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Javanese Alphabet 1.0
Restu Ibu
Javanese Alphabet is android based applicationthat can translate Indonesia language into Aksara Jawa(javanese).It provides "Learn" feature that explain about how to write AksaraJawa and "History" feature that explain about it history.Keyword :aksara jawa , carakan , javascript
Tasbih 1.0
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This app helping moslem to count their dhikr,just by clicking counter button.feature :1. Three mode of alert(ring only, ring and vibration, vibrationonly)2. Custom tone alertKeyword : tasbih, tasbeeh, dhikrThis app helping theirmoslem to count dhikr, just by clicking the button counter.feature:1. The Three modes of alert (ring only, ring and vibration,vibration only)2. Custom tone alertsKeyword: beads, tasbeeh, dhikr
Kumpulan Doa 1.0
Restu Ibu
Kumpulan doa merupakan aplikasi yang berisidoa sehari hari, sangat cocok bagi yang sedang menghafal doa atauhanya sekedar ingin membaca doa. Kumpulan doa memiliki tampilanyang simple dan menarik.kata kunci: doa sehari-hari, doa-doa, kumpulan doasehari-hariSet of prayer is anapplication that contains the daily prayers, very suitable forbeing memorized prayer or just want to read the prayer. Set ofprayer has a simple and attractive appearance.keywords: daily prayer, prayers, daily prayer meetings
Aplikasi Mudik 2.2
Restu Ibu
Aplikasi untuk membantu para pemudik dalamperjalanan, mudik merupakan acara tahunan yang dilakukan orangIndonesia ketika akan lebaran.Aplikasi Mudik ini berisi beberapa fitur yang dapat membantupemudik, seperti :1. DAFTAR 3 JALUR MUDIK - berisi jalur mudik dalam google map,(sementara hanya jalur mudik di pulau Jawa).2. PETUNJUKN ARAH - Berisi panduan dari lokasi user ke tempattertentu yang dapat di tentukan dengan searching.3. CARI TEMPAT - fitur untuk memudahkan pemudik dalam menentukanbeberapa lokasi penting yang biasanya dibutuhkan ketika mudik,seperti pom bensin, restaurant, rumah sakit, bengkel, dsb.keywords : mudik, aplikasi mudik, mudik 2015Application to help thetravelers on the way, going home is an annual event that Indonesianpeople do when going widths.Homecoming application contains several features that helptravelers, such as:MUDIK TRACK LIST 1. 3 - shows the route in google map, (whileonly path back and forth on the island of Java).2. PETUNJUKN DIRECTION - Contains a guide of the user's locationto a specific place that can be set with searching.3. FIND PLACE - features to facilitate the travelers todetermine several important locations that are usually requiredwhen going home, such as gas stations, restaurants, hospitals,workshops, etc.keywords: homecoming, application homecoming, homecoming 2015
Surat Ya-Sin 1.0
Restu Ibu
Merupakan aplikasi untuk memudahkan umat islamdalam membaca surat yasin, aplikasi ini disertai dengan bacaantahlil yang biasa di baca setelah membaca surat yasin, dikemasdalam aplikasi yang simple dan mudah digunakan.Keyword : yaseen , surah yaseen , yasiinAn application to allowMuslims to read the letter Yasin, this application is accompaniedby the usual reading tahlil read after reading the letter Yasin,packaged in an application that is simple and easy to use.Keyword: Yaseen, Surah Yaseen, Yaseen
Berita Islam 1.0
Restu Ibu
Berita Islam merupakan aplikasi yangmenyediakan berita atau hal mengenai islam itu sendiri. Kontendiambil dari RSS Feed beberapa website yaitu:1. ceritaislami.net2. kabarislamia.com3. belajarislam.com4. kisahmuslim.comKata kunci: berita, islam, berita islamIslamic News is anapplication that provides news or anything about Islam itself.Content taken from RSS Feeds some websites are:1. ceritaislami.net2. kabarislamia.com3. belajarislam.com4. kisahmuslim.comKeywords: news, islam, islam news
Mailbox App 2.1
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Android Material UI Template is exampleimplementation material design in various app.Download full source code : Android UItemplate is example implementation, material design in various app.Download full source code:
Social App 2.1
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Android Material UI Template is exampleimplementation material design in various app.Download full source code :
The Recipe 2.1
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Android Material UI Template is exampleimplementation material design in various app.Download full source code :
Shopper App 2.1
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Android Material UI Template is exampleimplementation material design in various app.Download full source code :
Chatting App 2.1
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Android Material UI Template is exampleimplementation material design in various app.Download full source code :
Weats 1
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Weats (Weather Shot) is an application thatletyou share your captured image embedded withweatherinformation.It has Four steps to use it:1. Get your location/weather information.2. Take your photo.3. Customize your photo effect and weatherinformationtemplate.4. Share your photo.
News App 2.1
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Android Material UI Template is exampleimplementation material design in various app.Download full source code :
Insta App 2.1
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Android Material UI Template is exampleimplementation material design in various app.Download full source code :
Atur Duit PRO 1.0
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Atur Duit PRO membantu kita untuk lebihmudahmengatur pengeluaran uang.Fitur yang dimiliki adalah1. Menambah/mengubah/menghapus transaksi yang dilakukanbaiktransaksi yang dilakukan sebelumnya, sekarang, maupun yangakandatang.2. Menampilkan grafik pengeluaran berdasarkan harian, bulanan,dantahunan.3. Mengatur jumlah anggaran/budget berdasarkan mingguandanbulanan.4. Menampilkan riwayat transaksi yang telah dilakukan.5. Menampilkan riwayat budget yang telah dilakukan.6. Widget sisa budget bisa di home/lockscreenBeberapa fitur baru dari Atur Duit Pro adalah:7. Backup dan Restore Database8. Mereset database9. tidak ada iklan10. Sangat sederhana dan mudah untuk digunakan!Set Duit PRO helps ustomore easily manage the expenditure of money.Features of the is1. Add / modify / delete transactions carried out bothtransactionscarried out previously, now or in the future.2. Shows a graph expenses by daily, monthly, and yearly.3. Set the number of budget / budget based on weekly andmonthlybasis.4. Displays a history of transactions that have beencarriedout.5. Display history budget that has been done.6. Widget remainder of the budget could be in the home / lockscreenSome new features of the Money Advice Pro are:7. Backup and Restore Database8. Resetting the database9. no advertising10. Very simple and easy to use!
Koran 1.1
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App display Articles from Wordpress Sitedata source : support : display ArticlesfromWordpress SiteData source: support:
Wake 1.0
Restu Ibu
Wake is an alarm clock application thatwillforce you to think to turn it off. It because you have tosolvemathematic operation with random number and operator with20seconds. If the time running out, the number and operatorwillrandomly change, so think fast!keyword: alarm, clock, wake, waker, sum, multiplicationWake is an alarmclockapplication that will force you to think to turn it off. ItBecauseYou have to solve mathematic operation with random numberandoperator with 20 seconds. If the time is running out, thenumberand the operator will randomly change, so think fast!keywords: alarm, clock, wake, waker, sum, multiplication
Super Note 2.0
Restu Ibu
Super note is an application to makequicknotes easy and simple, such as a phone number, email, etc.shoppinglist. This application is very easy to use and can beunlimitedtext storage.Feature :1. Material Design UI Interface2. Dynamic Splash Screen3. SQLite Database4. Dynamic Theme Color5. 14+ Color Variation6. Sharing with Social Media
My Dictionary 4.0
Restu Ibu
My Dictionary merupakan aplikasi sederhanayangdigunakan untuk memudahkan pengguna mencari terjemahan katabaikdari kata Inggris ke Indonesia ataupun Indonesia keInggris.Dengan tampilan yang sederhana dan mudah digunakan, makaaplikasiini sangat cocok digunakan sebagai kamus saku yang adapatdigunakandinamapun dan kapanpun.kamus bahasa inggris, kamus indonesia inggrisMy Dictionary is asimpleapplication that is used to allow users to search for a goodwordtranslation of English words to Indonesian and IndonesiantoEnglish.With a view that is simple and easy to use, then this applicationissuitable as a pocket dictionary that adapat used dinamapunandanytime.English dictionary, English Indonesian Dictionary
Lite Music 3.0
Restu Ibu
Lite Music is an application to play mp3musicon your android device. With simple interface make you ejoythemusic easily. Custom your color as your feel.Music Lite isanapplication to play mp3 music on your android device. Withsimpleinterface make you ejoy the music Easily. Custom color guideasyour feel.
Material Messenger 2.1
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Android Material UI Template isexampleimplementation material design in various app.Download full source code:
The City 4.1
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Collections interesting places from cityandshow at android app with good design. Sample places comefromBandung, West Java, Indonesia.
Tahsin Hijaiyah 1.0
Restu Ibu
Tahsin hijaiyah merupakan aplikasi mobile yang mempermudahpenggunauntuk belajar tahsin huruf hijaiyah dimanapun dankapanpun.Menampilkan aturan-aturan pengucapan untuk masing-masinghurufhijaiyah beserta rekaman untuk latihan. Kata kunci:tahsin,hijaiyah, tahsin hijaiyah
Atur Duit 1.4
Restu Ibu
Atur Duit membantu kita untuk lebih mudah mengatur pengeluaranuang.Fitur yang dimiliki adalah 1. Menambah/mengubah/menghapustransaksiyang dilakukan baik transaksi yang dilakukan sebelumnya,sekarang,maupun yang akan datang. 2. Menampilkan grafikpengeluaranberdasarkan harian, bulanan, dan tahunan 3. Mengaturjumlahanggaran/budget berdasarkan mingguan dan bulanan. 4.Menampilkanriwayat transaksi yang telah dilakukan. 5. Menampilkanriwayatbudget yang telah dilakukan. 6. Widget sisa budget bisadihome/lockscreen. 7. Fitur untuk backup, reset, danrestoredatabase. 8. Mengubah budget yang telah ditentukan. 9.Menampilkangrafik dalam bentuk Line Chart atau Bar Chart INI BUKANAPLIKASIUNTUK PINJAM DUIT!