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ABC Book for Children 1.0
Get ready to gift your child with the most fun filled interactivebook that makes learning alphabets all the more exciting. This bookfor toddlers would surely engage your child in the most interactiveand intuitive way. Learning alphabets has never been more fun andeffective. The book not only your child to learn alphabets, butalso recognizing them phonetically. And guess what's more? Yourchild will also learn words that start with the individualalphabets as well!!! Your child can see it, sing it and also learnit. The letters are shown in capitalized so that the child canrecognize the letters easily. Several objects are also included ineach page, increasing the knowledge of your child in a unique way.Download this unique, engrossing book and let your child discoverthe world of alphabets all in a magical way. FEATURES: - Originaland superb music and sound effects - Captitalized text for toddlersto recognize letters easily - Interactive learning - Texthighlighting - Impeccable effects and colourful illustration forkids to enjoy - 26 pages of fun filled effects - Tap on the word tolisten to the pronounciation! Have fun!
Robin Hood 1.0
Long ago, in the country of England, there was a cruel, greedy kingnamed Richard. He treated his subjects and punished anyone whoopposed him. He also taxed his people as much as he could. Of thepeople in Richard’s kingdom, there was only one person who dared tochallenge the King’s authority. His name was Robin Hood. When theking’s men came to collect taxes from his village, he stood withhis sword ready and told the villagers not give the soldiers athing. When the King was told what had happened he was wild withanger. He declared Robin Hood to be an outlaw and demanded that hissoldiers imprison him immediately. The soldiers came to arrestRobin, but he fought them off and escaped to Sherwood Forest.KingRichard devised a plan to catch Robin Hood. He announced an archerytournament. It was well known that Robin Hood was a fantasticarcher, and King Richard knew that Robin would not be able toresist showing off. Robin bragged that he would participate rightunder the King’s nose and even win. Robin disguised himself andwent to the king’s palace on the day of tournament……Will he becaptured by the king’s soldiers or he will manage to escapeagain?Find it out with Story Time.FEATURES- Original and superbmusic - Fantastic sound effects that make the story more exciting -Simple and easy text for kids of all ages to enjoy the story -Interactive story-telling with fabulous graphics and animationsthat make the characters life like. - Text highlighting andbrilliant professional narration - Impeccable effects and colorfulillustration for kids to enjoy - 16 pages of fun filled effects -Audio on/off
Puss in Boots 1.0
Hey children do you love your pets? Enjoy this story of Peter andhis pet cat, Puss...with Story Time. Once upon a time there lived apoor miller who had three sons. When the miller died he left hismill to his eldest son and his donkey to his second son.Unfortunately all that was left for his third son, Peter, was thefamily cat, Puss. One day, while Peter and Puss were resting near afast stream, a little old lady approached. She was much to feebleto make it across the water herself and asked Peter if he mighthelp her. Peter helped her to cross and in return, she gave him apair of boots. Peter tried to put the boots on but they did not fithim. He was just about to throw the boots away when his curious catput his paws in. Then Peter heard someone say, "O these fit meperfectly. "Peter was flabbergasted! It was Puss! His cat wastalking like a human. Puss asked Peter to wait while he wanted togo to the king to attend to some business at the king's palace.What would Puss do next? Will he help Peter somehow? FEATURES: -Original music and sound - Exuberant colorful illustrations -Interactive story-telling with impeccable effects - 18 pages forkids to enjoy - Fabulous fun filled activities like spot thedifference, coloring game and card designing - Audio on/off -Graphics and animation adapted for children - Text highlighting andbrilliant narration The tale is sure to give a memorable experienceto its readers only with Story Time.
Androcles and the Lion 1.0
Androcles, a Greek slave, escaped from his master and fled into theforest. There he came across a lion with a wounded paw. He nursedthe lion and they become good friends. Destiny intervened. Theslave Androcles was taken away by his master and sentenced to asavage punishment. The master threw him in front of a hungry,ferocious lion - the same lion whom he had nursed one day. The lionrushed bounding and roaring towards Androcles....! What do youthink is about to take place-a fierce battle or a reunion? Whatwould win-gratitude or hypocrisy? Will the slave and the beast getfreedom once more? An adventurous tale that is sure to prove,"Gratitude is the sign of noble soul" FEATURES: - Colorful graphicsdesigned for children - Original music and superb sound effects -13 pages for kids to enjoy - Background sound on/off - Highlyinteractive - Text narration easy and simpler to understand Get setto enter into a world of sheer adventure...!Have fun.
क्या आपका बच्चा उस उम्र तक पहुँच चुका है जहाँ उसे नए शब्दों कीपहचान करनी है ? यह ऐप उन्हें ये सिखाने का एकदम सही तरीका है ! "मेरेपहले शब्द " बाल चित्र शब्दकोष छोटे बच्चों के लिए बनाया गया ध्वनि औरचित्रों से युक्त शब्दकोष है। हम सामान्य जीवन में रोजाना लगभग तीन सौचीनी शब्दों का प्रयोग करते हैं। हर शब्द के स्पष्ट उच्चारण के लिएउसकी ध्वनि भी दी गयी है। जानवरों को स्पर्श करने पे वे कई तरह कीआवाज़ें निकालते हैं ! ऐसे शब्द अलग श्रेणियों में विभाजित किये गए हैं! इन श्रेणियों में शामिल हैं: पशु, बच्चों की चीजें, खाद्य, आकार,खिलौने, वाहन, रंग, शरीर के अंग, वस्त्र, भावनाएँ, कार्यकलाप, मम्मीके पर्स, ।
Where is Pooh's Pink Pajama? 1.0
It was Wednesday afternoon and Pooh was excited as she stood in herbalcony. She was wondering about a pajama party that she wasinvited to at her best friend's house this weekend.Pooh rushed toher cupboard only to find her favourite pajama was no where to befound. She searched all other wardrobes in her house but did notfind it. She searched every lane of the neighbourhood. She evenwent from door to door asking her neighbours about it but they toodidn't have any clue!How did the pajama go missing? Would she beable to attend the pajama party wearing her pink pajama?Read thestory and find it out.FEATURES - Original and superb music -Fantastic sound effects that makes the story more exciting - Simpleand easy text for kids of all ages to enjoy the story - Interactivestory-telling with fabulous graphics and animations that make thecharacters life like. - Text highlighting and brilliantprofessional narration - Impeccable effects and colorfulillustration for kids to enjoy - 10 pages of fun filled effects -Audio on/off- Swipe on text to make it read! Tap on the word tolisten to the pronunciation! Enjoy reading.
London/UK News 1.0
"London Happenings" is an application that provides you the news ofLondon. It provides you all the current news and information fromthe reliable authentic sources like: The Times,The Telegraph,Sunday Mirror, Sun, Mirror, Financial Times, Daily Mail, DailyExpress, Londonist. Not only news of London, this application alsoprovides news of UK, World, Business, Technology, Sports, Health,Jobs and many other types of news. One can explore various newssegments like: Top Stories, Politics, Sports, Entertainment, Blogsetc. You can experience the opportunity of sharing your favoritenews with your friends on Facebook or Twitter and can mail them.Product Feature: . News from reliable sources like: The Times,TheTelegraph, Sunday Mirror, Sun, Mirror, Financial Times, Daily Mail,Daily Express, Londonist, London, World, Business, Technology,Sports, Health, Jobs, UK, Great Britain etc. . Various newssegments like Top Stories,UK, Sports, Entertainment etc. . Sharingwith friends on Twitter, Facebook, or e-mail to anyone. . Simpleoperation and easy to use functions. . Informative articles.Keywords :The Times,The Telegraph, Sunday Mirror, Sun, Mirror,Financial Times, Daily Mail, Daily Express, Londonist, London,World, Business, Technology, Sports, Health, Jobs, Uk, GreatBritain.
Frog Prince 1.0
A young and beautiful princess, while walking through the woods onefine evening, came across a pond. Her favourite golden ball fellinto the pond accidentally. As she started to cry profusely, awide-faced, ugly, talking frog emerged out of the pond. He promisedto bring back the ball if the princess, in return, promised tomarry him. The princess promised to marry the frog.The frog kepthis promise, and brought back the golden ball. The princess tookthe ball from him and without even uttering a word of thanks,walked away to the palace. The poor frog kept calling her back....Hardly was the princess aware that the frog would come to thepalace, following her! The frog kept telling the princess to marryhim. Would the beautiful princess marry the ugly frog finally orwill she get a handsome prince to marry?Find out with StoryTime.FEATURES: - Original music and sound - Exuberant colorfulillustrations - Interactive story-telling with impeccable effects -12 pages for kids to enjoy - Fabulous fun filled activities likespot the difference, colouring game and card designing - Audioon/off - Graphics and animation adapted for children - Texthighlighting and brilliant narrationAn old classic, comes to lifeonly with Story time.Enjoy reading.
Snow White 1.0
Kids, get ready to enjoy the famous classic tale of Snow White.Snow White's cruel step mother wants to kill her as Snow was morebeautiful than her. The wicked queen orders the royal huntsman totake Snow White to the forest and kill her. The royal huntsman didas he was told. But he felt pity on Snow and couldn't kill her. Hetold her about the wicked queen's devious plans and asked her torun far away. She runs for her life. Finally, inside the jungle,she finds a little cottage. It was the cottage of seven littledwarfs who were out at work. When they returned, Snow Whitenarrated her story. They too felt pity on her and asked her to staywith them. Meanwhile, the magic mirror of the wicked queen informedher that Snow White was living with the dwarfs in the forest. Thequeen grew wild with anger and screamed loud. She decided to killSnow White herself. next day, disguising as an old lady, she wentnear the cottage and cried aloud saying.."Wishing apples… wishingapples...Who will buy these wishing apples?" The wicked queen wasactually carrying poisonous apple. Snow White took one and gave abite. No sooner did she bite, than she lay dead on the floor....What happens next? Will the wicked queen really suceed in killingSnow White or will she be saved? FEATURES: - Original and superbmusic and sound effects - Simple and easy text for kids of all agesto enjoy the story - Interactive story-telling with fabulousgraphics and animations that make the characters life like. - Texthighlighting and brilliant professional narration - Impeccableeffects and colorful illustration for kids to enjoy - 16 pages offun filled effects So, get set for a different experience, anexperience that you would never forget. All with Story Time. Enjoyreading.
Cinderella Sticker Book 1.0
Be it the wicked step-mother, the cunning sister, the good andhumble fairy or Cinderella herself-see them all in a new way.Watchthe pumpkin turning into a chariot, the rats turning into whitehorses, see Cinderella dancing with the Charming Prince-all thisand much more just for you by Story Time.A colorful illustrationthat can never be missed! Also with original and clear sound, andsuperb narration.And guess what's more? You can enjoy the storywhile you play with the stickers!FEATURES: - Original music -Stickers make the story even more exciting - Child-friendlygraphics - Background sound on/off - Highly interactive - Brilliantprofessional narration - Stories made simple, interactive andeasier for kids to enjoy - 18 vibrant pages for kids to enjoy Enjoyreading.
Peter Pan 1.0
Long ago in London, there lived the Darling family. Mr. and Mrs.Darling had three little children- Wendy was the eldest, followedby John and little Michael. The children loved bedtime stories,especially stories about Peter Pan.Peter Pan was flying by theirbedroom window one night when he heard Mrs. Darling telling thekids of his exploits. Peter entered the house and bumped into oneof the night tables, waking Wendy. Wendy sat up, but Peter hadalready escaped through the window. Wendy, who had switched on thelights, was taken aback to find a strange shadow in her bedroom. Itlooked like Peter Pan! Peter had left back his shadow while leavingthe house in haste.The next night, Peter returned. Wendy askedPeter to sit on the bed and she stitched Peter’s shadow back ontohis body. Peter was delighted. He invited Wendy to come along withhim to Neverland. Wendy couldn’t believe her ears. Neverland! Sheenthusiastically agreed but told Peter she couldn’t go without herbrothers. She woke them up and Peter and Tinkerbell led the threechildren out the window, and they flew over the rooftops of London,and off to Never-Land!What adventures are waiting for them in theNeverland? Will they ever return back to London?Discover all this,only with Story Time. This exciting interactive story is sure toprovide a fantastic experience like never before. FEATURES: -Superb engaging fun interactions. - Vivid colorful illustrations -Fascinating fun filled animations - Brilliant sound effects thatadds flavor to the story - Simple and easy text for kids of allages to enjoy the story - Text highlighting and brilliantprofessional narration - 16 pages of fun filled effects The tale issure to give a memorable experience to its readers only with StoryTime. A never miss!
EY Digital 1.0
We have all been in the situation of looking throughmeetingmaterials before heading into a meeting and struggled tounderstandwhat the message of the deck is. The individual who putthematerials together did not effectively sell their story.Digitalstory-selling involves three key steps: user-centreddesign,structured storytelling & presentation creation. Throughthissession, we will arm you with the ability to use each of thesekeysteps to sell a digital story in any situation you findyourselfin.
GIA Global Group 1.0.5
Here in GIA Global Group, we strive to provide professionals withany kind of networking options available - from interactive liveevents and one-to- one meetings to intuitive virtual discussionsand hands-on training. To facilitate a deeper interaction betweenour participants in the digital environment like more than ever, wehave launched 4 business professionals communities based onindustry and powered by mobile application tools. • Data &Analytics Community Designed for Data Strategists, MachineLearning, and Artificial Intelligence engineers building successfuldata analytics models. • Cyber Risk & Security CommunityDesigned for Information Security & Cyber Risk executivesworking on the end-to-end supply chain cybersecurity. • DataPrivacy & Compliance Community Designed for Data Privacy,Regulatory Compliance, and Legal executives empowering dataprotection on a global scale. • Smart Factory Community Designedfor Industry 4.0 and Industrial Automation leaders digitalizingmanufacturing processes. Why join us? • Connect with your peersworldwide and get exposed to new perspectives • Exchange experienceand find the solution for your professional challenges • Stayupdated on the learning opportunities available
Eventify 1.2.20
Make your events more successful than ever before, with Eventify.
Nolbi 1.4.1
Language translation app
Webna Event & Conference App seamlessly connects you toanetwork of your event’s experts, speakers, industryprofessionalsand event delegates/attendees. You can network withindustrycolleagues at any virtual or physical workshop, conference,tradeshow, expo or summit. Accessing the App before the event willhelpyou plan in advance on the sessions to attend, who to see ortalkto and exhibitors or sponsors to contact. You can also createyourown unique professional profile for others to view,withcustomizable privacy options. Why should you get the Webna App–Use the App to access event information including: *EventProgramme * Session Topics *Professional Profiles ofotherDelegates/Attendees *Speaker's Profiles *Sponsor'sList*Exhibitor's Products and Services *Maps & Venue Details*EventPolls & Surveys *Moderated Q&A Sessions*Notifications fromEvent Organisers *Many more Features
CW Europe 1.0.4
CW Europe is a well established professional conference andeventorganizer with an ambitious global growth strategy. We workcloselywith our delegates in organizing internationalconferences,bringing together experts, academia, and practitionersfrom a widerange of disciplines to discuss options and strategiesin theirindividual fields. Our international conferences aim toprovide ourparticipants with a positive experience and help themperform intheir daily responsibilities while overcoming anypossiblechallenges.
Microdose: Wonderland 1.0.0
We’ve designed an app to help you network with other attendees,havea personalized conference agenda at your fingertips, andaccess allthe resources you need to get the most out ofWonderland: Miami.Wonderland: Miami will be held on November 8-9,2021 at the AdrienneArsht Center in Downtown Miami, Florida.
IP Utility Safety Conf & Expo 1.0.1
SAFETY IS BETTER TOGETHER DALLAS, TEXAS | OCTOBER 26-28 JOIN USFOR3 DAYS OF EDUCATION, NETWORKING & PRODUCT DISCOVERY TheiPUtility Safety Conference & Expo brings together leadingsafetyand operations minds from across the country for three daysofeducation and networking. If you’re a utility safety oroperationsprofessional, this is a can’t-miss event. Come togetherto gaineducation, insight & knowledge that will help you andyourorganization achieve new levels of safety success. LEARNTheUtility Safety Conference & Expo offers three excitingandinformative days of educational sessions that are led byleadingutility safety experts. Choose from 30+ sessions that areofferedthroughout the 3-day event. From leadership and humanperformanceto grounding and OSHA standards—and much more—you’resure to findthe utility safety insights, strategies and knowledgeyou need toimprove your organization’s safety performance!NETWORKING The iPUtility Safety Conference & Expo offersseveral opportunitiesfor you to network, connect with and learnfrom your peers! Whetherit’s the complimentary welcome reception,roundtable sessions,daily complimentary breakfasts and frequentnetworking breaks,you’ll have plenty of time to talk shop with anyof the hundreds ofutility safety professionals from across thecountry who will be inattendance. EXPLORE Technology and productinnovation continues tochange the way we approach safetychallenges. That’s why the expofloor at the iP Utility SafetyConference & Expo offers yousuch a valuable learningexperience. You get hands-on access to thenewest safety tools—andyou have the opportunity to connect withthe folks who create andinnovate those safety solutions! CONNECTFinding answers tocomplicated utility safety challenges can bedifficult, to say theleast. And sometimes, finding the rightexperts to help you answerthose questions can be even moredifficult. The Utility SafetyConference & Expo brings togetherdozens of leading utilitysafety experts to lead educationalsessions and panel discussions.And as an attendee, you’ll have theopportunity to interact withthem throughout the event! Get answersto your safety questions,make valuable connections and discoverconsultant solutions thathelp you improve your organization’ssafety!
Nolbi Translate 2.0.1
Language translation app
Summit of Minds 1.0.6
Download the Summit of Minds App to access all information duringthe Summit.
AF One Vision Conference 2021 1.0.2
The official event app for the Anytime Fitness UK OneVisionConference 2021. Our interactive app contains everything youneedto make the most out of the Conference, including: -The agendaforall keynote and breakout sessions -Speaker bios -Venuemap-Supplier directory and bios -Event social media feed-Interactivepolls and surveys -Receive push notifications with thelatestConference updates Let’s Make Healthy Happen together!
HSPA 2022 Annual Conference 1.2.0
The Healthcare Sterile Processing Association (HSPA), formerlyknownas IAHCSMM, is the leading association for educationandcertification for the Central Service/Sterile Processing(CS/SP)profession. HSPA is committed to the development and successofCS/SP professionals worldwide. Every year, HSPA holds itsAnnualConference to provide engaging educational seminars, newproductdemos, and the opportunity to network with otherCS/SPprofessionals throughout the world. Whether you’re aCS/SPtechnician, manager or affiliated CS/SP partner, theHSPAConference offers invaluable information to enhance patientcareand safety, and also broaden the understanding of currentstandardsand recommended practices pertaining to instrumentprocessing. TheHSPA Conference App is a fully customizable guide tothe conferenceexperience that gives attendees on-the-go access toschedules,session descriptions, speaker profiles, maps and more!Download theHSPA App today and get a head start on your conferenceplanning!
QEM school is a review & news of Transmission ElectronMicroscopy
CAREdge Forum 1.0.1
At Carriage Services we do things differently within the deathcareindustry! We believe in a decentralized operating modelthatempowers our partners to embrace new and innovative ways toservetheir communities. Whatever Carriage Event you’re a part ofthisyear, we want it to inform you, motivate you, and enhanceyourskill base as you serve families with excellence, diligence,andheart.
OMconference 1.0.1
Jaarlijks dompelt OMconference elke marketing beslissingsnemeronderin een bad vol insprirerende sprekerssessies, trends,real-lifecases en strategisch expertenadvies. Geen loze woorden,maarconcreet marketingadvies. Daarmee sturen we jou op het eindevan dedag naar huis. Je ontmoet er een community vanhonderdengepassioneerde marketing experten waarmee je uitgebreidideeën kanuitwisselen. Dit marketing- en netwerkevent mag je nietmissen.
KA Retreat 1.0.2
Kleinschmidt Associates Corporate Retreat - Reconnect, Recharge,andRenew in Portland, Maine April 7-9
iProud App 1.0.1
iProud supports employee wellness through AI, gamification andfitness.
Story Time for Kids 1.0
Animated books for children! Interactive digital books with audiofor kids!
Te Hono Aotearoa Bootcamp 2022
Annual intensive programme to build connections across NZ'sfood& fibre sector
MyHub by Eventify 1.4.2
MyHub by Eventify - The only event app you'll ever need.
C&R Summit Washington
C&R Summit 2022 gives you the opportunity to discovernewindustry innovations
INNOVATORS onderwijs
Dé interactieve app voor alle events van de INNOVATORS.
Project Management SA 2022
PMSA 2022 App connects you to the Project managementSouthAfrica2022 Conference
C&R Summit London
Opportunity to discover new industry innovations & takeawayactionable insights
FIBI 2030 Launch Event
An overview of FIBI 2030 Launch Event. Join FIBI’s futureinAmsterdam
SDA Lighting Showcase 2022
Event App for SDA Lighting Showcase 2022
Columbia Africa Conference
Columbia Africa Conference app: Interact, view the agenda, mapsandmore.
SailPoint Navigate Sydney
SailPoint’s exclusive annual event brings the latest inidentitysecurity.
AF Conference 2022
The official app for the Anytime Fitness UK 2022Conference:Shifting Up A Gear.
Level Up Summit 1.0.2
We have helped over 11,000 female technologists upskill andgrowtheir networks.
SiX Event App 1.0.2
Official Event App for the SiX Innovations AcceleratorConference-Denver, CO
Kering Leadership 1.0.3
A Kering Talent program
ELEVATE Conference 2023 1.0.0
The Elevate conference is organized by the Black BusinessStudentAssociation
GALA 2023 Dublin 1.0.1
GALA 2023 Dublin conference (12-15 March 2023)
Fisiaforma events 1.0.2
Physiaforma events è l’app a supporto digitale per la formazionedeimedici.
FlyPal - Aviation Softwares 1.0
FlyPal - Aircraft Maintenance Software and Aviation CrewManagementSystem.
Future Food Asia 2023 1.0.4
Future Food Asia Platform aims to accelerate AgriTech andFoodTechacross Asia.
Download the App now for the latest news and informationaboutTESOL-SPAIN.
Small Business Expo 2023 1.0.2
Hosting this event exclusively for entrepreneurs in Toronto.