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Menu Diet Mayo 1.0
Diet mayo adalah sebuah metode diet yangpertama kali diperkenalkan oleh, sebuah portalkesehatan ternama asal Amerika Serikat yang telah berdiri lebihdari 15 tahun. Program diet ini telah teruji dalam berbagaipenelitian dan juga studi. Selain mengurangi berat badan hingga 7-8kg selama 13 hari dengan menghindari konsumsi garam, ada aturanpenting lain dalam diet ini, yakni pantangan untuk mengonsumsi esatau air es. Selain itu usahakan mengonsumsi air putih minimal 8gelas sehari.Aplikasi ini berisi menu-menu yang harus dikonsumsi selamamenjalani diet mayo, dari sarapan hingga makan malam.Mayo diet is a dietmethod that was first introduced by, a renownedhealth portal from the United States which has stood for more than15 years. This diet program has been tested in various research andstudies. In addition to reducing the weight by 7-8 kg for 13 daysto avoid the consumption of salt, there is another important rulein this diet, which is taboo to consume ice or ice water. Also tryto consume at least 8 glasses of water a day.This application contains the menus that must be consumed duringthe diet mayo, from breakfast to dinner.
Mayo Diet Menu 1.0
The Mayo Clinic Diet is a weight loss andlifestyle program designed by Mayo Clinic health experts. The MayoClinic Diet is a lifelong approach to help you improve your healthand maintain a healthy weight.
Aneka Resep Masakan Chinese 1.1
Mempermudah anda untuk memasak masakanChinesetanpa melihat buku resep.Aplikasi ini berisi berbagai macam masakan Chinese mulaidarimakanan ringan hingga main course.Semua bahan yang diperlukan ada didalamnya dan anda hanyaperlumengikuti langkah-langkah memasakdengan mudah.Happy Cooking!Easier for you tocookChinese dishes without looking at a recipe book.This application contains a wide variety of Chinese dishesrangingfrom snacks to main course.All the necessary ingredients are inside and you just need tofollowthe steps of cookingeasily.Happy Cooking!
Asal-Usul Zodiak 1.0
Hampir semua orang tahu mengenairamalanzodiak. bahkan ada yang sampai mempercayai ramalan itu.Tapipernahkah kalian bertanya-tanya dari mana asal-usul namadanlambang zodiak itu?Aplikasi ini menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan tersebut.Almost everyoneknowsabout the zodiac forecasts. some even believe that prediction.Buthave you ever wondered where the origin of the name and symbolsofthe zodiac?These applications answer these questions.
Dating Tips For Teenage Girls 1.0
Date Your Dream Guy withthisapplication!
Complete Pancake Recipes 1.0
Provides you many pancake recipes and easytolearn!What are you waiting for? Download this application and haveyourown delicious pancakes
Pizza Recipes 1.0
Provides many pizza recipes, learn how tomakea pizza and enjoy your result!Some of the recipes :-Barbeque pizza-Chicken pizza-Veggie pizza
Basic Teaching Of The Buddha 1.0
The word Buddha means The Awakened One,comingfrom the Sanskrit root budh – 'to wake'. He is a man who haswokenfully, as if from a deep sleep, to discover that suffering,like adream, is over. The historical Buddha was however a man likeanyother, but an exceptional one; what he rediscovered was a waythatanyone can walk, providing that they are so inclined.The historical Buddha Gautama was not the first Buddha. Therehadbeen others who had walked the way before him. He was not agod, aprophet or any kind of supernatural being. He was, as wehave seen,one who was born, lived and died a human being. Aremarkable humanbeing, who discovered a way of achieving truewisdom, compassion andfreedom from suffering. He 'rediscovered anancient way to anancient city' that had been covered up andforgotten. Through hisown efforts he was able to find the way outof suffering toliberation, and those that have followed him havekept that wayopen.The Buddha did not teach that a God created the Universe.Hepointed to a great Law or Dharma running through everythingthatexists. It is by living in accordance with this Law thattrueWisdom and Compassion and hence freedom from suffering maybeachieved. Suffering may only be overcome, however, bybeingconfronted and lived through. In the Buddha's words:'Suffering Iteach and the way out of suffering.'This app will teach you the basic teaching of The Buddha.