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New arabic keyboard 2.0
Tanapat gunjong
This keyboard is for Arabic people who do notown a keyboard in Arabic or any other person who would like towrite or study the Arabic language. This application allows you towrite with the mobile by clicking the appropriate letter on thescreen virtual keyboard or, alternatively, to directly press thekey on your keyboard that corresponds to the desired Arabiccharacter..When I need to type in Arabic, You will quickly learn the mostcommon letters are in the center of the keyboard and letter thatare similar (س, ش, ص, ض, etc.) are grouped together. Since Arabicdoes not have upper and lower case, Shift is primarily used to addshort vowels and other special characters above or below thetext.Enjoy !Let's go..
Faster download videos 2.0
Tanapat gunjong
Are you frustrated with low download speeds?Ever wondered how to increase your download speed significantly?While it's impossible to completely optimize your Internetperformance and download speed, the following tips and tricks willhelp significantly.Faster download videos, the most popular download manager,provides powerful acceleration that lets you download files in thefastest speed possible.
Arabic keyboards 1.0
Tanapat gunjong
Arabic keyboards easy for you !.I've got to share one link that I've found to be tremendouslyhelpful. Here's a virtual Arabic keyboard that you'll find veryuseful. You'll see that we've also built our own virtual Arabickeyboard, and it's smart enough to recognize as correct answersthings like:As you get more comfortable in the language, it becomes moreefficient to add the Arabic keyboard to mobile. You can use thestickers that tell you which Arabic letter/symbol corresponds towhich key on the English keyboard or you can print a cheat sheetand keep it near the keyboard (this is the method I used) until youlearn them.
Learn arabic language 2.0
Tanapat gunjong
The most important tip for learning Arabicisto dedicate yourself to learning. Because Arabic is verydifferentfrom English or the Romance Languages, you need to setaside timeeach day to study. Try to concentrate on learning two orthree newArabic words daily, and work on pronouns at first becausethere aremany variables to these words. You’ll also need topractice writingout the Arabic alphabet. Learning to read Arabicscript can bedifficult, since you’ll need to train yourself to readfrom rightto left and to pick out changing shapes from the cursivescript.There are also many letters in the Arabic language that lookverysimilar to each other, adding to your confusion. However, ifyoudedicate yourself to learning a few letters each day, you’llfindthat your understanding of the written Arabic languagecomestogether faster than you think.Detail: Learn arabic language 3 tips.1. Learning to read Arabic script2. Arabic business culture3. Questions & Negation