter-sawn, it becomes more stable. This isbecause when temperature and humidity fluctuate, the expansion andcontraction of the wood is much less. The expansion and contractionhappens across the face of the board, but when it is quarter-sawn,this movement is more limited. This helps to keep the wood fromwarping and means much less maintenance over time.White and red oak are particularly popular candidates forquarter-sawing because the results are so beautiful. The grainpattern seen in the results gives it a great look, which is whythese doors have been so popular for so long.As with most wood doors, you will want some staining or some kindof natural finish to the door in order to give it some addedprotection against the elements. You always have the option topaint the door as well, but this would defeat the purpose ofshowing off the wood in its natural state. For those seeking outrustic doors and natural looks, quarter-sawn white oak for doors isa perfect choice. It works well in rustic settings and stone homesfor a one-with-nature look.Take some time to look at the various oak doors available in thistype. You may decide to choose one that has already been given acoating of stain or finish, or you may want to buy a natural doorand then do the work yourself. It is up to you. Finding the rightdoor is what is most important, and once you have it installed inyour home, step back and admire its beauty and all that it adds toyour home.If you are looking for a door wood type that can best protect yourhome from intruders and the elements, then oak is your best bet.Oak doors are ideal to have in any home, whether it is a modernurban home or even an older traditional home.Oak doors are ideal for use as external doors in any home becausethey are sturdy, strong and are available in a wide range ofstandard designs featuring attractive grains that run through thewood. In addition, oak is widely popular because it is durable andhas a longer lifespan than most other wooden doors. This is whatmakes it the best choice for both internal and externaldoors.Oak doors are very versatile and can therefore blend in well in anyhome as they come in elegant standard designs featuring simplelines. In order to showcase your personality and character, you mayopt for oak doors fitted with designer panes of glass which allowfor the penetration of light into a hallway or reception room. Withsuch an addition to your home, you are sure to have your friendsand neighbors talking about your oak doors for a long time tocome.If you want to make your property stand out from the rest in yourneighborhood, go for a lovely oak external door. After all, yourexternal door is normally what gives visitors to your home theirfirst impression of you. Oak doors are also ideal for increasingthe property value of your home, which will be to your advantage inthe event that you decide to later on put your home up forsale.
Bay Window Treatments 1.1
Quill Spray
Bay window treatments requires specialattention amongst all the windows in a home. These windows havesections or partitions in such a way that they look like threewindows placed together with their vertical corners at an acuteangle. They are very picturesque both from the outside as well asinside the house.Different treatments includes decorating the bay windows withsuitable window coverings and sometimes, modifying the windowstructure, if required.For bay window treatment using draperies or curtains you can alsomake use of sheers. This way when you have the drapery or curtainopen the sheers will still maintain your privacy while stillallowing the light to flood in. The double curtain rods enable thesheers and the curtains to be hung together. The sheers are placedon the outer rod, that is closer to the window and the curtains areinstalled on the inner rod, that is closer to the room and awayfrom the window. The double layer of the sheers and curtains allowsyou to manage the light and privacy as required during the day andnight, respectively. The can also incorporate the use of swags andcornices on the top. The look of a bay style window treatment canbe experimented with by covering and uncovering the middle and sidesections, respectively and vice versa.Another Bay window treatment is to make use of classy stained glasspaintings on all or selected sections of the window glass. This cancreate a magical effect in the room. When light passes through ofthe colorful stained glass the effect would cause light to dance inmagnificent colors along the wall of the room eliminating the needto hang additional artwork on the walls.Honeycomb shades and other patterned shades also add to the beautyof the bay window treatment and offer an additional option for youto experiment with.Sometimes, these style of windows have shelves or seat-likestructures inbuilt which can be used in many different ways. Theseseats or shelves can be used for placing ornate crystal ware ordecorative and flowery plants. If the seating area is large enough,then you can place cushions of patterns either matches orcoordination with the curtains or blinds. This pleasant area wouldbecome a perfect place to sit and read a book during the day andstar gaze by the moonlight.The shelf of these windows can also be decorated in a special waydepending on the occasion. If you have a romantic evening plannedfor the day, then you can decorate these windows by placing a hugebunch of roses and light a couple of candles. The whole arrangementwill make use of the bay window to the fullest. A word of caution.Make sure that such a temporary bay window treatment is not triedon bay windows having inflammable curtains or windowcoverings.Apart from the regular bay window treatment[http://www.windowtreatmentidea.net/bay-window-treatment/]solutions, an additional shelf or box valance can also be attachedto the window in order to make it look attractive. The differentsections of the windows can be dressed differently, producing acombination of tasteful and matching colors and effects. Forexample, the side sections of the bay windows can be covered usingcurtains and the middle section of the bay window can be coveredusing horizontal wood blinds. The use of proper colors in thecombination can produce a wonderful bay style windowtreatment.If you are looking for bay window treatments that will boost thebeauty and charm of your home, you could be struggling to find whatyou need. Bay windows are a bit more challenging to incorporate toa home design than other styles; however, if done well and suitedwith treatments that compliment the theme, there is little that cancompare with the brilliant look they offer.Bay windows are more complex than other window treatments becauseof their three-dimensional design. The three segments of the designbow out, which can be difficult to incorporate depending on thestructure of your home.
Wooden Window Designs 1.1
Quill Spray
Everyone wants the best fixtures for theirhome interiors because there are numerous exotic fixtures that arecomprised up with the eye catching finish and they can simply makeyour home interiors special. We all know that windows are the mostimportant part of every house and they can easily add tranquilityto your home interiors. You must always ensure that the fixturesthat are installed in your house must be unique and attractivebecause they play a major role in grabbing the attention of theguests towards your home interiors.Well, there are numerous exotic windows that are available in themarket like vinyl windows, fiberglass windows and wooden windows.Out of all these window types, wooden windows are mostly preferredby a large number of people. You can easily entail your house witha traditional look with the help of these fixtures. Today, theseare various types of windows that are available in the market. Theyare well enhanced with different designs, styles, size and texture.They can simply provide your interiors with a modern look.You can easily enjoy various advantages of these wooden fixturesbecause are the most demanding fixtures that can easily provideyour home with the high standard looks. These wooden fixtures aremainly hand polished and they are very much competitive as comparedto the other interior decors. Their spectacular design is also oneof the biggest advantages that you can easily enjoy. These woodenfixtures are very much compatible with almost all the differenthome styles.You can also notice the hand sculptured wooden windows that aremainly prepared on the theme of the traditional windows of China.They are really very magnificent and you can simply make your homeinteriors exotic and out of the ordinary with the help of thesewooden windows. These wooden windows are available in variouscolors which can simply match with the personality of your homeinteriors. These attractive and eye catching colors can also give anatural look to your house.You must also buy a perfect, durable and well matched armature forthese wooden windows because they can easily support these interiorfixtures. You can also adopt a natural timber fixture whichresembles the Canadian hemlock. These windows are comprised up witha smooth texture and shiny look.These crafted wooden windows can simply add value to your homeinteriors and make your house more attractive and appealing. Youmust install them at your house.Determining the type of window that is right to be installed in ourhomes can sometimes be a problem. This is due to the many optionsavailable in the market, ranging from the design to the materialsused. Some materials that are commonly used to make a window arewood, composite, aluminum, fiberglass, and vinyl. Each material hasits own advantages, and you can choose the type of material thatyou like according to your tastes and needs. Wood is a very popularmaterial for window, and if you want to bring a more traditionalstyle to your home, wooden window is the right choice. Not only dowooden windows serve as home ventilation, but they can also enhancethe look and feel of a home. But anyway, to enjoy the beauty andthe proper function of the wooden window for a long time, it willrequire a lot of care, more than the maintenance required by vinylor fiberglass windows. And if they are maintained properly, woodenwindows can last for a long time.Wooden windows can be damaged if they are not cleaned periodically,dirt and other harmful contaminants will accumulate, which couldeventually cause damage to the windows. So regular maintenance isnecessary, this is to avoid the windows from damage caused byvarious potential threats. By periodically cleaning the windows,you will avoid the window from contaminants that can damage thefinish. You only need to clean the wooden windows with soapywater.
Modern Panel Door Design 1.1
Quill Spray
Panel doors are quite popular for a number ofreasons. They add an extra bit of quality and beauty to a home.There is a wide variety to choose from, so you don't have to worryabout your door looking like your neighbor's if you don't want itto. But what kind of panel door should you choose?There are a lot of options when it comes to panel doors. Raisedpanel. Flat panel. Various wood species. Glass panels. The size ofthe panels. The number of panels. The position of the panels. Doesit sound confusing yet? Don't let all these options frighten youaway. Instead, think of them as all the great ways you can design adoor that suits you and your home perfectly.First you may want to know the difference between a raised paneldoor and one that has a flat panel design. Raised panel doors arealso called stile and rail doors. These typically have elevatedareas as well as recessed areas surrounded by decorative woodenlines. Essentially, the name says it all. Raised doors do require alittle more manual craft time than the flat door. Flat doors aresimpler with cleaner lines that decorate the door without anyadditional recessed or raised areas. The lines merely act asoutlines to showcase the panel design.Choosing between a raised door and a flat door will probably be oneof your biggest choices. After that, it will become a matter ofstyle. Panel doors can have anywhere from a single large panel toover ten panels. The more decorative you want your door to be, themore likely you are to choose a higher number of panels. If youwant to allow natural lighting into your home, you can request thatsome of the panels be glass instead. You can even choose thelocation of the glass, anywhere from ¾ of the door panels beingglass to just the very top of the door. You can have a single glasspanel or have them divided up.Once you have the main layout of your door, all you have to chooseis the wood you want it made of and whether or not you want itpainted or otherwise decorated in some way. Keep your home in mindto ensure that the door matches well and soon you'll have abeautiful new entryway into your house.Though you may have never heard the term "stile and rail door,"you've no doubt seen one of these kinds of doors. Stile and raildoors are basically doors that come with panels; in other words,they're not just flat wood doors. The stile refers to the verticalpieces on the door, while the rail is the horizontal pieces. Thepanels of the door fit in between the stiles and rails. Many peopleopt for this type of door because they are strong, well-made, andthe finished product is attractive and gives the door, andultimately the room it's in, a lot of character.If you're building a home and deciding on doors, or if you're justreplacing existing doors, the stile and rail door is a popular onethat you'll be able to enjoy for years. There are, however, a lotof options when it comes to which style or design you want withthis type of door. There are tons of different configurations thatyou can select from with the panels, and you can also choosebetween having an all wood door, or one that includes glass aswell.When selecting the door that is right for you, it's really going tocome down to personal preference, as well as the overall look ofyour home. You want your doors to match the rest of your home, soobviously you will choose a look that blends well with the otherfeatures. The great thing about stile and rail doors, though, isthat there are so many options, as mentioned above. If you have anolder home and want your doors to represent that, you mightconsider simple single panel doors for the interior, and thensomething with glass and wood panels for exterior doors. The beautyof these doors is that you can mix and match them for differentrooms or areas of your home, making your living place trulyunique.
Metal Accordion Door Design 1.1
Quill Spray
Accordion doors are one of the best closetdoors and can be used anywhere at home. It can perfectly divide asingle room into two and yet make it look elegant. They can be usedfor bedrooms, wardrobes, and closets; it can be also used for anypartition needs. As these doors are foldable in nature it caneasily save space, when it is not needed it can be folded againstthe wall. Other than wood, materials like vinyl and glass are usedin the construction of these doors. They are specially made forinteriors and glass accordion doors can be used in sunroom or inpatio space.Old sliders can be replaced with accordion doors as they are thebest available in the market. Wooden strips are woven together tomake them; It resembles the bellows of an accordion and hence thename. These doors can easily fit into any narrow space and the oneswith wider dimensions can be used for wardrobes. It can also becustom built based upon the need and requirement.There are a few door models that are constructed using thin slatsand panels of wood. These doors are usually not insulated as theyare intended for indoor use. It reduces heat by allowing air topass through it. However, these doors are not see through, and assuch, can be used to create privacy.They are available at a competitive price when compared to bi-folddoors. By choosing one of the many sleek and elegant designs, theycan easily go well with any decor of the home. It can completelyconceal the wardrobe from the eyes of visitors. They are readilyavailable in standard height and design materials.Materials like vinyl are also used in the manufacturing of thesedoors. Because the hinges can also be made from vinyl, they areconsidered to be very durable and long lasting, as they areresistant to rust.Custom accordion doors can also be used on commercial properties;it is selected as the best solution by architects, to partition thelobby area of hotels, hospitals, etc. It helps to prevent noisewhich can cause unwanted distraction. These Doors can also serve asa wonderful divider to provide security in malls and bars. If yourun a business and want to split your large space for specificneeds, then a special type of accordion doors (room dividers) canbe used. They are available in different size and shapes, and canbe used to easily turn a large hall into a cozy conferenceroom.One of the most versatile types of closet doors is accordion doors.They can be used almost anywhere in the home as well as for roomdividers. They make great replacement doors for a wardrobe, bedroomcloset or as a shutter for a window. They are folding doors whichmake them great space savers because they fold up neatly againstone wall. With a contemporary style they add a touch of modernclass to the home. These doors are constructed from differentmaterials such as wood, vinyl and glass. Most are intended forinterior use only but the glass accordion doors can be used toenclose a sunroom or patio.Many people view accordion doors as old and outdated. Thesecontemporary style doors are very modern not only in their looksbut in the materials used in their construction as well. One verymodern example is glass accordion doors. These are perfect forenclosing a patio or sunroom because they can be opened so that youcan use the room as part of your outdoor entertainment. While thedoors are not being used, they store neatly against one wall. Whenit is time to close it up, simply pull the doors around in thetrack and lock them down.Interior accordion doors are made of wood or vinyl. Most of themare constructed of thin strips of wood that is either hingedtogether or woven together with thin thread. They may also be madeof wide panels that have vinyl hinges. When measuring for thesedoors, it is only necessary to get accurate dimensions of theheight of the doorway. Most will fit a narrow opening or a muchwider one.
Modern Closet Door Design 1.1
Quill Spray
Old homes will surely benefit from arenovating project. However, if you consider the sluggish economicconditions that the nation is currently in right now, it is onlyunderstandable that you will only set aside a conservative amount.In order to cut cost but still enjoy a stylish home, you shouldconsider modern closet doors.These contemporary doors are just perfect if you are aiming forthat elegant and classy look for your home. Not only do they havefabulous designs but the craftsmanship can be quite impressive.These doors are so fantastic that they are not just confined toclosets and cabinets. A lot of homeowners use them as dividersinstead of solid walls and even for their windows.Enjoy Many ChoicesThe only challenge you will probably face if you do decide toinstall these modern doors is picking out which style to gowith.If you are hoping to free up space in your home, you will certainlybenefit from either a bifold or sliding type. Both these styles canguarantee easier access to the insides of your closets. In additionto these, you can also choose to go with doors that are louvered ormirrored. Louver doors are considered to be classic while thosewith mirrors can be quite functional. Just keep in mind that doorswith glass can be accident prone and you might want to choose afrosted one instead.Meanwhile, if you are worried about the life span of these moderndoors, you should know that they are actually easier to maintainthan old doors. You can always choose a sturdy frame like aluminiumor plastic which requires very little maintenance and are quiteeasy to repair. Of course, wooden doors are so much romantic andcan even be repainted to make them look like new. Just make surethat you install the treated kind to protect them fromtermites.Buying TipsAs a savvy buyer, you will certainly want to enjoy the best deals.Right now, the only way you can do so without tiring yourself andspending so much time with the search for the cheapest yet highquality doors is via the internet. There are so many manufacturerswho accept order online and you can even have your doorscustom-built according to your preference. The modern closet doors,together with the necessary hardware, will even be deliveredstraight to your home.The versatility of modern closet doors is such that you can use itas a focal point of your home decor, divider to separate rooms orwall or even have it customize to cover windows.A modern closet door is a replacement installation that can benefitany home décor because its contemporary design can attractattention and is appealing to the eyes. These doors come in manystyles. These include:1) Sliding - this style is space saving and eliminates the worry ofbanging a door on the wall or bed every time you open your closet.A great design idea for closets in cramped rooms.2) Bifold - gives you ample access to the interior of your closet.This design is ideal for walk-in closets.3) Louvered - this style is becoming a common sight in modern homesdespite its traditional origin because of its simple charm. You canhave it painted based on the theme of your choice so that it willblend well with the rest of your home décor.4) Mirror - if you want to create an illusion of more space and abigger room, then this style is the one for you.5) Glass - an alternative to mirrors, glass doors conveysophistication. They also make any room look bigger too. Plexiglassis another alternative material for closet doors.It would be easy and convenient for you to choose and buy yourcloset doors over the Internet. You can browse through an array ofproducts, compare prices and quality without leaving the comfort ofyour home or office. Here are some examples of modern closet doorsthat you can find online:
Accordion Glass Door Design 1.1
Quill Spray
Accordion doors are so called due to theirlong folding panels that are connected using a flexible strip. Thestrips can expand and contract, allowing the doors to fold. Notonly do they make for a nice space saving option, but are alsopopular as room dividers. They offer more benefits as well. Thedoors can fold within themselves with small panel widths. Thisindicates that there is minimal projection beyond the openingspace. This is not the case with swinging doors that take up toomuch space for accommodating the arcs. Sliding and pocket doors donot extend beyond the opening face, but need considerable wallspace for sliding purposes.Even when installed in restricted spaces, the accordion foldingdoors do not obstruct the place as they are opened. These aresuitable as room dividers; especially with the choice shifting tolarge multifunctional spaces in residential settings there is aneed to distinguish between the sections in a given room. Forinstance, the living room can accommodate a home office, a study oreven the sleeping quarters. The room dividers can screen theseareas efficiently. The doors can also be used in businessestablishments such as restaurants where groups might ask forprivate party spaces and enclosures.Common lobby spaces within malls or booths in shops can benefitfrom the accordion door. Some doors also enhance the acoustics of aplace by eliminating different kinds of noises. You may even choosethe plastic doors to keep out the noise. These doors are ideal ifyou want some light in the area. These are inexpensive alternativesto interior sliding glass doors. Accordion door installations canbe suited for closets as they do not take up too much space orinclude much labor while installing. The best thing is that theyhelp in screening clutter and storage within a pantry, clothes orbroom closet.The accordions are available in different materials like glass,vinyl, plastic or wood. They come in a range of features andcolors. Moreover, they do not require specific hardware. Extremelyeasy to operate, these have a closing mechanism that generallyincorporates magnetic contact. This reduces any kind of slamming ofthe doors that are shut against a particular frame. Lack of noiseensures a soothing environment within the room. Custom doors can beused in commercial properties by architects for partitioning areaslike the lobby in hotels and hospitals.Sliding glass doors are a beautiful addition to any home. They aregreat for both the inside and the outside of the house. They can beused for closets, bedrooms, back doors, etc.These doors are very safe, even if you have children in the house.They are easy to open and close and need little maintenance. Theyare made of thick glass that is very difficult to break; it isusually 5mm to 7mm thick. They usually are constructed usinglaminated safety glass for added protection.Sliding glass doors are easy to open and close and feature a veryquiet operation. High quality sliding glass doors are very unlikelyto become loose on their tracks as they make use of a speciallocking system.These doors may be locked in both their open and closed states.They may be locked with a key in order to provide security, orlocked for convenience by the simple pull of a lever.Sliding glass doors are constructed using the following parts: ahead, sill, insulated glass, hardware, and a jamb. The head is themain horizontal piece that serves as the top frame of the slidingglass door. The sill forms the bottom of the sliding glass doorframe.The insulated glass may be composed of two or more hermeticallysealed panes of glass. If you would like to increase insulation inyour home, these panes of glass may be layered with argon gas whichcan increase the doors' ability to retain heat.This is great for those winter months when heating bills can get sohigh. The hardware part of sliding glass doors is what is used toopen and close the doors.
Upvc Glass Door Design 1.1
Quill Spray
Doors are of prime importance when it comes tothe renovation of your house, the visitors to your house will firstset their eyes on the exterior door and so, you will obviously wantto impress them. UPVC exterior doors will help you to do just that.These doors provide more benefits than a wooden door would.A beautifully created a wooden door is definitely appealing but forhow long will it retain its attractiveness? Many times, the woodhas to be repaired or replaced after some years. The wood isvulnerable to rotting as well as weathering too. The glossyexterior also peels away after a while. UPVC exterior doors can beinstalled if you want them to last you for a long time.You need not go for doors in white plastic even though this finishis mostly found in vinyl doors. UPVC exterior doors come infinishes of wood effect. These finishes could be light or dark.They look similar to wood but are weatherproof. This is the mainadvantage of UPVC doors. You can even install glass panels in thesedoors.They come in a variety of finishes. You could install stained glasspanels in order to add color to your doors. For an understatedlook, you could go for panels of glass with a delicate design. UPVCdoors can let in as much light as you want. You could install asmall panel in order to see who is outside the door instead of apeephole. You could also go for many glass panels in order to allowlight into areas where there is darkness.You could also install glass panels that are frosted on either sideof the doors. Different types of frosting bring about differenteffects. This depends on the amount of opacity you want. If you arenot concerned with privacy issues, UPVC exterior doors could havenearly clear panes of glass. Frosting can also be done in such away that the door will allow very little light into the room andobscure the vision of unanticipated callers. Locks of the highestsecurity are available for these doors. You could use any of thefamous branded locks and it also comes with the usual, common lockmechanisms that can be twisted and turned to shut the doortightly.The frames of UPVC doors have airtight seals that do not allow rainor draught to enter the room. They need minimal maintenance inorder to preserve the appearance of the door as well as itsperformance. The original color is retained for a long time. UPVCexterior doors are available in a variety of styles, wood grainpatterns as well as colors. They are also very affordable. Theirpanels could be glazed or molded decoratively. They provideinsulation, resistance to weather, security and are available in avariety of finishes. What more do you want in a door?Almost all home manufacturers out there today include patio doorson the new homes they build, to access the rear yard or garden.This custom feature has become standard on homes built in theUnited States as well as other parts of the world.This added feature affords the new homeowner a fabulous view oftheir back yard, garden and beyond from the comforts of theirclimate controlled living or dinning area and it ads a stylishtouch too.Patio doors come in many styles, but the standard for a track builthome would be sliding glass, which usually has a light weight, butdurable, frame around it, is less expensive and easier toinstall.The more custom the house is that is being built the more elaboratethe patio door can be. Your patio doors could be French style, madefrom wood or a composite material, frameless glass, bi-folding aswell as arched.
Metal Door Grill Design 1.1
Quill Spray
It is really important to ensure your homeprotection as it has become a matter of concern these days becauseof its vigorous nature. One of the best ways to ensure your homesafety is by installing security door grilles. This is so far thebest way for providing adequate protection to your property as theyprevent outsiders or criminals to enter into your property withoutpermission. They act as a shield for your house as it is hardlyimpossible to tear them down.Types of security doors• Commercial Shutters - there are a wide range of shutters that canbe utilized for money-making, household and trade purposes, forexample in shopping complexes, counter tops, clubs, doorways,etc.• Commercial Grilles - they are one of the best safety precautionsyou can take to protect your house from thieves andhousebreakers.• Commercial doors - security doors are available in differentdesigns. They are used mainly in cases where grilles couldn't domuch to ensure the safety of your property.• Domestic Roller Shutters - you can get a wide range of stylishand attractive roller shutters these days that can take your homedecor to another level.How to choose the right security doors for your home• Choose the best material for giving your home an elegant look -these security shutters can be made from materials like aluminium,steel, or stainless steel.• Keep your budget in mind before buying the stuff - cost plays avital part in deciding which material to be used in theconstruction of roller shutters and grilles. You should take sometime and decide precisely. Also, you must ensure whether this willcomplement your home decor or not.• Take help from the professionals - you must take advice from anexpert, who knows enough about this process and who can guide youwell in making the correct choice.• Once you cover all the above written steps, then comes the nextbig step, i.e. Installation - this is the most important step ofany process as it involves plenty of minor and major tasks thatneeds to be taken care of. If you don't do it right, you're wastingyour time for sure!No doubt roller grilles and shutters can take care of your homesecurity but it is important to choose them carefully as they areavailable in different designs and sizes as per customer's demand.You should always choose the one that satisfy all yourrequirements.Security grilles can provide a real boost to the security - notonly of business premises, but of residential properties. Manybusinesses including shops and offices choose to install securitygrilles on doors and windows due the fact that their high valuegoods and equipment are so prominently on show. The grilles supplyan additional effective physical barrier, usually alongside alarmsystems and CCTV systems for protecting assets and property.Grilles can also be a useful additional security measure for homes- and the fact they can be easily customised in terms of colour andfunction makes them a more attractive proposition forhomeowners.Before deciding whether having security grilles installed is theright security measure for your property, it pays to discuss thevarious options open to you with a qualified locksmith, such asAlways Locksmith. They will be able to inform you about the varioustypes of window and security grilles on the market and will be ableto tell you about the numerous ways they can be adapted andcustomised to suit individual requirements.For instance, installing security grilles on a home's patio doorsis an excellent way of decreasing the risk of burglary - sincethese doors are one of most frequently targeted areas for abreak-in. However, whilst being an effective barrier to burglarswhen you are out of the house, you would no doubt prefer enjoyingfull vision from the windows when at home - rather than having thegrilles limiting your vista.
Sliding Window Grill Design 1.1
Quill Spray
This is a locksmith fremantle guide on how tosecure sliding window locks and the tools you will need.Approximate costs (both DIY and locksmith fees) are given inAustralian dollars. I will also provide some extra security tipsand advice on double checking your insurance policy fineprint.Many new sliding windows have key locking latches alreadyinstalled. Some allow the window to be locked slightly open forventilation. If your home has these window locks they are usuallysecure enough to keep your insurance company happy. If your homehas only a simple non-locking latch, you should secure them with akey-locking sliding window lock or a window grill.Installing window locks yourself will cost AUD$15-$20 per window.Having these locks supplied and installed by a locksmith will cost$40-$50 per window.Window grills vary greatly in price depending on the size of thewindow and the style of the grill but probably the average is$150-$200 per window.Most insurance policies require either a key-locking window lock orsecurity grill. This is sometimes in the fine print. If you don'thave one of these forms of security you may be giving yourinsurance company an easy way to deny your claim and you will bewasting the money you pay on your insurance premium.Sliding window locks are often called vent locks as they allow thewindow to be locked slightly open for ventilation. The recommendedgap is 100mm but never have more than 150mm. The theory is that ifa head can get through a window, a person can squeezethrough.The venting position is not as secure as when the window is shutand locked. Therefore you should only leave your windows lockedopen you are at home.To install sliding window locks, you need the followingtools:Cordless drillSharp 2mm drill bitSharp 8mm drill bitScrewdriverSliding windows can be lifted to varying degrees within theirtrack. If you are using the venting position it is a good idea tofit something in the track to stop the window from being lifted.Small blocks of wood or plastic or just a screw can be used. Iffitted correctly, this can make the window a lot more secureespecially when locking the window in the open position.Window grills provide very good security and ventilation. Windowscan be left open even if you are not home. Window grills arerelatively expensive so best fitted in bedrooms, bathrooms,kitchens or areas requiring good ventilation.If a window lock is correctly installed, the glass would need to bebroken or a considerable amount of force used to get the windowopen.Police estimates indicate that roughly 40% of home invasions andbreak-ins occur without actually having to break anything - thatare, no force is required to gain entry to the home.Does this surprise you?Think about your own home. How many exterior doors and windows doyour home have? Do you appropriately close all of them when youhead to work? How about at night before going to sleep?Home invasion has become a common crime these days. At best, a homeinvasion will leave you with a loss of valuable, or perhaps prizedand sentimental property. At worst, you may find yourself thevictim of the assault from an unwary burglar you have interrupted.You may find yourself seriously injured.To avoid home invasions, and to tighten the security of your home,you must therefore take proper care in locking doors and windowsaround your house. There are many points that should be considered,particularly when you are choosing locks or the type of windows.Some important things you might want to consider are -Sliding windows: A Burglar inviteMost old models of sliding windows are a cinch to remove - evenwhen they are locked. You could probably do it yourself - just takethe window off its frame. Burglars who do this professionally canget rid of a sliding window in a matter of mere minutes, not makingthe tiniest sound in the process.
French Window Designs 1.1
Quill Spray
Improving your home decor has become quiteconvenient now as people have a number of different things that canhelp them with the same. They can choose stylish flooring or optionfor elegant door frames and window frames also which can certainlyenhance their home decor and add grace to it. The French stylewindows and the French door are one of the most popular styles ofdoor frames which are popularly used at homes.The French style frames are generally used for open spaces andfunctions as window and as door as well. The French style doors areespecially used for balcony and as garden doors. The French windowis used at the landing place in the staircase and looks elegant.Apart from elegance, another reason that encourages people tochoose the French frame is that it keeps your home well ventilated.They allow the light to enter in your home and make it look brightand aired.Different kinds of frames are used for the French doors andwindows. Earlier only aluminum frames were available for thesewindows but now the UPVC frames are available which has allowed usto experiment with the French windows that we use at our home. UPVCwindow with different finish and colors are available that cangrace your home decor and can make it look elegant.People are now considering UPVC frames for doors and also forwindows because it is more durable as compared to the wooden doorframes or aluminum ones. The UPVC frames are basically vinyl framesthat are affordable, easy to maintain and are environment friendlyas well. Manufacturing door frames from this material requireslittle energy and then thus helps in conserving the naturalresources.The vinyl frames that are used for French windows and for otherkinds of windows are considered to be highly durable as well. Theycan be customized according to your requirement and are availablein different sizes as well. The best part about the vinyl Frenchwindow is that it does not fade easily and therefore you do nothave to worry about spending fortune on its maintenance. You canalso forget about paint jobs and maintain their beauty by cleaningthem regularly. Extreme sun does not damage the color and thereforethe vinyl French door is apt for places that face strong sun.If you reside at an area that is prone to high rainfalls then youcan choose water resistant French doors. Such doors can allow youto maintain the elegance of your home without worrying about waterseepage or any such issue. You can seal your home with the UPVCframes and can enjoy the weather without getting wet. Similarly,wind resistant customized doors and windows are also offered bysome companies and this allows you to keep off the frames fromrattling.French doors and windows are almost a rage with people desiring tohave stylish mansions and designer interior decor. Also known asthe patio doors, they deliver an exquisite style statement anddecor to the house. These doors and windows have huge panels (floorto ceiling in most of the cases), which are fitted with glass orany other see through material for that matter, giving a properview of the outdoor sight. Their enormous size enables theonlookers sitting inside the house to enjoy the scenery withoutgoing outside.If you have been feeling congested in you house and longing forproper ventilation in the same area, than the French windows are avery goodoption for you. They are best for the purpose ofventilation as they are directly connected to the outdoor decks,balconies or patios and are enormous in size. There are usually two/ three or four window panels / slashes (depending on the size ofthe balcony) attached to hinges or sliders. In order to open thewindow / door one would need to slide them, that is why they arealso known as sliding windows / doors. Compared to the regularwindows that open either in the front or back, sliding windows donot require any free space in the front or back as they simplyslide over the width.
Single Entry Door Design 1.1
Quill Spray
Are you building your dream home by thebeautiful, blue sea? Well, watching your dreams take shape must bean amazing feeling. And since you are one of the lucky few who willactually get an opportunity to spend the rest of your live in yourdream home, you have to make sure that you take care of everyminute detail and make it the most amazing house in theneighborhood. While building the house remember that nothing canever beat the first impression. So, you need to have great qualityentry doors that will welcome the guests warmly and improve itsperceived value.And this is precisely why choosing the right set of entry doors isextremely important. The entry door that you choose must complementthe architecture and overall decor of your house. If your house isbeing designed in the traditional style, doors with raised panelsand style moldings will work the best. If your house is beingdesigned in the lines of contemporary style, sleek lines will workthe best. Houses with Victorian carvings must always have ornatedoors. In order to simplify the process of installation, you canopt for pre-hung doors. This kind of doors are alreadyweather-stripped and framed, so the hassle is way less when incomes to installing them.Getting the right measurement is extremely important beforechoosing the entry doors for your house. The single doors ofstandard width are about 34 to 36 inches. The extra wide doors areusually about 42 inches in width. If the new home as high ceilingsyou can go in for a long door. Doors that are 8 feet tall will lookwonderful. If you want to give your home a natural and warm look,you can opt for wood doors. However, keep in mind that wood doorsrequire regular maintenance.For security and strength, steel entry doors are a very goodoption. The new steel doors have steel frames or wood frame withsteel that is galvanized heavily. If you want to have a wood doorbut are wary of maintaining it on a regular basis, you can choose afiber glass door. It has the composite look of a wood entry doorsans the hassle of maintenance. In fact, you can actually paint thefiber glass doors whenever you want to, to give it a brand newlook. Fiber glass doors don't shrink and rust.If you want to brighten the foyer, you can use a door panel,sidelights or the transom. There is a wide array of patterns thatyou can choose from and some of the most popular ones are leaded,frosted and beveled. Depending on the architecture of your house,go for simple or ornate patterns. Once you have taken your pickfrom the different styles of entry doors, you will have to selectthe right handle for it. See whether the bronze handle or the solidbrass handle goes with your door. With the right door and handle,you will add a wonderful, welcoming tone to your house.Everyone wants their front way to make an impressive impact as it'sthe first impression your visitors will have of your beautifulhome. With custom designed doors you have the freedom to createthat distinctive image that fits your unique style. Doors arecustom designed and custom built, available in wood, steel, orfibreglass.There is a wide range of designs, wood types, stain colours, glassoptions, and hardware to choose from. Home entrance ways includesingle entry, double entry, entry doors with sidelights, and entrydoors with transoms.With custom built you are not limited to standard sizes and canpick from narrow, wide oversize, or tall doors. Doors in dramaticshapes and sizes, from arched to gothic to elliptical, you designthe door that will enhance your homes existing architecture. Onceyou decide on the perfect door you can then add striking sidelightsand transoms in stained or bevelled glass that can complete thevisual impact of your entryway with the added bonus of bringingnatural light into your home.
Single Closet Door Design 1.1
Quill Spray
Closet doors are very different than standardinterior doors. They have a wide range of options, each impacting aroom in a very different way. For some, a closet is used purely tostore items the homeowner does not want to look at every day. Thesedoors do not need to make a statement, but rather only serve thefunction of hiding the contents in the closet. In these situations,a molded panel sliding door is the best solution due to its abilityto incorporate the overall decor of the home without drawing extraattention to itself.For some, a closet door can be a great way to incorporate a mirrorinto a room without having to attach a mirror to a wall. For thosehomeowners, single or double sided mirrored closet doors becomes agreat asset. While a single sided mirrored closet door is greatwhen getting dressed, a double sided mirror door can be of greaterbenefit if two people will be dressing at the same time.Besides swinging doors, many homeowners find themselves with largerclosets, requiring either a sliding closet door system or foldingsystem. A sliding system, known as bypass doors in the doorindustry, can come with either mirrors or no mirrors. In roomswhere space may be lacking, sliding closet doors are a wonderfuloption due to the fact they do not swing into the room. Therefore,furniture and other items can be placed right next to them withoutinterfering with their ability to function. The disadvantage withsliding closet doors, however, is the ability to only have accessto half of the closet at a time. Some closet organizers or storagesystems cannot function properly with sliding or bypass closetdoors. In those cases, folding doors, known as bifold closet doorsin the door industry, become a wonderful solution.Bifold closet doors, like bypass doors, can come with eithermirrors or no mirrors. The main advantage of bifold doors is thecomplete access into a closet due to the ability for them to swinginto a room. However, due to the folding action, furniture andother items need to be arranged in a room to allow clearance. Also,when having small children, some families prefer not to have bifoldcloset doors in order to ensure their children do not pinch theirfingers in between the panels.The versatility of modern closet doors is such that you can use itas a focal point of your home decor, divider to separate rooms orwall or even have it customize to cover windows.A modern closet door is a replacement installation that can benefitany home décor because its contemporary design can attractattention and is appealing to the eyes. These doors come in manystyles. These include:1) Sliding - this style is space saving and eliminates the worry ofbanging a door on the wall or bed every time you open your closet.A great design idea for closets in cramped rooms.2) Bifold - gives you ample access to the interior of your closet.This design is ideal for walk-in closets.3) Louvered - this style is becoming a common sight in modern homesdespite its traditional origin because of its simple charm. You canhave it painted based on the theme of your choice so that it willblend well with the rest of your home décor.4) Mirror - if you want to create an illusion of more space and abigger room, then this style is the one for you.5) Glass - an alternative to mirrors, glass doors conveysophistication. They also make any room look bigger too. Plexiglassis another alternative material for closet doors.It would be easy and convenient for you to choose and buy yourcloset doors over the Internet. You can browse through an array ofproducts, compare prices and quality without leaving the comfort ofyour home or office. Here are some examples of modern closet doorsthat you can find online:
Floor toCeiling Picture Window 1.1
Quill Spray
Depending on your age and stage in life, youmight associate spring with "fever", "break" or "cleaning". But theone constant is that it signifies the end of winter, and that aloneis reason to celebrate with some custom designed picture windows.With a versatility that makes them a popular choice for many typesof homes, picture windows are large fixed windows featuring a wideexpanse of glass. Their name derives from the clear view theyprovide, essentially acting as a picture frame for outdoorscenery.While picture windows are perfect for any time of year, they offera number of features that make them an ideal fit for the springseason, regardless of how you decide to spend your time.Turning on the LightAs the days get longer, so does our access to daylight, so why notmake the most of it? Instead of relying on lamps and overhead aidsfor reading, curl up with a good book and great window seat framedby generous bay picture windows. Essentially it's three windows,with one pane parallel to the wall and two on the sides of thefront pane angled inward toward the room. Let yourself be bathed innatural light with these unique windows and read your favoritestory far into the evening with nary a bulb in sight.Keeping them in SightWinter can be hard on the kids by keeping them cooped up inside,and even harder on the parents who rule the coop. So it's a reliefto everyone when the snow melts and the young ones burn off theirenergy outdoors for a change. The drawback is that they're harderto supervise now, so let picture windows ride to your rescue. Byplacing smaller picture windows above the sink or kitchen counter,your kids can play and you can work while never losing sight ofthem, no matter how hard you try.Decorating DramaThere's nothing like the end of a long winter to bring us out ofour shells, ready to re-connect. And there's nothing like dramaticpicture windows to make a big splash as you re-enter the socialpool. Whether you're welcoming back some long lost friends andassociates with a fancy dinner party or hosting a casual gettogether, towering floor to ceiling picture windows are the perfectbackdrop for a memorable evening. Their sheer size and statureoffer an answer to the inevitable "what's new" queries, and theplacement of these picture windows will treat your guests to acaptivating view that never gets old.Looking Up and Winding DownEntertaining is fun, but a few hours of small talk is enough tomake anyone long for some "me" time. When you're ready to make itall about you, some hot tea and a warm bath are the ultimateindulgence. Feel the tension melt away as you slip beneath thewelcoming water, rest your head on a bath pillow and feast youreyes on the enchanting... ceiling? If something sounds very wrongabout that, it's time to invest in corner picture windows thatreally do let you have it all. Strategically positioned, thesewindows will protect your privacy while treating you to a soothingview of a moonlit sky or, thanks to the extra daylight that springcan offer, perhaps a shimmering sunset.Have you ever intended to make a life change, and promptly realizedthere is no space in your house that would facilitate yourintentions?If it's a suitable space you're looking for, picture windows canaid your quest to achieve a variety of New Year's resolutions bysetting the right kind of scene.A big part of the appeal of picture windows is their versatility,and the inspiration they can provide to the residents of the home.Properly designed and placed, they can create any number of moodsand settings that might be missing from your well-meaninghome.Here are some tips on how to incorporate them in your home andboost your prospects for success in the process. We'll use four ofthe more common resolutions to show you how it's done.
Modern Window Guards Design 1.1
Quill Spray
One of the major reasons for infant mortalityis accidents at home. Domestic accidents such as fires fromelectrical short circuits, electrocution from unprotected poweroutlets, choking, drowning and falling contribute to a large numberof deaths among children. It is natural that most parents spend alot of time childproofing a house when they are expecting childrenin the household.However, in spite of our best efforts to make the house as safe forchildren as possible, we tend to overlook a few details here andthere, details that can prove fatal. Such as securing open windows,especially on the higher floors, with suitable window guards.Window guards are essential for all rooms where a child might bekept, and yes, that includes not just the baby's room but yourbedroom and living room as well. Did you know that according to theU.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission, more than 4,000 injuriesresult from falls from a household window every year? That's ashocking number of accidents which can be easily reduced byinstalling window guards.Modern day window guards com in many different kinds and can beinstalled on virtually any-sized window. They can be installedeasily by most and if you are a D-I-Y enthusiast, you'd loveputting them on. All you need is a screwdriver and some fasteningscrews to install them. Mounting the guard is really simple usingthe hardware that comes included in every package. In a popularmodel, you'd find 2 square steel mounting tubes that can be mountedeither frontally, or along the side edges of any window. Once thesemounting tubes are in place, it's a cinch to fit the guard that canbe simply placed in the opening and expanded proportionately for anautomatic interlocking with the mounting holes.With window guards installed, you can keep your windows openvirtually throughout the year without any worry. Why keep them shutwhen there's a cool breeze blowing outside just because you fearthat your tiny tot might fall through them? Moreover, withaesthetically designed window guards that you find easily in themarket today, you can stop worrying over spoiling the looks of yourwindows with unsightly bars or traditional guards. Quite simply,it's time to stop worrying and to keep your windows open to enjoythe view outside.One of the best brands in window guards is Guardian Angel, a namethat has become synonymous with high quality window guards made ofcold rolled steel tubing with a durable, lead-free white powdercoat finish.Whether you choose to go the do-it-yourself route or call in theprofessionals to get the job done, installing or replacing thewindows in your home is a multi-faceted process and involves agreat deal of informed decision-making. These decisions includeconsidering the various types of windows available as well asascertaining what type of frame is best suited to the needs of youand your home.Style: A Primary ConsiderationWindows come in a variety of shapes and sizes and selecting them isclosely related to the architecture of the house and it isimportant that stylistically, the windows are appropriate. Inaddition, windows can be a significant source of heat transfer,which is important if you live in an extreme climate. Certain typesof glazing and frames can assist in the reduction of thermal lossesand gains, improving the feel of your home as well as being moreenergy efficient.Windows are not only designed for light and aesthetics, but alsohelp to provide additional security. It is important to choosewindow types that take this into account. For example, largewindows, on which it is inappropriate or impossible to installburglar guards, may not be the best alternative for your bottomfloor, street facing rooms. This however, is largely dependent onthe area in which you live.
Modern Bay Window Design 1.1
Quill Spray
Any remodeling project gives you a chance toimprove your home in many different ways. You can improve theenergy efficiency of your home, make your home look better, orincrease the resale value.How about a project that can do all three of these things?Consider a bay window replacement for an existing flat window. Byinstalling these windows you can freshen up the look of your home,create interesting architectural details, and make rooms seemlarger. A new bay replacement made with modern Low-E glass can alsohelp lower your heating and cooling bills. The modern Low-E glasson the new bay window will usually reduce the thermal transmissionwhen compared to the old window.There are several styles of bay windows to choose from. One of themost common consists of a large center window flanked by twosmaller windows. These typically are connected at angles of 30 or45 degrees. Other window replacement options include windows madeof multiple panes instead of just three.New windows can improve the appearance your home both inside andoutside. Inside the new window makes the room look larger bycreating a window seat that extends out past the original homefloor plan. Outside the protruding bay window breaks up the linesof your home and adds visual interest and curb appeal.Because of the complexity of installing this particular type ofwindow, many homeowners choose to let a professional contractor dothe work instead of trying to do the job themselves. While hiring apro is never a bad idea, bay window replacement should be withinthe abilities of an experienced and competent home remodeler. Ifyou are confident in your skills, and have the proper tools, youcan do the work yourself and save money for other home remodelingjobs.Bay windows can create a beautiful focal point for a room, floodingit with light and making the most of the view. They cry out forelegant curtains, custom curtain rods and window seats, but somepeople are unsure where to start. Bay windows can be awkward attimes, but with a little effort are wonderful additions to anydesign scheme.Window seatsAdding some seating is a great way to use the space created by abay. A window seat fitted exactly into the space creates a romanticarea which is somewhat secluded but gives great views and warmthfrom the sun. The seat can be dressed with some sumptuous cushionsand a throw, creating the perfect space to read or sit with someonespecial.Bay window curtain rodsYou might think curtain tracks are the only option for bay windows,as these can be bent to the exact dimensions of the space, butthere are now curtain rods and poles which do the same thing.Curtain rods create a more opulent, bold effect than tracks.Imagine having your dining table in the bay with a chandelierfurther into the room and luxurious curtains draped from antiquedmetal or stainless steel poles. Rods can be bent to any shape,whether you have a square or round bay, and are suitable for eyeletcurtains or more traditional rings. Curtain poles need supportingregularly along their length when they are used in bay windows, butclever design means the rings can move past the brackets withease.Use the spaceAs bay windows have openings on all sides, they create pleasantnooks filled with light. They are great locations for activitieswhich either need illumination or benefit from the ability to seeout, so they're perfect for desks and dressing tables. Being ableto look up from your computer screen is good for your eyes andapplying make-up in natural light allows you to see the coloursmore clearly.With square bay windows you may find a piece of furniture that willfit, but for semi-circular or angled designs you might need acustom piece created. If the table or desk fits perfectly in thespace the effect will be more harmonious and, as with customcurtain rods, bespoke designs can be a definite plus.
White Exterior Door Design 1.1
Quill Spray
They say "it's what's on the inside thatcounts", but as any opener of gifts will tell you, proper packagingnever hurts. The same holds true for exterior doors. Not only arethey a guest's first impression of your home, but they help set thetone for what lies beyond.So it pays to put some time and thought into matching your exteriordoors with your interior motif, whether that be bold and brash orsubtle and sublime.For those who favor a traditional, elegant look, the optionsabound.Go for the GreenAt first glance, green and "elegant" may seem like a mismatch forexterior doors. But dig a bit deeper and they could make theperfect couple.On a traditional white house trimmed in black, avocado green that'sslightly lighter than the adjacent shrubs and bushes can strike adelicate balance: Catching the eye without making it roll.Often times, your own success may have sprung from mastering thefundamentals and then knowing when to stray from them, and exteriordoors are no different. Pair a "safe" background with slightlydaring exterior doors, choose the right shade and you'll have itmade.Belt out the BluesWhen it comes to hatching a novel approach to exterior doors, it'shard to beat robin's-egg blue. It's different enough to make youstand out but sufficiently muted to leave you sitting pretty. Byadding traditional elements such as sidelights and columns, youstill blend nicely with the neighbors while making your ownstatement: "We're proud and confident, but stillapproachable".So now that you recognize the power and potential of robin's-eggblue exterior doors, what are you waiting for? Get cracking.Try Red InsteadOkay, it's less subtle than light green or blue, yet sometimes boldis better in choosing your exterior doors. Red conveys power andenergy like few other colors can, but like a thoroughbredracehorse; the key is how you harness it. Use too much, or anoverbearing shade, and you'll move from attracting to repellingbefore you can say "what were we thinking?"Instead, surround it with off-white accents and trim and asophisticated red brick exterior. Before you know it, you'll be thetalk of the block and make "seeing red" a good thing.Go Big AND Go HomeSometimes, we get so caught up in choosing colors and styles andaccents that we forget about the equally important element of size.A large house with comparably small exterior doors is like thebodybuilder with pencil-thin legs: More laughable than laudable(just don't do it to his face).So be sure to complement a grandiose home with exterior doors thatreally do it justice, perhaps incorporating sidelights and asemicircle window above to enhance the effect. And if you feel theneed to justify your choice of a massive mansion and dauntingdoors, the simplest explanation is often the best one: Because youcan.Ready for RecessSure, you can achieve a majestic look with bold colors or bigelements, but if you prefer a more subtle approach to exteriordoors, understated is highly underrated. In addition to offeringshelter from the elements, a recessed entry can guard yourreputation for quiet dignity. You can still shine a light on thearea with generous sidelights and windows, while matching graypaint on the door and nearby bench complete the look.It's the perfect way to grab attention while making it seemeffortless. And really, isn't that what subtle is all about?Choosing the colour of your exterior door can be very daunting.There are many theories out there that suggest one colour toanother and many things to consider when making your choice. So,how do you choose the right colour for your exterior door? Here aresome tips to help you in your decision making:The front of your house, is the first thing people see. Yourexterior door is a reflection of you. It is the "opening" of yourhome, the place where people enter your home.
Window Glass Designs 1.1
Quill Spray
While designing your windows, you should givespecial care and attention to the window glass. With the right kindof window glass, you can give a new and fashionable look to anyroom in your house. The most important thing about your windowsdesign is that they should add to the beauty of your room and notover power it.Here are some common mistakes made while choosing window glass forhomes:1. Too dark: The window glass should not be too dark in colorbecause it might make your room look very dark and gloomy. If youwant to reduce the excess sunlight, then you should try to use thereflective glass that keeps the sun's heat and harmful rays out,while allowing the light to go inside the room.2. Wrong color: The color of the window glass should match theentire room. You can use different combination and mix-match theshades, but the make sure that the color doesn't clash with or overpowers the furniture and upholstery in the room.3. Bad pattern: When you will go to the window glass store, thesalesperson may try to sell you many "unique" and "latest" designs.Always remember that salesperson try to push on the designs whichgive them the greatest profit. But you should always choose apattern that suits your house and looks beautiful. Don't go by thelatest trend or what the salesperson says.4. Fragile built: This is really important, especially if you havesmall children at home. The glass should be strong enough to takeimpact and not shatter easily. A fragile window mirrors cannot onlybe a waste of money, but can also prove to be dangerous for you andyour family.These days, stain glass windows are extremely popular. They notonly look good on normal windows, but are also a great accessoryfor French windows and room partitions. You can install a glasswindow anywhere you want to create some partition, without makingthe space look closed and dark. A stain glass window allows somelight to go through, while creating a clear partition.Things used to be a whole lot simpler a few decades ago. Thereweren't too many options available to someone looking for aresidential window glass. Commonly, home owners could choosebetween 'thin' and 'tough' glass. At the most, they could get themtinted or painted.Today, glass counterpanes, furniture, tiles and wall of varyingdurability and transparency are replacing conventional buildingmaterials. Architects select different types of glass for windowswith different configurations. One used for the window in yourhouse will differ substantially from commercial door. The type ofglass you select for your window will affect the comfort, energyconsumption, insulation, noise level and security of yourhome.Let's take a look at the common types of residential glass window.Each type has its unique qualities. Understanding each type willmake it simpler for you choose the right types for yourwindow.Patterned GlassPattered one is covered with patterns or designs. Usuallytranslucent, this can be color or plain. It is perfect forsituations where both natural light and privacy are required. Thepatterns on it prohibit anyone from looking through the glass, butenough light escapes through the glass to light the room.Tinted GlassTinted glass is coated with material that reduces the transmissionof light, ensuring that your home doesn't heat up too much duringthe summers. This will also offers you privacy: you can see throughthe glass, but people on the other side cannot see you. Tintedglass is commonly used in cars. You can also avail residentialglass tinting services and get your existing one tinted.Low Emissivity GlassThis type of glass is coated with a special material comprisingmetal oxide compounds. The coating reflects a large percentage ofharmful UV rays, and it absorbs a lot of the heat energy. Theeffect totally depends on the thickness of the coating, and you cancustomize the coatings to increase to decrease heat gain.
Entrance Double Door Design 1.1
Quill Spray
First impressions are everything,especiallywhen someone is walking up to your front doors for thefirst time.Imagine if the paint was peeling off, or there was alarge scratchdown the panels. No matter how spectacular the insideof the housemay be, the front door is the first and last thingguests will see.The front door to a home sets a tone, tells astory. Maybe the dooris a solid mahogany multi-panel, and featuresbeveled glassaccents, and rich heavy hardware. The simple elegancecreates quitea statement and lets the guests know that they arearrivingsomewhere impressive. Front doors should be indicative ofthearchitectural style of the home, but also express thepersonalstyle of the homeowner. Some styles of doors are literallypiecesof art, and should be considered thoughtfully.Choosing a front door does not have to be an arduous task,butshould also not be taken for granted. Consider the type ofdooropening the home. Will it support a single door with sidelightstoeach side, or is a double door more appropriate? Would anarchedtop set off the entrance in a more stately way, or should itbe adoor with expressive moldings and carving? Should the doorbepainted or stained? The options are countless.The right set of front doors will not be inexpensive; howevertheyprovide a solid investment in your home. Solid wood pre-hungdoorsare an excellent choice for their ease of installation, andfortheir natural beauty. A wood door that is finished properlywilllast a long time, and provide excellent insulation from bothnoiseand weather. The warm look of the wood will create ahomey,inviting atmosphere to the home, practically begging forguests tocome over.A smart looking front door will also enhance the value of thehomeby making the entrance more important. Options aretypicallyavailable in hardwoods such as mahogany, cheery, knottypine,alder, and teak. These species of wood have excellentresistance toweather when properly sealed, and can come distressedif the homeis more rustic in style. Paint grade wood doors areavailable inpine, birch or hemlock for styles that call for morecolor.Numerous options of glass are also typically available,whether itis beveled, stained glass, or textured. The style ofglass shouldcomplement the door as well as the home.Ways to Improve the Entrance of Your Home:First impressions are important, and of course, your home'sfrontentrance is the first thing that guests see upon enteringyourhome. The question is, what do they see when they walk in?Doesyour entryway draw admiration, or disdain? Many people forkovermoney for improvements like new siding, windows, orlandscapingwork, but rarely think about how the front door entranceappears.When someone first arrives at your home and looks at theentrance,you want something that shows the pride you have in yourhome. Ifyou are lacking this, then it's time to revamp your frontdoorentrance. A new door, especially a custom wood door willenhanceyour front entry.Coming up with ideas to spruce up the front door entrance toyourhome isn't as much of a chore as it once might have been. Inyearspast, you would probably have driven by a sampling of homes tocomeup with ideas of the type of front entrance that would suityourhome. But now more than ever, it's easy to look atmaterialsonline, in print, or on television. From televisionprograms thatcover home decorating, to magazines and websites thatfeature doorgalleries, there's no shortage of places to get ideasfor yourfront entrance. You can even take advantage of a homeimprovementstore near you. While you may not want to buy materialsthere, it'scertainly a great place to get some inspiration. If youhavedifficulty coming up with creative ideas, perusing displayscanhelp you solidify in your mind the type of entryway you wantsothat you can work closely with a custom millwork company andgetexactly what you want.
Window Glass Texture Design 1.1
Quill Spray
Stained glass windows are the mostpredominantworks using stained glass. Of these, the leadlights arethesmallest stained windows using lead cames as the material tojointhe small pieces together. Lead was replaced in the works ofLouisComfort Tiffany with copper plates because it was way muchlighterthan the traditional lead came improving the finishedproduct'sstrength.Aside from the traditional stained glass windows, theinnovativeintuition of the interior designer in Tiffany caused himto applyhis craft on three-dimensional projects, most of whichwereornamental artifacts such as his famous stained glasslampshades.He also designed blown glass, ceramics, enamels,jewellery,metalwork and mosaics.Glass was available since centuries ago. Factories are set upwherethere is abundant supply of silica which does not occur in itsfreeelemental state but as silicon dioxide (the principalconstituentof sand) or as complex silicates in various mineralssuch asquartz.Stained glass making was practised since ancient times.TheEgyptians and the Romans were excellent manufacturers ofcolouredglass which they used as raw material for small ornamentalobjectssuch as the Lycurgus Cup in the British Museum which is of ahazymustard colour but turns into a glowing purple-red from behindalight source.Colouring or "staining" is a process which involves addingmetallicoxides while yet in its molten form or state at hightemperatures.Different metallic oxides produced distinctiveeffects, the mostcommon of which are copper oxides to producegreen-coloured glass,cobalt for blue and gold which produces redglass. As gold isexpensive, research led artisans to find copper toproduce abrighter red glass with a more vermilion shade.These "coloured" glass productions were enhanced withtheinnovations of Tiffany resulting in artful iridescent effectsonthe mostly opalescent stained glass he produced from hisTiffanyGlass Company and Tiffany Studios, founded in the late 1800sandearly 1900s, respectively. His glass staining processes coveredthefollowing techniques:· Streamer glass- glass strings patterns textured for effectsthatrepresented branches, twigs and grass.· Fracture glass- with an effect of thin glass wafers inirregularshapes to project an effect of foliage viewed fromadistance.· Fracture-streamer glass- a combo effect of the twotechniquesdescribed above.· Ripple glass- textured with marked surface waves for illusionsofwater or veins/striations in leaves.· Ring mottle glass- texturing developed to fit artwork todifferentmotifs.· Drapery glass- textured heavily folded glass forathree-dimensional effect of fabric folds as in the flowing robesofBiblical personalities and wings of angels.These innovations eliminated much of the hand painted glasswindowsstyle in earlier eras. Until the present, churches andcathedralsare the architectural homes of most stained windows,normally ofimmense sizes, along with some public buildings and afewsynagogues and mosques for its calming and hallowedeffects.All homes need a little something to create a feeling ofenjoymentand comfort, one way to do that has been used for hundredsof yearsand that is stained glass windows.Traditional leaded windows are made with colored glass andleadcame, though currently zinc is popular due to the fact that isisless damaging to the environment and the creators health.Otherthen these small advances in the materials used in thecreation ofleaded glass, the methods has ultimately remainedunchanged.With the comforting connection to the past any home withstainedglass windows installed is a beautiful sight that everypersonwould comment on. Colored glass is a beautiful art form thathascaptured many peoples attention. With the rising interestinstained glass windows now is the perfect time to buy yourstainedglass to improve your homes value and beauty.
Modern Window Designs 1.1
Quill Spray
Window designs occupy the minds ofmanyhomeowners when building their homes. Do they want to havemodern,minimalist windows or go for more elaborate and ornateoldfashioned windows that are works of art in themselves. If youhavevisited old style homes you would have been stuck by the beautyandintricacy that is involved in the creation of thosemasterpieces.At once they stand out and make a statement of theirown.Not the windows of today which are just plain openingswithminimalist frames with glass inserted. Today's window reflectthetimes where people don't have too much time to maintain andcleanintricate designs. They would rather have simple windowdesignsthat can be easily cleaned and kept dust free. Also, modernwindowsare more likely to focus on energy-efficiency andeffectiveinsulation. If the windows can perform these functionsthen thewindow is considered to have served its purpose.The windows of the old were designed to be used to frame aview.When you look out of the window you are likely to see astreamflowing by or a calm waters of a lake or rolling hills. Forsuchwondrous sites it would be a disservice to have plain windows.So,beautiful, elaborate windows with carvings and ornate designswerecreated. The times were leisurely and there were plenty ofmaidsand men available to clean them. Beautiful windowtreatmentsenhanced the whole look fo the window.Today, the movement is towards minimalist and neat look.Withclean-cut lines and simplicity ingrained in their design themodernwindows try to blend in with the walls and not detract fromtheinteriors of the home which are the main focus of attention.Therearen't many views to be had inside a thickly populated citiesandtowns where the window will likely frame the neighbor's houseorthe road with traffic rushing by. Only few home canaffordbeautiful gardens, lawns or artificial lakes. Also, old stylehomesconsume a lot of energy to keep them heated and cooled. Suchhugeenergy bills can't be afforded by most homeowners. That isthereason for the emphasis on energy efficiency.Given a choice many homes will opt for beautiful window designsofthe past. But they can't afford the high energy bills that arebaneof such homes. It is also a criminal waste when theenvironmentalimpact of our various activities are considered.Have you ever watched one of those home decorating shows and heardadesigner remark, "Those window treatments are so outdated!"Ifyou're like me, you look at the window treatments and try tofigureout what's wrong with them. If they look fine to you, thenchancesare your fashion sense needs a bit of fine tuning. Thisarticlewill provide you with a crash course in modern windowtreatments soyou'll know what to do to bring your home into thepresent.The newest thing in window treatments combines clean, simplelineswith eco-friendly materials, because the trend in homedecorationis emphasizing comfort and relaxation as well aseliminating thatover-dressed, cluttered look. When we're talkingclutter here, wedon't just mean the toys scattered around the room.We're talkingabout the remnants of past redecorations includingbulky, heavywindow coverings and the fluffy balloon valances youwere so inlove with 20 years ago.Modern window treatments emphasize the basic, from clean linestobasic fabrics. That isn't to say that you can't createaneye-popping look for your room, but just leave all the floweredandruffled curtains in the store. Choose something simple, whetherina plain color or a lively pattern, and find some wooden ormetalrods to hang them on. All you need to do then is add somecreativetie-backs, and you're good to go. Blinds are still anexcellentchoice, too, but not the metal blinds of the '80s. Look atsamplesin home improvement stores to get an idea of what's beingusednow.
Window Glass Reflection Design 1.1
Quill Spray
Wouldn't it be great to have wonderfulwindows?They not only help in ventilation, but can also increasethe beautyof the room if placed properly. If you are lookingforward toinstall window panes and yet don't know what to choose,then thisarticle will give you a low-down on the types of glasswhich you canbrowse through for maximum efficiency.Single Pane - Single panes are ordinary ones. They are poorininsulating and they let in all the heat and light. Peopleusesingle panes mostly because these glasses are cheap.Double Pane - Double panes improve the energy-efficiency andtheyare used in many homes situated in colder climates. They helpinreducing energy bills as they help in the retention of theheatgenerated by the room-heaters.Tinted - Normal glass do not provide that adequate privacy.Tintedones help in ensuring privacy and hey also help in reducingtheheat as they are treated with a film. If you are on thelook-outfor some privacy, then tinted ones are what you need.Reflective Glasses - These glasses are specially created toreflectmost of the heat. They are a must-have in eco-friendlybuildings.Most of the modern reflective ones have a metal coatingenablingthem to ward off the heat.Low-Emissivity Glass - These glasses reflect more heat thanthetinted or reflective ones but they do not compromise on thelightpassing through them. Up to seventy percent of heat isreflectedaway.Tempered Glass - These glasses are generally used for slidingdoorsand windows. Tempered glass is hardened with specialconsideration.In the event when the glass breaks, it fragments intotiny piecesrather than leaving sharp edges.Security Glass - This type of glass is the toughest one.Forsecurity purpose, these are opaque and canwithstandbullet-attacks.When you read an interesting/provocative piece, do you attempttosee how the contents could directly relate to your life, or doyouhave the "perfect example" of someone who fits the contents? Ifyoupersonally know the writer of the contents, do you attempt toreadand understand the work for your own value, or do you attempttodecipher the writer's life through his/her words? Thisessayexamines how we see ourselves and others while absorbingexternalinformation.There are matters that we hold dear to our hearts. These arethethings that we already know from birth and childhood and as wegrowup and older, that we Strongly believe in. There are mattersthatbecome dear to our hearts as we grow older and Adopt into ourmoralcodes. These are things ingrained through experience andexposure.These various matters serve to define who we are against ageneralframework of family, peers and society.These matters are all geared toward our general understandingofself and others. In strongly believing in something, one willalignwith like-minded individuals; take up opportunities expressedbylike-minded individuals and organizations. We havealignedourselves and others according to the matters held dear toourhearts and moral fiber of our being.What we find as we go along life and are open tootherinterpretations, is that our initial beliefs may be wellgrounded,or that they may need to be revised if not entirelyabandoned. Thecommon yet mistaken conception is that to abandon aninitial stanceor belief once strongly held, is an indication offickleness. Thismisconception first germinates in us, not others.It tells us thatothers may perceive our change of mind or view asindicative of atwo-sided nature, one that is not to betrusted.The truth is this perception within ourselves, that we shouldbeunable to change our minds or views is a well masked componentofFear. If we are to start changing our minds on some things, whatofothers, and what if what we believed shaped our relationshipswithothers, how do we explain our changes to them?
Modern Kitchen Window Design 1.1
Quill Spray
An assured way of spicing up your kitchenisopting for the kitchen window treatments. A tasteful kitchendecorpeps up our culinary side and makes the most significant butplainpart of our day quite enjoyable. There are many amongst uswhoconsider the time spent in the kitchen as an average experienceanda drab routine. Sometimes we even dread the idea of fixinganelaborate lunch just to avoid those extra long minutes inthatboring kitchen. If you are tired of the way your kitchenlooks,then a great way of beautifying it easily and effectively isbygoing for the various kitchen window treatments available inthemarket.The first step to achieve the objective of kitchen windowtreatmentsis to know about the various window styles that areavailable. Youcan choose from the popular designs that are neatand visuallyappealing. If you have a flair for coming up withcreative designsfor kitchen window treatments, you can even get acustomized windowof your own. You must chose the type of windowwhich suits theenvironment and is durable. Kitchen windowtreatments should notresult in a look which is a drastic contrastto the rest of the homedecor or stand out in a conspicuous manner.Instead, chose a designwhich blends in well with the interiors andenhances the aestheticappeal of the kitchen.There are many styles of windows and kitchen window treatmentstochoose from. One can go for a light, modern and classy theme oranornate, Victorian and heavy look.One of the most useful window styles when experimenting withthekitchen window treatments is the basic awning window whichismainly for ventilation purpose. It consists of a huge glasswithhinges on the top. These windows come in many patterns and canbemade very attractive by a beautiful stained glass painting onthewindow glass which would give a pleasant and mystical effect tothewhole kitchen ambiance.Another one is the bay style which is an intelligent choiceamongstall the kitchen window treatments if you have a small anddingykitchen or have space constraints. Bay windows have thetendency tobrighten up the room by allowing a lot of light. Theyare alsoeasier to install and are available in different styleslike angledbay, boxed bay, garden bay and bow or curved styles.Angled baywindows are set at an angle of 45 degrees and make thekitchen lookbigger. The box bay windows are square shaped and comewith a shelfprotruding outside the house. Garden bay windows are asmart choiceto lighten up dingy, dark and dull kitcheninteriors.Casement windows are put to their best use when placed overthekitchen sink because they are easier to operate using theattachedcrank. These window styles and kitchen window treatmentscome indecorative themes such as the French casement windows.Simple slider windows with patterned screens can give acompletelynew look to the kitchen.After choosing the window style, the second step in the processofkitchen window treatments is to select a way to enhance thelook.You can make things even better by using awning curtains,valances,diagonal panes, glazing effects, colorful drapes, classiccurtainpanels, dramatic kitchen blinds, pleated shades andromanshades.Including a pleasant window treatment for your kitchencandefinitely brighten up the disposition, and it's simpleandenjoyable to do by yourself. Making your own kitchenwindowtreatment is usually inexpensive and also personal. Realityis thatkitchen place is the area of your house in which you spendlot ofyour time. For this reason it is essential that you merelygeneratea pleasurable ambiance by designing modern kitchenwindows.Kitchen window covering can assist you produce an environmentthatwill reflect your individual style. There are many ideasaccessiblethat you may find in magazines, books as well as over ontheinternet resources. All you have to do is to havesufficientunderstanding of the job that you would like touse.
Outside Window Designs 1.1
Quill Spray
Having dirty windows can have a biggerimpacton a room than you might think and can leave it feeling darkandunclean from the inside while making your house look uncaredforfrom the outside. Just as making your bed can transform a roomfromscruffy to smart in seconds, so too can window cleaningtransformyour whole house.Of course you can hire others to keep your windows clean andit'srecommended that you do so on a regular basis. However whenit'sjust a quick 'going over' that they require you may be able tomakesome positive impact on their appearance yourself if you havetheright materials and know-how. The trick is to do this as wellasusing professionals if you want to make your windowslookabsolutely perfect. So here's what to do when you do gooverthem...Getting ReadyFirst of all, gather up all the tools and supplies that you'regoingto need and keep them to hand. This way you won't bewanderingthrough the house with dripping wet hands and leavingdirt and soapsuds in your wake. Fill a bucket (or saucepan orlarge bowl) withwater and add some detergent - some is speciallydesigned for windowcleaning but many products will work. Now get asponge and a clothand take your equipment with you to the firstwindow. In thisarticle I will be beginning with inside windows,but there's reallyno difference to starting inside or outside solong as you rememberto do both and you clean the sponge off inbetween. Make surehowever that you leave enough time to do all theoutside windowsbefore it starts getting cold and dark - if it'swinter then startoutside.First of all remove anything that's in the way of the window.Thatincludes plants and ornaments on the window sill, but alsoblindsor curtains. You don't want to knock anything over or getyourwindow covers soapy. In some cases these may be dusty as wellinwhich case they will need to be washed in a machine. Now removeanycobwebs or dirt that is noticeable on the screen. If you donotthese will collect in your bucket water and you'll need torefreshthe soap more regularly.Cleaning the Windows LogicallyNext soak the sponge and begin cleaning the frames (do thesefirstas otherwise the dirty water will run down onto the glassafteryou've cleaned it). Once this is done you can move onto thewindowsthemselves. Start in either the upper left or upper rightcorner ofthe pane and drag the sponge directly down (this preventsthe soapywater dripping down and leaving marks). Next use a chamoisor dryerrag to remove any dregs of water and give the window thatsparkleyou were looking for and don't forget to clean theframestoo.Now you'll be ready to move on to the next window - rememberthoughfirst to empty your bucket and fill it with fresh water andsoap.If you do not the water will become dirty and you'll end upmakingmore work for yourself than necessary. Remember onceyou'vefinished you'll have to go round and do the outside windowstoo.This requires the exact same process but for large patio doorsandwindows near the garden you can use the hose to 'blast' offanyinitial dirt before getting started.If you want to install exterior shutters for windows, indeed itcanbe a good decision especially if you want to add more flairandstyle to the outside part of your home. Any type of abodewillcertainly benefit from the significant beauty and accent thattheseoutside window treatment offer. However, like with otherhomeimprovement products, it is a must that you consider lookingatimportant factors such as the quality and durability ofyourexterior window shutters.The exterior shutters for windows can be had in a great varietyofshapes, sizes and types of materials. Vinyl and wood types,whichare available at many home improvement shops, can beconsidered acost effective choice. It is possible to build woodentreatmentsoperable using functional hardware.
Modern Entry Door Design 1.1
Quill Spray
When you are ready to spruce up yourhome,there are several things that you are going to look at. Youwillconsider changing the cabinets, the windows maybe a new floor,allkinds of things. There is one thing that will get overlookedthatcan make a massive improvement to your home and that is theentrydoors. Now despite the things that you may have heard, thereareseveral types of modern entry doors that you are able to useinorder to get the most efficiency out of your home.There is quite literally a style of modern entry doors that willfitevery kind of decorating style that you are considering usingin theover all remodel. The first thing that you need to do, issit downand consider what your looking to do with your remodel.This isimportant in the fact that you need to make sure that agranite tilefloor will fo with the entry door you are looking atinstalling.This is the one area that a lot of people get intotrouble with alot, they will not consider all of the changes theyare looking atmaking, and as a result will find themselves withdoors that clashwith the rest of the house.Now before you load up the family, and head off to find thelatestin modern entry doors, keep a few items in mind. Youhaveconsidered the issue of potential clash with new decoratingitems.Now you need to consider the fact of wood verses PVC versesmetal.These three options all have their pros and their cons in theusageof them. There will need to be a lot of consideration that youwillneed to put into your decision.One thing that you will need to think about is the fact thattherewill be a lot of wear and tear one these doors on a dailybasis.You coming in from grocery shopping, kids going in and outnot tomention to the weather. Wood doors tend to peel easily, whichmeansthat you will need to paint the doors a lot more often,anotherthing that many people overlook when considering modernentrydoors, is the weather. Wood doors are not able to withstand alotof harsh weather elements, this will cause a door to rot andneedreplacing sooner than the others. These are a couple of thingsthatyou need to keep in mind when looking at modern entrydoors.Modern entry doors can make a marked improvement in the overalllookof your house. They even can be functional in the fact thatthey cansave on your energy bill, and allow you to save money onyour energycost. This is one of the many advantages to installingentry doorscan have on a home.If you are still not sold, thenvisit a homeimprovement store and see for yourself.In our commercial world everything holds its commercial value.Inthe past things which had limited or no commercial value havenowturned into exchangeable product, or more precisely, price ofonemega item depends on the value of another small product.Markettrends in the real estate market have also changed, and keeponchanging as the construction has also changed, New ideas,newdesigns not only of building architecture is on the way,theinterior décor items, and ideas are also always changing. Doorsareone of the first things which are noticed, both by the visitors,orguests and neighbors, or every body who comes there. Entrydoors,define the overall style of the house and the choice oftheowner.Modern front doors offer styling, they are sleek. In additiontostyle, modern entry doors also bring security to the house.Themarket of today is flooded with new designs and concepts ofentrydoors. The framing techniques have changed and have developedalot. These techniques, allows glass to be inlaid more flushwiththe door panels. This gives multiple advantages to the door;suchas, a contemporary look plus the light inside your homeinclusiveof security and privacy. Modern front entry doors are aperfectoption when looking for an inexpensive face of yourhouse.
Metal Security Door Design 1.1
Quill Spray
Home security doors are now increasinginpopularity as breaking in becomes as easy as pie forskilledintruders. Indeed, having a strong lock attached to anordinarydoor cannot keep your residence safe. To protect your housefromforceful attacks, covering your entrance with heavy wood orsteelgate would be the best thing to do.Heavy wood may add elegance and warmth to the overall appearanceofyour residence. It can provide safety as well. However, it cangetdamaged or deformed through time or because of frequent use.Forthat matter, people prefer the installation of metal securitydoorsin their entrance areas. Out of the metal materialsavailable,steel is the top choice. It is followed by aluminum whichcostscheaper but proves to be equal in strength.In addition to the materials used in their production, the waythesedoors are fitted in their frames is much different. They arefittedmuch tighter than the ordinary ones to acquire the type ofsecuritythey are expected to provide. Absence of loose crevicesmakes ithard for intruders to force an entry. Not because they arebuilt fortough security, these gates could be less good-lookingthan theothers. In fact, manufacturers offer decorative designsfor homesecurity doors.When choosing the ideal door for your house, there are twothingswhich you should keep in mind. Firstly, consider the levelofsecurity that you need. Second, keep in mind that theinstallationwould be permanent and so its design must be classic.Do you haveenough budget for this? Are you willing to spend moneyin exchangeof your security? If your answer to both of thequestions is yes,you will be surprised to see a great number ofoptions which exudeboth beauty and security. In addition toelaborate designs andvibrant colors, both wooden and steel doorsmay come with colorfullaminated glass. Glass may be fitted in thewindow area of yourgate. More so, glass may be fitted as bars intothis area.Moving forward, make accurate measurements of the entrywayforproper installation. This will ensure the absence of the gapinbetween your old frame and your new door. Consider the colorofyour frame and the walls of the exact location wheretheinstallation will happen. It would be ideal to have all thecolorsof these parts complementing each other.When it comes to the locks and door knobs of your new homesecuritydoors, ensure that they match with the frame. Solid locksandhinges are the best features to add to these doors. They aresaidto be totally effective if they are installed in a correctnumberand with the right number of latches and hinges. With this,youmust buy from a company that can send along employees whoareskilled in installation. Never settle for the cheapestpackageoffered just to cut down the expenses. Remember, it is thesafetyof your family and your property is at stake here.A security door is a great way to add an extra element ofprotectionfor your home and family. Because many burglars preferto use thefront door when planning and executing a robbery, it isimperativethat great care is taken when looking to create abarrier ofsecurity. It surprises many that there are severalvarious screendoor options that can add an aesthetic appeal to thehome whilesimultaneously creating an added layer of protection.While it maynot seem like much from the onset, the extra door cancause anyoneup to no good to pass on your home and look for aneasier target.This is the ultimate goal, helping to secure yourhome frompredators and eliminate any concern that may arise whenbreak-insare occurring in the area.When you are looking to find the perfect security door match foryouhome, remember that there are options that will fit anybudget.Sure, there may be a chance that simply upgraded yourcurrent frontdoor is the best option, but when you shop themarket
Horizontal Sliding Window 1.1
Quill Spray
This is a quick review on how toreplaceweatherstripping on horizontal slider windows. It should beeasyand quick to read so I suggest you read right up to the end andyouwill most definitely find the information provided helpful inoneway or the other.To keep the warm air in and the cold out of the house there hastobe a seal which is airtight between the opening sash, the frameandthe window sill. The flexible gasket used to accomplish thisiscalled weatherstripping. Old weatherstripping will be, driedoutand will no longer be flexible. When this happens just knowthatits time to replace it. If it is not airtight it cannot doitsjob.If you have horizontal sliding glass windows you will no doubthavethick brush seals. This is a particular type of seal with averythin flange in the brush that helps with stopping air leaks.Yourweatherstripping prevents air leaks on the part of theslidingwindow that moves. When you buy the very best quality youcan besure to get the best results anytime. As a rulereplacingweatherstripping is not really that hard. If you cannotdecidewhich one to buy check it out with a salesperson.To replace weatherstripping on horizontal slider windows thesashmust be removed and then pull all of the old weatherstrippingoutof the slot. Take your new piece of weatherstripping and cut ittothe required length. Then slide and push it if necessary backintothe slot. Either tack or staple the ends of the brush to makesurethat it will remain in place before you put the sash back inwhereit should be.Windows are a major part of one's home, a feature which notonlydetermines the look of the house but also gives it aspecialidentity. Windows are a crucial ingredient that gives yourhome itsspecial identity.When one buys or rents a home, a renovation of the houseissometimes called for, and you might need to choose windowtypesfrom the vast repertoire of available choices.A number of aspects need to be considered while planningareplacement of old windows or while choosing windows for yournewhome.The most important factors to keep in mind while choosing thewindowtypes are: ventilation, beauty, safety, energy efficiency,theenvironment and, of course, the cost.The most commonly used window types are casement andslidingwindows.Casement windows are attached vertically with hinges to one sideona wall. They usually open with a crank mechanism. A singlewindowor a pair of windows can be fitted into a frame. They openall theway outward, and are wide open from top to bottomandside-to-side.A sliding window is a window that slides along a track insidethewindow frame. The frame may consist of many tracks depending onthenumber of windows on the tracks. They open horizontally and giveahundred percent view of the outside.Primarily, it may be the environment that affects the choiceofwindows. A harsh environment calls for windows that are insidethehouse rather than exposed to the sun, wind, and temperatureshifts,whereas a mild environment allows the use of windows thatareexposed to the outside.Ventilation is another important point to be consideredwhilechoosing windows. Windows fitted on opposite walls allow forcrossventilation and help keep the rooms cool.To save on energy, one can choose a double-glazed window (whichusestwo panels of glass). The layer between the two glasses actsas aninsulator to save the heat in the room.Depending on how much privacy and safety is required in theareawhere you live, you may opt for fortified orscreenedwindows.But above all, it's your budget that will have a final say onhowyour windows will look.
Rolling Glass Door Design 1.1
Quill Spray
Architectural glass is glass used asastructural element, as opposed to merely decorative or insertedinhole in the wall for the sole purpose of providing light and awayto see out. Thus architectural glass doors are doors whereintheglass is an integral structural element of the door.There are many options when choosing glass for yourarchitecturalglass doors, although it may be wise to choose fromsafety glasstypes, which include toughened, reinforced andlaminatedglasses.Crown glass is the earliest style of glass window. It consistedofhot blown glass forced onto a round, flat sheet and cut to size.Itwas a very expensive mode of manufacture and could not be usedtomake large panes.It is not ideal for architectural glass applications, as it isnotparticularly strong compared to newer glass technologies. Also,itis expensive. It is still used for restoring oldbuildings,however, as it has a unique look that cannot be obtainedthroughany other process.Glass blocks or glass bricks are often used as architecturalglassin building walls and partitions, but are not ideal for doorsasthey tend to be very thick and very heavy. They could be usedfordoors, but this application is rare.To make rolled plate glass, large amounts of molten glass arethrownon the cast iron bed of a rolling table, and rolled likedough. Itis then trimmed roughly while hot and soft.Figure rolled glass results when the plate is cast betweentworollers, one of which carries a pattern. The resulting patternwillappear in high relief. It is usually whiter than clear glassesandcan be laminated or toughened to produce a safety glasssuitablefor architectural glass doors. This may be an option if youwant tocombine strength with decorative properties, and a whiter,moreopaque color for the sake of privacy.90 percent of the world's flat glass is float glass. Molten glassispoured onto one end of a molten tin bath. The glass floats onthetin, and levels out as it spreads along the bath. The result isthatthe glass will be smooth on both sides. The glass cools slowlyandsolidifies as it travels over the molten tin.A very small amount of tin becomes embedded on the side facingthetin, and this side is easier to make into a mirror. Moltenglassfloating on tin will normally spread out to a thickness ofabout6mm. It is made thinner by stretching it as it cools, andthickerby squashing it as it cools.Laminated glass is a safety glass that holds togetherwhenshattered. It is held in place by a layer wedged between layersofglass that prevents the glass from breaking into large,sharpdangerous pieces. It is often used in architecturalapplications.As an added bonus, it insulates better against soundand blocks 99percent of ultraviolet light.There are several popular applications for barn door hardware.Oneexample is for separating one room from another where beforetherewas just an open doorway. For example, an open passagewaybetween aden and a hallway. Here barn door hardware can be used ina 2-doorsliding system where the doors can slide into the openpositionunobtrusively, or slide into the closed position topartition thatroom.Another use of the hardware has a smaller end application. It canbeused for a unique and rustic window covering, or foranentertainment center covering. The doors in this typeofapplication are smaller with varying widths and heights,dependingon the size of the window or television that isbeingcovered.The type of use that is to be highlighted here is with glassdoors.These are commonly found in bathrooms and are often lightlyetchedin part or whole to give them that classic "frosty" or"cloudy"white look. Frosted glass doors not only make for greatshowerdoors, but they're also fantastic as bathroom entrydoors.
Simple Wooden Window Designs 1.1
Quill Spray
Windows made from wood or timber can lastforcenturies with the correct design, coating and maintenance.Goodwooden windows don't need a lot of maintenance, although it'sacommon misconception that people think they do.In order to carry out maintenance work on wooden windows anddoorsyou need to do the following things. Use soapy water ormildewcleaner to clean any dirt or residue, and to prevent anyexcessmold building up on the window frames.You should then repair any visible damage to the wooden windowframeor door. Then you should apply a windows solution to allexternalexposed surfaces of your wooden window or door.This is a two stage process consisting of a cleaning fluid andaclear balsam which is applied with a cloth and can be carriedoutby a competent window cleaner. This process should be carriedoutonce a year, ideally.You can get wooden windows and doors that include guaranteesthatthey won't need to be painted or redecorated will be needed foratleast 10 years. It's also a good idea to choose windows withhighquality, factory-applied coatings to ensure long lastingprotectionagainst sunlight, water and fungal attack. Theseguarantees oftenalso cover embrittlement, flaking or cracking ofthe coating systemand damage resulting from fungal growth withinthe coating system.It also covers significant yellowing of thecoating and prematureerosion of the coating film leading to anexposed undercoat.Coatings on windows and doors will naturally erode over time,simplydue to exposure to the environment, and being exposed totheelements all year round. Therefore, re-coating will be requiredtoincrease the coating thickness and to maintain the protectionofthe underlying timber.But wooden window expert Martin Bevan says that even this isn'tmuchhassle. "With modern coating systems, maintenance of timberwindowsand doors is quick and simple. You don't need a hot air gunor ablow torch anymore. A quick wipe down and a brush coat ofthecorrect paint is enough to protect the windows for another5years."When maintained and looked after properly, wooden windows canlastin excess of 60 years, decades longer than PVC-U windows whichwilltypically deteriorate much sooner. If wooden windows anddoorsaren't given the minimal care that they need, however, theywillrot. When given the proper, albeit simple care they need,rottingcan be easily prevented.What are the advantages of going in for wooden window blinds?Theseblinds will resemble shutters with the only difference thattheslats will merely turn with the help of a cord instead ofbeingfitted to the window itself. Of course, you always have theoptionof pushing the blind away by either raising it verticallyorpushing it to the side horizontally.This is an improvement over the shutters because shutters canonlybe opened with hinges. This will lead to an additionalfurnitureitem being added to your window. If you go in for woodenwindowblinds, you can easily push it out of the way and even hideit fromsite without any difficulty.However, wooden window blinds are high maintenance accessories.Thisis because aluminum or vinyl blinds are very light and easytomaintain. Simple dusting on a daily basis is sufficient to keepitclean. However, what is going to attract a lot more dust anddirtand may even attract pests.Further, wood is heavier and you would need stronger cords toholdit in place. If you intend to incorporate the revolvingmechanismin the wooden window blinds, you will have to go in for asuitablystrong base to ensure that the accessory does notdisintegrate veryquickly.This is not an impossible task. However, you just have totakespecial attention and care when you are purchasing the product.Theeasiest and the smartest option for getting the best qualitywindowblinds made of wood is the internet. You just have to log onto theinternet and use the right keywords.
Double Panel Door Design 1.1
Quill Spray
Composite doors are UPVC doors thatarestrengthened with steel or aluminium and are built to takesingle,double or triple glazing. Exterior models will keep yourpropertymore secure, make it more attractive to look at, and add totheoverall value of your home. If you are thinking of moving anytimein the near future then you will get a better price foryourproperty if it has composite, double glazed, exteriordoors.Composite doors come in a range of colors and styles so you aresureto find something that will fit the overall style of yourhome.These doors often come with extra security features suchasanti-crowbar and double locking. In this day and age you wantyourhome to be as secure as possible and insurance companies lookfarmore kindly on insuring the contents of homes that arereasonablysecure. Most models are 44mm thick as opposed to the 28mmthat isusually the thickness of UPVC doors and they can be fittedwith thelatest Yale security systems that will put off the mostdeterminedhouse breaker.Composite doors have far greater insulating power thantraditionalwooden doors, which means that you won't have to dealwith a lot ofexternal noise, and the cold, outdoor air cannot creepin throughthe door. They are designed to be energy efficient bykeeping theheat inside your home. With these doors the heat thatyou pay foris not going out of the door, which means that you saveon yourenergy bills. Many people say that their composite doubleglazeddoors were the best investment they ever made because ofthesavings in energy costs.If you already have double glazing in your windows then you canhavethe same colour and style in your exterior composite doors asthereis now far more choice than there was a few years ago. Youcan havea door with attractive, toughened glass, double glazedside panelsand a top panel that will be well matched to yourexisting doubleglazing system. Double glazed composite doors arenot the cheapeston the market but they are a good investment andone that you willbe glad you made, especially if you want to sellyour home in thefuture.There are plenty of benefits to having composite doors, theirextrastrength and durability means that they will stay looking goodforyears to come. Good composite doors can last a lifetimebecausethey are not subject to the same warping as traditionalwoodendoors. When you consider the savings that you will makeonconserving energy and the lack of maintenance involved withthesedoors you may begin to wonder why you haven't had themfittedbefore. Composite doors will add to the style of your homeand youwill find that their superior strength means you are a lotlesslikely to have your house broken into, something which happensevenin the best of areas these days.Harvest Energy provides different items that run on solarenergy.One such product that they are providing is the solar doorsystem.They are producing both single and double solar door systemsforthe consumers. One of their most famous systems is the Star2double swing door system that has got an actuator with afacilityof 300 pounds per arm. As its name implies, the system hasgot 2doors that need 9 watt solar panel and split batteries aswell. TheStar 2 double swing system has got a brilliant backup forutilizingthe solar energy proficiently.This kind of a door operator includes a microchip power boardwhichis responsible for controlling its functions. It is preparedwith ametallic steel release pin which you can run easily. Thereceiverof the door system is pre-wired and also comprises ofatransmitter. The limit controls can be modified and the openingandclosing is a simple process, you just need to push a buttonforthat purpose. This door system come with an installed timer fortheshutting the door and has a functioning voltage of around 10voltsDC.
Bay Window Seat Design 1.1
Quill Spray
Bay windows are eye-catching amenitiesyou'lloften see on classic houses and older Victorian homes. Theycanlook very elegant and enhance the look of your house. Thereare,however, specific needs which must be met in order todesignbeautiful window treatments that will do your baywindowsjustice.There are a number of questions you need to ask yourselfbeforestarting to think about the window treatments themselves. Whywas abay window installed in this particular location? Is there awindowseat, and what kind of cushions do I need for it? What willitsmain use be? Is it located in a child's bedroom? Is thewindowmainly ornamental? By answering questions such as these,you'llhave a much better idea of the type of window treatmentsyou'regoing to want on your window.If you have an old Victorian bay window, it may well be that ithasalways been dressed using the heavy drapery materialsfavoredduring that era. You might want to consider exchanging thoseheavyfabrics for newer, lighter ones that will provide an airiereffect.These light fabrics will also soften the angles of thewindow.Whatever you decide, you'll want to find fabric that matchesthedécor of the room. In order to create a more dramatic look, youcanadd faux jewels to your draperies in order to make themmorenoticeable.Your bay window provides an excellent spot for people whoaretrapped inside due to inclement weather to sit and watch therainor snow while sipping a cup of tea. Your children might enjoyusingthe bay window seat as a retreat in which to do their homeworkorread a book. Be sure to keep a comfortable cushion on thewindowseat which will make the space homey and appealing for all ofthepeople in your home.Having the right window treatment on your bay window will addatouch of charm and friendliness to your room. You'll find thattheentire mood of the room has changed. If you'd prefer a moremoderntreatment, however, you can always use bamboo.Topped with a lovely window treatment, your bay window won'tbeallowed to fade into obscurity any longer. Instead, this warm,cozyspot will become a favorite with your guests. So isn't itabouttime you got started on a new window treatment for your baywindow?Your house will thank you.Bay window treatments requires special attention amongst allthewindows in a home. These windows have sections or partitionsinsuch a way that they look like three windows placed togetherwiththeir vertical corners at an acute angle. They are verypicturesqueboth from the outside as well as inside the house.Different treatments includes decorating the bay windowswithsuitable window coverings and sometimes, modifying thewindowstructure, if required.For bay window treatment using draperies or curtains you canalsomake use of sheers. This way when you have the drapery orcurtainopen the sheers will still maintain your privacy whilestillallowing the light to flood in. The double curtain rods enablethesheers and the curtains to be hung together. The sheers areplacedon the outer rod, that is closer to the window and thecurtains areinstalled on the inner rod, that is closer to the roomand awayfrom the window. The double layer of the sheers andcurtains allowsyou to manage the light and privacy as requiredduring the day andnight, respectively. The can also incorporate theuse of swags andcornices on the top. The look of a bay style windowtreatment canbe experimented with by covering and uncovering themiddle and sidesections, respectively and vice versa.Another Bay window treatment is to make use of classy stainedglasspaintings on all or selected sections of the window glass.This cancreate a magical effect in the room. When light passesthrough ofthe colorful stained glass the effect would cause lightto dance inmagnificent colors along the wall of the roomeliminating the needto hang additional artwork on the walls.
Double Entry Door Design 1.1
Quill Spray
The most impressive feature of a home'sfrontappearance is the entry door. Entry doors come withbeautifulcarvings, colored glass and laminated glass panels. Thereare manydifferent styles from which you can choose such as doubledoors,French double doors, patio doors and so on.When you select an entry door for your home, it is necessarytomatch the appearance of the door with the overall look and feelofthe entire house. Another factor that you must considerissecurity. The front door should be made of material that isdurableso that it lasts long and also so that it providessecurity.Entry doors are made from different materials such asfiberglass,steel and wood. If you want something that istraditional, thetypical wood entry door is the right choice. Youcan get wood doorsmade out of a variety of wood materials such asfir, walnut,cherry, pine, maple and mahogany. Wood door need to bemaintainedproperly. It is vital to paint it and repair it. If youare lookingfor something that is low cost and which required lowmaintenance,steel doors is the best option. They are alsoenergyefficient.The most optimal amongst these is fiberglass as it is not subjecttothe kind of wear and tear seen with wood and these steel doors.Incourse of time, wood can split and crack, while steel cangetrusted, but this is not seen with fiberglass. They can denteasilyand in the course of years they can wear out.You can find fiberglass doors with classic look as well asappealingmodern styles. They come with multiple glass panels, fineetchedglass and also full-length glass work. However, in order toget theright type of entry doors, it is necessary to check throughvariouspanel styles, glass configurations, finishes andpre-finishes. Theadvantage of fiberglass doors is that they areavailable at highlycompetitive rates. They are able to give betterinsulation thandoors that are made from wood or steel. They do notrequire constantrepairs neither do they have to be replacedquickly.Whether you are building or redesigning an older home, theentrydoor makes a definite statement about you and your home. Sinceanentry door can be seen both from the street or sidewalk andaffectsthe inside view of your house, you want the entry door tomatch thelook of your house from the outside, and the décor of theentry wayor living room.When you choose to replace exterior door fittings, you havemanyoptions to look at. Sometimes people replace exterior doorfittingsto add curb appeal to the house. You may be looking foradditionalsecurity features in an exterior door. You may choose anentry doorthat lets more light in to your house or that addsdecorativefeatures not available in your original entry door.You can choose to install exterior door fittings yourself or hireacarpenter or handyman to do the job for you. Unless you decidetoenlarge the entry door opening as part of your remodel project,toreplace the entry door is not an onerous task.An entry door is generally made more solid than a similardesigninterior door. An entry door may be made of metal, wood,plastic,glass or laminate of some type. An exterior door may alsobe madeof some combination of the above materials.The entry door can be single or double doors. A patio doororsliding door is another type of entry door. The entrance doormaybe flanked by narrow windows for an attractive presentation.Theentry door can also be topped with a fanlight.An entrance door often is designed as either raised or lowerpanelsin either vertical or horizontal designs. There areseveralpermutations of panel arrangements which have become quitepopularin entry doors. Some paneled type doors have quite ornatefinishingwith occasional base-relief carvings; however this type ofentrydoor is more likely to be custom-made.
Modern Oak Door Design 1.1
Quill Spray
In recent times, interior oak doorshaveincreasingly gained popularity amongst homeowners. This ispartlydue to the fact that they are durable and tend to last a longtime,not forgetting their exquisite ornate designs which makethesedoors a style statement in whichever home they are usedin.These doors are also a popular choice for those lookingforadditional security as they are very solid and should work wellinkeeping intruders out of your home. Below are some tips tohelpguide you when choosing the right oak doors for yourhome.There is a wide array of options to choose from when selectingyourinterior oak doors. Whether you go for the stained doors ornot,you still have a variety of colours to choose from which rangefromdark tan to very light beige. If you are looking forsomethingdark, go for white oak, while red oak is ideal for thosewho want alighter look. While this might seem a little confusing,rememberthat the name of the oak tree is more related to itsoutwardappearance, rather than what its interior wood looks like.If youwant to bring in light into the room, you may go for a doorfittedwith glass panels as well.The next thing to consider when selecting your door is whetherornot you want it painted, although painting of oak doors isfrownedupon by most home improvement professionals. Oak doorsdiffersignificantly from other types of wooden doors, with theirgrainpattern comprising of elegant arches and swirls which make foravery attractive-looking door. When used in a home, oak doorsalwayscreate a naturally warm ambience.Oak doors require similar type of maintenance as other typesofdoors, whether constructed out of wood or other materials. Youcanincrease the lifespan of your doors by coating them with varnishora good preservative every couple of years which will make themlastlonger. These doors are nevertheless known to last decadesevenwithout undergoing this type of treatment.Despite the fact that oak doors tend to range higher in pricethanmost other types of doors, they nevertheless make up for thisbyproviding great value to the homeowner. As long as youproperlycare for your doors, you will not find yourself having toreplacethem in ten years. And if and when the time comes for you tohaveto sell your home, these doors will greatly increase the valueofyour property.The versatility of oak doors in terms of standard designs makesthemideal for most homes, both modern and traditional. However,forsomething entirely unique, you could have a door which mixesboththe contemporary and classic designs to produce a one of akindstyle for your home.Whatever you decide on, the good news is that modern day oakdoorsfeature increased stability due to modern engineeringtechniques.This guarantees that you not only have an attractivedoor, but onethat is stable as well. To find out more about oakdoors visit theSavoy Doors shop.If you are looking for a door wood type that can best protectyourhome from intruders and the elements, then oak is your bestbet.Oak doors are ideal to have in any home, whether it is amodernurban home or even an older traditional home.Oak doors are ideal for use as external doors in any homebecausethey are sturdy, strong and are available in a wide rangeofstandard designs featuring attractive grains that run throughthewood. In addition, oak is widely popular because it is durableandhas a longer lifespan than most other wooden doors. This iswhatmakes it the best choice for both internal andexternaldoors.Oak doors are very versatile and can therefore blend in well inanyhome as they come in elegant standard designs featuringsimplelines. In order to showcase your personality and character,you mayopt for oak doors fitted with designer panes of glass whichallowfor the penetration of light into a hallway orreceptionroom.
Solid Wood Door Design 1.1
Quill Spray
Doors serve as the main point of entranceandexit in any home. Doors made from solid wood are some of themostpopular door choices in homes today. An attractive solid wooddoorwill normally impress visitors coming to your home withitselegance and beauty. Wooden doors are available in a varietyofgreat colours which are able to match existing decor in almostanyhousehold. These doors are known to introduce natural warmth,charmand style in a home when used in the traditional way.Wood doors serve well as a means of gaining access to your home.Youmay replace metal exterior doors with wooden doors to revampyourentire house and give it a new look. Wooden doors are veryinvitingto guests in your home and give it a unique look in theeyes ofthose viewing it from the outside. Solid wood doors areavailable asthe single acting doors which are hinged on one sideand thereforeonly open in one direction. There are also thebi-folded doors with2 panels which fold at the centre.Your choice of solid wood door will naturally depend on yourownpersonal taste, where you live, the overall architectureandexisting decor in your home, as well as the budget you areworkingwith. It is also important to source your solid wooden doorsfrom areputable source to guarantee that you receive the best valueforthe money you spend.What's most important is to ensure that you choices blend inwellwith the entire look of your home. Remember that these arenormallythe first thing that visitors to your home will see, sothey areyour style statement.Once you have bought and installed your doors, you will wanttoensure that they remain protected from damage. Such damage maybeas a result of extreme weather, high temperatures, excesshumidity,rain and frost. Wooden doors may also be damaged throughcrackingor warping, as well as by termite attacks.Ensure that you properly maintain and care for your doors toenablethem to last longer. However, modern construction methodsaremaking wooden doors much less susceptible to damage fromtheelements, while maintaining their attractiveness. It isrecommendedthat you have your solid wood door primed and thereafterpainted orstained in order to better shield it from the weather andavoidincurring high maintenance fees further down the road.It is possible to personalise the look of your solid wood entrydoorthrough the addition of a window, sidelights, and transom orglassinsets. While those with a solid core tend to be higherpriced thanthe hollow core wood doors, they make up for theircostliness byworking well in dampening sounds on both sides.If you can't afford having these solid wood doors in every roominyour home, you could start out by fitting them in the bedroomandbathroom while you save up for an entire home makeover. To findoutmore about doors visit the Savoy Doors shop.The saying 'you get what you pay for' is nary as true aswheninvesting in top quality, bespoke products.It's also true that top quality, bespoke products areusuallyexactly that: an investment.Wood doors are no different. They won't be the cheapest optioninterms of initial outlay, but the benefits they bring overtheirlifetime will more than cover their monetary cost.We all want to make our homes as safe as they can be forourselvesand our families, and solid wood doors play a large roleinensuring they are. But what about in the inside?Well, you could cut corners and go for a cheaper,off-the-shelfoption. But we wouldn't recommend it.In truth, the benefits of solid wood doors inside the home arejustas important as those brought by exterior ones.Looking good inside and outWhen you install doors in your home, the single mostobviousimprovement they make is in the aesthetics.