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Tip N Go (Tip Calculator) 1.0
Tip N Go is a tip calculator to use when you are with friend and onthe go. It splits the bill and calculates tip in seconds! No morearguing with friends and family. With this tip calculator all thehassle is gone. Splits bill two ways: 1. Bill Total: split the billand calculate tip on the bill total. Period, it's Fast and easy. 2.Bill Sub Total: split the bill on but calculate tip only on billsubtotal (leave out the taxes). True Bill Split!. >Split by anynumber of people! >Great Cash Register User Interface! >Setdefault tip percent, number of people, or tax rate for even fastercalculations! >Summary Screen - Easy to tell where the money isgoing.
Business Manager 10.5
Super easy to use to store your customers, send payment links,manage expenses.
Lawn Care Estimator (Business) 3.4
You can make your lawn care business grow by calculating thebestlawn care bid estimate! This Bid Estimator makes sure youalwaysget the right profits from each job: First - Establish howmuch youwant your business to make per hour. How much for 1 sizecrew? or2, or 3. Second - Let me do all the math! Lawn CareEstimator willcalculate the price and make sure you always make theprofit youwant. It estimates how much you should charge for amonthlyservice. It can also calculate monthly price for customersthatwant Bi-weekly services. Third - IMPORTANT!! - For the housesyoualready have. Are you spending the right amount of time persite?Let me give you an example: You decide you want to make$40/hr. Youhave a house that you charge $90 per month. You enterthis info and"Lawn Care Estimator" let you know that you shouldspend a maximumof 27 minutes if you want to maintain your profits.It's aBi-Weekly house? Alright then you can take up to 38minutes.... Yousee it's easy to use and will always make sure youget the rightprofits and make your lawn care business grow! You canmakeestimates base on the following: 1. Time - how much will thejobtake? Most important to determine price 2. Crew size - howmanywill be performing the job? 3. Difficulty levels - is thehouseeasy (just lawn), normal, or hard (large flowerbeds,trimming,etc.)? 4. House Size - is the house small, medium, orlarge? 5.Profit - How much profit do you want? high? medium? orlow? Thecalculator is still in development and i will work toimprove it soyou can have the best calculator for you area. Sincethe marketcould vary from area to area the following features thatareplanned are: 1. Time Pricing - Improve the current timepricingcalculator and allow you to have custom values todetermineProfits, Crew Size, Difficulty, etc. 2. Time Per ServiceEstimator- Calculate how much your current jobs should take. Do notknow ifyour current houses are being profitable? Simply enter howmuch youcharge a customer per month and you will know how much yourcrewshould take in order make the Profit you are planning to make.3.Improve graphical UI - improve UI for a faster,pleasantexperience.
Business Inventory (Cloud) 3.25
Business Inventory was built essentially for my networkmarketingbusiness or any small business that requires you to keeptrack ofitems and a record of clients, sales and inventoryshipments. Themain focus is on 3 things. Top Features: - Keep databacked up inthe cloud! - View/edit Inventory from multiple devices!- ShareInventory lists with other Business Inventory users! -InventoryManagement - Sale orders and history Management - Loan andBorrowTracker - Import and Export Inventory using excel (.xls) file-Fast search by name, id, or QR code scan - Auto Sum: get totalwithtaxes - Stock View: view your inventory as you scroll throughyouravailable products. - Client info management FastTransactions:Items loads instantly and it takes very little taps tocreate a newSale, Delivery, etc. Simple To Use: All you new to dois recordyour business transactions and I do all the inventorytracking foryou. The Best Visual Experience: All of the usefulinformation youwould need is THERE! and its with the best graphicstoo! In anutshell, it is a Quick way to check your product's price,manageyour stock, and if you are in front of a client, give a totalpricewith tax! Business Inventory automatically updates yourinventoryas you record your business's transactions. For SmallBusinessesand Network Marketing business: Load all your business'sproductson this app and use it to manage your business. All the Ins&Outs are stored in lists and you can see a history of theorders ofyou customers with a glimpse on this app. you can evenshow yourcustomers a retail price while keeping your price hiddenfrom theirview. Features: 1. Small business inventory keepingObviously youcan make sales, but If you have items that you sell,loan, orborrow a lot you can organize them using sales lists. Forexample:In Network Marketing, products are always being sold orLoaned todifferent clients or Businesses this app tracks myclients,customers, prospects, and shipment providers and helps youme havean organized business. 2. Continuous Bar code ScannerThecontinuous bar code scanner makes adding items REALLYFast...Simply scan product after product to create a new sale orinput anew delivery that just came in. I manage over 350 items formymulti level marketing business and the bar code scanner makesiteasy to track all of them. 3. New Lists Create a quick new listforany transaction, maybe you sold a product, or you loaned ittosomeone. Simply create a list and select the type and to whomitrefers to. The manages all this for you, so you can go toyourclient and see all the items he bought from you or all of theitemshe owes you. 4. Clients Create new clients, customer,providers,ect. all in one place and simply choose their type. 5.InventoryBusiness Inventory automatically keeps track of the itemsyou havein stock. All you need to do is tap to see the items youcurrentlyhave. 6. Locations You can manage locations by creating anewclient and saving it as a location. You can later go tothatlocation and see all of the items that location has
Business Manager Gigs/Services 2.0.26
Business Manager automates your business's accounting and helpsyoukeep track of your services, tasks and billing from any device.Whoneeds Business Manager? - Lawn Care Maintenance -LandscapingContractors - Cleaning Services - Networkers - HVAC -Tree Services- General Contracting - Handyman Services - Plumbing -PoolMaintenance Service You can keep the Business Manager App onyourwork vehicle to navigate to your scheduled services. As youperformyour daily operations and mark them on the app, your billingwillbe taken cared of. You can easily see your customer's balanceandpending jobs. With easy reminders you will never forget to addjobcharges and perform extra services. AUTOMATE YOURCUSTOMER'SACCOUNTING BALANCE - Organize your daily routes for easynavigationfrom site to site - See your estimated income as youperformservices. Allowing you to know maximize every day'sproductivity -Optimize your routes' day income and change with easyto trackincome meter - Create todo tasks and schedule new quotesand jobs.- Measure the time each site takes to complete anddetermine eachsite's profitability - Got a customer request? Easilyadd a todotask for that customer so you are reminded every time youinteractwith that customer's account. - Track your businessexpenses andincome payments ACCOUNT DASHBOARD FOR EACH CUSTOMER -Trackcustomer payments (Add notes too!) - Track customercharges(Overdue Balance? Find out easily what your customer owes)-Quickly text or call your customer to update their work's status-Quickly generate quotes or receipts for your customers toapprove.- Got multiple activities on the same job? Create a Taskand addSub Tasks that are easy to check off. You will never forgetanydetails - Record customers payment via any method. SocialApps,Cash, Checks, Online Payments. - Allow Customers to pay onlineforone time payments or subscribe to automatic recurringbilling.MONETIZE YOUR BUSINESS - Offer additional services toyourcustomers when you send them invoices, receipts, andannouncements.- Get customer's approval faster with text or onlinecommunications- Send easy to pay online links so your customers canpay eitherpresent or away - Monitor your business with insights andanalyticreports
LOS Networks 6.3
Build highly effective business networks. Share business ideaswithyour team!