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Warring Realms 1.03
Warring Realms is an easy to play strategygame where the objective is to defeat your enemies by capturing allof their territories.There are five factions to select from and you can play against1 to 4 AI opponents.The map is randomly generated each game.Follow the tutorial for a basic overview of how to play.
Cinavision TV 5.1.2
Cinavision World is Making Life Easier with aWorld of online channels, games, apps, online shopping and otherworld wide web information, available right there on your Smartdevices (TV, dongle, tablet or phone) PC and Mac via yourbrowser.
Breathing for Life 1.03
Breathing for Life is all about relaxing byaltering your breathing technique.By applying abdominal breathing techniques one can learn torelax.
Flames of Vengeance 1.11
A fantasy action game which pits you againsthordes of goblins, skeletons, fiends and a mighty dragon. Wanderthe map and recruit warriors to fight alongside you. Collect goldcoins by slaying your foes and destroying their strongholds. Visitshops and upgrade your warriors' weapons and armour.In this game you control a king who has returned to his kingdomto find it overrun by monsters. Some of his warriors have survivedand are scattered around the map. Walk up to them to get them tojoin you and they will follow you into battle against the foe. Asyou slay the monstrous horde you will receive gold coins which canbe spent on upgrading your followers' armour and weapons byvisiting the buildings located on the map.General game play information:Touch the screen where you want the king to walk to. Followersare gained when you walk near a friendly warrior.The green bar on your units' profile picture indicates theremaining health of that unit.The yellow bar indicates the experience level. Experience growswhen monsters are slain, and enhances your units' healthregeneration rate as well as damage output.The sword and shield icons on the profiles indicate any upgradesto your units' armour and weaponry.The yellow arrow and house icon points towards the nearestfriendly shop.The red arrow and dragon icon points towards the evil dragonthat must be slain.Enemies are spawned from their strongholds. The blue bar aboveenemy strongholds indicates a new enemy to be spawned.Enemies will fight each other as well, so don't be afraid to usethem against each other.Skeletons have a habit of getting back up after being may have to kill them more than once!The red fiends are a mighty foe and are best avoided until youhave upgraded your equipment a number of times.Maps are randomly generated.Please send feedback or feature requests
Blastoids 1.20
Blast your way through four levels of highadrenaline pumping space shoot'em up action. Collect power ups toimprove your weapons and defeat the boss at the end of eachlevel.
Tac-Star 1.12
A fast paced race to capture theplanetsbetween you and the computer. Now 50 levels of franticaction.Each level you must capture planets by bringing more spacecraftto the planet than your foe. Enemies fight it out whencontesting aplanet. The computer thinks quickly, and so must you ifyou are tocapture all the planets before it does. Friendly planetsgeneratemore space craft every few seconds.The first two levels are basic introductory levelswhichdemonstrate the game play.To select your ships touch them on the screen. To selectmoreships hold your finger on the screen for longer.To move the selected ships, slide your finger to where youwantthem to go.To capture a planet you need to bring more ships to it thanyouropponent, and it will then begin producing more ships foryou.The opponent acts quickly and so must you if you are todefeatit.Once you have captured all the planets you must hold them forashort time to win the level.Select one or more space craft by touching them on screen.Keeppressing your finger down to increase the number of craftselected.Then drag your finger to the location you wish to send thegroup ofspace craft.
V Education 5.0.9
V-Education is a new excitingonlineeducational program such as Chinese & English for allages.Contact us today for further information.
Lockdown Necrosis - Zombies 1.07
Lockdown Necrosis is an action packed topdownshooter. You play as a security officer in MonolithicCorporationtasked with the job of putting down a zombie outbreak ina researchfacility.Collect ammunition and cash from dead zombies, upgradeyourequipment, your weapons and rank as you fight against 20uniquezombie types. Squash them beneath your APC in the bonusstagescollecting mega-amounts of cash and finally defeat thezombiemaster after you've faced the zombiehordes.Gameplay -3 Game modes -Survival - score points simply for surviving. Yourweaponsupgrade automatically as you fight the zombies - in the endthoughyou will be overwhelmed!Time Challenge - can you last the distance! 60 seconds ofzombiehorde goodness waiting for you...The Maze - fight your way through over 20 levels, with 3levelsof difficulty available (and a different set of levels foreachlevel of difficulty). Rescue the scientist on each level andmakeyour way to the exit before the timer runs out. Dead zombiesdropcash and ammunition. Cash can be spent at the PDA tobuy/upgradebetter equipment. Ammunition is limited. Every fourlevels a newclass of zombies is encountered to challenge you.Continue - you can continue your game from the beginning ofthelast level you were up to on The Maze.Equipment - the military might of Monolithic Corp.Extra Power - recharges your guns ammunition and boostsyourspeed - upgrades recharge quicker.Medic Kit - regenerates your health when wounded,upgradesregenerate more health, more often. This is more thanyourtraditional med-kit.Armour Plate - deflects blows - upgrades deflect more blowsmoreoften.Rifle - this is your basic starting weapon, upgrades increasethedamage it does.Flamer - a good close range weapon, perfect fortorchingzombies.Machine Gun - a controlled burst weapon, riddle thosezombieswith bullets!Scatter Gun - the ultimate in rapid fire, this weapon chewsupammunition like there's no tomorrow.Rocket Launcher - mid-ranged blast weapon, fire at a groupofzombies and they won't be getting back up.Laser - rapid fire, high impact - great for ensuring thatyourtarget truly is dead this time!Feedback - we welcome your feedback so please make use of theapprating system - and comments (especially let us know if youlikethis game!), or email us if you have any changes and suggestions welcomed.Please note - this game requires a phone with a good CPU,there'sa lot of zombies out there.....Go get those zombies!