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webuzz 1.0.0
Webuzzing un contenu original etdivertissantpour les jeunes marocains et un concentré d'actualitésvirales etd'histoires divertissantes sur le web.Webuzzing an originalandentertaining content for young Moroccans and a concentratedviralnews and entertaining stories on the web.
Fez Guide 3.3.2
Fez Guide is a portal dedicated to allthosewho want a unique experience in the spiritual city anditssurroundings.This guide reveals all! If you get stuck, the answer shouldbehere!The application does not have a rigid hierarchical structure, butisactually a "collective" of informative and interactiveindividualrecords.This allows us to make more effective promotion of FezGuide,because we can see the most relevant and targetedcontentcustomized to users.Fez Guide is created for the development andinternationalizationof the tourism product of Fez:FES HISTORY AND DEPTH, the end of the seventh century,fleeingthe hegemony of the Abbasids in Baghdad, Idriss I,descendant ofthe prophet, took refuge among the Berbers of centralMorocco.Supported by many Amazigh tribes who proclaim King ofMorocco, hefounded in 789 AD his capital on the right bank of theOued Fes. Athis death, his son, Idriss II, completing work on theleft bank ofthe Oued and decided in 809 to establish the seat ofthedynasty.The first legend says that the name of Fez which means pickaxewouldhave been given by Sultan Moulay Driss following a pickaxeblow inthe depths of the earth, and has brought forth from thebowels ofthe city, pure and clear water. This water still snakingalleys,through the alleys of houses, riads and palaces and powersmost ofthe city's fountains. A second version, reports thatdigging thefoundations of the city, they found a large "Fez",weighing sixtypounds, and that's where the name came from Fez.Anyway this citybecame the first Islamic city in the country asits founder wanted.A few years later, the city welcomes hundredsof political refugeesfrom Andalusia, Cordoba precisely accordingto historians. Theyfounded the Andalusian quarter in 818. Thispopulation has beenreinforced by the arrival of the Jews. Sevenyears later, 300families of artisans and traders evicted fromKairouan (modernTunisia) settled west of the city, in theneighborhood ofkairaouanais said.FES, WORLD HERITAGE OF UNESCO City mother of Morocco, Dean oftheimperial cities, guardian of the faith, spiritual capital,cultural,artistic and scientific, the qualifiers do not fail toexpress therichness and beauty of this fascinating city .historical andauthentic space, the Fez medina retains anchored inits walls andmazes Moroccan heritage.Memory city with a thousand faces, Fez has many religiousbuildings(mosques, mausoleums, temples, synagogues, etc.) and alarge numberof historical monuments (borjs, madrasas, fondouks,riadsetc.).CRAFTS Fassi, A MATTER OF CENTURIES The Moroccan craft datesbackto the most remote times of the kingdom. The Berbers, thefirstinhabitants of the area were the precursors of the Moroccancraftindustry, particularly through the work of the wool (carpet),ironand silver (jewelery), clay (various utensils) etc. Arabconquerorsof the land of Morocco, contributed to the evolution ofthe field ofhandicrafts by developing new forms such as copperwork (variousutensils), wood (various furniture), sorrel (variousitems), clay(pottery), etc.
Weather - Météo - الطقس 1.0
Weather provides weather forecasts(weather,wind, humidity, tides, solunar activity, ephemeris,alerts) in allcities around the world thanks to GPS on yourphone.It also allows real-time access to the weather at any time oftheday.Its simple, intuitive and ergonomic interface allows easy accesstodata.It gives access to real-time weather alerts and a set oftechnicalmaps-Characteristics :Forecast: A convenient weather channel in your phone.Displaylocal climate change temperature in real time.Show moisture, wind force and pressure.Rainfall: Rainfall changes day and night.Rapid loading radar maps show past and future radar. Map layersshowviews of the road or satellite, water temperature, wind speed,snowcover and more. Browse interactive maps: radar, satellite,heat andsnow.You can choose and save different places, weather radars makeitmore convenient to view local weather forecasts.
Concours Maroc 2.4
Vous êtes à la recherche d’un emploi ausecteurpublic ou privé, Concours Maroc vous propose de nombreusesannoncesde concours et d’offres d’emplois;Vous êtes fraichement diplômé et vous êtes à la recherched’unstage; Concours Maroc vous propose toutes les nouvelles offresdestages.★ L'application vous donne aussi la possibilité de rechercheretde partager sur votre réseau les derniers offres quivousintéresse.★ L’application Concours Maroc: Recherche emploi marocvouspermet de rester en temps réel en alerte auxopportunitésprofessionnelles, que vous soyez dans les transports,en vacances,chez vous … retrouvez sur votre mobile un emploi quivouscorrespond.Caractéristiques de Concours Maroc: Recherche emploimarocAlwadifa :★ Bénéficiez d'une fonction de recherche emploi rapideetconviviale.★ Près de 12 000 offres d’emploi au maroc ciblées à traversleMaroc.★ Un réseau de milliers de recruteurs (entreprises, cabinetsderecrutement, chasseurs de tête, SSII, …)★ Des emplois en CDI, CDD, Freelance, Stage …★ Des alertes pour être le premier à recevoir les offresd'emploimaroc directement sur son mobile★ Postuler en un clic depuis son mobile à des milliersd’offresd’emploi★ Tout ce qui concerne le travaille et concours au Maroc-Alwadifa Maroc 2016. Concours , recrutement , offre d'emploi,recherche d'emploi , concour public au maroc , maroc job ,alwadifa2016, emploi privé ...N’hésitez pas à télécharger l'application Concours Maroc !You are looking for ajobin the public or private sector, Morocco Contest offersmanycontest announcements and job offers;You are newly graduated and you are looking for aninternship;Morocco contest offers all new internship offers.★ The application also gives you the ability to search andshareon your network the last deals of interest.★ The Application Contest Morocco: Morocco Job search keepsyoureal-time alert to business opportunities, whether in transport,onvacation, at home ... find on your mobile a job that suitsyou.Morocco Competition Features: Job search Morocco alwadifa:★ Enjoy a search function fast and easy job.★ Almost 12 000 jobs in Morocco targeted through Morocco.★ A network of thousands of recruiters (companies,recruitmentagencies, headhunters, consulting firms, ...)★ The permanent jobs, Contract, Freelance, Stage ...★ alerts to be the first to receive the Morocco job offersdirectlyon their mobile★ Apply a click on your mobile to thousands of jobs★ Everything related works and the competition in Morocco-Alwadifa Morocco 2016 contest, recruitment, job, jobsearch,public contest in Morocco, Morocco job, alwadifa 2016,privateemployment ...Feel free to download the application Contest Morocco!