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Frankie for Kids 3.1
Frankie for Kids (developed to 10" tablets) isthe thrilling Mary Shelley´s classic story retold for kids andteens with an interactivity only possible on tablets.In Frankie for Kids the reader can move objects, turn lights on andoff, peep through a hole, control snow, define the route of a boat,give pulse to a heart and travel through reading, hearing noisesthat amuse and amaze.Behaviors such as great ambition, abandonment, the hardships ofgetting acceptance in a group and self-control were describednearly 200 years ago - as the original work is from 1818 - and madeFrankenstein a relevant story even nowadays, deserving to be retoldin a new way and adopted as support literature for kids and teensfacing the many transformations that impact that period in theirlives.
Frritt-Flacc, by Jules Verne 1.6.0
• Frritt-Flacc was the only digital book among the top 10 books of2016, according to the Unesco Lecture Chair • Frrit-Flacc is aninteractive book that shows how biology can solve the greatchallenges of the planet! Download "Frrit-Flacc" to find auniversal short story by Jules Verne (translated to English,Spanish, and Portuguese), information on the SustainableDevelopment Goals - the sustainability goals from United Nations -,science experimentation activities, and reflection and socialaction activities suggested by experienced teachers and scientists."Frrit-Flacc" is an scary short story that proposes a reflection onsocial difference and poverty by presenting the selfish Dr.Trifulgas - a doctor who only serves the rich - and show whatdestiny reserved for him. The engaging narrative, full ofinteractivity and sound effects that completes the story, invitesthe youths to reflect on ODS 1 (no poverty) and how biology cancollaborate to reduce poverty in the world. Scientists fromNovozymes Latin America created step-by-step instructions for youto make a mini biogas station and turn organic waste into gas orelectric energy and SESI PR school teachers (Paraná, Brazil) havecreated exercises to encourage reflection and social engagement.Download now to experience this engaging reading, to discovercurrent sustainability information, to do a scientific experimentand to take action in transforming the world! • 47 youth literarycontent screens with interactivities • 14 current sustainabilityinformation content screens • Educational activities created byexperienced teachers • Scientific experiment proposed byexperienced scientists "Frrit-Flacc" is the first app book in theNovozymes New Perspective Collection - a partnership betweenNovozymes, StoryMax, and SESI PR (Paraná, Brazil), with additionalsupport from the CRBio (Regional Biological Council, Paraná). Yoursuggestions and opinions would be greatly Your feedback is important to us! For more tipsand news, follow us: Facebook - -
Oysters, by Chekhov 1.0.15
Oysters is an interactive book about how Biology can solve theplanet challenges
Nautilus 1.8.3
Baixe e leia de graça um livro Nautilus, vencedor do Prêmio Jabutide Literatura 2017! Nautilus é uma adaptação interativa danarrativa "Vinte mil léguas submarinas", de Júlio Verne, queinspirou inovadores e formou o gosto literário de todos os tempos.Sua proposta é levar os jovens a experimentar o pensamentoinovador, unindo ciência e fantasia. Este app traz o épico emlinguagem audiovisual e interativa, totalmente narrado eenriquecido com animações e efeitos de som - criação da StoryMaxcom apoio do Governo Federal através do Ministério da Ciência,Tecnologia, Inovações e Comunicações – MCTIC, pelo Concurso deAplicativos INOVApps. Nautilus revela as paixões humanas e as maisdrásticas consequências a que elas podem levar. A bordo do seusubmarino, um professor obcecado por conhecimento, seu criadocomedido e um arpoador com impulsos violentos são obrigados a seunir ao rebelde Capitão Nemo, um gênio criativo movido pelo ódio,obstinado pela independência e com sede de aventura. Juntos, elesexploram as maravilhas e os mistérios dos fundos dos mares. Unindoconhecimento e criatividade, Júlio Verne criou esta narrativa, quecombina realidade e ficção e resulta tão fantasiosa quanto real. Ahistória do Capitão Nemo resgata, quase 150 anos depois dapublicação da obra original de Verne, a capacidade deste autor deunir realidade e ficção: uma inspiração para os jovens que criarãoo futuro com suas próprias inovações. O app contém 167 telas deconteúdo literário e conteúdo extra. Agradecemos sua gentileza emenviar sugestões: Seu feedback é importantepara nós! Para mais dicas e novidades, siga-nos : Facebook: Mais informações sobre oConcurso INOVApps em:
The King of the Golden River 1.3.5
"The King of the Golden River" is an interactive digital book
StoryMax 1.9
For those who look for reading with pleasure and who want to enjoyreading
Inventeca: kids' storytelling 3.0.19
Inventeca: silent books to create and tell stories with kids!
Milky Way by Olavo Bilac. 1.5.0
Try a new poetry experience! Download the app book Milky Way, byOlavo Bilac!
St. Ives: book & nursery rhyme 1.1.4
An app book to teach about numbers and amuse curious kids!
O Mistério do Sr. Gratus 1.1.12
Try a book-game in which you make choices using science concepts!
Storygame 1.0.3
Help the king reorganize his kingdom using your dedication, speedand knowledge!
Frankie for Teens 3.3.9
For readers 11+, the classic Frankenstein withthrillinginteractivities!