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Qunar - Find cheap flights 2.1.5
Qunar app lets you save money and time whensearching for flight!Qunar.com is Chinese leading platform of flight searching andbooking, Qunar app Chinese version already have 8 milliondownloads, and provide the service of search and book flighttickets to millions of people every day.Here comes the Qunar app International version!【Easy booking】Quick travel booking based on stops, price, journey time anddifferent airlines preference.Complete your booking in our app with 0% extra charge.【Cheapest price】We compare fares from thousands of airlines and travel agencies,deliver cheapest deal to your devices directly.【Multi-language & Currency】Provides instant online comparison for millions of flights andmultiple languages as well as currencies (especially support IndianRupee and Indonesian Rupiah).【Secure payment】Double risk-control system and whole course security monitoringhelp ensure that your payment is safe.If you have any question in using Qunar app, please contact us atinterfeedback@qunar.com.Chinese official website: http://www.qunar.comEnglish official website: http://www.qua.comOfficial homepage in Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/iQunar/Customer service number: +86-400-600-7887 (Chinese & Englishservice)
去哪儿当地-查询预订当地旅游线路 2.8
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去哪儿旅图-旅行必备 4.2.0
提供旅行经历自动整理、拍摄地点智能识别、查看各地即时照片、轻松写游记等特色功能。本应用由去哪儿网(qunar.com, NASDAQ:QUNR)诚意出品!功能简介:· 智能整理, 支持按时间、地点、旅行经历等方式查看照片;· 独家技术, 实现相册容量优化, 最多可释放80%手机存储容量;· 旅行时景, 浏览世界各地即时照片, 看看别人玩什么, 当地人日常生活;· 一键游记, 沉淀每一次旅行, 也可发私密游记, 独享精彩回忆;· 轻松分享, 支持微信、微博、空间等多种分享方式, 快速与小伙伴分享旅行经历。此外还可通过电脑访问旅图官网: lvtu.qunar.com, 上传单反、数码相机的照片, 让旅行回忆更加精彩!欢迎加入我们的QQ群或关注我们的新浪微博, 一同见证旅图的成长!QQ群号: 250750894新浪微博昵称: 去哪儿旅图Provides travelexperienceautomatically organize, location identification,real-time viewphotos around easily travel writing and otherfeatures.Where the application of the net (qunar.com, NASDAQ: QUNR)Weproduced!Features:Intelligent finishing, supported by time, place, travelexperience,etc. See photos;· Exclusive technology, capacity optimization album, released upto80% of mobile phone storage capacity;· Travel scene, view real-time pictures from around the worldandsee what other people play, the locals everyday life;· A key Travels, precipitation every trip, but also can bemadeprivate travel, exclusive of wonderful memories;· Easily share, support a variety of ways to sharemicro-channel,microblogging, space, quickly share travelexperiences with thejunior partner.Journey through the computer but can also visit the officialwebsitechart: lvtu.qunar.com, upload SLR, digital camera photos,maketravel more exciting memories!Welcome to our QQ group or follow us on Weibo, witnessed thegrowthchart brigade together!QQ group number: 250 750 894Sina microblogging nickname: Where brigade Figure
去哪儿旅行-机票.酒店.火车票.汽车票.旅游.门票 10.1.18
去哪儿旅行—海量酒店1折起!去哪儿网移动客户端“去哪儿旅行”是中国旅行类较受欢迎的移动应用,目前拥有超过10亿的激活下载量,增速高于行业平均水平,总用户量、以及月度覆盖人数位居榜首。中国互联网络信息中心发布的中国网民在线旅行预订行为调查报告中,去哪儿旅行客户端总用户下载量居首,活跃用户突破3000万大关。【国际机票】国际机票支持行李额、贵宾室购买,让出行更便捷。【国内机票】买机票预约接送机,专车服务低价享;用身份证号也能值机啦,轻松选座不费劲。【火车票】一元夺宝来袭,还能为您送票到站,更支持票种自由切换! 【汽车票】汽车票可选优惠套餐啦!用更低的价格,享更安全的保障。【钟点房】钟点房来优惠啦,代金券满¥60就能用,撩妹约会、候车休息统统低成本。【民宿·公寓】新增客栈印象——没想到你竟然是这样的客栈! 为了帮你更省钱!我们硬是闹着让签证也可以享受优惠了。自由行、跟团游产品新增购物车功能,这回终于可以边看边加了,永久保存不会丢喔~