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The Jurig
The Jurig introducing to you some mysticalmyths in SouthEast Asian.You can find the various of ghosts like pocong, kuntilanak, tuyul,genderuwo, jenglot and others.The Jurig not only contain one kind of game. In this game there areseveral games with different modes. You can choose your own gamesthat you like and make a highscore.FEATURES:★ FREE TO PLAY!!★ many mode (control) of game with different characters★ reaching achivement★ collect characters★ online leaderboards★ base story/description for each characters★ and many morePlay The Jurig, beat your friends and be the best in Online GlobalLeaderboards! It's FREE!!Keep in touch:Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/VorbiesFollow us on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/vorbies- Vorbies 2016 -
Kuis Kekinian
Kuis Kekinian adalah game kuis cerdas cermatatau asah otak Indonesia yang menguji pengetahuan, kreatifitas dankecerdasan kamu. Kuis kekinian juga mengajakmu untuk lebih mengenaldan mencintai Indonesia.Kuis Kekinian memiliki grafis yang menarik yang akan membuatmuketagihan. Banyak soal yang harus kamu pecahkan dan akan di updatesetiap minggunya (tergantung permintaan pemain).Ayo ajak teman-temanmu untuk bermain. Pecahkan semua soal yang ada.Dan buat dirimu dan teman-temanmu lebih mengenal tokoh populerIndonesia, Karakter fiksi Indonesia, lagu serta berbagai acara TVdan film Indonesia.Kuis Kekinian memiliki 4 mode permainan, antara lain:- Tebak WajahMenebak wajah dari tokoh populer di Indonesia dari berbagai profesiberdasarkan versi kartun/karikatur dari tokoh tersebut. Tokohpopuler yang ditampilkan bisa dari kalangan artis, pelawak,politisi dan sebagainya. Tokoh yang ditampilkan belum tentu miripdengan tokoh aslinya. Kamu harus cermat dan jeli melihat ciri-ciridari tokok tersebut.Gunakan bantuan yang ada bila kamu kesulitan.Catatan: Kamu juga dapat mengirim/ request orang populer diIndonesia untuk dijadikan salah satu soal dengan mengirim email keVorbies atau isi review box. Sertakan nama orang tersebut entah itudari kalangan artis, politisi, atlit idolamu asalkan orangIndonesia. Permintaan terbanyak akan dibuatkan untuk updateselanjutnya.-Tebak TV dan FilmMenebak Judul Acara TV atau Film dari masa ke masa yang populer diIndonesia berdasarkan potongan logo, poster, karakter atau petunjukyang tersedia. Gunakan bantuan jika kamu kesulitan.-Tebak Judul LaguTidak jauh berbeda dengan permainan Tebak Kata atau Tebak Gambaryang sudah cukup populer.Hanya saja jawaban dari soal adalah Judul lagu Indonesia.-Tebak KarakterMenebak karakter-karakter populer di Indonesia. Karakter-karaktertersebut meliputi tokoh fiksi, karakter anak, legenda, mitos,karakter komik, super hero Indonesia atau bahkan tokoh dari serialTelevisi yang iconik.Download Kuis Kekinian sekarang juga. Ajak temanmu bermain. Ujiwawasan, kreatifitas dan kecerdasan kamu. Seberapa jauh kamumengenal berbagai icon populer di Indonesia?Lebih dekat dengan kami:fb: facebook.com/vorbiestwitter&ig : @vorbiesPresent Quiz is a quizgame or brain teaser quiz Indonesia which test knowledge,creativity and gumption. Quiz present also asked you to know andlove Indonesia.Present Quiz has attractive graphics that will make you addicted.Many questions you must break and will be updated every week(depending on the request of players).Let's invite your friends to play. Solve all the problems thatexist. And make yourself and your friends know more about thepopular character Indonesia, Indonesia Fictional characters, songsand a variety of TV shows and movies Indonesia.Present quiz has 4 modes of play including:- Guess FaceGuessing the face of a popular figure in Indonesia from variousprofessions based version of the cartoon / caricature of thecharacter. Popular figures that can be displayed from the artists,comedians, politicians and so on. Figures shown are not necessarilysimilar to the original figures. You should be careful andobservant look at the characteristics of the tokok.Use existing aid when you have trouble.Note: You can also send / request a popular vote in Indonesia to beone matter by emailing or browse reviews Vorbies box. Include theperson's name either from the artists, politicians, athletes aslong as your idol Indonesian people. Most requests will be made forthe next update.-Tebak TV and FilmGuessing Titles TV shows or movies from time to time that arepopular in Indonesia based on the pieces of logo, poster, code orinstructions provided. Use help if you have trouble.-Tebak Title SongNot much different from the game Guess Guess Words or Pictures ofthe already quite popular.It's just that the answers of the question is the title of the songIndonesia.-Tebak CharactersGuessing the characters popular in Indonesia. These charactersinclude a fictional character, a child character, legend, myth,comic characters, super hero Indonesia or even characters from thetelevision series iconik.Download Quiz Recency now. Invite your friends to play. Testinsights, creativity and gumption. How far do you recognize avariety of popular icon in Indonesia?Much closer to us:fb: facebook.com/vorbiestwitter & ig: @vorbies
The Sperms through a very long journey toreachhis goal. many enemies and obstacles they had to face.Make the sperms float! Collect the sperms. Use the uniqueskillsof the Sperms to float the farthest possible.How far can you make it?Features:★ Easy to play (just hold and release)★ Many characters with different skills★ Simple & Beautiful graphics designed★ Endless mode of play★ Share score to social media★ Cute characters★ Random Rewards★ Choose Themes★ Online Leaderboard (Beat your friends, become kingofSperms)★ Weekly EventsNote: Its NOT sex, adult or porn game (everybody canplay)Enjoy!!
Slap Hands (1 or 2 Player)
Slap hands also known as Hot Hands, Red Hand,Tap Hand or Double Hand is a classic board/kids game which requires2 players. This simple game can practice your reflexes. suitable toplay for all ages.Even though this game is a two-player game, But this game can beplayed by one player (player vs AI) if you can not find an opponentto play.HOW TO PLAY- Choose Single Player (Player vs AI) or Multi Player (Player vsPlayer)- Select a hand to be played- Choose who to attack first (Attacker and Defender)- Once the game starts, one player is the attacker and the other isthe defender- The attacker slaps by tapping once and the defender retreats bytapping at the right time- If the defender reterat three times but attacker dont slap.defender will incur a penalty- if the attacker slapping but at the right time defender dodge.the position of the attacker and defender will swap.- the game ends when one player gets 12 scores and be winner.FEATURES:- Single Player (Player vs AI)- Multi Player (Player vs Player)- 40+ Hands- Switch Attack First- Choose Hand- regular updateschallenge your friends or play with AI. slap they hands without anyhurts!!Enjoy!!
Feed The Fish
Feed The Fish is an simple arcade gamethattrain you to focus and make fast decisions. Suitable for allagesand can make you addictive.Feed The Fish Have 3 mode game.Easy: feed 2 fishesMedium: feed 3 fishesHard: feed 4 fishesDownload Feed The Fish Now. Don't let them starve.Feeding the fishes as much as possible. how much you canfeedingthat fishes?Beat your friends and become first rank in online Leaderboard.Good luck!Features:● Easy To Play● FREE TO PLAY● Online Leaderboard● Share To Social Media● Amazing Graphics designs● 3 mode play.● Train focus and decision-making