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My Diet Free 4.1
All the tools needed to start and complete your diet, in oneAPP.Free version with banners,*** KEY FEATURES ***CALCULATE YOUR IDEAL WEIGHTEnter your parameters and the app will calculate your ideal weight(according to the formula of Broca's area).You will also provide the following information:- Body Mass Index (BMI)- Your state (if you are overweight or not)- How many calories you consume daily- And so on.FOOD LISTThe list of foods, divided into categories, lets you browse thecalories associated with each ingredient.Clicking on single food, also, you can add or remove it from theshopping list.COMPUTERTool to calculate the amount of calories contained in your meal.Thanks to the traffic light, also, you can always keep an eye onany overruns.DIET PLANMonitor your diet every day.Every day you can enter your weight and monitor the progress of thediet.Consult the statistics, with the main information on the progressof your diet, and the related graphs.In the main dashboard is a progress bar for a quick overview ofdevelopments in your dietIn the statistics are, always updated values​​: weight lost,%completed, maximum and minimum weight.From the graph you can see immediately how it is progressing yourdiet.RECIPESThanks to the collaboration with the web site,we have included many recipes and appetizing read (from the FusilliTricolore Pizza Vegetarian).In each recipe indicates the amount of calories, fats,carbohydrates and proteins.The list of ingredients allow you to add, the missing ones,directly in the shopping list.SHOPPING LISTThrough this feature you can access the list of foods to buy.Foods, with its quantity, you can enter the various recipes ormanually by clicking the + button at the top right.And possible to select foods as you buy and delete them oncepurchased.This APP is constantly evolving.Write to us as well, if you have any suggestions for improvement orwish to report any malfunction.
Roman Recipes FREE 7.0
The best recipes of the Roman culinarytradition.The most famous Roman recipes: from carbonara to saltimbocca,from artichokes to frappe.For each recipe there is a board with ingredients, method ofpreparation and photos.MAIN FUNCTIONS:• Recipes grouped in different categories (appetizers, maincourses, desserts)• Favourite section, where you can add your favourite recipes• Shopping list, where you can add all the ingredients you need.You can choose ingredients directly from recipes or you can addthem manually• Possibility to share the best recipes with your friends• Vocal reading of the recipe• Possibility to publish your recipes and send them by mobilephone• Form to send suggestions for future releases.This APP is constantly evolving. If you want to add somespecific functions, inform about a problem or advice additions,please send an e-mail to vincenzo.bonanno@gmail.comWe will tell you if and when the upgrade is available.SUPPORTED LANGUAGES* English* Italian
Roma Lavoro 1.1
I migliori annunci di lavoro del Lazio,suddivisi per provincia.Una volta selezionata la provincia, è possibile scorrere tuttele offerte di lavoro disponibili.Per ogni offerte è possibile aprire la scheda di dettaglio percandidarsi.E' anche possibile condividere con i propri amici gli annunci piùinteressanti.E' possibile segnalare problemi o suggerire miglioramentiinviando una e-mail a vincenzo.bonanno@gmail.comFacebook: best jobs in Lazio,broken down by province.Once you have selected the province, you can scroll through allthe available job.For all offers, you can open the card details to apply.E 'can also share with your friends the most interestingadvertisements.E 'can report problems or suggest improvements by sending ane-mail to vincenzo.bonanno @ vincenzo.bonanno @ gmail.comFacebook:
Apulian Riddles 1.4
Collection of Apulian riddles original andfun!Play alone or challenge your friends to guess the greatestnumber.The application is very easy to use. It has controls fornavigation, for the solution and for sharing with yourcontacts.
Sicilian Proverbs 1.5
Sicilian proverbs and sayings.Taken from the portal SICILY IN THE WORLD, this app containsover 250 proverbs, idioms, tongue twisters and puns typicalSicilian.CONTACTSWebsite: www.sicilianelmondo.comFacebook: @sicilianelmondo.comEmail:
Car Finder 3.6
Search engine for the best ads of cars new,used and km0.To make the search is not required to register.The only keywords you enter are WHAT and WHERE.Select the ads by country, year or price.Publish your purchase for free.The advertisements will be kept active for one year.MAIN FEATURES* Once you enter the keywords (WHAT and WHERE) you can scrollthrough all the car deals available* Detailed list for each bid* Free publication of its insertion (at any time you can modify ordelete your ad)* Ability to change the nation in which to search adsLANGUAGES SUPPORTED* English* French* Spanish* Italian* German* Dutch* Portuguese* Polish* Russian* Austrian* Indonesian* UkrainianYou can report problems or suggest improvements by sending ane-mail to
Canzoni siciliane 1.1
Le più belle canzoni della tradizionesiciliana.Tratte dal portale SICILIA NEL MONDO.CONTATTISito web: www.sicilianelmondo.comFacebook: @sicilianelmondo.comEmail: info@sicilianelmondo.comThe most beautiful songsof the Sicilian tradition.Taken from the portal SICILY IN THE WORLD.CONTACTSWebsite: www.sicilianelmondo.comFacebook: / sicilianelmondoTwitter: @ sicilianelmondo.comEmail:
Veneto Lavoro 3.0
I migliori annunci di lavoro in Veneto,suddivisi per provincia.PRINCIPALI FUNZIONALITA'* Una volta selezionata la provincia, è possibile scorrere tutte leofferte di lavoro disponibili* Per ogni offerte è possibile aprire la scheda di dettaglio percandidarsi* E' possibile pubblicare gratuitamente le proprie inserzioni dilavoro* Gli annunci più interessanti si possono condividere con i propriamiciE' possibile segnalare problemi o suggerire miglioramentiinviando una e-mail a best jobs in Veneto,broken down by province.MAIN FUNCTIONALITY '* Once you have selected the province, you can scroll through allthe available job* For every offer you can open the card detail to apply* E 'can freely publish their job listings* The most interesting advertisements you can share with yourfriendsAnd 'possible to report problems or suggest improvements bysending an e-mail to vincenzo.bonanno @
Test Siciliano 2.5
Misura la tua "sicilianità" con il test diSicilia nel Mondo!5 domande su 5 argomenti differenti per testare il tuo livello diconoscenza della Sicilia.Adesso sono disponibili due modalità di gioco:- STANDARD: 5 domande casuali- NO STOP: il test continua fino a quando non sbagli unarispostaI contenuti sono tratti dal sito SICILIA NEL MONDO.CONTATTISito web: www.sicilianelmondo.comFacebook: @sicilianelmondo.comEmail: info@sicilianelmondo.comMeasure your "Sicilian"with the test of Sicily in the World!5 questions on 5 different topics to test your level of knowledgeof Sicily.Now there are two game modes:- STANDARD: 5 random questions- NO STOP: The test continues until a wrong answer The content is taken from the site SICILY IN THE WORLD.CONTACTSWebsite: www.sicilianelmondo.comFacebook: @ sicilianelmondo.comEmail:
Puglia Lavoro 2.0
I migliori annunci di lavoro in Puglia,suddivisi per provincia.PRINCIPALI FUNZIONALITA'* Una volta selezionata la provincia, è possibile scorrere tutte leofferte di lavoro disponibili* Per ogni offerte è possibile aprire la scheda di dettaglio percandidarsi* E' possibile pubblicare gratuitamente le proprie inserzioni dilavoro* Gli annunci più interessanti si possono condividere con i propriamiciE' possibile segnalare problemi o suggerire miglioramentiinviando una e-mail a best jobs in Puglia,broken down by province.MAIN FUNCTIONALITY '* Once you have selected the province, you can scroll through allthe available job* For every offer you can open the card detail to apply* E 'can freely publish their job listings* The most interesting advertisements you can share with yourfriendsAnd 'possible to report problems or suggest improvements bysending an e-mail to vincenzo.bonanno @
Ricettario Rapido 1.0
Blog Giallo Zafferano che raccoglie tantericette interessanti e facili da preparare.Le ricette sono suddivise per categorie che vanno dalla cucinasiciliana alla dieta Dukan fino alla cucina Vegana.Saffron Yellow blog thatcollects many interesting recipes and easy to prepare.The recipes are divided into categories ranging from Siciliancuisine at Dukan diet to vegan cooking.
Sicilian Recipes Pro 8.0
The best of sicilian culinary tradition.The most famous sicilian recipes: from cassata to cous cous,from pasta alla norma to stuffed aubergines. Each recipe includes adetailed description with ingredients, preparation methods andphotos.All texts are taken from Sicilia nel Mondo website.MAIN FUNCTIONS:• recipes grouped in different categories (appetizers, maincourses, desserts)• menu ideas: 7 different menus to organise a perfect siciliandinner• Favourite section, where you can add your favourite recipes• Shopping list, where you can add all the ingredients you need.You can choose ingredients directly from recipes or you can addthem manually• new section for your recipes• possibility to share the best recipes with your friends• recipe du jour: a different recipe every day• vocal reading of the recipe• possibility to publish your recipes and send them by mobilephone• form to send suggestions for future releases.This APP is constantly evolving. If you want to add somespecific functions, inform about a problem or advice additions,please send an e-mail to info@sicilianelmondo.comWe will tell you if and when the upgrade is available.CONTACTSWeb: http://www.sicilianelmondo.comEmail: info@sicilianelmondo.comFacebook: @sicilianelmondo
Italian Test 2.2
Learn the key words in italian playing withour test.Over 1,000 words, belonging to different categories, to expand yourvocabulary.Reach all of our goals and you will have improved your knowledge ofItalian.MAIN FEATURESStandard10 questions on various topics. The more you guess, the better yourjudgment. At the end you will see all the correct answers.No-stopOne question after another until you can not go wrong. Improve yourpersonal record.ListeningFor each question, you have the opportunity to hear the correctpronunciation of the word. Just click on the speaker at the topright.ScoreA card with the total correct answers.GoalsReach all of our goals to improve your vocabulary of Italianwords.
Roman Recipes 7.0
The best recipes of the Roman culinarytradition.Ad-free version.The most famous Roman recipes: from carbonara to saltimbocca,from artichokes to frappe.For each recipe there is a board with ingredients, method ofpreparation and photos.MAIN FUNCTIONS:• Recipes grouped in different categories (appetizers, maincourses, desserts)• Favourite section, where you can add your favourite recipes• Shopping list, where you can add all the ingredients you need.You can choose ingredients directly from recipes or you can addthem manually• Possibility to share the best recipes with your friends• Vocal reading of the recipe• Possibility to publish your recipes and send them by mobilephone• Form to send suggestions for future releases.This APP is constantly evolving. If you want to add somespecific functions, inform about a problem or advice additions,please send an e-mail to vincenzo.bonanno@gmail.comWe will tell you if and when the upgrade is available.SUPPORTED LANGUAGES* English* Italian
Abruzzo Lavoro 2.0
I migliori annunci di lavoro in Abruzzo,suddivisi per provincia.PRINCIPALI FUNZIONALITA'* Una volta selezionata la provincia, è possibile scorrere tutte leofferte di lavoro disponibili* Per ogni offerte è possibile aprire la scheda di dettaglio percandidarsi* E' possibile pubblicare gratuitamente le proprie inserzioni dilavoro* Gli annunci più interessanti si possono condividere con i propriamiciE' possibile segnalare problemi o suggerire miglioramentiinviando una e-mail a best jobs in Abruzzo,broken down by province.MAIN FUNCTIONALITY '* Once you have selected the province, you can scroll through allthe available job* For every offer you can open the card detail to apply* E 'can freely publish their job listings* The most interesting advertisements you can share with yourfriendsAnd 'possible to report problems or suggest improvements bysending an e-mail to vincenzo.bonanno @
Sicily in the World 1.0
Sicily has its own unique culture, especiallywith regard to the arts, cuisine, architecture and language.Download this app for better known this beautiful region ofItaly.CONTACTSWeb: http://www.sicilyintheworld.comEmail: info@sicilianelmondo.comFacebook: @sicilianelmondoBlog:
Sicilia nel Mondo 1.0
APP ufficiale della comunità virtuale SICILIANEL MONDO.Adesso potrai accedere ai contenuti del nostro portale anche inmobilità.Ogni giorno nuove notizie dalla Sicilia!CHI SIAMOSicilia nel Mondo è una comunità virtuale costituita da sicilianiresidenti in oltre 130 nazioni, che ci seguono con grande passioneed interesse.Nata dieci anni fa, oggi conta oltre 100.000 iscritti nei varicanali (Facebook, newsletter, Twitter, ...).CONTENUTI* Accadde oggi* Indovinelli* Libro degli ospiti* Foto del giorno* Biblioteca siciliana* Ultime notizie dal blog* Video* Annunci di lavoroE' possibile segnalare problemi o suggerire miglioramenti algioco inviando una e-mail a http://www.sicilianelmondo.comEmail: info@sicilianelmondo.comFacebook: @sicilianelmondoBlog: http://www.sicilianelmondoblog.comAPP's official virtualcommunity SICILY IN THE WORLD.Now you can access the contents of our portal on the move.Every day new news from Sicily!About UsSicily in the World is a virtual community made up of Siciliansliving in over 130 countries, we follow with great passion andinterest.Founded ten years ago, now has more than 100,000 members in thevarious channels (Facebook, newsletters, Twitter, ...).CONTENTS* On this day* Riddles* Guestbook* Photo of the Day* Library of Sicily* Latest news from the blog* Video* Job ListingsAnd 'possible to report problems or suggest improvements to thegame by sending an e-mail to USWeb: http://www.sicilianelmondo.comEmail: info@sicilianelmondo.comFacebook:
Sicilia nel Mondo FREE 2.0
Versione gratuita dell'APP ufficiale dellacomunità virtuale SICILIA NEL MONDO.Adesso potrai accedere ai contenuti del nostro portale anche inmobilità.Ogni giorno nuove notizie dalla Sicilia!CHI SIAMOSicilia nel Mondo è una comunità virtuale costituita da sicilianiresidenti in oltre 130 nazioni, che ci seguono con grande passioneed interesse.Nata dieci anni fa, oggi conta oltre 100.000 iscritti nei varicanali (Facebook, newsletter, Twitter, ...).CONTENUTI* Accadde oggi* Ricette* Indovinelli* Proverbi* Parlare siciliano* Album fotografico* Comuni siciliani* Biblioteca* Ultime notizie dal blog* Sicilia Viaggi* Video* Annunci di lavoroE' possibile segnalare problemi o suggerire miglioramenti algioco inviando una e-mail a http://www.sicilianelmondo.comEmail: info@sicilianelmondo.comFacebook: @sicilianelmondoBlog: http://www.sicilianelmondoblog.comShop: http://www.sicilianelmondoshop.comFree version of the JPAofficer of the virtual community SICILY IN THE WORLD.Now you can access the contents of our site while on themove.Every day new news from Sicily!ABOUT U.S.Sicily in the World is a virtual community consists of Siciliansliving in over 130 countries, we follow with great passion andinterest.Founded ten years ago, now has more than 100,000 members in thevarious channels (Facebook, newsletters, Twitter, ...).CONTENTS* On this day* Recipes* Riddles* Proverbs* Speak Sicilian* Photo album* Sicilian municipalities* Library* Latest news from the blog* Sicily Travel* Video* Job ListingsAnd 'possible to report problems or suggest improvements to thegame by sending an e-mail to http://www.sicilianelmondo.comEmail: info@sicilianelmondo.comFacebook: @ sicilianelmondoBlog: http://www.sicilianelmondoblog.comShop:
Sicilia Lavoro 2.0
I migliori annunci di lavoro inSicilia,suddivisi per provincia.PRINCIPALI FUNZIONALITA'* Una volta selezionata la provincia, è possibile scorrere tutteleofferte di lavoro disponibili* Per ogni offerte è possibile aprire la scheda di dettagliopercandidarsi* E' possibile pubblicare gratuitamente le proprie inserzionidilavoro* Gli annunci più interessanti si possono condividere con ipropriamiciGli annunci sono tratti dalla sezione LAVORO del portaleSicilianel Mondo.E' possibile segnalare problemi o suggeriremiglioramentiinviando una e-mail a http://www.sicilianelmondo.comEmail: info@sicilianelmondo.comFacebook: @sicilianelmondoThe best jobs inSicily,broken down by province.MAIN FUNCTIONALITY '* Once you have selected the province, you can scroll throughallthe available job* For every offer you can open the card detail to apply* E 'can freely publish their job listings* The most interesting advertisements you can share withyourfriendsThe ads are from the section of the portal WORK Sicily intheWorld.And 'possible to report problems or suggest improvementsbysending an e-mail to http://www.sicilianelmondo.comEmail: info@sicilianelmondo.comFacebook: @ sicilianelmondo
Calabria Lavoro 2.0
I migliori annunci di lavoro inCalabria,suddivisi per provincia.PRINCIPALI FUNZIONALITA'* Una volta selezionata la provincia, è possibile scorrere tutteleofferte di lavoro disponibili* Per ogni offerte è possibile aprire la scheda di dettagliopercandidarsi* E' possibile pubblicare gratuitamente le proprie inserzionidilavoro* Gli annunci più interessanti si possono condividere con ipropriamiciE' possibile segnalare problemi o suggeriremiglioramentiinviando una e-mail a best jobs inCalabria,broken down by province.MAIN FUNCTIONALITY '* Once you have selected the province, you can scroll throughallthe available job* For every offer you can open the card detail to apply* E 'can freely publish their job listings* The most interesting advertisements you can share withyourfriendsAnd 'possible to report problems or suggest improvementsbysending an e-mail to vincenzo.bonanno @
Lombardia Lavoro 2.0
I migliori annunci di lavoro inLombardia,suddivisi per provincia.PRINCIPALI FUNZIONALITA'* Una volta selezionata la provincia, è possibile scorrere tutteleofferte di lavoro disponibili* Per ogni offerte è possibile aprire la scheda di dettagliopercandidarsi* E' possibile pubblicare gratuitamente le proprie inserzionidilavoro* Gli annunci più interessanti si possono condividere con ipropriamiciE' possibile segnalare problemi o suggeriremiglioramentiinviando una e-mail a best jobs inLombardy,broken down by province.MAIN FUNCTIONALITY '* Once you have selected the province, you can scroll throughallthe available job* For every offer you can open the card detail to apply* E 'can freely publish their job listings* The most interesting advertisements you can share withyourfriendsAnd 'possible to report problems or suggest improvementsbysending an e-mail to vincenzo.bonanno @
Sicilian Riddles 1.5
Collection of Sicilian Riddles originalandfun!Play alone or challenge your friends to guess thegreatestnumber.The application is very easy to use. It has commandsfornavigation, for the solution and for sharing withyourcontacts.The contents are taken from the web portal Sicilia nelMondo.CONTACTSWeb: http://www.sicilianelmondo.comEmail: info@sicilianelmondo.comFacebook: @sicilianelmondo
Sicilia Viaggi 2.0
Le migliori strutture ricettivesiciliane,sempre con te!I dati sono tratti dal portale SICILIA VIAGGI, realizzatoincollaborazione con Sicilia nel Mondo.CONTATTISito web: www.siciliaviaggi.comEmail: info@siciliaviaggi.comThe best accommodationinSicily, always with you!The data are drawn from the portal SICILY TRAVEL,incollaboration with Sicily in the World.CONTACTSWebsite: www.siciliaviaggi.comEmail:
My Diet 4.0
All the tools needed to start and completeyourdiet, in one APP.*** KEY FEATURES ***CALCULATE YOUR IDEAL WEIGHTEnter your parameters and the app will calculate your idealweight(according to the formula of Broca's area).You will also provide the following information:- Body Mass Index (BMI)- Your state (if you are overweight or not)- How many calories you consume daily- And so on.FOOD LISTThe list of foods, divided into categories, lets you browsecaloriesassociated with each ingredient.Clicking on single food, also, you can add or remove it fromtheshopping list.COMPUTERTool to calculate the amount of calories contained in yourmeal.Thanks to the traffic light, also, you can always keep an eyeonany overruns.DIET PLANMonitor your diet every day.Every day you can enter your weight and monitor the progress ofthediet.Consult the statistics, with the main information on the progressofyour diet, and the related graphs.In the main dashboard is a progress bar for a quick overviewofdevelopments in your dietIn the statistics are, always updated values​​: weightlost,%completed, maximum and minimum weight.From the graph you can see immediately how it is progressingyourdiet.RECIPESThanks to the collaboration with the web,we have included many recipes and appetizingread (from the FusilliTricolore Pizza Vegetarian).In each recipe indicates the amount of calories, fats,carbohydratesand proteins.The list of ingredients allow you to add, the missing ones,directlyin the shopping list.SHOPPING LISTThrough this feature you can access the list of foods to buy.Foods, with its quantity, you can enter the various recipesormanually by clicking the + button at the top right.And possible to select foods as you buy and delete themoncepurchased.This APP is constantly evolving.Write to us as well, if you have any suggestions for improvementorwish to report any malfunction.
Sicilia nel Mondo BLOG 1.0
Il blog della comunità virtuale SICILIANELMONDO.Applicazione ufficiale per accedere ai post del blog di SicilianelMondo, il portale dei siciliani nel mondo.E' possibile segnalare problemi o suggerire miglioramentialgioco inviando una e-mail a di riferimento:http://www.sicilianelmondoblog.comThe blog of thevirtualcommunity SICILY IN THE WORLD.Official application to access the blog post of Sicily in theWorld,the portal of the Sicilians in the world.E 'can report problems or suggest improvements to the gamebysending an e-mail to site:
How nice are you? 1.1
Measure your level of sympathy withourpsychological test.Ten simple questions to find out how much you're nice.Share the results with your friends.
Rome I 1.3
All major points of interest of Rome,theeternal city.Point of Interest:- Tourist places- Museums- Religious places- Tourist info- Parks and gardens- Public institutes- HospitalsTaken from the website:
Valle d'Aosta Lavoro 2.0
I migliori annunci di lavoro in Valled'Aosta,suddivisi per provincia.PRINCIPALI FUNZIONALITA'* Una volta selezionata la provincia, è possibile scorrere tutteleofferte di lavoro disponibili* Per ogni offerte è possibile aprire la scheda di dettagliopercandidarsi* E' possibile pubblicare gratuitamente le proprie inserzionidilavoro* Gli annunci più interessanti si possono condividere con ipropriamiciE' possibile segnalare problemi o suggeriremiglioramentiinviando una e-mail a best jobs inValled'Aosta, broken down by province.MAIN FUNCTIONALITY '* Once you have selected the province, you can scroll throughallthe available job* For every offer you can open the card detail to apply* E 'can freely publish their job listings* The most interesting advertisements you can share withyourfriendsAnd 'possible to report problems or suggest improvementsbysending an e-mail to vincenzo.bonanno @
Toscana Lavoro 2.0
I migliori annunci di lavoro inToscana,suddivisi per provincia.PRINCIPALI FUNZIONALITA'* Una volta selezionata la provincia, è possibile scorrere tutteleofferte di lavoro disponibili* Per ogni offerte è possibile aprire la scheda di dettagliopercandidarsi* E' possibile pubblicare gratuitamente le proprie inserzionidilavoro* Gli annunci più interessanti si possono condividere con ipropriamiciE' possibile segnalare problemi o suggeriremiglioramentiinviando una e-mail a best jobs inTuscany,broken down by province.MAIN FUNCTIONALITY '* Once you have selected the province, you can scroll throughallthe available job* For every offer you can open the card detail to apply* E 'can freely publish their job listings* The most interesting advertisements you can share withyourfriendsAnd 'possible to report problems or suggest improvementsbysending an e-mail to vincenzo.bonanno @
Basilicata Lavoro 2.0
I migliori annunci di lavoro inBasilicata,suddivisi per provincia.PRINCIPALI FUNZIONALITA'* Una volta selezionata la provincia, è possibile scorrere tutteleofferte di lavoro disponibili* Per ogni offerte è possibile aprire la scheda di dettagliopercandidarsi* E' possibile pubblicare gratuitamente le proprie inserzionidilavoro* Gli annunci più interessanti si possono condividere con ipropriamiciE' possibile segnalare problemi o suggeriremiglioramentiinviando una e-mail a best jobsinBasilicata, broken down by province.MAIN FUNCTIONALITY '* Once you have selected the province, you can scroll throughallthe available job* For every offer you can open the card detail to apply* E 'can freely publish their job listings* The most interesting advertisements you can share withyourfriendsAnd 'possible to report problems or suggest improvementsbysending an e-mail to vincenzo.bonanno @
Abruzzo Lavoro FREE 2.0
I migliori annunci di lavoro inAbruzzo,suddivisi per provincia.Versione gratuita (con pubblicità).PRINCIPALI FUNZIONALITA'* Una volta selezionata la provincia, è possibile scorrere tutteleofferte di lavoro disponibili* Per ogni offerte è possibile aprire la scheda di dettagliopercandidarsi* E' possibile pubblicare gratuitamente le proprie inserzionidilavoro* Gli annunci più interessanti si possono condividere con ipropriamiciE' possibile segnalare problemi o suggeriremiglioramentiinviando una e-mail a vincenzo.bonanno@gmail.comThe best jobs inAbruzzo,broken down by province.Free version (with ads).MAIN FUNCTIONALITY '* Once you have selected the province, you can scroll throughallthe available job* For every offer you can open the card detail to apply* E 'can freely publish their job listings* The most interesting advertisements you can share withyourfriendsAnd 'possible to report problems or suggest improvementsbysending an e-mail to vincenzo.bonanno @
Job Search Pro 3.4
Search engine for the best jobs.*** PRO VERSION WITHOUT ADVERTISING ***Thanks to our APP you can search for the best jobs of themajorspecialized sites.To make the search is not required to register.The only keywords you enter are looking for WHAT and WHERE.You can also insert their own ads SEARCH / OFFER JOB. Willbepublished free of charge for one year.MAIN FEATURES* Once you enter the keywords (WHAT and WHERE ) you canscrollthrough all the available job* Detailed list for each offer to send your application* Free publication of their work inserziona* Ability to change the default country in which to searchforjobs* At any time you can change or delete your own ad* Form for replying to ads premium integrated in the app* Statistics of your ad* The most interesting advertisements you can share withyourfriendsLANGUAGES SUPPORTED* English* French* Spanish* Italian* Hindi* Bengali* Gujarati* Kannada* Malayalam* Marathi* Punjabi* Tamil* Telugu* German* Swedish* Chinese* Korean* Filipino* Japanese* Thai* Vietnamese* Dutch* Danish* Finnish* Norwegian* Portuguese* Romanian* Polish* Czech* Russian* Slovak* Hungarian* GreekYou can report problems or suggest improvements by sending ane-mail to
Sicilia Lavoro FREE 2.0
I migliori annunci di lavoro inSicilia,suddivisi per provincia.Versione gratuita (con pubblicità).PRINCIPALI FUNZIONALITA'* Una volta selezionata la provincia, è possibile scorrere tutteleofferte di lavoro disponibili* Per ogni offerte è possibile aprire la scheda di dettagliopercandidarsi* E' possibile pubblicare gratuitamente le proprie inserzionidilavoro* Gli annunci più interessanti si possono condividere con ipropriamiciGli annunci sono tratti dalla sezione LAVORO del portale SicilianelMondo.E' possibile segnalare problemi o suggeriremiglioramentiinviando una e-mail a http://www.sicilianelmondo.comEmail: info@sicilianelmondo.comFacebook: @sicilianelmondoThe best jobs inSicily,broken down by province.Free version (with ads).MAIN FUNCTIONALITY '* Once you have selected the province, you can scroll throughallthe available job* For every offer you can open the card detail to apply* E 'can freely publish their job listings* The most interesting advertisements you can share withyourfriendsThe ads are from the section of the portal WORK Sicily intheWorld.And 'possible to report problems or suggest improvementsbysending an e-mail to http://www.sicilianelmondo.comEmail: info@sicilianelmondo.comFacebook: @ sicilianelmondo
Piemonte Lavoro 2.0
I migliori annunci di lavoro inPiemonte,suddivisi per provincia.PRINCIPALI FUNZIONALITA'* Una volta selezionata la provincia, è possibile scorrere tutteleofferte di lavoro disponibili* Per ogni offerte è possibile aprire la scheda di dettagliopercandidarsi* E' possibile pubblicare gratuitamente le proprie inserzionidilavoro* Gli annunci più interessanti si possono condividere con ipropriamiciE' possibile segnalare problemi o suggeriremiglioramentiinviando una e-mail a best jobs inPiedmont,broken down by province.MAIN FUNCTIONALITY '* Once you have selected the province, you can scroll throughallthe available job* For every offer you can open the card detail to apply* E 'can freely publish their job listings* The most interesting advertisements you can share withyourfriendsAnd 'possible to report problems or suggest improvementsbysending an e-mail to vincenzo.bonanno @
Job Search 5.0
FREE search engine for the best jobs near you. To use our APP isnot required any registration. The only keywords you have to enterare WHAT and WHERE. You can also insert your own ads SEARCH / OFFERJOB. Will be published it for free for one year. MAIN FEATURES *Once you enter the keywords (WHAT and WHERE ) you can scrollthrough all the available job * Detailed list for each offer tosend your application * Free publication of your ad * FAVORITESsection where to store all the ads more interesting * TROPHIESsection to optimize their job search by following our goals *Ability to change the default country in which to search for jobs *At any time you can change or delete your own ad * Form forreplying to ads integrated in the app * Statistics of your ad * Themost interesting advertisements you can share with your friendsLANGUAGES SUPPORTED * English * French * Spanish * Italian * Hindi* Bengali * Gujarati * Kannada * Malayalam * Marathi * Punjabi *Tamil * Telugu * German * Swedish * Chinese * Korean * Filipino *Japanese * Thai * Vietnamese * Dutch * Danish * Finnish * Norwegian* Portuguese * Romanian * Polish * Czech * Russian * Slovak *Hungarian * Greek You can report problems or suggest improvementsby sending an e -mail to FACEBOOK ADS
Sicilian Recipes 9.4
The best of sicilian culinary tradition.The most famous sicilian recipes: from cassata to cous cous, frompasta alla norma to stuffed aubergines. Each recipe includes adetailed description with ingredients, preparation methods andphotos.All texts are taken from Sicilia nel Mondo website.MAIN FUNCTIONS:• recipes grouped in different categories (appetizers, maincourses, desserts)• function MY RECIPE BOOK to store your own recipes• menu ideas: 7 different menus to organise a perfect siciliandinner• Favourite section, where you can add your favourite recipes• Shopping list, where you can add all the ingredients you need.You can choose ingredients directly from recipes or you can addthem manually• new section for your recipes• possibility to share the best recipes with your friends• recipe du jour: a different recipe every day• vocal reading of the recipe• possibility to publish your recipes and send them by mobilephone• 2 small games to measure your knowledge of Sicily and its food:Sicilian Test and Guess the Recipe• form to send suggestions for future releases.This APP is constantly evolving. If you want to add some specificfunctions, inform about a problem or advice additions, please sendan e-mail to info@sicilianelmondo.comWe will tell you if and when the upgrade is available.CONTACTSWeb: http://www.sicilianelmondo.comEmail: info@sicilianelmondo.comFacebook: @sicilianelmondo
Coin collecting 1.1
Coin collecting is the app that lets you manage your collection ofcoins on your smartphone. It will categorize all your coins andassociate, if you want, even a photo. You can consult them at anytime, show them to friends or use the app during the numismaticfairs. The application is totally free and no limits to the coinsthat you can enter. Main functions: - Inserting coins - Research -Catalogue management (add, modify, view and delete) - Statistics -Guide to use Tell us any improvements or suggestions to thefollowing address: We look forward toimproving the app according to your needs.
Proteic Recipes 9.6
A useful and practical tool, designed forthosewho want to follow a proteic diet.MAIN FUNCTIONS* List of proteic recipes with photos, sorted by category* Diet Plan to control the walk of your diet* Shopping List* Voice command to listen the recipe text on yourAndroiddevice* Possibility to send suggestions to the developer fornewfunctions. RECIPESOur app contains a rich recipe of mouth-watering permitted bytheproteic diet.The recipes are stored locally. You can then refer to them atanytime without the need to be connected to the Internet.Those who most appreciate it, now you can enter it into thesectionFAVORITES.The voice feature allows you to listen to the text of therecipefrom your smartphone, even while cooking.If you want to suggest your recipes, you can send them to ourstaffdirectly from the App. DIET PLANThanks to this function, you can control the walk of your dieteveryday.You can add your weight and follow your weight variations thankstoour statistics, a weight graphic and a list of trophies foreverygoal of your diet.Inputting a few parameters the application willautomaticallycalculate your ideal weight.These will then be updated as you progress through your diet.SHOPPING LISTYou can save your shopping list any moment.You can add foods to the list from the ingredients of recipesormanually.During your shopping, you can also flag the foods you havealreadybought and then remove them from the list.Now you can send your list to a friend by e-mail or SMS. *******************LANGUAGES SUPPORTED- Italian- English- French- Spanish- Portuguese
Emilia Romagna Lavoro 2.0
I migliori annunci di lavoro in EmiliaRomagna,suddivisi per provincia.PRINCIPALI FUNZIONALITA'* Una volta selezionata la provincia, è possibile scorrere tutteleofferte di lavoro disponibili* Per ogni offerte è possibile aprire la scheda di dettagliopercandidarsi* E' possibile pubblicare gratuitamente le proprie inserzionidilavoro* Gli annunci più interessanti si possono condividere con ipropriamiciE' possibile segnalare problemi o suggeriremiglioramentiinviando una e-mail a best jobs inEmiliaRomagna, broken down by province.MAIN FUNCTIONALITY '* Once you have selected the province, you can scroll throughallthe available job* For every offer you can open the card detail to apply* E 'can freely publish their job listings* The most interesting advertisements you can share withyourfriendsAnd 'possible to report problems or suggest improvementsbysending an e-mail to vincenzo.bonanno @
Home Finder 3.7
FREE search engine for the best listings ofhomes for sale.To make the search is not required to register.The only keywords you enter are trying WHAT (type, district,...) and WHERE.Select the ads by country, price or number of rooms.Publish your purchase for free.The advertisements will be kept active for one year.MAIN FEATURES* Once you enter the keywords (WHAT and WHERE) you can scrollthrough all the available real estate deals* Detailed list for each bid* Free publication of its insertion (at any time you can modify ordelete your ad)* Ability to change the nation in which to search adsLANGUAGES SUPPORTED* English* French* Spanish* Italian* German* Dutch* Portuguese* Polish* Russian* Austrian* Indonesian* UkrainianYou can report problems or suggest improvements by sending ane-mail to
Vegan Lite 8.3
Collection of useful features for people who want to follow thevegan diet. MAIN FUNCTIONS * Recipes organized by type (appetizers,first courses, main courses and desserts) * Suggested menu: 7different combinations to organize a perfect Vegan dinner *Favorites section where to put the best recipes * Recipe of theday: every day a different recipe * Section for your recipes *Monitoring of body weight, for those who follow a weight loss diet* Shopping list to write down all the ingredients to buy. Theingredients are taken automatically from recipes or insertingmanually * Voice reading the text of the recipe * Section dedicatedto shopping vegan, with the best web resources * Ability to publishyour own recipes by sending them directly from the phone * Form tosend suggestions to the developer for future releases This APP isconstantly changing. If you want to add some specific function,report problems or suggest improvements, send an e-mail We can then tell you if and when itwill be available the update.
Italy Jobs 4.1
Jobs in Italy, organized by province and uptodate.The main features are:- Collection of ads by region and province- Ability to post your own ad, included in the cost of theapp- Section Favourites- History with the latest research carried out- Free search- Path to goals, to optimize the search of his workAgencies interested in massive publication can contact usbyemail.
Molise Lavoro 2.0
I migliori annunci di lavoro inMolise,suddivisi per provincia.Versione gratuita (con pubblicità).PRINCIPALI FUNZIONALITA'* Una volta selezionata la provincia, è possibile scorrere tutteleofferte di lavoro disponibili* Per ogni offerte è possibile aprire la scheda di dettagliopercandidarsi* E' possibile pubblicare gratuitamente le proprie inserzionidilavoro* Gli annunci più interessanti si possono condividere con ipropriamiciE' possibile segnalare problemi o suggeriremiglioramentiinviando una e-mail a vincenzo.bonanno@gmail.comThe best jobs inMolise,broken down by province.Free version (with ads).MAIN FUNCTIONALITY '* Once you have selected the province, you can scroll throughallthe available job* For every offer you can open the card detail to apply* E 'can freely publish their job listings* The most interesting advertisements you can share withyourfriendsAnd 'possible to report problems or suggest improvementsbysending an e-mail to vincenzo.bonanno @
Umbria Lavoro 2.0
I migliori annunci di lavoro in Umbria, suddivisi perprovincia.PRINCIPALI FUNZIONALITA' * Una volta selezionata laprovincia, èpossibile scorrere tutte le offerte di lavorodisponibili * Perogni offerte è possibile aprire la scheda didettaglio percandidarsi * E' possibile pubblicare gratuitamente leproprieinserzioni di lavoro * Gli annunci più interessanti sipossonocondividere con i propri amici E' possibile segnalareproblemi osuggerire miglioramenti inviando una
Vegan 8.1
Collection of useful features for those who want to follow avegandiet. MAIN FUNCTIONS * Recipes organized by type (appetizers,firstcourses, main courses and desserts) * Suggested menu: 7differentcombinations to organize a perfect dinner Vegan *Favorites sectionwhere to put the best recipes * Recipe of the day:every day adifferent recipe * Section for your recipes * Monitoringof bodyweight, for those who follow a weight loss diet * Shoppinglist towrite down all the ingredients to buy. The ingredients aretakenautomatically from recipes or inserting manually * Voicereadingthe text of the recipe * Section dedicated to shoppingvegan, withthe best web resources * Ability to publish their ownrecipes bysending them directly from the phone * Form to sendsuggestions tothe developer for future releases This APP isconstantly changing.If you want to add some specific function,report problems orsuggest improvements, send an e-mail can then tell you if and when it willbe available the update.