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Welzen Guided Meditation App 0.1.1
Welzen LLC.
A curated selection of 15 mindfulnessguidedmeditations for self-improvement and relaxation, from theveryfirst version of the Welzen app. Remastered and re-edited forsoundquality. Each track is 10 minutes long and featuresmeditations andvisualizations with a soothing female voice andrelaxing music.FEATURED MEDITATIONS AND VISUALIZATIONS* Accepting Changes - Is all about helping you be okay withwhatlife throws at you and embracing new things* Erasing the Need of Control - Sometimes the need to beincontrol can create anxiety, this meditation helps you to let goofthat anxiety and the need of being in control* Happiness - Learn to unwind from your emotions and achieveanew state of contentment*Abundance - Recognize what stands in the way of achievingmore,being happier, and improve your mental state* Body Scan - Connect with your body, learn how youreflectemotions as physical sensations and consciouslyreleaseoverwhelming thoughts* Here and Now - Learn to focus in the present moment,andrelieve anxiety by letting go of the past and quit thinkingaboutthe future* Enhancing Patience - Overcome frustrations, focus on themomentand start to accept the course of things with a betterattitude* Forgiving - Look deep inside and start to move away frompain,frustration, bad memories, and finally forgive and livehappier* Letting Go - Learn to let go of things, memories,andsituations. Live calmer and happier* Gratitude -Boost your mood by acknowledging the things youhavein your life and relieve feeling of sadness, judgement,jealousy andnegativity* Stress Free - Learn to manage stress through meditation andgetto a more relaxed state* Deep Relaxation - Disconnect from worries and feel calmerbylearning to shift your attention to your inner self andbreathingpatterns* Deep Sleep - Take a vacation with this visualizationanddecompress from all stress, emotions, and agitation fromyourday* Making Peace with Fears - Embark on a journey ofselfdiscovery, acceptance and finally overcome your fears* Look Deep Inside - Know yourself better, re-centeryourawareness to your deepest feelings and disengage fromoverwhelmingemotions or thoughtsBENEFITS OF MINDFULNESS MEDITATIONSMindfulness has proven to increase and decrease certain areas ofthebrain for optimal function. It helps with emotionsregulation,decreases stress and anxiety, increases attention andmemory, andit leads people to a happier and more compassionatelife.BENEFITS OF MINDFULNESS VISUALIZATIONSThere are amazing physical and mental health benefitsfrommindfulness visualizations such as boosted immunity,depressionmanagement, decreasing stress and anxiety, insomniarelief, andalleviating chronic pain or health conditions.THE SCIENCE OF MINDFULNESSMindfulness meditation has proven to increase and decreasecertainareas of the brain for optimal function. It increasesneurons andconnections in the prefrontal cortex, responsible foremotionregulation, the right anterior insula, associated withattentionand awareness, the left hippocampus responsible forlearning &memory, and the temporoparietal junction, related toperspective,empathy and compassion. It also shrinks the amygdala,the “fight orflight” part of the brain associated to anxiety, fearandstress.HEAR IT FROM OUR USERSStart my morning off RIGHT!!! by vaioAcqua. - This app changedtheway I lead my day and the way I wake up in the morning! It'smademe think differently of the way I think and feel aboutmysurroundings and myself! Love the app and can't waitformore!!!!Great app! by BeingMANUTD. - This is a one of the better appsformindfulness and meditation. The guided narrations are peacefulandcalm.
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Welzen LLC.
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Welzen LLC.
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Welzen: meditations to relax, 5.0.2
Welzen LLC.
Meditation App with guided mindfulness meditation for stressreduction.