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STEM Buddies: Science learning for kids 1.6
Welcome to the world of the STEM Buddies. We usestorytelling,animations and fun activities to spark children’sinterest inscience, technology, engineering and math (STEM) andintroduce themto 21st century skills. This educational app isinteractive andfun. it is original, and high quality. It is createdby highlyqualified educational experts, and is certified foreducationalpedagogy by Educational Alliance Finland since 2019. Itincludes aseries of short animated stories about the daily life ofthe STEMBuddies. Each storyline is centered around one topic. Asthe STEMBuddies Doc, Victor, Helix, Cookie and their robot dog Issyhangout by their treehouse, they explore life and science whiletheyplay. They will make your children (ages 4-9+) love STEM, too.Byfollowing the characters in our stories, the children gaintheknow-how to become self-directed, forward-thinking,collaborativelearners; all skills necessary to succeed in the 21stcenturyframework. Each topic has a set of carefully chosen andstructuredlearning objectives that are aligned with internationalstandardsfor the selected age group. It is geared toward IBcurriculum buteasily meets Early Childhood Science standards ofcurriculum formost countries (Common Core, NAPLAN, UK CurriculumStandards). KeyFeatures ★Topics (Gravity, Water Cycle, Flying,Sound, Germs,Muscles, Healthy Food) ★Ads Free ★Certified foreducationalpedagogy from Finland ★Aligned with internationalstandards ★Genderneutral and age appropriate ★Short streamed videos★Fun facts★Certificates of Completion ★Coloring pages ★Questionsand quizzes★Matching games ★Interactive Puzzle