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Tra好康店家管理 2.0
Tra好康店家管理提供特約店家進行資訊管理。包含店家資訊、員工帳號、優惠資訊、消費紀錄、消費分析等功能。後續將陸續新增優惠訊息推撥、集點卡及消費金流等功能。圖片上傳功能暫不支援 android 4.4.*之系統版本Tra Goodies storemanagement provides special stores were information management.Contains store information, employee accounts, offer information,purchase history, consumption analysis. Follow-up will be graduallypushed aside additional special offers, rewards card and consumercash flow and other functions.Image upload feature temporarily support android 4.4. * Version ofthe system
大台灣旅遊網 5.4.1
大台灣旅遊網擁有大量的旅遊資訊、各式店家與最新的旅遊新聞。為了能夠完整的將資訊提供給使用者,特別透過本應用程式來呈現。本應用程式包含了以下特點:旅遊資訊即時更新。在地化資訊服務。圖文並茂的旅遊資訊。高度使用者體驗的瀏覽介面。注意事項:Android6.0.1之後版本,因安全性問題,需要到『設定』→『應用程式』→『大台灣旅遊網』→『權限』中,開啟『定位』與『相機』功能。※Android系統版本需5.1以上Large Taiwan travel has alot of tourist information, a variety of stores with the latesttravel news.In order to complete the information available to users, inparticular through this application are presented.This application contains the following features:Travel information updated in real time.In the localization information services.Illustrated travel information.The height of the user experience of browsing interface.Note: After the Android 6.0.1 version, due to security issues, theneed to "Settings" → "Applications" → "big Taiwan travel" →"rights", open the "Target" and "camera" feature.※ Android system version 5.1 or higher required
BAM!來去清境玩 2.1.2
這遊戲的最高宗旨──戳爆氣球吧!盡你所能的戳破所有該戳破的氣球,就是這樣!但也不僅僅是這樣,我們必須告訴你,它雖然很容易上手,卻很刺激,很多意想不到的東西會突然出現在眼前,誰也不知道下一秒鐘會發生什麼事!本遊戲適用於……1. 想運動手指的人2. 需要發洩情緒的學生、上班族3. 有時間需要打發的人4. 有點好奇氣球遊戲還能怎麼樣的人總之,你不一定要符合上面四點,想玩就玩吧!我們歡迎各個年齡層的朋友加入!遊戲之餘,還可以運用金幣獲得優惠券喔,給自己和家人、朋友一個理由,一起到南投走走吧!
Tra好康 - 找好康 - 幸福卡在手,好康帶著走 2.0.9
幸福卡特約店App提供Tranews幸福卡會員查詢各縣市區域的特約商店,以及店家提供的優惠資訊。會員可以持Tranews幸福卡或是憑App登入幸福卡號產生虛擬卡到店家進行消費並享有優惠。使用App於店家消費並產生紀錄後,即可對店家進行評價。未來將有更多功能推出,請會員們密切關注。Carter happy about AppStore offers Tranews happy Cardmembers special inquiry countiesarea of ​​shops, as well as preferential information provided bystores. Members can hold Tranews happy happy card or card numberwith App Sign generate a virtual card to the store to consume andenjoy promotions. After use App to store and produce recordconsumption can be evaluated for the store. The introduction of thefuture will have more features, please pay close attention to themembers.
2013浪漫情人节特辑 1.0
2013‧爱你一生。恋人感情持续加温的一年,爱一生的承诺是掺杂多么浓郁的情感,在象征一生相爱的情人节,准备好怎么过了吗?相爱一生专辑将告诉你渡过情人节最浪漫的小秘诀。2013 ‧ love of yourlife.Lovers feelings continued heating of the year,Love how doping a lifetime commitment is strong emotion,Symbol of life in love Valentine's Day, how ever ready yet?Love life album will tell you the most romantic valentine crossingtips.
台 灣 尋 奇 1.0
本應用程式由 嶺東科技大學 與 大台灣旅遊網,透過產學合作專案由學生開發製作。應用程式開發者:資訊管理系 學生 洪貫倫指導教授:嶺東科技大學 資訊管理系 教授 陳建興 博士專案領導人:嶺東科技大學 資訊管理系 主任 張善斌 博士簡介:台灣景點與美食介紹~~The application consistsof Ling Tung University and Taiwan Travel Network, throughindustry-university cooperation projects developed by the studentsproduced.Application developers: Information management studentsconsistently Lun HungAdvisor: Department of Information Management, Ling Tung UniversityProfessor Dr. Chen JianxingProject Leader: Head of Information Management, Ling TungUniversity Dr. Zhang ShanbinIntroduction:Taiwan's attractions and food presentation ~ ~
北港媽祖旅遊 1.0.3
北港媽祖旅遊介紹Pak Mazu TouristInformation
秋季戀蟹 尋味正是鮮美 1.0
時序一進入秋天,除了中秋賞月,最令人期待的莫過於秋季蟹味的難忘滋味。美食老饕一年一度的賞蟹宴會,正式開鑼!Timing one into the fall,in addition Mooncake, the most exciting and memorable than theautumn crab taste. The annual tours crab feast gourmet connoisseurswill officially kicked off!
日月潭深度遊 1.0.4
日月潭深度旅遊介紹Sun Moon Lake depthtravel introduced
BAM!來去日月潭玩 2.1.2
這遊戲的最高宗旨──戳爆泡泡吧!盡你所能的戳破所有該戳破的泡泡,就是這樣!但也不僅僅是這樣,我們必須告訴你,它雖然很容易上手,卻很刺激,很多意想不到的東西會突然出現在眼前,誰也不知道下一秒鐘會發生什麼事!本遊戲適用於……1. 想運動手指的人2. 需要發洩情緒的學生、上班族3. 有時間需要打發的人4. 有點好奇泡泡遊戲還能怎麼樣的人總之,你不一定要符合上面四點,想玩就玩吧!我們歡迎各個年齡層的朋友加入!遊戲之餘,還可以運用金幣獲得優惠券喔,給自己和家人、朋友一個理由,一起到南投走走吧!
高雄旅游‧十五处美景 1.0
高雄,一个在众人心里有着新形象的城市,在廿一世纪后的它,渐渐擦去它替工业之都打下基础的汗水,将要取之而来的则是充满阳光朝气的观光气息,这是一座值得仔细玩味,慢慢旅游的城市,山海河港风貌多变,值得旅人用心造访!Kaohsiung, a new imageofthe crowd has a heart of the city, in the 21st century afterit,wipe it gradually lay the foundation for the industrial stateofthe sweat that will come to take it is sunny vitalitysightseeingatmosphere, which is one worth pondering carefully andslowlytravel the city, mountain and sea ports in style changeable,worthyintentions travelers visiting!
高雄旗山老街 1.0.3
高雄旅遊‧十五處美景 1.0
高雄,一個在眾人心裡有著新形象的城市,在廿一世紀後的它,漸漸擦去它替工業之都打下基礎的汗水,將要取之而來的則是充滿陽光朝氣的觀光氣息,這是一座值得仔細玩味,慢慢旅遊的城市,山海河港風貌多變,值得旅人用心造訪!Kaohsiung, a new imageofthe crowd has a heart of the city, in the 21st century afterit,wipe it gradually lay the foundation for the industrial stateofthe sweat that will come to take it is sunny vitalitysightseeingatmosphere, which is one worth pondering carefully andslowlytravel the city, mountain and sea ports in style changeable,worthyintentions travelers visiting!
高雄六合夜市 1.0.3
台灣各地精選行程推薦 1.0
大台灣帶你到台灣各地的大街與小巷吃喝玩樂!琳琅滿目的美食、小吃,住得舒服的民宿,讓我們一起在享受台灣的在地旅遊!Big Taiwanese take youtothe streets and alleys around Taiwan eat, drink! Assortmentoffood, snacks, live a comfortable B & B, let us enjoythetourism in Taiwan!
富麗農村.南投國姓好好玩 1.0
深入體驗.美哉國姓 國姓鄉有許多深厚的內涵,深入探訪,就可以發現這個純樸山城多元、豐富的文化之美。 國姓在產業特色、文化、美食方面,都有獨特內涵,加上客家、閩南文化,交織成為獨特的風俗民情,也成為國姓鄉人文特色與觀光旅遊重要的一環。In-depth experience. MiyaGuosingGuoxing Township has many profound meaning, in-depth visits, youcan find this pristine mountain diverse, rich culturalbeauty.Guosing in industry characteristics, culture, gastronomy, has aunique meaning, plus the Hakka, Taiwanese culture, intertwined tobecome unique customs, Guoxing Township also become culturalcharacteristics and an important part of tourism.
桃園蓮花季‧觀音新屋賞 1.0
夏日艷陽綻放了滿池的蓮花,2012年的蓮花季即將熱情到來!今年蓮花季活動預計在6月30至8月31日於桃園縣觀音鄉、新屋鄉展開!Summer sun fullbloomlotus pond, lotus quarter of 2012 enthusiastic about coming!Lotusseason activities are expected this year in June 30 to August31,At Guanyin Township, Taoyuan County, new home town unfold!
大台南旅遊景點行程地圖推薦 2.0
古今交錯、城市鄉村融合的台南魅力無窮,不論是刻畫歷史痕跡的古蹟建築,或者是生機盎然的大自然景緻,都構成台南最精彩的百變樣貌。 這些樣貌或許記憶猶新,或許不曾尋訪,大台南旅遊網規劃旅遊路線,邀請您造訪幸福城市。Staggered ancient cityofTainan magical rural integration, whether it is portrayedtracesthe history of the monuments, or the vitality of naturescenery,constitute the most exciting Variety Tainanappearance.These faces may remember, perhaps never look for, TainanTravelNetwork planning travel routes, invite you to visit the cityofhappiness.
台南東區‧美食藝文樂活遊 1.0
台南市東區以住宅區、文教區為主,轄區內以成功大學最為知名,周邊生活機能便利,形成一處學區型商圈,也成功吸引不少外地遊客前來消費。另外台南文化中心也讓東區充滿濃厚藝文氣息,經常有街頭表演、假日市集等展演,相當適合民眾走入台南市東區玩一趟美食藝文之旅。Tainan toresidential,cultural and educational areas mainly within thejurisdiction ofthe most famous universities in order to succeed,the surroundingliving functions facilitate the formation of aschooldistrict-based district, also succeeded in attracting manyforeigntourists spending. Another Eastern Tainan Cultural Centeralsoallows full of strong artistic atmosphere, there are oftenstreetperformers, holiday bazaar and other performances, quitesuitablefor a visit Tainan people into gourmet arts journey.
台南安平旅遊 1.0.3
台東綠島旅遊 1.0.3
台東綠島旅遊介紹Taitung GreenIslandTourist Information
台東海岸之旅 1.0.3
台東海岸深度旅遊介紹The Taitung coast ofdepthtravel information and
岡山深度旅遊 1.0.3
花莲伴手礼‧送礼送到心 1.0
外出旅游的最后一项行程,往往是伴手礼的购买;怀抱着整趟旅程满满的回忆、充实愉悦的心情,挑选纪念品或伴手礼分送给亲朋好友,分享此趟旅行的点滴大小趣事。The last onetravelitinerary, often souvenirs to buy; embrace the whole tripjourneyfull of memories, full of pleasure, the selection ofsouvenirs andsouvenirs distributed to friends and family, to sharethis triptravel drip size interesting.
花蓮市區巡禮 1.0.3
花蓮吉安之旅 1.0.3
台北吃到飽餐廳特搜 1.0
嚐之不盡,飲之不竭。這桌的小明叫:「老闆,再來一盤。」旁桌的小華說:「老闆,這邊加點。」同桌友人問:「再吃一輪吧!」  不論是火鍋、飲料、甜點或者是食蔬、燒肉、海鮮,這些店都像是哆啦A夢的四次元口袋,讓您無限取用,吃免驚!Taste of theendless,inexhaustible drink. This table Xiaoming called: "Boss,come one."Next to the table Xiaohua said: "Boss, here plus point."Table withfriends ask: "eat a bar!"Whether pot, drink, dessert or fresh vegetables, pork,seafood,these stores are like A Dream of four per pocket, allowingyouunlimited access to, and eat free surprise!
享趣馬祖 國境之北逍遙遊 1.0
位於台灣本島西北方的馬祖列島,擁有極為獨特的自然與人文風情。不論是地質景觀、戰地情懷、或是別具特色的傳統建築,皆是只屬於當地的特殊風采。Located north-west oftheisland of Taiwan Matsu Islands, has a very unique naturalandcultural customs. Whether geological landscape,Battlefieldfeelings, or distinctive traditional architecture, areall justpart of the local special style.
享趣马祖 国境之北逍遥游 1.0
位于台湾本岛西北方的马祖列岛,拥有极为独特的自然与人文风情。不论是地质景观、战地情怀、或是别具特色的传统建筑,皆是只属于当地的特殊风采。Located north-west oftheisland of Taiwan Matsu Islands, has a very unique naturalandcultural customs. Whether geological landscape,Battlefieldfeelings, or distinctive traditional architecture, areall justpart of the local special style.
漫遊馬祖島嶼風情 1.0
馬祖特產物流網路行銷是馬祖微島群產業發展的主軸,為能順應資訊與網路快速流通的特性,經由輔導、開發、教育訓練、促銷推廣等活動,使受輔導之店家開發共同營運策略,瞭解網路行銷推動之方向。Internet marketing isaspecialty logistics Matsu Matsu island group ofindustrialdevelopment micro-axis, in order to adapt to rapid flowofinformation and network characteristics, throughcounseling,development, education and training, promotions andotheractivities, so that by the guidance of the development of acommonbusiness strategy stores to understand Internet marketingtopromote the orientation.
台湾泡汤趣.温泉季 1.0
秋冬季节,寒冷的气候让人想要寻找一个温暖而舒适的度假方式,泡汤的渴望在心中蠢蠢欲动,这个时候,到温泉乡走走,是个最好的选择了!  台湾各地的温泉风景区泉质不同,当地的人文、自然风情也都有其特色,就来一趟专属的温泉之旅吧,一起拥有秋冬的浪漫、幸福飨宴。Autumn and winter,thecold weather makes you want to find a way of warm andcomfortableholiday, bathing desire in the hearts around the corner,this timeto walk around hot springs, is the best choice!Taiwan's scenic spring water spas around the differentlocalculture, natural style also has its own characteristics, theytakea trip to the exclusive spa journey together has a winterromance,happy feast.
關子嶺泥溫泉 1.0.3
瘋台南‧暑假旅遊推薦 1.0
台南好吃好玩的地方跑不完。大台灣旅遊網幫網友整理暑假遊台南必吃的美食店家,還有多間府城特色伴手禮,讓您玩的開心,吃得盡興,吃飽喝足滿載而歸。Tainan delicious funplace to run endless. Taiwan Travel News Tainan to help usersorganize summer tour will eat food stores, as well as a number ofTainan specialty souvenirs, allowing you to have fun, eat fun,satiate rewarding experience.
大台南優惠券COUPON網 1.0
資訊爆炸時代,網路資訊包羅萬象,不出門便能獲知天下事。現在隨著便利的網路,許多業者紛紛在網路上推出了優惠卷,提供給網友、消費者列印使用。 想知道今天有哪些店家推出最新的優惠嗎?大台南旅遊網編輯小組特地和台南各地優秀店家合作,提供五花八門的優惠資訊,就是要你一券在手,聰明消費省荷包!Information explosionera,network information inclusive, informed of world affairs cannot goout. Now, with the convenience of the Internet, many firmshavelaunched on the Internet coupons available to users, consumersprintuse.Want to know what stores today launched the latest deals do?TainanTravel Network editorial team specifically and excellentstoresaround Tainan together to provide a wide variety of deals isto youa ticket in hand, the wise consumer provincial purse!
台南文化中心 1.0.3
台中市政商圈 1.0
台中市科博館 1.0
澎湖新民宿‧特色民宿(簡體版) 1.0
澎湖小编实地采访推荐澎湖近3年内成立「新民宿」+「特色民宿」「双主修」优质合法旅宿不怕客官打枪 就怕订不到房!Penghu XiaobianfieldinterviewsRecommended Penghu founded nearly three years"New B" + "Speciality B & B""Double major" high-quality legal TravelodgeNot afraid to fire a gun afraid Keguan not get a room!
澎湖南海旅遊 1.0.3
澎湖南海旅遊介紹Penghu Tourismintroducedin the South China Sea
澎湖東海北海 1.0.3
澎湖東海北海深度旅遊介紹Penghu depth of theEastChina Sea, the North Sea Tourist Information
澎湖新民宿‧特色民宿 1.0
澎湖小編實地採訪推薦澎湖近3年內成立「新民宿」+「特色民宿」「雙主修」優質合法旅宿不怕客官打槍 就怕訂不到房!Penghu XiaobianfieldinterviewsRecommended Penghu founded nearly three years"New B" + "Speciality B & B""Double major" high-quality legal TravelodgeNot afraid to fire a gun afraid Keguan not get a room!
澎湖湖西旅遊 1.0.3
澎湖湖西旅遊介紹The Penghu Koseitravelintroduced
台中中科商圈 1.0
一中夜市之旅 1.0
宜蘭市區旅遊 1.0.3
北橫旅遊地圖 1.0
縱橫北台灣的北橫公路,一路連接桃園大溪至宜蘭,路上景緻優美、綠意蔓延,許多未經破壞的幽境,都值得您親自前來親近、探索!大溪總統鎮帶您穿梭歷史古今;復興鄉原鄉文化,邀您體驗最真摯的熱情;小烏來天空步道,滿足您漫步雲端的夢想!對北橫風光心動了嗎?快跟著大台灣旅遊網踏出探索的第一步吧!Aspect northernTaiwanNorthern Cross-Island Highway, all the way to connect toIlan,Taoyuan Dasi, a scenic road, green spread of many unspoiltsecludedenvironment, are worthy of your close person toexplore!Dasi President shuttle takes you to the historical town ofancientand modern; Fusing Township aboriginal culture, invites youtoexperience the most sincere enthusiasm; Xiaowulai Skywalk,walkthrough the clouds to meet your dreams! Scenery on the NorthCrossHeart it? Quickly followed by Taiwan Travel News take thefirststep to explore it!
北横旅游地图 1.0
纵横北台湾的北横公路,一路连接桃园大溪至宜兰,路上景致优美、绿意蔓延,许多未经破坏的幽境,都值得您亲自前来亲近、探索!大溪总统镇带您穿梭历史古今;复兴乡原乡文化,邀您体验最真挚的热情;小乌来天空步道,满足您漫步云端的梦想!对北横风光心动了吗?快跟着大台湾旅游网踏出探索的第一步吧!Aspect northernTaiwanNorthern Cross-Island Highway, all the way to connect toIlan,Taoyuan Dasi, a scenic road, green spread of many unspoiltsecludedenvironment, are worthy of your close person toexplore!Dasi President shuttle takes you to the historical town ofancientand modern; Fusing Township aboriginal culture, invites youtoexperience the most sincere enthusiasm; Xiaowulai Skywalk,walkthrough the clouds to meet your dreams! Scenery on the NorthCrossHeart it? Quickly followed by Taiwan Travel News take thefirststep to explore it!
關西綠野遊蹤 1.0
台東市區之旅 1.0.3
台東市區之旅介紹To Taitung Cityoftrip
桃园住宿饭店、汽车旅馆、民宿 1.0
到多采多姿的桃园游玩,没多玩几天怎么够?而在旅游的过程中,住宿占了大半时间,应该让住宿成为旅游的乐趣之一。Colorful Taoyuan toplay,no more Wanji Tian how enough? In the course oftravel,accommodation accounted for most of the time, you shouldmake funof travel accommodations to become one.