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Star Island Games LLC
Веселая и милая игра о монстриках, появившихсяна фантастической планете, заваленной земным мусором. Познакомьтесьс ее новыми забавными обитателями, помогите им найти друзей ипостройте на месте свалки, оставленной беспечным человечеством,чудесный город. Заботьтесь о своих монстриках, развивайте ихприродные таланты и умения, которые помогут им в незабываемыхприключениях!Играйте бесплатно вместе с друзьями когда и где угодно!ВАС ЖДУТ:МИЛЫЕ И ВЕСЕЛЫЕ персонажи с индивидуальными способностямиНЕОБЫЧНЫЙ красивый мир МонстриковУЮТНЫЙ ГОРОД для монстриков по вашему плануУНИКАЛЬНЫЕ характеры и анимации персонажейТОРГОВЛЯ с друзьями и игроками из разных странЗАХВАТЫВАЮЩИЙ сюжетСОТНИ интересных заданийЭКСПЕДИЦИИ в удаленные уголки планеты и щедрые наградыМонстрики - бесплатная игра, но некоторые игровые объекты могуттакже быть куплены за реальные деньги. Если вы не хотитепользоваться этой возможностью, установите пароль на встроенныепокупки в настройках приложения Google Play Store. Для игрытребуется сетевое подключение.Если вам понравились Монстрики, посетите группу игры: and cute game aboutmonsters that have appeared on a fantastic planet earth litteredwith debris. Meet the inhabitants of her new fun, help them to makefriends and build on the site of the landfill, abandoned carelesshumanity, wonderful city. Take care of your monsters, develop theirnatural talents and skills that will help them in an unforgettableadventure!Play for free with your friends anytime, anywhere!OFFERS:CUTE AND FUNNY characters with individual abilitiesUNUSUAL beautiful world of monstersCozy town of monsters on your planUnique character and character animationTrade with friends and players from different countriesExciting plotHundreds of interesting jobsExpeditions to remote corners of the planet, and generousrewardsMonsters - a free game, but some game items can also be purchasedfor real money. If you do not want to use this opportunity to set apassword for the built-in options of purchase applications GooglePlay Store. The game requires a network connection.If you like monsters, visit the group games:
My Little Monsters 2.14.231
Star Island Games LLC
You were lucky to find funny creatures! LittleMonsters live on a wonderful planet. They want to build a smalltown. Using old rubbish found on the planet they can build amazingbuildings. Monsters are very friendly. Every monster has hisfavourite hobby. One loves to cook, second loves to craft, third isa scientist, another is very strong, so he can construct verycomplex buildings. All of them are good friends and are willing tohelp each other.Join My Little Monsters!In the game you can:– construct buildings– grow unusual food– cook tasty dishes– mine different resources– craft lots of useful things– fulfil monsters' wishes– complete merchant's orders– trade goods with friends– explore territory– set expeditions to find rare itemsStart playing now!
Real Pimp My Math 1.18
Star Island Games LLC
"Real Pimp My Math" is the new wonderful way to improveyourarithmetic skills in a form of fun sportful game! Don’t missthechance to see the world’s smartest fly named Pythagoras orsimplyPyth. The game "Real Pimp My Math" is a set ofaddition,subtraction and multiplication exercises in anentertaining form.Each new difficulty level will leave you lesstime to find theanswer! Venture into the world of math, collectstars for rightanswers and improve your achievements. You’ll besurprised how easyand fast it is to train your memory and mentalcalculation skills!Features: - Easy one touch controls to playwherever you want. - 3difficulty levels suitable for kids, studentsand numberaficionados. - Intuitive gameplay: we give you anexercise, youchoose the right answer. Counting is quick and simplewith us!
Lords of the Arena: Heroes of
Star Island Games LLC
Become a legend of the PvP Arena!
Ping or Pong 1.0.4
Star Island Games LLC
Classic game reimagined in a new way! Trick your friend! Winnergets all treats!