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Hungry Sharks 1.3
Hungre Sharks is an awsome bright game to check your reaction.Youhave a chance to compete with your friends, improve your skillsandjust have fun. Watch out: the less time is on the timer, themoredifficult is the game. Additional seconds will appear as abonus inrandom; do your best to collect them all - it will give youmorechances to change your record.Game Features :- game to check your reaction;- beautiful graphics;- good sound accompaniment;- the game to score points and to improve your skills;- Game Center.
Лимонер - миллионер 1.0.5
Многие из вас смотрели по телевизору игры «О,счастливчик!» и «Кто хочет стать миллионером?». Они, как ипредставленная Вашему вниманию викторина «ЛИМОНЕР», являютсяаналогами одной из наиболее известных мировых телеигр «Who Wants toBe a Millionaire?». Вначале оригинальный проект стремительнозавоёвывал популярность в Соединённых Штатах, но уже с 1998 года заним и его аналогами следят люди по всему миру.Условия игры «ЛИМОНЕР» просты: Вы отвечаете на вопросы из различныхсфер знаний, при необходимости используя три подсказки. За каждыйверный ответ на Ваш счёт начисляется всё большее и большееколичество цитрусовых миллионов, вплоть до главного приза в одинлимон.Совершенствуя свои знания и приобретая опыт, Вы не просто узнаетемного чего интересного, но и удачно поохотитесь за… спелыми исочными лимонами! Возьмите же пятнадцать трофеев и станьтенастоящим ЛИМОНЕРОМ!Many of you watched on TVgame "O Lucky Man!" And "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire." They arepresented to your attention and quiz "LIMONER" are analogous to oneof the world's most famous game shows «Who Wants to Be aMillionaire?». Initially, the original project is rapidly gainingpopularity in the United States, but in 1998 he and hiscounterparts following people around the world.Rules of the game "LIMONER" are simple: You answer the questionsfrom various fields of knowledge, as appropriate using the threetips. For each correct answer to your account accrued more and moreand more citrus million, up to the grand prize of one lemon.Improving their knowledge and gain experience, you do not justlearn a lot of interesting things, but also successfully hunt for... ripe and juicy lemons! Take the same fifteen trophies andbecome a real LIMONEROM!
Drop Box 1.0.0
"Drop Box" - best remake of the game "StackAttack" for her fans! Don't miss the chance to feel like a child of90th and play this wonderful game!Fold the colored bricks in a lines and do not forget keep an eyeon cranes because if the brick falls on you, you lose one of fourlives, the number of which can be replenished by collecting bonusesin the form of hearts in the game. Among the bonuses there are alsomany different "items" that make it easier gameplay.Compete with your friends for the first place in the leaguetable, share your experiences and impressions!
Hit The Bird 1.0.4
The nasty birds are coming back... Try to stopthem!All they have a different kind of armour. Mind that sometimes youwill need to make a few shots for achieving the goal and the numberof scores depends on the complexity of hit in birds. You have only60 seconds! The game also has a variety of bonuses. Some of themmake a game easier while other complicate it. Do not forgetrecharge your rifle! Good luck!0b90736007
Tic Tac Toe Cubed 1.1
Do you remember one of the most fascinatinggames from childhood "noughts and crosses"? Experience it again inour mobile device! But be attentive: this time a 3-D cube serves asa game field, what makes it more difficult and more exciting! Youcan play with a computer or with your friend, making moves inturns. Enjoy the game!Game features :- "noughts and crosses" in a 3-D cube;- smart AI;- intuitive and pleasant interface;- ambient sound;- multiplayer;- records of game results in Game Center.
Black Eye-Don't Touch a Spike 1.0.0
The game is very simple and requires onlyonething: your time and nerves! Avoid spikes, moving yourcharacterfrom one side to the other!Compete with friends, hit records, become the best!
Match 3 Words : Countries 1.0.0
"Match 3 Words : Countries" - a great game inthe style of match3 games. Learn more about amazing countries andtheir sights!You need to collect words from different categories. More than50 categories in total will not give you be bored! Collect all theletters of the word to go to the next level. The goal of the game :combine letters on the field and collect three of the same elementin a row. When collecting from 4 to 7 letters you get differentbonuses that will help with the passage of levels. You will getpoints and coins after each passed level and the fewer moves youmake the more reward you will get. With coins, you can purchaseadditional moves and power-ups. If you want to go to the nextcategory, you must perform at least 75% of the current. Also, youcan open new categories using the coins.If you have a free minute - try to play, spend time fun anduseful!
Угадай слово: подсказки 1.0
Игра для тех, кто любит головоломки, кроссворды, ребусы и другиеразвивающие игры. Правила просты, угадать слово используя четыреподсказки. Подсказки закрытые, выбор за Вами - какую букву в какойподсказке открыть! Быстрее отгадывай слова, мне не терпится узнатьтвой результат))) Особенности: - 18000 уровней! - достижения ирейтинги - ежедневная бонусная игра с Х2 бонусом Игра придется повкусу как взрослому, так и ребенку! От создателей “Угадай слово поподсказке”, “Угадай лишнее слово”, “Отличник - тест на орфографию”,"Поиск слова - Филворды", "Собери слова! (Три в ряд)", “Составьслова из слова”.
Угадай слово. Антонимы 1.1
Can you guess the opposite in meaning to the word antonym given?
Find objects game 1.0.5
The most important thing for a man - memory and attention! Try tofind objects!
Call Recorder 0.064
Call Recorder! Full version!One of the best, most useful and advantageous applicationforautomatic recording of incoming and outgoing calls in2013,according to many experts!More than 1000000 downloads available worldwide!Complete absence of ADVERTISING and any limitations intheapplication!Ability to select English, German, French, Spanish, Italian,andRussian languages!The application makes it possible to record incoming andoutgoingcalls in your phone.• Easy and handy call recording• COMPLETE FREEDOM of recording, editing, listening and sendingofthe recorded calls to other users;• Simple user setup, intuitive interface• An option to listen to call records in the phone• An option to select the number of recorded calls• An option to send call records to other users by anyconvenientway• An option to delete any recorded calls• An option to save call records on the memory stick• An option to select the quality of recording• Automatic clearing of all call records• COMPLETE absence of ADS• Ideal stable version checked by a large number of testers• Language selection.The application is not suitable for some phone models.Suchrestriction is due to the laws of some countries wherecallrecording without the subscriber’s consent is prohibited.If this situation has occurred to your phone model, we canrefundyour money! For this you need to send a letter of request toouremail for a money refund: maxus.desing@gmail.comCall records are automatically saved in CallRecords folderonyour device.Please pay attention that according to the rules ofGooglePlay,it is possible to cancel the purchase within 15 minutesafterdownloading the program from Google Play if for some reasontheapplication turned out to be unsuitable for the buyer. Accordingtothe current regulations, after the expiration of periodprovidedfor order cancellation, Google automatically withdrawsmoney fromthe card of a buyer and transfer them to the account oftheapplication developer.Your feedback regarding the application behavior on yourdevicewill be highly appreciated!Please refer to your phone model while leaving a commentonapplication behaviour!We wish luck and success to you in ALL your endeavors!
Call Recorder! Light version! 1.0
One of the best, most useful andadvantageousapplication for automatic recording of incoming andoutgoing callsin 2013, according to many experts!More than 1000000 downloads available worldwide!Complete absence of ADVERTISING !Ability to select English, German, French, Spanish, Italian,andRussian languages!The application makes it possible to record incoming andoutgoingcalls in your phone.• Easy and handy call recording• COMPLETE FREEDOM of recording, editing, listening and sendingofthe recorded calls to other users;• Simple user setup, intuitive interface• An option to listen to call records in the phone• An option to select the number of recorded calls• An option to send call records to other users by anyconvenientway• An option to delete any recorded calls• An option to save call records on the memory stick• An option to select the quality of recording• Automatic clearing of all call records• COMPLETE absence of ADS• Ideal stable version checked by a large number of testers• Language selection.The application is not suitable for some phone models.Suchrestriction is due to the laws of some countries wherecallrecording without the subscriber’s consent is prohibited.Your feedback regarding the application behavior on yourdevicewill be highly appreciated!Please refer to your phone model while leaving a commentonapplication behaviour!This is an evaluation version of the application; the term ofitsvalidity is limited!We wish luck and success to you in ALL your endeavors!
Women’s calendar 1.1
A women’s calendar is a personal assistant of girls and women forperiods.
Составь слова из слова - Классическая 2.3
Одна из лучших и интересных игр для улучшения и расширения Вашегословарного запаса и тренировки памяти! Если Вы желаете провестисвое время интересно, весело и с пользой, эта игра создана именнодля Вас! Правила игры на удивление просты, в игре ДВЕСТИ ЗАДАНИЙ,которые разбиты на ВОСЕМЬ уровней по ДВАДЦАТЬ ПЯТЬ заданий вкаждом. Для перехода на следующий уровень Вам необходимо выполнитьчасть заданий на предыдущем. В каждом задании Вам дается ключевоеслово, из букв которого необходимо составить как можно больше слов.Варианты слов должны состоять из трех и более букв. Цель игры -решить все задания и пройти все уровни! Игра “Составь слова изслова - Классическая” способствует развитию мышления и подходят длялюдей разного возраста! Возможности игры: • Множество интересныхуровней • Стартовый капитал • Возможность приобрести кристаллы дляполучения большего количества подсказок • Приятный интерфейс •Соревнование за позиции в таблице рейтингов Google Play ВАС ЖДУТНОВЫЕ ЗАДАНИЯ, НОВЫЕ ВОЗМОЖНОСТИ И ВПЕЧАТЛЕНИЯ! Лучших результатовв таблице рекордов!
Балда. Игра в слова 1.1
There is free time? Our word game will spend time fun!
Угадай слово по подсказке! 4.6.5
Our puzzle will not leave indifferent adults and children! Already18000 levels!
Отличник! - тест на орфографию 1.0.9
Особенности : • 4500 интереснейших уровней; • Стартовый капитал•Соревнование за позиции в таблице рейтингов Game Center.•Подсказки В викторине мы собрали множество хитроумных слов.Вкаждом случае в Вашем распоряжении имеются четыревариантанаписания определённого слова. Задача проста – выбратьединственноправильный ответ. От создателей "Угадай слово поподсказке",“Составь слова из слова”, "Найди и угадай слово","Угадай слово нафото" и “Составь слова из букв!” За каждоеугаданное слово Выполучаете оценку. Если Вы указали правильнонаписанное слово спервой попытки, Вы получите оценку «5», если совторой – «4», ит.д. Также в игре присутствуют подсказки,воспользоваться которымиВы можете, используя кристаллы, полученныев процессе игры.
Собери слова! (Три в ряд) 1.0.13
Collect words, use power-ups, discover new category! The best threein a row!