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Strsses of Russian language
The stress in the Russian language. Correctly to put an accent inaword is sometimes a difficult task for the media, not onlyforeign,but also native Russian language. However, in everyday,andparticularly business communication is extremely important,becausecorrect speech is the key to successful communication. Howoften doyou hear the wrong accent in such words as "cakes","beautiful","directory", "quarter", "contract", etc.?To facilitatethe searchof answers to the questions such as Where is the accentin aparticular word? this application has been created. This topicisquite difficult to grasp, because the samples of the sound ofwordsa person perceives on hearing and copies them from the speechofthe people around him. It is therefore very important toprovidethe opportunity to hear the correct accent, and whatdistinguishesthis application from many peers. Also in today'sreality, thetheme "Stress" is relevant for all students because itis found inthe exam on the Russian language. It would seem thatthere isnothing easier than to put an accent, and everyone can saytoyourself, "I Decide use, at least, the task 4 tests the exam ontheRussian language is very easy". However, as practiceshows,orthoepic norms are not learned by all the graduates. Thisapp isto help all those who prepare for the exam 2017: tests withanswersin the appropriate format is a great opportunity to practicetask 4the exam on the Russian language. This program: - designedforlearning the correct production of the stress in words whichareoften pronounced by native Russian speakers incorrectly. -allowsyou to prepare for the task 4 of the format of the exam ontheRussian language, tests for which are fully based onPronouncingthe exam at least 2017; - contains audio files, offeringsamples ofpronunciation of words; - involves passing a number oftests, eachof which consists of 10 tasks and is evaluated on ascale; - givesthe opportunity, after passing the tests to know thetime spent forthe decision of tasks and the average result; -developed using thefollowing sources: 1. Efremova T. F. Newdictionary of Russianlanguage. Sensible-word-formation. 2. OzhegovS. I., Shvedova N. Yudictionary of the Russian language. 3.Reznichenko I. L. Orthoepicdictionary of the Russian language:Pronunciation. The emphasis. 4.Ushakov D. N. Explanatory dictionaryof the Russian language. 5.Philosophical encyclopedia : in 5volumes / chapters. edited by F.V. Konstantinov. Every month thereis an application update thatenables users to constantly improvetheir knowledge.
Linguist spelling of the Russian language in tests
Linguist: orthography. Russianlanguage.    Correctly to write a word issometimes adifficult task for the carrier not only foreign, butalso nativeRussian. However, the ability to write correctly isextremelyimportant for any person, regardless of profession,because it isan indicator of a person's overallculture.    How often do you ask yourself, howdo youspell this or that word? To facilitate the search for answerstothis question, this application was created. Spelling is studiedinschool from the 1st to the 9th grade, but in this case many ofusalways write correctly? Of course not, but we all learnthroughoutlife, so this application will be useful to any nativespeaker ofthe Russian language who wants to improve his knowledgeofspelling.     Also in modern reality,everyschoolboy encounters OGE and EGE in Russian. It would seemthatit's so simple - to choose the right spelling from theproposedoptions and everyone can say to themselves "I decide on theUnifiedState Examination perfectly, because tasks 8-14 in the testsof theUnified State Examination in the Russian language are verysimple."However, practice shows that spelling norms are not adoptedby allgraduates of the school. This application is to help allthose whoprepare for OGE and EGE 2018: tests with answers andexplanation ofthe rule, as well as vocabulary dictation is anexcellentopportunity for all schoolchildren to prepare for theexams inRussian with pleasure. This program: - designed to studyspellingnorms in Russian; - allows you to prepare for OGE and EGEinRussian; - contains a lot of tests on certain spelling topicswithan explanation of the rules for writing words; - givestheopportunity to learn not only spelling rules, but also togetacquainted with the writing and meaning of a set ofvocabularywords; - provides for the passage of a certain number oftests,each of which consists of 10 tasks and is evaluated on afive-pointscale; - gives an opportunity after passing the tests tofind outthe time spent on solving tasks and the average finalresult; -developed with the help of the following sources: 1. TheGreatSoviet Encyclopedia. 2. Bulyko AN A large dictionary offoreignwords. 3. Efremova TF New Dictionary of Russian.Interpretative andword-building. 4. Kuznetsov S.A. Great Dictionaryof Russianlanguage. 5. Ozhegov SI, Shvedova N. Yu. Explanatorydictionary ofthe Russian language. 6. Rosenthal D.E. Collection ofexercises onthe Russian language. 7. Ushakov D.N. Explanatorydictionary of theRussian language. Every month, the application isupdated, whichmakes it possible users constantly improve theirknowledge.
Full "Linguist"
Linguist: the spelling. (Spelling of Russian language). To write aword correctly sometimes a difficult task for the media, not onlyforeign, but also native Russian language. However, the ability towrite correctly is extremely important for every person, regardlessof profession, because it is an indicator of the General culture ofthe person. How often do you wonder how to spell a particular word?To facilitate the search of answers to this question, thisapplication has been created. Spelling is studied at school from1st to 9th grade, but how many of us always write correctly? Ofcourse not, but we all learn throughout life, so this applicationwill be useful to any Russian native speaker who wishes to improvetheir knowledge of spelling. Also in today's reality, every studentis faced with OGE and EGE on the Russian language. It would seemthat this is so easy to choose the correct spelling from theoptions and everyone can say to yourself, "will Decide the examperfectly, as the tests are in tests 8 to 14 the exam on theRussian language is very simple." However, as practice shows,spelling rules are not all graduates of the school learned. Thisapp is to help all those who prepare for OGE and EGE 2018: testswith answers and explanation for the rules is a great opportunityfor all students to prepare for exams in Russian language withpleasure. This program: - designed for learning the rules ofspelling in the Russian language; - allows you to prepare for OGEand EGE on the Russian language; - contains many spelling tests oncertain topics with an explanation of the rules of spelling; -gives the opportunity to learn not only spelling rules, but also toget acquainted with the spelling and meaning of many vocabularywords; - involves passing a number of tests, each of which consistsof 10 tasks and is evaluated on a scale; - gives the opportunity,after passing the tests to know the time spent for the decision oftasks and the average result; - developed using the followingsources: 1. The great Soviet encyclopedia. 2. Bulyko A. N. Bigdictionary of foreign words. 3. Efremova T. F. New dictionary ofRussian language. Sensible-word-formation. 4. Kuznetsov S. A. Bigexplanatory dictionary of Russian language. 5. Ozhegov S. I.,Shvedova N. Yu dictionary of the Russian language. 6. Rozental D.E. a Collection of exercises on the Russian language. 7. Ushakov D.N. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. Every monththere is an application update that enables users to constantlyimprove their knowledge.
Geography: capitals, flags, co
Geography quiz game: country, location, capital, flag, currency,religion, etc
Loan calculator "Banker" 1.0.9
This app allows you to calculate the amount of payments on theloandepending on the size of the annual interest rate and termforwhich the loan is taken. The application uses two waysofcalculating the amount of monthly payments: annuityanddifferentiated. Annuity payment assumes payments in equalamountsdue to the Bank during the whole maturity of theloan.Differentiated payment assumes a decrease in amounts due frommonthto month. In the loan offer from any Bank typically hasinformationabout the system of loan repayment: annuity ordifferentiatedpayments. Loan calculator performs calculations infull compliancewith Bank requirements. To issue the credit it isrecommended thatafter preliminary calculations using this loancalculator.
Thinker - the task of logic and ingenuity
This application is a series of tasks and questions onlogic,mindfulness. This game: - will teach you to think inanunconventional and creative way to any task posed; - help tocheckhow smart and attentive you are; - will give an opportunity tolookmore broadly at some familiar things, get rid of stereotypesofthinking; - Teach you to be more self-critical. Solve problemsanddiscover new horizons!
Global dictation in the Russian language
"Global" dictation. Russian language.     Itiscorrect to write a word, arrange correctly punctuation marksissometimes a difficult task for the carrier not only foreign,butalso native Russian. However, the ability to write correctlyisextremely important for any person, regardless ofprofession,because it is an indicator of a person's overallculture.    How often do you ask questions, howdo youspell this or that word, what punctuation mark to put in oneplaceor another? To facilitate the search for answers to thisquestion,this application was created. Spelling and punctuation arestudiedin school from the 1st to the 9th grade, but at the sametime, howmany of us always write correctly? Of course not, but weall learnthroughout life, so this application will be useful to anynativespeaker of the Russian language who wants to improve hisknowledgeof spelling.     Also in modernreality, everyschoolboy encounters dictation in the Russianlanguage. Dictatorsare written by all students, starting with theprimary school,because this form of control of knowledge of theRussian languageis optimal: you can check the knowledge of bothspelling, andpunctuation, and grammar.     Inaddition, in recent years, such anaction as "Total dictation", inwhich hundreds of thousands ofpeople from all over the worldparticipate, is gaining increasingpopularity. This suggests thatit was fashionable to writecompetently. This program: - designedto study, fix the norms ofspelling and punctuation in the course"Russian language"; - allowsyou to prepare not only for thedictation, but for the OGE and theUSE in the Russian language,because the texts for the dictationsare chosen in such a way thatthey highlight the actual problemsraised in both classicalliterature and contemporary journalism: theessence of friendshipand love, the role of labor, creativity, booksin human life, theessence of war, a look at modern society andyouth, the importanceof science, the choice of values ​​and others.- contains ananalysis of the orthograms and punctograms used in thetexts ofdictations. - gives an opportunity to assess theirknowledge of theRussian language on a school 5-point scale. -developed with thehelp of the following sources: 1. Rosenthal D.E.Collection ofexercises on the Russian language.
Global dictation in the Russian language 1.0.0
"Global" dictation. Russian language.     Itiscorrect to write a word, arrange correctly punctuation marksissometimes a difficult task for the carrier not only foreign,butalso native Russian. However, the ability to write correctlyisextremely important for any person, regardless ofprofession,because it is an indicator of a person's overallculture.    How often do you ask questions, howdo youspell this or that word, what punctuation mark to put in oneplaceor another? To facilitate the search for answers to thisquestion,this application was created. Spelling and punctuation arestudiedin school from the 1st to the 9th grade, but at the sametime, howmany of us always write correctly? Of course not, but weall learnthroughout life, so this application will be useful to anynativespeaker of the Russian language who wants to improve hisknowledgeof spelling.     Also in modernreality, everyschoolboy encounters dictation in the Russianlanguage. Dictatorsare written by all students, starting with theprimary school,because this form of control of knowledge of theRussian languageis optimal: you can check the knowledge of bothspelling, andpunctuation, and grammar.     Inaddition, in recent years, such anaction as "Total dictation", inwhich hundreds of thousands ofpeople from all over the worldparticipate, is gaining increasingpopularity. This suggests thatit was fashionable to writecompetently. This program: - designedto study, fix the norms ofspelling and punctuation in the course"Russian language"; - allowsyou to prepare not only for thedictation, but for the OGE and theUSE in the Russian language,because the texts for the dictationsare chosen in such a way thatthey highlight the actual problemsraised in both classicalliterature and contemporary journalism: theessence of friendshipand love, the role of labor, creativity, booksin human life, theessence of war, a look at modern society andyouth, the importanceof science, the choice of values ​​and others.- contains ananalysis of the orthograms and punctograms used in thetexts ofdictations. - gives an opportunity to assess theirknowledge of theRussian language on a school 5-point scale. -developed with thehelp of the following sources: 1. Rosenthal D.E.Collection ofexercises on the Russian language.
Авто викторина "Автомеханик"
Guess the detail of the car from the 4 proposed options. Well doyou know auto