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Radio Algérie 1.0
Ecouter les radios d'Algérie les pluspopulaires.Radio Jil FM (Jil étant la traduction en français du mot «Génération), est une toute jeune station de radio qui est diffuséeen Algérie. Sa grille de programme orientée vers la jeunesseAlgérienne et le ton décalé utilisé par ses animateurs confèrent àJil FM une touche jeune et branchée qui la rend très populaireauprès auditeurs qui ont une moyenne d’âge entre 15 et 40 ans.Radio Chaine 2 est une station algérienne crée en 1948,d'expression berbère qui fait partie de la Radio algérienne. RadioChaine2 est la plus ancienne station berbère d'Algérie. Toutes lesheures, La station propose un journal ou un Flashd'Information.Pour tous les amateurs de Radio Chaine 3 appelé notamment Chaine3 ou Alger Chaine 3 et qui ont l’envie d’en savoir plus sur cettestation de radio nationale Algérienne, voici ci-dessous un courthistorique. Cette petite description s’adresse non seulement auxfans qui veulent en savoir d’avantage sur cette radio mais aussiaux auditeurs curieux et qui viennent de découvrir Radio Chaine 3et qui ont la volonté d’en savoir plus sur cette station dont ilsne seront pas déçus.Radio Chaine 1 diffuse les dernières actualités du foot, sport,les évènements nationaux et internationaux. Des débats avec despersonnalités politiques, du monde économique et des starsnationales et internationales avec Issa Medani, Amal Driss,Radhouan Horiati.Radio CORAN est la première station thématique algérienne,lancée le 12 juillet 1991. Le volume d'émission de Elle est passéprogressivement de 2 heures à 10 heures par jour. Aujourd'hui, lachaine diffuse ses programmes chaque jour de 00h à 2h et de 5h à13h.Radio Culture Algerie est une station généraliste d'expressionqui fait partie de la Radio algérienne.Elle propose une programmation varié de services et del'information. La station Radio Culture Algerie est composé d’ungroupe jeune, sérieux, dynamique et expérimenté.Pour tous les amateurs de Radio El Bahdja appelé aussi RadioBahdja ou El Bahdja et qui veulent en savoir plus sur cette stationde radio Algérienne, voici son historique. Cet historique s’adressenon seulement aux amateurs mais aussi aux auditeurs curieux quiviennent de découvrir Radio El Bahdja et qui veulent en savoir plussur cette station dont ils ne seront pas déçus.La Radio Algerie Internationale (RAI), fait partie del'organisme Radio algerienne, a commencé la difusion en mars 2007.RAI est la première station du pays qui diffuse une informationcontinue. La station vise à promouvoir un regard algérien sur lesquestions importantes d'actualité internationales. La stationcompte plus de 60 journalistes.Radio Dzair est station offrant une programmation musicalecentrée sur la variété algérienne, variété de titres, subtilmélange des genres et des époques.Dzair Sahara est webradio offrant une programmation musicalecentrée sur la variété algérienne, variété de titres, subtilmélange des genres et des époques. La station Radio Dzair Saharaest une diffusion 24h/24.Dzair Raina est webradio offrant une programmation musicalecentrée sur la variété algérienne, variété de titres, subtilmélange des genres et des époques.Dzair Chaabia est webradio offrant une programmation musicalecentrée sur la variété algérienne, variété de titres, subtilmélange des genres et des époques.Dzair Andaloussia est webradio offrant une programmationmusicale centrée sur la variété algérienne, variété de titres,subtil mélange des genres et des époques.Dzair Izuran est webradio offrant une programmation musicalecentrée sur la variété algérienne, variété de titres, subtilmélange des genres et des époques.Dzair Orientale est webradio offrant une programmation musicalecentrée sur la variété algérienne, variété de titres, subtilmélange des genres et des époques.Alger One Radio est un bouquet de six radios diffuséesgratuitement sur internet.Play the most popularradio stations in Algeria.Jil FM Radio (Jil is the French translation of "Generation), isa young radio station is broadcast in Algeria. Its program schedulefacing the Algerian youth and offbeat tone of its presenters giveJil FM a young and trendy touch that makes it very popular withlisteners who have an average age between 15 and 40 years.Radio Chaine 2 is an Algerian resort created in 1948, Berberexpression that is part of the Algerian Radio. Radio String2 is theoldest station of Berber Algeria. Every hour The resort offers anewspaper or Flash Information.For all fans of Radio 3 called Chaine Chaine including AlgerChaine 3 or 3 and have the desire to learn more about this Algeriannational radio station, here below a short history. This briefdescription is intended not only for fans who want to know moreabout this radio but also for curious listeners who have justdiscovered Radio Channel 3 and have the desire to learn more aboutthis station they will not not disappointed.Radio Channel 1 broadcasts the latest news of football, sport,national and international events. Debates with politicians, thebusiness community and national and international stars with IssaMedani, Amal Driss, Radhouan Horiati.Radio Qur'an is the first Algerian thematic station, launched on12 July 1991. The issue volume rose gradually from 2:00 to 10:00daily. Today, the channel broadcasts its programs every day from 00to 2 am and from 5 am to 13h.Culture Radio Algerie is a general expression station that ispart of the Algerian Radio.It offers varied programming services and information. The AlgeriaCulture Radio station is composed of a young group, serious,dynamic and experienced.For all fans of Radio El Bahdja also called Radio Bahdja or ElBahdja and want to know more about this radio station Algeria, hereits history. This history is written not only for fans but also forcurious listeners who have just discovered Radio El Bahdja and wantto know more about this station they will not be disappointed.Radio Algerie Internationale (RAI), is part of the body AlgerianRadio, started the difusion in March 2007. RAI is the first stationin the country that broadcasts a continuous information. Thestation aims to promote an Algerian perspective on important issuesof international news. The resort has more than 60 journalists.Dzair radio station is offering a musical program centered onthe Algerian variety, variety of titles, subtle blend of genres anderas.Dzair Sahara is offering an Internet radio music programcentered on the Algerian variety, variety of titles, subtle blendof genres and eras. The Dzair Sahara Radio station is broadcasting24/24.Dzair Raina's web radio offering music programming centered onthe Algerian variety, variety of titles, subtle blend of genres anderas.Dzair Chaabia's web radio offering music programming centered onthe Algerian variety, variety of titles, subtle blend of genres anderas.Dzair Andaloussia's web radio offering music programmingcentered on the Algerian variety, variety of titles, subtle blendof genres and eras.Dzair Izuran's web radio offering music programming centered onthe Algerian variety, variety of titles, subtle blend of genres anderas.Dzair Oriental is offering Internet radio music program centeredon the Algerian variety, variety of titles, subtle blend of genresand eras.Algiers One Radio is a bouquet of six radio stations broadcastfree on the internet.
Weather of the World - USA 1.0
Weather of the World is an incredibly easy to use app in order toalways be aware of the weather and its evolution on all cities ofthe world. Weather of the World is an app specially designed to beas simple and intuitive as possible. With one click, the weatherconditions for the area you are in is displayed in your status bar.Superb realistic animations show the weather at home and itsevolution without you need to get out. The application is based onreliable data source and real-time updates are so light that yourdata plan will be hardly affected. FEATURES - The applicationallows you to check the weather in every city you want on the world- Weather of the World is one of the lightest weather appsavailable on Google Play! - Animated weather conditions: see theweather outside and evolution for next 7 days ! - Intuitive andfriendly user interface - Weather of the World is compatible withall existing screen resolutions - Tap to change the temperaturefrom Celsius to Fahrenheit - Widget Integrated - Choose yourselfthe next depending Weather Bulletin! Leave us a comment or send usan email. You will help to shape the best weather app in its class.You can check the weather on all cities of the world , you havejust to add the location you want to check. For the united states :Weather varies widely across the continental USA, as well as inAlaska and Hawaii. In general terms, summers are hot and humid inthe plains and southern states, while the southwest is very hot andquite dry. Endless summers are southern California and Floridatrademarks, while in the Pacific Northwest and New England states,summers are warm with cool mornings and pleasant eveningconditions. Winters in the southern states are mild, while in thenorth, northeast, plains states, and in the western mountains,conditions are often quite cold with heavy snow and sub-freezingtemperatures. Severe weather in the form of thunderstorms is anormal spring and summer occurrence; devastating tornadoes are alsocommon in the spring and summer months, especially in the centralpart of the U.S. Hurricanes occasionally strike the easterncoastline and Gulf of Mexico states from June through October.
USA Radio 2.0
USA Radio is a free application that allows you to listen to allyour favorite radio stations in the United States of America. KQEDPublic Radio, home of Forum with Michael Krasny and The CaliforniaReport, is the most-listened-to public radio station in the nationand the most-listened-to radio station in the Bay Area, with anaward-winning news and public affairs program service. Listen on88.5 FM or Comcast channel 960 in San Francisco, 89.3 FM inSacramento, 88.3 FM in Santa Rosa and 88.1 FM in Martinez. KQEDPublic Radio 88.5 FM and 89.3 FM also broadcast in analog and HDRadio technology. WNYC is the nation’s largest public radio stationand reaches more than one million people each week. It extends NewYork’s cultural riches worldwide via podcasting and streaming The station produces plenty of original programming eachweek, including several nationally distributed shows. WAMU 88.5 isthe leading public radio station for NPR news and information inthe greater Washington D.C. area. It is member-supported,professionally-staffed, and licensed to American University. WBURis Boston's NPR News Station, featuring NPR news and programs.Chicago Public Media is home to WBEZ 91.5FM, Vocalo 89.5FM and arange of acclaimed local and national productions. WGN is the onlymajor news talk station with local original talk programming aswell as top stories and breaking news. Southern California PublicRadio (SCPR) is a member-supported public media network thatoperates 89.3 KPCC-FM in Los Angeles and Orange County, 89.1KUOR-FM in the Inland Empire and 90.3 KVLA in the Coachella Valley.SCPR also informs and interacts with the communities it servesthrough its website, its mobile and social media channels, and liveevents. KEXP-FM Beginning as a tiny 10-watt station back in 1972,KEXP has grown over the years into an innovative, influentialcultural force in the Seattle community and beyond. OPB Givingvoice to the community, connecting Oregon and its neighbors,illuminating a wider world. OPB news provides in-depth coverage ofissues and stories that affect a broad cross-section of people wholive in the Pacific Northwest. KPBS is San Diego's premiere sourcefor local news and local events KUHF Houston Public Radio's NewsStation — KUHF News is the trusted source for independent,thoughtful and in-depth news. KUHF offers international, national,regional and local coverage from the KUHF Newsroom, NPR, the BBC,and American Public Media. As other media outlets narrow theirscope and reduce local coverage, we expand the breadth of localnews and give voice to multiple perspectives. 91.7 KALW is LocalPublic Radio for the San Francisco Bay Area. We were the first BayArea radio station to broadcast NPR and the BBC, and we continue toinnovate with programming guaranteed to keep your mind (and yourears) wide open. KUAZ-FM is a radio station operated out of TheUniversity of Arizona that serves the Tucson, Arizona, metropolitanarea. It operates on 1550 on the AM dial and 89.1 on the FM dialwith a combination of news and National Public Radio format duringthe day and jazz in the evenings. KUAZ-FM has a translator 91.7 FMin Sierra Vista, Arizona, and simulcast as KUAZ on 1550 on the AMdial from sunrise to sunset only. Welcome to Jazz24 from Seattle& Tacoma, Washington. We feature the greatest jazz artists ofall time including Miles Davis, Billie Holiday and Dave Brubeck.Plus you'll hear today's top jazz talents, like Diana Krall, WyntonMarsalis and Joshua Redman. We also like to throw in some surprisesfrom time to time, including bluesy jazz from Ray Charles, funkyjazz from Maceo Parker and Latin jazz from Poncho Sanchez. Thanksfor listening. We hope you enjoy the jazz. Jazz24 is produced byPacific Public Media, who also operates KPLU-FM. Pacific PublicMedia is owned and operated by Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma,Washington, USA. KUOW-FM , WBGO , WXPN , WFUV , WLRN-FM ,WPR Ideas..
Prayer Times in Indonesia 1.2
Get all prayer times in all cities inIndonesia and stay informed with time of Fajr , Sunrise , Asr ,Maghrib and Isha every day and list for the times of the currentmonth.The prayer times are accurate and identical to the schedules ofthe Ministry of Islamic Affairs.The application is perfect for daily use prayer to know theschedules of all Indonesian cities. It is also an effective toolduring the sacred month of Ramadan.The interface is very simple (English , Indonesian) and displaysa table summarizing the schedules of all the cities, towns and evensome countryside.The list of prayer times is available for the cities :Ambarawa - Ambon - Amlapura - Amuntai - Argamakmur - Atambua -Babo - Bagan Siapiapi - Bahaur, Kalteng - Bajawa - Balige -Balikpapan - Banda Aceh - Bandarlampung - Bandung - Bangkalan -Bangkinang - Bangko - Bangli - Banjar - Banjar Baru - Banjarmasin -Banjarnegara - Bantaeng - Banten - Bantul - Banyuwangi - Barabai -Barito - Barru - Batam - Batang - Batu - Baturaja - Batusangkar -Baubau - Bekasi - Bengkalis - Bengkulu - Benteng - Biak - Bima -Binjai - Bireuen - Bitung - Blitar - Blora - Bogor - Bojonegoro -Bondowoso - Bontang - Boyolali - Brebes - Bukit Tinggi - Bula Sbt,Maluku - Bulukumba - Buntok - Cepu - Ciamis - Cianjur - Cibinong -Cilacap - Cilegon - Cimahi - Cirebon - Curup - Demak - Denpasar -Depok - Dili - Dompu - Donggala - Dumai - Ende - Enggano - Enrekang- Fakfak - Garut - Gianyar - Gombong - Gorontalo - Gresik - GunungSitoli - Indramayu - Jakarta Barat - selectedJakarta Pusat -Jakarta - Jambi - Jayapura - Jember - Jeneponto - Jepara - Jombang- Kabanjahe - Kalabahi - Kalianda - Kandangan - Karanganyar -Karawang - Kasungan - Kayuagung - Kebumen - Kediri - Kefamenanu -Kendal - Kendari - Kertosono - Ketapang - Kisaran - Klaten - Kolaka- Kota Baru Pulau Laut - Kota Bumi - Kota Jantho - Kotamobagu -Kuala Kapuas - Kuala Kurun - Kuala Pembuang - Kuala Tungkal - Kudus- Kuningan - Kupang - Kutacane - Kutoarjo - Labuhan - Lahat -Lamongan - Langsa - Larantuka - Lawang - Lhoseumawe - Limboto -Lubuk Basung - Lubuk Linggau - Lubuk Pakam - Lubuk Sikaping -Lumajang - Luwuk - Madiun - Magelang - Magetan - Majalengka -Majene - Makale - Makassar - Malang - Mamuju - Manna - Manokwari -Marabahan - Maros - Martapura Kalsel - Masamba, Sulsel - Masohi -Mataram - Maumere - Medan - Mempawah - Menado - Mentok - Merauke -Metro - Meulaboh - Mojokerto - Muara Bulian - Muara Bungo - MuaraEnim - Muara Teweh - Muaro Sijunjung - Muntilan - Nabire - Negara -Nganjuk - Ngawi - Nunukan - Pacitan - Padang - Padang Panjang -Padang Sidempuan - Pagaralam - Painan - Palangkaraya - Palembang -Palopo - Palu - Pamekasan - Pandeglang - Pangka_ - PangkajeneSidenreng - Pangkalan Bun - Pangkalpinang - Panyabungan - Par_ -Parepare - Pariaman - Pasuruan - Pati - Payakumbuh - Pekalongan -Pekan Baru - Pemalang - Pematangsiantar - Pendopo - Pinrang -Pleihari - Polewali - Pondok Gede - Ponorogo - Pontianak - Poso -Prabumulih - Praya - Probolinggo - Purbalingga - Purukcahu -Purwakarta - Purwodadigrobogan - Purwokerto - Purworejo -Putussibau - Raha - Rangkasbitung - Rantau - Rantauprapat -Rantepao - Rembang - Rengat - Ruteng - Sabang - Salatiga -Samarinda - Sambas, Kalbar - Sampang - Sampit - Sanggau -Sawahlunto - Sekayu - Selong - Semarang - Sengkang - Serang - Serui- Sibolga - Sidikalang - Sidoarjo - Sigli - Singaparna - Singaraja- Singkawang - Sinjai - Sintang - Situbondo - Slawi - Sleman -Soasiu - Soe - Solo - Solok - Soreang - Sorong - Sragen - Stabat -Subang - Sukabumi - Sukoharjo - Sumbawa Besar - Sumedang - Sumenep- Sungai Liat - Sungai Penuh - Sungguminasa - Surabaya - Surakarta- Tabanan - Tahuna - Takalar - Takengon - Tamiang Layang - TanahGrogot - Tangerang - Tanjung Balai - Tanjung Enim - Tanjung Pandan- Tanjung Pinang - Tanjung Redep - Tanjung Selor - Tapak Tuan -Tarakan - Tarutung - Tasikmalaya - Tebing Tinggi - Tegal -Temanggung - Tembilahan - Tenggarong - Ternate - Tolitoli
الثقافة الجنسية 1.0
إن الجنس جزء أساسي من الحياة عموما ومنالحياةالزوجية خصوصا.لقد صادفت في حياتي كثيرا من الأزواج ومن الزوجات(منهمأطباء وطبيبات)كاد الأمر السيئ بينهما-أي بين الزوجين-أن يصلإلىالطلاق,وعندما أتيحت لي الفرصة للتدخل بينهما-بطلب منهما أومنأحدهما-من أجل الصلح بينهما بأن أسمع منهما ثم أقدم النصيحةلأحدهماأو لكليهما,وجدتهما مستعدين للحديث عن كل شيء إلا عن سببالخلافالأساسي وهو الجنس.وجدتهما يرفضان بشدة تلميحا أو تصريحا الحديثفيهذا الموضوع لأن مجتمعـنا معقد ويعتبر أن الحديث عن الجنسعيب,وأنحدوث الخلاف بين الزوجين بسببه عيب ثاني,وأن الحديث عن سببالخلاف هذاعيب ثالث,وأن مجرد الثقافة الجنيسة لأي من الزوجين ولو بينهوبين نفسهعيب رابع.وعندما بدأت الحديث المفصل معهما بعد أن بينت بأنهلا الدينيمنعنا ولا العلم والطب يمنعنا من هذا الحديث وجدت الحرج بدأيرتفع منأمامهما وبدآ الحديث بتحفظ ثم استرسلا في الحديث المفصلوغيرالمتحفظ.وعندما سمعت من الطرفين قدمت لهما ملخصا عما يجب أنيعرفاه منالثقافة الجنسية على الأقل التي لها علاقة بموضوعخلافهما.وأخبرتالمحسن بأنه أحسن والمسيء بأنه أساء وقدمت لهما النصائحالمناسبة(لأحدهما أو لكليهما).والحمد لله رب العالمين على توفيقه,لأنالصلحيتم –غالبا-بين الزوجين,بعد هذه الجلسة مباشرة بيومين أو ثلاثةوترجعالأمور بين الزوجين إلى مجراها الطبيعي,بل ترجع غالبا إلى أحسنمماكانت بكثير ويقول أحدهما أو كلاهما:”ما تزوجت إلا اليوم”.وفيبعضالأحيان يخرج الزوجان من جلسة الصلح مباشرة وهما متراضيانومتفقانومتحابان وكأن يومهما هو يوم الوليمة والعرس والزفافوالدخول.وفيأحيان أخرى يكون الزوجان قد اتصلا قبل ذلك بطبيب جلس معهمامرات ومراتولم يُفدهما,وبقيت دار لقمان على حالها:إما لأنهما لميُصارحاه بما هوكائن بينهما,وإما أنهما صارحاه لكنه لم يعرف ما يقولهلهما أو كيفيكلمهما.والأمثلة المماثلة كثيرة فقط من وحي تجربتيالبسيطة لا منتجارب آخرين.ومع ذلك أنا أتمنى ممن يعترض على الكتابة فيالجنس أنيقدم دليلا واحدا من أقوال طبيب أو نصف طبيب مسلم أو حتى غيرمسلم فيالدنيا كلها يقول بأن ما يُنشر في هذه الرسالة”الزواجوالجنس”يتنافىمع القواعد العلمية أو الطبيةفرق بين أن نتحدث عن الجنس بكلام بذيء فاحش-وهو ذِكرُ مايستقبحُذكرُه بألفاظ صريحة-فهذا حرام بطبيعة الحال ونسأل الله أنيعافينا منذلك.فرق بين هذا وبين أن نتحدث عن الجنس بألفاظ مؤدبةيحكمها العلموالدين والطب,فهذا ما لا يجوز أن يناقش أحد في حِلهوجوازه.وفرق كذلكبين أن نتحدث عن الجنس بدون ضرورة,وبين أن نتحدث عنهمن أجل ضرورةالتعلم أو من أجل ضرورة طلب النصح والتوجيه أومن أجلضرورة العلاج أومن أجل ضرورة حل مشكلة من المشكلات.وأتمنى ممن يعترضعلى الكتابة فيالجنس من وجهة نظر إسلامية طبية علمية أن يقدم دليلاواحدا من الكتابأو السنة أو الإجماع أو القياس أو..على أن الحديث عنالجنس بالشكلالذي كتبته في هذه الرسالة هو حرام أو مكروه أو حتى خلافالأولى.إنفرض الكفاية يصبح للأسف عند بعض الجاهلين عيبا ويتناقض معالحياءهل نحن في حاجة إلى ثقافة جنسية؟إن إدراك وجود المشكلة هو نصف الحل، بينما تجاهلها يمكن أن يؤديإلىتفاقمها بصورة لا يصلح معها أي حل عند اكتشافها في توقيت متأخر …ولانناقش الأمور المتعلقة بالصلة الزوجية و كأنها سر و لا يسمححتىبالاقتراب لمعرفة ما إذا كان هناك مشكلة أم لا؟ لأن ذلك يدخل فينطاق“العيب” و”قلة الأدب”، فالمراهقين والمراهقات يعانون أشد مايعانون منوطأة هذه الأسئلة وهذه المشاعر!!، ونحن نسأل: كيف إذن يتمإعدادالأبناء لاستقبال هذه المرحلة الخطيرة من حياتهم بكل ما تحويهمنمتغيرات نفسية وجنسية وفسيولوجية، وحتى مظهرية؟ .. فالأم تقول:إنيأصاب بالحرج من أن أتحدث مع ابنتي في هذه الأمور. وطبعًا يزدادالحرجإذا كان الابن ذكرًا.. وهكذا يستمر الموضوع سرًا غامضًا تتناقلهألسنةالمراهقين فيما بينهم، وهم يستشعرون أنهم بصدد فعل خاطئيرتكبونهبعيدًا عن أعين الرقابة الأسرية، وفي عالم الأسرار والغموضتنشأالأفكار والممارسات الخاطئة وتنمو وتتشعب دون رقيب أو حسيب. ثمتأتيالطامة ويجد الشاب والفتاة أنفسهما فجأة عند الزواج وقد أصبحافيمواجهة حقيقية مع هذا الأمر، ويحتاجان إلى ممارسة واقعية وصحيحة،وهما في الحقيقة لم يتأهلوا له. ويواجه كل من الزوجين الآخر بكلمخزونهمن الأفكار والخجل والخوف والممارسات المغلوطة، ولكن مع الأسفيظلالشيء المشترك بينهما هو الجهل و عدم المصارحة الحلال بالرغباتوالاحتياجات التي تحقق الإحصان.The sex is anessentialpart of the overall life and married life_khasossa.kaddencountered in my life, a lot of husbands and wives(includingdoctors and doctors) almost bad between them-that is,between thecouple up-to reach a divorce, and when I had theopportunity tointervene between the two-apply them or from one-forconciliationbetween the two that I hear them and then submit theadvice ofeither or both, and their grandmother are ready to talkabouteverything except for the root cause of the dispute,whichGans.ocdethma strongly reject the hint or talk on thesubjectpermit because our society is complex and is considered totalkabout sex defect and that the occurrence of the dispute betweenthecouple because of the second defect, and talk about the reasonforthe dispute was the third flaw, and that's just genericcultureeither spouse, even with the same defect Raba.uandma beganadetailed talk with them after they have shown that there isnoreligion prevents us not science and medicine prevents us fromthismodern and found embarrassment began to rise from in front ofthemand began talking conservatively then Astrsla in a detailedtalkand is Altfez.uandma heard from both sides presented to themasummary of what you should Aarafah of sex education atleastrelated to the topic of improved Khalavhma.ookhbert that thebestand the abuser that abused and made to them appropriateadvice(either or both) .oahamd be to Allah, the Almighty,becauseMagistrates are -galba-between the couple, after thismeeting twoor three days and return things between the couple tonormal, butoften due to better than it was a much, says one orboth: "what Igot married, but today." In some cases, the couplegoes out ofdirect Magistrate hearing two Mtrazian and agree andlove eachother as if Aovernmma is the day of the banquet andwedding andbridal Aldjul.ovi other times a couple has contactedbefore adoctor sat down with them several times and did notEvdahma, andremained Dar Luqman unchanged: either because they didnot Issarhahwhat is an object between them, and either they Sarhahbut he didnot know what to say to them or how many similar onlyinspired bymy experience simple, not Achrin.ouma itexperiencesIchaelmanma.walomthelh I wish those who object towriting about sexthat offers a single piece of evidence from thestatements of adoctor or a half Muslim doctor or even a non-Muslimin the wholeworld says that what is published in this letter,"marriage andsex" incompatible with scientific or medical rulesA difference between talking about sex words saucy obscene-aMaAstqbh mentioned verbally explicit-it is haram, of course, andweask God that cures us of Zlk.frq between this and to talk aboutsexverbally polite ruled by science and religion and medicine, itisnot permissible to discuss one of the dissolved and Joazh.ovrqwellas between to talk about sex without the need for, and pointedoutthat we are talking about the need for learning or for the needtoseek advice and guidance in order to believe in the needfortreatment or for the need to resolve the problemofAlmhclat.ootmany who object to writing about sex fromtheperspective of an Islamic medical science that offers asinglepiece of evidence of the book, or a year or consensusormeasurement Oo..aly to talk about sex in a way that you wrotethisletter is haram or disliked or even otherwise Alooly.animposesufficiently become unfortunately when some ignorant defectThiscontrasts with the modestyAre we in need of sex education?The realization of the existence of the problem is halfthesolution, while ignored can lead to aggravation are not fitwithany solution when detected in the timing of late ... andAnnaakecmatters relating to marital link, as if the secret and notevenallowed to approach to see if there is a problem or not?Because itfalls within the "defect" and "lack of manners",Valemraehgan andadolescent girls suffer most suffer from the bruntof thesequestions and these feelings !!, we ask: How, then, arepreparingchildren to receive this serious life stage in every senseofpsychological and sexual variables and physiology, andsosuperficial? .. The mother says: I hit a embarrassed to talkwithmy daughter about these things. Of course, increasingtheembarrassment if the Son male .. Thus Thread continuemysteryrecounted by the tongues of teenagers among them, and theyfeel athey are in the process of doing wrong they commit away fromtheeyes of family control, and in the world of secrets andmysteryideas and malpractice arise and grow and divergewithoutsupervision or control. Then comes the disaster and findyounggirls themselves suddenly at marriage has become in arealconfrontation with this matter, and to require the exercise ofrealand true, and they really did not qualify him. And face eachotherevery couple of his stock ideas, shame, fear and falsepractices,but unfortunately common thing between them remains theignoranceand lack of openness muslim desires and needs thatachievechastity.
Weather Russia 1.0
See Russian weather forecast maps including high and lowtemperatures, rain, snow, ice, and thunderstorm probability. Russiaweather gives you all you need ti know about the weather of Russiawith informations about the temperatures , rain , wind and more. wedeliver consistent, timely and accurate weather information for theworld. We are a team of highly skilled people dedicated to workingto give you the best. We cover the major ,cities of Russiaespecially Moscow , Saint Petersburg and Novosibirsk. Climate Ofcourse with an area the size of Russia, it is difficult to give anysort of general advice about the climate and weather except thatsummers are warm to hot, and winters get very cold in some areas.In general, the climate of Russia can be described as highlycontinental influenced climate with warm to hot dry summers and(very) cold winters with temperatures of -30°C and lower andsometimes heavy snowfall. sometimes very strong easterly winds,called Buran can occur, bringing freezing cold temperatures andsnowstorms. Precipitation varies from region to region; the Westernparts of Russia have the most rain (up to 750 mm), the southern andsoutheastern areas in the russian Steppes are the Dryest with anannual average below 200 mm. Northern & Central European Russiahave the most varied climate; the mildest areas are along theBaltic coast. The Summer is mostly dry and sunny, sunshine may benine hours a day, with local showers or thunderstorms in theafternoon and evening. As almost everywhere in Russia, winters canbe very cold with frost and snowfall, the first Snow often falls inearly October. Spring and Autumn can be quite unsettled, sometimeslow pressure systems can bring frequent rain- or snowfall andstrong winds. Siberia: This area of Russia is famous for itsextreme climate with very cold winters, but warm to hot summers,although they tend to be short and wet. Average Precipitation isabout 500 mm, most falls in the form of rain in spring and Autumn.The winter is mostly dry, snow covers the ground from end octoberto mid march in some years. In the winter the weather can be verydangerous sometimes with temperatures below -35°C, strong winds andsnowstorms. The coldest place in Russia is Oimjakon in the centralSibirian region Jakutia, where the winter temperatures are almostthe lowest in the world, below -50°C im January. The Artic sea isIce-bound from November to end March. Southern European Russia:Winter is shorter than in the north.The Russian Steppes (in thesoutheast) have hot, dry summers and very cold winters. The northand northeastern areas around the Black Sea have milder winters,but frequent rainfall all the year round. The climate in thisregion is slightly mediterranean influenced. Features : - We showyou the next 6 Days Forecast - Different color for differentweather - A Widget is Integrated to see weather from your homescreen - 5 beauty theme available - 9 Available Weather Map(Temperature, Wind Speed, Precipitation, Rain, Rain Classic, Snow,Cloud, Cloud classic, Sea Pressure) - Uses GPS Location to detectyour location
Weather Germany 1.0
See German weather forecast maps including high and lowtemperatures, rain, snow, ice, and thunderstorm probability.Germany weather gives you all you need ti know about the weather ofGermany with informations about the temperatures , rain , wind andmore. we deliver consistent, timely and accurate weatherinformation for the world. We are a team of highly skilled peoplededicated to working to give you the best. We cover the major,cities of Germany especially Berlin , Hamburg , Munich , Frankfurtand cologne. Germany's climate is moderate and has generally nolonger periods of cold or hot weather. Northwestern and coastalGermany have a maritime influenced climate which is characterizedby warm summers and mild cloudy winters. Most areas on thecountry's North Sea coast have midwinter temperatures about 1.5°Cor even higher. Farther inland, the climate is continental, markedby greater seasonal variations in temperature, with warmer summersand colder winters. Temperature extremes between night and day andsummer and winter are considerably less in the north than in thesouth. During January, the coldest month, the average temperatureis about 1.5°C in the north and about -2°C in the south. In July,the warmest month, it is cooler in the north than in the south. Thenorthern coastal region has July temperatures averaging between16°C and 18°C; at some locations in the south, the average isalmost 20°C or even slightly higher. In addition to the maritimeand continental climates that predominate over most of the country,the Alpine regions in the extreme south and, to a lesser degree,some areas of the Central German Uplands have a so-called mountainclimate. This climate is characterized by lower temperaturesbecause of higher altitudes and greater precipitation caused by airbecoming moisture-laden as it lifts over higher terrain. Anoccasional condition in the Alps is called "föhn", or warm wind. Inthis atmospheric condition, warm tropical air is drawn across theAlps and loses moisture on the southern slopes of the mountains.Sometimes this winds can be as strong as gales, and can causedamage, especially in late autumn and winter. Especially in falland winter strong atlantic low-pressure systems can bring gales anduncomfortable weather with showers, thunderstorms and heavy rain,especially in the western coastal parts and the mountainous regionsof Germany; in summer times weaker low pressure systems can causeshowery weather, and sometimes even (severe) thunderstorms. wintersin Germany are generally mild, but can sometimes be harsh withheavy snowfall and temperatures far below zero, especially in theeastern, southern and mountainous regions. Features : - We show youthe next 6 Days Forecast - Different color for different weather -A Widget is Integrated to see weather from your home screen - 5beauty theme available - 9 Available Weather Map (Temperature, WindSpeed, Precipitation, Rain, Rain Classic, Snow, Cloud, Cloudclassic, Sea Pressure) - Uses GPS Location to detect your location
Weather France 1.0
See French weather forecast maps including high and lowtemperatures, rain, snow, ice, and thunderstorm probability. Franceweather gives you all you need ti know about the weather of Francewith informations about the temperatures , rain , wind and more. Wecover the major ,cities of France especially Paris Marseille LyonToulouse Nice Nantes Strasbourg Montpellier Bordeaux Lille RennesReims Le Havre Saint-Étienne Toulon Grenoble Dijon Angers NîmesVilleurbanne Saint-Denis, La Réunion Le Mans Clermont-FerrandAix-en-Provence Brest Limoges Tours Amiens Perpignan MetzBoulogne-Billancourt Besançon Orléans Rouen Mulhouse CaenSaint-Denis Nancy Argenteuil Saint-Paul Montreuil Roubaix TourcoingFort-de-France Dunkirk Nanterre Créteil Avignon Vitry-sur-SeinePoitiers Courbevoie. France has four broad climatic zones: thehumid seaboard zone west of the line Bayonne-Lille with coolsummers; a semi-continental zone with cold winters and hot summersin Alsace-Lorraine, along the rhodanian corridor and in themountainous massifs (Alps, Pyrenees, Massif Central); anintermediate zone with cold winters and hot summers in the North,the Paris region and the central region; and a Mediterranean zonewith mild winters and quite hot summers in the south of France.Climate in the Paris area is variable. There is a chance of adownpour in spring or a thunderstorm in summer. Temperature rangesbetween 20°C and 26°C from May through October. Springtime in Parisis mild and relatively dry, and the autumn is equally extended.July and August are the warmest months. Daily average maximumtemperatures range from 6°C in January to 26°C in August. Thewettest month on average is October (71 mm), when heavyThunderstorms are possible. Brittany in the far west is the wettestFrench locale, especially between October and November. July is thedriest month for the Bretons. In the South, the Mediterranean coasthas the driest climate with any noticeable rain coming in springand autumn. Provence (in the southeast) occasionally playsreluctant host to le mistral, a strong, cold and dry wind thatblows in over the winter for periods of only a few days up to acouple of weeks.The Mediterranean coastline and Corsica have plentyof sunshine during the summer months, and refreshing sea breezes.Average daily maximum temperatures reach a warm 27°C in August, andan average of 12 hours of sunshine per day. 25-30 dry days permonth can be expected during the summer season. On the AtlanticCoast and in Bordeaux, the climate is generally mild withtemperatures averaging 11°C in winter, up to 27°C in summer, andrainfall distributed throughout the year. With the days fresh andpossibly damp in the spring and often sunny in the autumn, theclimate is one of the most important factors behind Bordeaux's highquality wine it produces. The weather in the French Alps variesfrom north to south. The northern Alps (the Savoy) are subject tooceanic influences resulting in abundant precipitation year roundwith low temperatures, and cold winters with sometimes heavysnowfall. Briancon, in the Alps, has a mean temperature of -2°C inJanuary, and 17°C in July. During the warm season, local winds blowalong this region's wide valleys and by midday, warm air rises fromthe valleys, causing clouds to form around most mountain summits.The heights can sometimes attract storms that are both violent andspectacular. The southern Alps (Provence and the Cote D'Azur) enjoya typical Mediterranean climate, with lots of sunshine, dryweather, clear skies and no mist or fog. Autumn is the best time ofyear in this region. Occasionally, violent storms may occur, butthey are always followed by sunny spells. Features : - We show youthe next 6 Days Forecast - Different color for different weather -A Widget is Integrated to see weather from your home screen - 5beauty theme available - 9 Available Weather Map - Uses GPSLocation to detect your location
Spain Weather 1.0
Application to check the weather and forecasts of various Spanishcities with practical information on humidity, wind, rain and therisk of the condition of the sky. Spain is characterized by threeclimatic types: continental, maritime and Mediterranean. Thecontinental climate covers the majority of peninsular Spain,influencing the Meseta Central, the adjoining mountains to the eastand south, and the Ebro basin. A continental climate ischaracterized by wide seasonal variations in temperature anderratic rainfall with high rates of evaporation that leave the aridland. Annual precipitation is usually thirty to sixty-fourcentimeters. The region of Meseta receives about fifty centimeters.Meseta north, Sistema Central and the Ebro Basin have two rainyseasons, one in spring (April to June) and the other in autumn(October-November), late spring being the the wettest time of year.In southern Meseta, also, rainy seasons are spring and autumn, butthe first is in spring (March), and autumn is the wet season. Evenduring the rainy season, rains are irregular and unreliable.Continental winters are cold, with strong winds and high humidity,despite the low rainfall. Except for mountain areas, the northernpart is the cold and frost is common. Summers are hot andcloudless, producing daytime temperatures reaching 21 ° C in thenorth of the Meseta and 24-27 ° C in the south of the Meseta. Nighttemperatures range from 7 to 10 ° C. The basin of the Ebro, atlower elevations, is extremely hot during the summer, andtemperatures can exceed 43 ° C. In summer, the humidity is low inthe Meseta Central and in the Ebro basin, with the exception of theright bank of the Rio Ebro where humidity is high. A maritimeclimate prevails in the northern part of the country, the Pyreneesto the northwest region, which is characterized by relatively mildwinters, warm but not hot summer, abundant rainfall spread out overthe year. Temperatures vary little. The moderating effects of thesea, however, diminish in inland areas, where temperatures exceed9-18 ° C than the coast. The situation of the Atlantic Ocean alsoaffects precipitation, and there is less rain in the east than inthe west. Autumn (October to December) is the rainy season, whileJuly is the driest month. The prevailing high humidity and windsproduce fog and drizzle along the northwest coast, but thisphenomenon is less common at little distance inland, the mountainsforming a barrier against moisture of the sea. The Mediterraneanclimate region extends from the Andalusian plain along the southerncoast and east to the Pyrenees. Cumulative rainfall in this regionis lower than in the rest of Spain, and is concentrated towards theend of the autumn-winter. Generally, rainfall is low and ofteninsufficient, irregular and unreliable. Temperatures in theMediterranean region usually are higher in summer and winter, daytemperatures and the changes are more limited than those of themainland. The average temperature in January is 10 ° C in 13 tomost of the Mediterranean region and is colder than 9 ° C in thecoastal region of the north, near Barcelona. In winter,temperatures inland in the Andalusian Plain are slightly lower thanthe coast. Temperatures in July and August are on average 22-27 ° Con the coast and 29-31 ° C farther inland, with low humidity.
Prayer Times in Pakistan 1.1
Consult the accurate time of all prayers in cities of pakistan :Fajr , Sunrise, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha. The prayer times areidentical to the official times in Pakistan. The application wasdesigned as simple as possible to be practical for daily use , andit's also a perfect tool for the month of Ramadan. The list ofprayer times is available for the cities : Faisalabad , Gwadar ,Hyderabad , Islamabad , Karachi , Lahore , Multan , Peshawar ,Quetta , Rahimyar Khan , Rawalpindi , Sargodha , Sialkot. Feel freeto contact us for any suggestion , or for adding other cities.
Prayer Times - Bangladesh 1.1
Get all prayer times in all cities in Bangladesh and stay informedwith time of Fajr , Sunrise , Asr , Maghrib and Isha every day. Theprayer times are accurate and identical to the schedules of theMinistry of Islamic Affairs of Bangladesh. The application isperfect for daily use prayer to know the schedules of allBangladesh cities. It is also an effective tool during the sacredmonth of Ramadan. The interface is very simple (English , Bangali)and displays a table summarizing the schedules of all the cities.The list of prayer times is available for the cities : Barisal ,Chittagong , Comilla , Dhaka , Khulna. And soon we will cover allccities of Bangladesh especially Dhaka Chittagong Khulna RajshahiComilla Rangpur Tungi Narsingdi Cox's Bazar Jessore Nagarpur SylhetMymensingh Narayanganj Bogra Dinajpur Barisal Saidpur Par NaogaonPabna Tangail Jamalpur Nawabganj Kushtia Satkhira SirajganjFaridpur Sherpur Bhairab Bazar Shahzadpur Bhola Azimpur KishorganjHabiganj Madaripur Paltan Feni Laksham Ishurdi SarishabariNetrakona Joypur Hat Thakurgaon Palang Lalmanirhat Raipur TungiparaLakshmipur Maulavi Bazar Ramganj Narail Pirojpur Sandwip SatkaniaPatiya Khagrachhari Chilmari Nageswari Panchagarh Uttar Char FassonParbatipur Burhanuddin Kaliganj Dohar Hajiganj Bhatpara AbhaynagarLalmohan Jhingergacha Mirzapur Sakhipur Teknaf Gaurnadi Kalia BeraMehendiganj Chhagalnaiya Chhatak Nalchiti Bheramara PhultalaBaniachang Sarankhola Shibganj Pirgaaj Bajitpur Char BhadrasanGafargaon Fatikchari Badarganj Bandarban Nabinagar MorrelgonjKesabpur Bhandaria Mathba Raojan Manikchari Muktagacha.
Weather in Portugal 1.0
Application to check the weather andforecastsof various Portuguese cities with practical informationonhumidity, wind, rain and the risk of the condition of the sky.We currently cover the weather on almost cities in portugal.If , in Portugal , the climate is generally mild out . It ismorehumid in the north, more continental in the plains of AlentejoandAlgarve Mediterranean .Do not forget that the country is bordered by the AtlanticOceanand not the Mediterranean Sea. So do not expect to swim in asea at25 ° C. Differences exist nonetheless. The water iswarmergradually as one moves down south.
Weather Egypt 1.0
See Egyptian weather forecast maps including high and lowtemperatures, rain, snow, ice, and thunderstorm probability. Egyptweather gives you all you need to know about the weather of Egyptwith informations about the temperatures , rain , wind and more. wedeliver consistent, timely and accurate weather information for theworld. We are a team of highly skilled people dedicated to workingto give you the best. We cover the major ,cities of Egyptespecially Cairo, Alexandria, Giza, Shubra El-Kheima, Port Said,Suez, El-Mahalla El-Kubra, Luxor and Mansoura. The Egyptian summeris hot and dry in most of the country, and humid in the mapDeltaand along the Mediterranean Coast. In recent years the humidity hasspread to Cairo, and the city swelters in August! Winter is mildwith some rain, but usually it is bright, sunny days with coldnights. During the summertime, sun protection is the most importantsingle consideration for an Egypt trip, especially for thefair-skinned. Wearing a sunhat is essential. Cheap, and purecotton, sunhats are made locally and available everywhere. Travelclothing should be light and comfortable, 100% cotton clothing isthe best and robust shoes are a must! The climate of Egypt ischaracterized by a hot season from May to October and a cool seasonfrom October to May. Extreme temperatures during both seasons aremoderated by the prevailing northern winds. -In the coastal regionaverage annual temperatures range from a maximum of 37° C (99° F)to a minimum of 14° C (57° F). Wide variations of temperature occurin the deserts, ranging from a maximum of 46° C (114° F), duringdaylight hours, to a minimum of 6° C (42° F) after sunset. Duringthe winter season desert temperatures often drop to 0° C (32° F).The most humid area is along the Mediterranean coast, where theaverage annual rainfall is about 200mm. Precipitation decreasesrapidly to the south; Cairo receives on average only about 29mm ofrain each year, and in many desert locations it may rain only oncein several years! There are 5 days called Khamsin between March andApril, when sandstorms can occur sporadically, blowing in differentplaces according to the wind direction. Winter (between October andMay) weather is colder than most people anticipate, and cold windsblow over the desert at sunrise and sunset. Even when it is warmoutside, it can be surprisingly cold inside the massive stoneTemples. In winter, showers can fall everywhere, so bring a fewitems of light but warm clothing, so that you can cope with thecold early mornings and the occasional, and unseasonable, coldsnap. Bring one or two dressy outfits along for evenings out,especially for parties, and special occasions or just to get out ofyour tour clothes! If you are staying in a hotel or on a cruiseboat, please be warned that luxury hotels and all the Nile Cruiseshave efficient, but surprisingly pricey laundry services. If youobject to paying 12LE for laundry, you can wash out your T-shirts;just bring some detergent with you, as well as a few yards ofclothing line. Also bring a swimsuit, as most good hotels andcruise ships have nice, warm, swimming pools. If you are headingout into the desert, you will get dry quickly, so make sure thatyou have a good stock of water with you. Egyptian mineral water isavailable everywhere at less than 3LE per bottle. Remember to coveryour head at all time. Features : - We show you the next 6 daysforecast - Different color for different weather - A widget isintegrated to see weather from your home screen - 5 beauty themeavailable - 9 available weather wap (Temperature, Wind Speed,Precipitation, Rain, Snow, Cloud, Sea Pressure) - Uses GPS locationto detect your location
Weather Japan 1.0
See Japan weather forecast maps including high and lowtemperatures, rain, snow, ice, and thunderstorm probability. Japanweather gives you all you need ti know about the weather of theJapan with informations about the temperatures , rain , wind andmore. Japan has four distinct seasons with a climate ranging fromsubarctic in the north to subtropical in the south. Conditions aredifferent between the Pacific side and the Sea of Japan side.Northern Japan has warm summers and very cold winters with heavysnow on the Sea of Japan side and in mountainous areas. EasternJapan has hot and humid summers and cold winters with very heavysnow on the Sea of Japan side and in mountainous areas. WesternJapan has very hot and humid summers (with temperatures sometimesreaching 35 oC or above) and moderate cold winters. Okinawa andAmami have a subtropical oceanic climate. These areas have hot andhumid summers (with temperatures rarely reaching 35 oC or above)and mild winters. we deliver consistent, timely and accurateweather information for the world. We are a team of highly skilledpeople dedicated to working to give you the best. We cover themajor ,cities of Japan especially : Tokyo , Yokohama , Osaka ,Nagoya , Sapporo , Kōbe , Kyoto , Fukuoka , Kawasaki , Saitama ,Hiroshima , Sendai , Kitakyushu , Chiba , Sakai , Niigata ,Hamamatsu , Kumamoto , Sagamihara , Shizuoka , Okayama , Funabashi...
Weather Pakistan 1.0
See Pakistan weather forecast mapsincludinghigh and low temperatures, rain, snow, ice, andthunderstormprobability.Pakistan weather gives you all you need ti know about theweatherof Pakistan with informations about the temperatures , rain, windand more.we deliver consistent, timely and accurate weatherinformationfor the world. We are a team of highly skilled peoplededicated toworking to give you the best.We cover the major ,cities of Pakistan especiallyKarachi,Lahore, Faisalabad, Rawalpindi,Multan, Hyderabad,Gujranwala ,Peshawar and Palermo.The climate is generally arid, characterized by hot summersandcool or cold winters, and wide variations between extremesoftemperature at given locations. There is little rainfall.Thesegeneralizations should not, however, obscure thedistinctdifferences existing among particular locations. Forexample, thecoastal area along the Arabian Sea is usually warm,whereas thefrozen snow-covered ridges of the Karakoram Range and ofothermountains of the far north are so cold year round that theyareonly accessible by world-class climbers for a few weeks in MayandJune of each year.Pakistan has are four seasons: a cool, dry winter fromDecemberthrough February; a hot, dry spring from March through May;thesummer rainy season, or southwest monsoon period, from JunethroughSeptember; and the retreating monsoon period of OctoberandNovember. The onset and duration of these seasons varysomewhataccording to location.The climate in the capital city of Islamabad varies fromanaverage daily low of 2° C in January to an average daily highof40° C in June. Half of the annual rainfall occurs in JulyandAugust, averaging about 255 millimeters in each of thosetwomonths. The remainder of the year has significantly lessrain,amounting to about fifty millimeters per month. Hailstormsarecommon in the spring.Pakistan's largest city, Karachi, which is also thecountry'sindustrial center, is more humid than Islamabad but getsless rain.Only July and August average more than twenty-fivemillimeters ofrain in the Karachi area; the remaining months areexceedingly dry.The temperature is also more uniform in Karachithan in Islamabad,ranging from an average daily low of 13° C duringwinter eveningsto an average daily high of 34° C on summer days.Although thesummer temperatures do not get as high as those inPunjab, the highhumidity causes the residents a great deal ofdiscomfort.Most areas in Punjab experience fairly cool winters,oftenaccompanied by rain. Woolen shawls are worn by women and menforwarmth because few homes are heated. By mid-Februarythetemperature begins to rise; springtime weather continuesuntilmid-April, when the summer heat sets in. The onset of thesouthwestmonsoon is anticipated to reach Punjab by May, but sincethe early1970s the weather pattern has been irregular. The springmonsoonhas either skipped over the area or has caused it to rain sohardthat floods have resulted. June and July are oppressivelyhot.Although official estimates rarely place the temperature above46°C, newspaper sources claim that it reaches 51° C andregularlycarry reports about people who have succumbed to the heat.Heatrecords were broken in Multan in June 1993, when the mercurywasreported to have risen to 54° C. In August the oppressive heatispunctuated by the rainy season, referred to as barsat, whichbringsrelief in its wake. The hardest part of the summer is thenover,but cooler weather does not come until late October.Features :- We show you the next 6 Days Forecast- Different color for different weather- A Widget is Integrated to see weather from your homescreen- 5 beauty theme available- 9 Available Weather Map- Uses GPS Location to detect your location
Waadi Saison 2 1.0
Waadi 2 revient dans sa deuxième saison après le très grand succèsde la saison 1 de Wa3di , rendez-vous donc chaque jour pendant lemois de Ramadan pour suivre tous les épisodes , de nouveauxévénements avec vos stars préférés Oussama El Bastaoui et SafaaHbirkou. Réalisée par Yassine Fennane avec Safaa Hbirkou, OussamaBestaoui, Saadia Ladib, Meriem Zaimi et Tarik Boukhari, Waadi estune série dramatique de 30 minutes diffusée tous les jours à 21h00pendant le mois de Ramadan 2016/1437. Waadi saison 2 racontel’histoire d’Iness, jeune fillette kidnappée par 2 mendiants sansfoi ni loi, qui se feront passer pour ses parents biologiques etl’exploiteront pour mendier. Cette fiction s’inspire d’une pratiquemalheureusement très répandue au Maroc.
Brazil Weather 1.0
See Brazil weather forecast maps including high and lowtemperatures, rain, snow, ice, and thunderstorm probability. Brazilweather gives you all you need ti know about the weather of theBrazil with informations about the temperatures , rain , wind andmore. Due to the varying heights above sea level of the Brazillandscape as well as the proximity to the coast, the climate (and,therefore, vegetation and animal life) varies somewhat from regionto region. There are five distinct climatic zones : The EquatorialZone , The Semi-Arid Zone , The Highland Tropical Zone , TheSubtropical Zone. we deliver consistent, timely and accurateweather information for the world. We are a team of highly skilledpeople dedicated to working to give you the best. We cover themajor ,cities of Brazil especially São Paulo Rio de JaneiroSalvador Brasília Fortaleza Belo Horizonte Manaus Curitiba RecifePorto Alegre Belém Goiânia Guarulhos Campinas São Luís São GonçaloMaceió Duque de Caxias Natal Campo Grande Teresina São Bernardo doCampo Nova Iguaçu João Pessoa Santo André Osasco São José dosCampos Jaboatão dos Guararapes Ribeirão Preto Uberlândia ContagemSorocaba Aracaju Feira de Santana Cuiabá Joinville Juiz de ForaLondrina Aparecida de Goiânia Ananindeua Niterói Porto Velho Camposdos Goytacazes Belford Roxo Serra Caxias do Sul Vila VelhaFlorianópolis São João de Meriti Mauá. Sitting within the tropics,Brazil is something of an all-year round destination withtemperatures rarely dip below 20°C (68°F), apart from in themountains and southern regions. The climate varies from hot and dryin the arid interior to humid and sticky in the tropicalrainforests of the Amazon jungle. The Pantanal and Amazon areas inthe north of the country tend to get very hot during the summer,reaching highs of around 40°C (104°F). Coastal Brazil tends to behot and sticky for most of the year; the best time to visit isgenerally from March to November during the dry season. It can getcold in the south and in the mountains during the winter months,with temperatures sometimes hitting 0°C (32°F). Rainy seasons occurfrom January to April in the north, April to July in the northeastand November to March in the Rio/São Paulo area.
Weather South Korea 1.0
See South Korean weather forecastmapsincluding high and low temperatures, rain, snow, ice,andthunderstorm probability.South Korea weather gives you all you need ti know abouttheweather of South Korea with informations about the temperatures,rain , wind and more.we deliver consistent, timely and accurate weatherinformationfor the world. We are a team of highly skilled peoplededicated toworking to give you the best.We cover the major ,cities of South Korea especially Seoul,Busan, Incheon, Daegu, Daejeon, Gwangju, Ulsan, SuwonandChangwon.South Korea has a temperate climate with four distinctseasons.Winters are usually long, cold and dry. Summers are veryshort,hot, and humid. Spring and autumn are pleasant but also shortinduration. Seoul's mean temperature in January is -5 degreesCelsiusto - 2.5° Celsius (23°- 27,5° Fahrenheit) and in July themeantemperature is about 22.5° C to 25° C (71°- 75°Fahrenheit).The country generally has enough rainfall, rarely it doeslessthan 75 centimeters of rain fall in any given year; for themostpart, rainfall is over 100 centimeters. Amounts ofprecipitationcan however vary from year to year. Serious droughtsoccur aboutonce every eight years. About two-thirds of theannualprecipitation occurs between June and September.South Korea is less vulnerable to typhoons thanneighboringcountries. From one to three typhoons can be expectedper year.Typhoons usually pass over South Korea in late summer,especiallyin August and bring torrential rains.Features :- We show you the next 6 Days Forecast- Different color for different weather- A Widget is Integrated to see weather from your homescreen- 5 beauty theme available- 9 Available Weather Map (Temperature, WindSpeed,Precipitation, Rain, Rain Classic, Snow, Cloud, Cloudclassic, SeaPressure)- Uses GPS Location to detect your location
Weather Kenya 1.0
See weather of Kenya forecast maps including high and lowtemperatures, rain, snow, ice, and thunderstorm probability. Kenyaweather gives you all you need to know about the weather of Kenyawith informations about the temperatures , rain , wind and more. wedeliver consistent, timely and accurate weather information for theworld. We are a team of highly skilled people dedicated to workingto give you the best. There are two dominant influences on theclimate in Kenya: the onshore monsoon winds from the Indian Ocean,and altitude. The winds determine the onset of Kenya’s two rainyseasons, with the hot northeast monsoon or kaskazi blowing dry airin from the Persian Gulf from November to March/April and the warm,moist kusi monsoon blowing in from the southeast from April/May toOctober. It’s the slightly cooler kusi that normally delivers theheaviest rain, a season known as the ‘long rains’, in late-April,May and early June. The relatively cool season, from late-June toOctober, gets much less rain. There’s a second rainy season, the‘short rains’, for a few weeks in November and December, followedroughly from mid-December to March by a dry season of hot, usuallyrainless, weather. Although prolonged rainfall isn’t that uncommon,the typical pattern is for rain to fall as a torrential downpour,lasting perhaps half an hour to an hour, with the sun then comingout and drying the wet ground in minutes. Camps and lodges alwaysprovide umbrellas, though your footwear will get muddy and you arestill likely to get wet if you happen to be outside. There’s littlepoint in bringing waterproofs. The theory of Kenya’s climate is onething: predicting the actual weather for specific dates isincreasingly difficult as climate change impacts more and more,bringing floods and droughts, unseasonably cool and unseasonablyhot weather. These impacts can be more than inconvenient: adramatic flash flood swept the seasonally dry course of the EwasoNyiro in March 2010, destroying the bridge linking Samburu andBuffalo Springs national reserves and badly damaging several campsand lodges. Although the bridge was repaired, the same thinghappened again in 2011 and the bridge was only reopened in 2015.Two other points to bear in mind about the weather in Kenya:firstly, swimming pools are rarely heated, and only those on thecoast are guaranteed to be warm; and secondly, although peoplesometimes talk about Kenya’s “winter" – and Kenyans themselves tendto make a big fuss about temperatures that most visitors wouldconsider quite warm – they’re simply referring to a slightly coolertime of year, not the sort of precipitate drop in the mercury thatwe experience at higher latitudes. We cover the major ,cities ofKenya especially Nairobi Mombasa Kisumu Nakuru Eldoret KehanchaRuiru Kikuyu Kangundo-Tala Malindi Naivasha Kitui Machakos ThikaAthi River (Mavoko) Karuri Nyeri Kilifi Garissa Vihiga Mumias BometMolo Ngong Kitale Litein Limuru Kericho Kimilili Awasi KakamegaKapsabet Mariakani Kiambu Mandera Nyamira Mwingi Kisii Wajir RongoBungoma Ahero Nandi Hills Makuyu Kapenguria Taveta Narok Ol KalouKakuma Webuye. Features : - We show you the next 6 days forecast -Different color for different weather - A widget is integrated tosee weather from your home screen - 5 beauty theme available - 9available weather wap - Uses GPS location to detect your location
Radio Tunisie 2.4
Radio Tunisie est une application gratuite pour écouter lesmeilleurs chaînes radios tunisiennes. La radio en Tunisie est trèsécoutée , et notre application vous propose de reste en contactavec vos stations radios préférées : Radio Mozaique FM est la radiola plus écoutée en Tunisie. La station a su s'imposée comme leaderdes radios quelques mois après son lancement en 2003 et plusparticulièrement après la révolution du 14 janvier. Elle s'estdistingué par sa grande réactivité à couvrir l'actualité de laTunisie et aussi par son réseaux d'envoyés spéciaux sur tout leterritoire tunisien. La station est bien présente sur les réseauxsociaux. En effet, sa page facebook compte plus 1 millions de funs.Shems FM est l'une des radios les plus écoutées en Tunisie. Lajeune station se distingue par sa programmation variée et larichesse de son contenu Sportif (Sport Time, Kollou Sport). SurRadio Shems FM live, vous écouter l'actualité de la Tunisie touteles heures. Chams FM est installé depuis 2010 à Tunis et ellediffuse sur les ondes FM. ShemsFM a été classée deuxième par SigmaConseil avec un score de 13.1% en janvier 2014. Jawhara FM est laradio du Sahel dont le siège est situé à Sousse. Ses programmessont en lanques arabes et traitent tous les aspects du quotidien.Jawhra-FM live s'est distingué par sa couverture de l'actualité duGrand Sahel Tunisien (Sousse, Monastir, Kairouen...) qui toucheplus de 3 millions d'habitant. La jeune station lancée en 2010 aréussi à se faire une place dans le Top 5 des radios tunisiennesgrâce à une équipe très motivée. Express FM est la première radioen Tunisie qui traite les sujets de l'économie. Elle diffuse dansles deux plus grandes villes du pays : la capitale et Sfax. Sesprogrammes sont principalement en langues arabes et se distinguepar les thèmes abordés : bourse, emploi... La jeune radio acommencé la diffusion en live en octobre 2010. Radio Tunisnationale diffuse en live vi son site internet officielle classédans le top 200 des sites tunisiens en septembre 2013. Elle possèdeaussi un compte twitter mais sa page facebook a été désactivéedepuis octobre 2013. Ibtissama veut dire sourire en français quiest le thème principale de cette jeune radio. La programmation dela Radio IFM alterne entre les sketshs, l'humour et les chansons.Elle a récemment introduit une minute d'actualité toutes les heureset trois nouvelles web radios : IFM Radio alternative, IFM Radiounderground et IFM Nasreddine ben Mokhtar. CAP FM Tunisie est lapremière radio du CAP BON lancée en 2012. Son nom fait référence àla région de Nabeul. Ses studios sont basés à Hammamet et diffuseaussi sur la région de Tunis. Sfax FM est une radio publique de laville de Sfax (2ème ville de la Tunisie) mais qui couvre aussiplusieurs région du centre de la Tunisie et du Sud Est. Radio Sfaxa été inaugurée en 1983 et émet pendant 20 heurs par jour. Lesémissions sont en langue arabe et couvre tous les thèmes (sport,société, politique...) Radio Zaytouna FM a vu le jour en septembre2007. La radio a été fondée par Mohamed Sakhr El Materi, gendre deBen Ali déchu en 2011. Radio Jeunes FM comme son nom l'indique estdestinée à 100% aux sujets de la jeunesse tunisienne. Elle a étélancée le 7 novembre 1995 et diffuse pendant 18 heurs en semaine et20 heures en weekend. Oxygene FM est une jeune station lancée aprèsla révolution du 14 Janvier 2011 et qui couvre la région de Bizerte(nord de la Tunisie). Son ambition est de devenir la première radiodu nord d'où son slogan "La Voix du Nord". Ses Studios sontinstallés dans la ville de Menzel Bourguiba. La radio de la villede monastir est une station publique fondée en 1977 à l'époque duprésident Habib Bourguiba. Cette station radiophonique couvre unelarge partie du sahel et du centre de la Tunisie. OASIS FM est lapremière radio de la ville de Gabès et ses environs. Elle diffusesur des fréquences FM et aussi sur son internet en streaming.
Prayer Times in Morocco 1.1
All the prayer times in Morocco according to the Ministry of Habousand Islamic Affairs, an intuitive application and accessible toeveryone and tells you the time of the five prayers (Fajr, Dohr,Asr, Maghrib, Ichaa) with large precision and according to theofficial time set by the ministry. You can select the city youwant, we have integrated all Moroccan cities and even villages anddouars, for example: Casablanca, Fez, Tangier, Marrakech, Salé,Meknes, Rabat, Temara, Agadir, Oujda, Tetouan, Kenitra, BeniMellal, Nador, Safi, Khouribga El Jadida, Berkane, Taza,Mohammedia, Laayoune, Khemisset, Taourirt and many other cities todiscover. If you can not find your city in the list of thank youcontact us to add.
Algeria Weather 1.0
Application to track the weather and sky conditions of all thecities of Algeria with forecasts of rain, snow, sea state as wellas moisture and wind. Simple and intuitive interface accessible toall the world with clear and simple indicative icons. Ourapplication of weather in Algeria covers most cities: Algiers,Annaba, Batna Bechar Bejaia, Biskra, Blida, Bordj Bou Arreridj,Chlef, Constantine, Djelfa, El-Oued, Ghardaia, Guelma, Jijel,Laghouat, Mascara, Medea, Mostaganem, Oran, Ouargla, Saida SetifSidi Bel Abbes Skikda Souk Ahras, Tebessa Tiaret Tizi Ouzzou,Tlemcen Touggourt ... If you can not find your city thank you tocontact us, we will add it as soon as possible.
China Radio 2.1
With China Radio you listen all Chinese radio stations for free andwith very good quality. Stay tuned for all the news, music,information, and entertainment programming of the best radiostations in China.
Quran without Internet 2.9.5
Application to listen to the verses of the Quran in full and allthe voices of well-known scholars Arabs and without the need toconnect to the Internet. Application you can listen and read theKoran the holy Koran in the form of paper with the possibility litscreen mode in order to read for a long time. A clear line andcolor pages comfortable to the eye as you run night reading thatprovide greater convenience when running the application for theproperty at night. The application provides the most famous readers: Minshawi, El Hasri , Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais, Abdul Basit AbdulSamad, Saad Al-Ghamdi, Hudhaifi, Maher Almaagay, Yasser Al-Dosari,Ali Hajaj Souissi ... Koran application is the best companion ofthe Muslim wherever he's gone and wherever he traveled, and is thebest way to win the reward on days of Ramadan. Listen to allreaders especially Abderrahman Al Soudais Saad El Ghamidi MisharyRashid Alafasy Maher Al Mueaqly Abdelbasset Abdessamad Ahmed AlAjmi Saoud Shuraim Fares Abbad Mahmoud Khalil Al Hussary MohamedSeddik El Menchaoui Abu Bakr Al Shatri Omar Al Kazabri. All Sourateare available Al-Fatihah The Opening Al-Baqarah The Cow Al-'ImranThe Family of Amran An-Nisa' The Women Al-Ma'idah The Food Al-An'amThe Cattle Al-A'raf The Elevated Places Al-Anfal Voluntary GiftsAl-Bara'at / At-Taubah The Immunity Yunus Jonah Hud Hud YusufJoseph Ar-Ra'd The Thunder Ibrahim Abraham Al-Hijr The Rock An-NahlThe Bee Bani Isra'il The Israelites Al-Kahf The Cave Maryam Mary TaHa Ta Ha Al-Anbiya' The Prophets Al-Hajj The Pilgrimage Al-Mu'minunThe Believers An-Nur The Light Al-Furqan The DiscriminationAsh-Shu'ara' The Poets An-Naml The Naml Al-Qasas The NarrativeAl-'Ankabut The Spider Ar-Rum The Romans Luqman Luqman As-SajdahThe Adoration Al-Ahzab The Allies Al-Saba' The Saba' Al-Fatir TheOriginator Ya Sin Ya Sin As-Saffat Those Ranging in Ranks Sad SadAz-Zumar The Companies Al-Mu'min The Believer Ha Mim Ha MimAsh-Shura Counsel Az-Zukhruf Gold Ad-Dukhan The Drought Al-JathiyahThe Kneeling Al-Ahqaf The Sandhills Muhammad Muhammad Al-Fath TheVictory Al-Hujurat The Apartments Qaf Qaf Ad-Dhariyat TheScatterers At-Tur The Mountain An-Najm The Star Al-Qamar The MoonAr-Rahman The Beneficent Al-Waqi'ah The Event Al-Hadid IronAl-Mujadilah The Pleading Woman Al-Hashr The BanishmentAl-Mumtahanah The Woman who is Examined As-Saff The RanksAl-Jumu'ah The Congregation Al-Munafiqun The Hypocrites At-TaghabunThe Manifestation of Losses At-Talaq Divorce At-Tahrim TheProhibition Al-Mulk The Kingdom Al-Qalam The Pen Al-Haqqah The SureTruth Al-Ma'arij The Ways of Ascent Nuh Noah Al-Jinn The JinnAl-Muzzammil The One Covering Himself Al-Muddaththir The OneWrapping Himself Up Al-Qiyamah The Resurrection Al-Insan The ManAl-Mursalat Those Sent Forth An-Naba' The Announcement An-Nazi'atThose Who Yearn 'Abasa He Frowned At-Takwir The Folding UpAl-Infitar The Cleaving At-Tatfif Default in Duty Al-Inshiqaq TheBursting Asunder Al-Buruj The Stars At-Tariq The Comer by NightAl-A'la The Most High Al-Ghashiyah The Overwhelming Event Al-FajrThe Daybreak Al-Balad The City Ash-Shams The Sun Al-Lail The NightAd-Duha The Brightness of the Day Al-Inshirah The Expansion At-TinThe Fig Al-'Alaq The Clot Al-Qadr The Majesty Al-Bayyinah The ClearEvidence Al-Zilzal The Shaking Al-'Adiyat The Assaulters Al-Qari'ahThe Calamity At-Takathur The Abundance of Wealth Al-'Asr The TimeAl-Humazah The Slanderer Al-Fil The Elephant Al-Quraish The QuraishAl-Ma'un Acts of Kindness Al-Kauthar The Abundance of GoodAl-Kafirun The Disbelievers An-Nasr The Help Al-Lahab The FlameAl-Ikhlas The Unity Al-Falaq The Dawn An-Nas The Men.
Weather Bangladesh 1.0
See weather of Bangladesh forecast maps including high and lowtemperatures, rain, snow, ice, and thunderstorm probability.Thailand weather gives you all you need to know about the weatherof Bangladesh with informations about the temperatures , rain ,wind and more. we deliver consistent, timely and accurate weatherinformation for the world. We are a team of highly skilled peoplededicated to working to give you the best. Bangladesh has asubtropical monsoon climate characterized by wide seasonalvariations in rainfall, high temperatures and humidity. There arethree distinct seasons in Bangladesh: a hot, humid summer fromMarch to June; a cool, rainy monsoon season from June to October;and a cool, dry winter from October to March. In general, maximumsummer temperatures range between 30°C and 40°C. April is thewarmest month in most parts of the country. January is the coldestmonth, when the average temperature for most of the country isabout 10°C. Heavy rainfall is characteristic of Bangladesh. Withthe exception of the relatively dry western region of Rajshahi,where the annual rainfall is about 1600 mm, most parts of thecountry receive at least 2000 mm of rainfall per year. Because ofits location just south of the foothills of the Himalayas, wheremonsoon winds turn west and northwest, the regions in northeasternBangladesh receives the greatest average precipitation, sometimesover 4000 mm per year. About 80 percent of Bangladesh's rain fallsduring the monsoon season. The Typhoon season begins in August andlasts to end November. Warnings are not always very effective inBangladesh, due to the bad Infrastructure of this country. Becareful when you travel around in the coastal areas of Bangladeshin this period, and try to follow the weather forecasts carefully.Typhoons have often catastrofal effects, and can cause floodingsthat can sometimes last for serveral weeks. We cover the major,cities of Bangladesh especially Dhaka Chittagong Khulna RajshahiComilla Rangpur Tungi Narsingdi Cox's Bazar Jessore Nagarpur SylhetMymensingh Narayanganj Bogra Dinajpur Barisal Saidpur Par NaogaonPabna Tangail Jamalpur Nawabganj Kushtia Satkhira SirajganjFaridpur Sherpur Bhairab Bazar Shahzadpur Bhola Azimpur KishorganjHabiganj Madaripur Paltan. Features : - We show you the next 6 daysforecast - Different color for different weather - A widget isintegrated to see weather from your home screen - 5 beauty themeavailable - 9 available weather wap - Uses GPS location to detectyour location
Radio France 2.3
Avec Radio France vous écouter toutes les stations radiosfrançaises gratuitement et avec une très bonne qualité. Restez àl'écoute de toutes les actualité , musiques , infos , et émissionsde divertissement des meilleures stations radios de France : RMCLive est une radio généraliste avec un accent sur l'actualité etl'information sportive. Cliquez sur play pour ecouter RMC en live.La radio publique France Inter est une radio généraliste quidiffuse sur tout le territoire français. La chaine Radio RTL estune station généraliste qui diffuse sur toute la France. La stationradio Europe 1 est une chaine généraliste privée. France Info estune chaine radiophonique dédiée à l'information et appartient augroupe publique France Radio. Radio publique France culture proposeun programme riche et varié qui couvre plusieurs thème du savoirhumain. La radio RFM est une radio musicale qui diffuse sur labande FM depuis 1981. NRJ Nouvelle Radio pour les Jeunes est unel'une des radios françaises les plus écoutées. La chaine Fun Radioest spécialisée dans la musique "Dance floor". Virgin Radio est unechaine privée qui offre un programmation musicale : électro rocksoft-rock pop.... La chaine radio France Musique fait partie dugroupe publique France Radio et elle est spécialisée dans le thèmede la musique en particluier la mmusique classique et le jazz.Radio Classique : Comme son nom l'indique, cette radio est dédiée àla musique classique. Elle diffuse aussi de l'information politiqueet économique. La station radio Skyrock a été crée le 21 mars 1986en succession à la chaine radio La Voix du Lézard. Cette radioprivée est spécialisée dans le Rap et le RnB. Le Mouv' : Faisantpartie du groupe France Radio Mouv' Radio est destinée aux jeuneset à la culture urbaine. BFM Radio actuellement nommée BFM Businessest une radio privée à vocation économique. La chaine Radio Orientest une station française qui émet dans plusieurs régions dontParis Lyon et Bordeux. Elle cible principalement la communautémaghrebine en France. TSF JAZZ : Avec une programmation dédiée auJazz TSF Jazz émet sur Paris et plusieurs régions françaises. RadioFIP : La programmation de Radio FIP est basée sur la musiqueentrecoupée par l'information. Nova est une radio musicale pascomme les autres. On y écoute des genres variés et nouveaux. Laradio Nostalgie qui fait partie du groupe NRJ est spécialisée dansles chansons des grands chanteurs français et aussi les artistesinternationaux. La radio Beur FM est une chaine radiophoniquenationale connue pour sa diversité. Elle propose un mélange de talkd'info et de musique. La chaine radiophonique généraliste Sud Radiodiffuse sur la région parisienne et dans le sud de la France. Laradio OUI FM est spécialisée dans le rock. Elle diffuse sur plusd'une vingtaine de fréquences sur toute la France. Radio FG :Spécialisée dans le house (electro et deep) Radio FG émet sur dansplusieurs pays dont la France. Chérie FM appartient au groupe NRJet elle consacre sa programation à la musique. La station Jazzradio est principalement dédiée au jazz mais diffuse aussi desgenres variés : blues, soul, funk.. La chaine radio Voltage est unestation régionale (Paris et île de france), elle diffuse unemusique variée. France Bleu Provence : Faisant partie du réseauxrégionale de Radio France, France Blue Provence est la radio du Varet des Bouches-du-Rhône. La chaine radio France Bleu fait partie dugroupe publique français et elle constitute un réseaux local deradios régionales. La radio RTL 2 créée en 1992 fait partie duGroupe RTL et est spécialisée dans la musique Pop Rock. La stationradio Vibration est spécialisée dans la musique et les grands Hitset plusieurs animations (jeux rubriques...) Radio Salam est uneradio généraliste qui émet sur Lyon et Bourg en Bresse. La chaineradio MFM est spécialisée dans la chansons française commel'indique son slogan. Elle diffuse depuis Lyon.
Tunisia Weather 1.2
Application to track the weather and sky conditions of all thecities of Tunisia with forecasts of rain, snow, sea state as wellas moisture and wind. Simple and intuitive interface accessible toall the world with clear and simple indicative icons. Ourapplication of weather in Tunisia covers most cities: Tunis, Sfax,Sousse, Ettadhamen-Mnihla, Kairouan, Gabes, Bizerte, Ariana, Gafsa,El Mourouj, Kasserine, Sidi Hassine, La Marsa, Kasserine, DouarHicher, Ben Arous, Mohammedia-Fouchana, Monastir, Zarzis, Le BardoDjerba - Houmt Souk, Hammamet, Medenine, Tataouine ... If you cannot find your city thank you to contact us, we will add it as soonas possible.
Weather Australia 1.0
See weather of Australia maps includinghighand low temperatures, rain, snow, ice, andthunderstormprobability.Australia weather gives you all you need to know abouttheweather of Australia with informations about the temperatures,rain , wind and more.we deliver consistent, timely and accurate weatherinformationfor the world. We are a team of highly skilled peoplededicated toworking to give you the best.Australia is a continent that experiences a variety ofclimatesdue to its size. The temperature can range from below zeroin theSnowy Mountains in southern Australia to extreme heat intheKimberley region in the north-west of the continent.Due to the size of the continent, there is not onesingleseasonal calendar for the entire continent. Instead there aresixclimatic zones and this translates as two mainseasonalpatterns.There is a Summer / Autumn / Winter / Spring pattern intheTemperate zone, also affecting the Desert and theGrasslandclimatic zones and, a Wet / Dry pattern in the tropicalnorth whichincludes the Equatorial, Tropical and sub-tropicalzones.Depending upon where you are each Month, the season will varyonwhether the weather is defined by the Temperate zone seasons orthetropical seasons.Cyclones are a tropical weather phenomenon. They areusuallyencountered in Australia between November and April, andtheymostly take place in the north of the country. TheWesternAustralian and Northern Territory coasts, as well as theQueenslandcoast, are the usual places that cyclones occur.About six cyclones happen in Australia every year. By farthemost famous cyclone in Australia is Cyclone Tracy, which hitDarwinin the Northern Territory on Christmas Eve 1974. Forty-ninepeopledied as a result, and over 600 people were injured. Darwinhad tobe evacuated because over eighty per cent of the citywasdestroyed. But Tracy is not the worst cyclone to evervisitAustralia. In 1899, Cyclone Mahina killed over 400 people whenitdestroyed an entire pearl-fishing fleet at Bathurst BayinQueensland.We cover the major ,cities of Australia especiallySydneyMelbourne Brisbane Perth Adelaide Gold Coast CanberraNewcastleCentral Coast Wollongong Geelong Hobart TownsvilleThuringowaCairns Cairns Toowoomba Ballarat Darwin BendigoLauncestonRockingham Rockhampton Mackay Maitland Mandurah BunburyTweed HeadsBundaberg Wagga Wagga Albury Port Macquarie HerveyBayShepparton-Mooroopna Tamworth Melton Orange DubboQueanbeyanKalgoorlie-Boulder Mildura Wodonga Lismore BathurstWarrnamboolGladstone Coffs Harbour Windsor Richmond Geraldton.Features :- We show you the next 6 days forecast- Different color for different weather- A widget is integrated to see weather from your homescreen- 5 beauty theme available- 9 available weather wap- Uses GPS location to detect your location
Weather in China 1.2
The huge Chinese territory is subject to different climates, mostlytemperate or subtropical. In the Northwest (Mongolia Region andXinjiang), summer is scorching (47 ° C) with violent thunderstormsand very cold winter (as low as -40 ° C) and very dry. On theTibetan Plateau and north-east, the sun is omnipresent throughoutthe year with cold winters and mild summers yet. On the coast is anoceanic climate prevails, while the South China is marked by asubtropical climate, mild and humid in winter, hot and rainy insummer. Huge differences in latitude, longitude and altitude canlead to sudden changes in temperature and precipitation in thecountry. Although most temperate countries are located such asChina, the climate model of the country is complex. Northern Chinais in the temperate zone, while the southern end has a tropicalclimate. Differences in temperature in winter are great, but thesedifferences are smaller in the summer. For example, northernHeilongjiang province can have an average below 0 ° C in January aslow as minus 30 ° C, while the average in July and in the samearea, can exceed 20 ° C . In contrast, central and southernGuangdong province may experience an average January temperatureabove 10 ° C, while the average in July is about 28 ° C.Precipitation can vary from one region to another, even fortemperatures. In southern China, with a subtropical climate, QinLing knows abundant precipitation, most of them come with thesummer monsoons. Spring is the best time to visit this region. Tothe north and west, however, rainfall is uncertain. Northwestern isthe low annual rainfall region in the country, sometimes with noprecipitation in these desert areas. The clear skies and dry air ofautumn make pleasant visits this season.
Weather Saudi Arabia 1.0
See weather of Saudi Arabia forecast maps including high and lowtemperatures, rain, snow, ice, and thunderstorm probability. SaudiArabia weather gives you all you need to know about the weather ofSaudi Arabia with informations about the temperatures , rain , windand more. we deliver consistent, timely and accurate weatherinformation for the world. We are a team of highly skilled peoplededicated to working to give you the best. With the exception ofthe province of Asir on the western coast, Saudi Arabia has adesert climate characterized by extreme heat during the day, anabrupt drop in temperature at night, and very low annual rainfall.Because of the influence of a subtropical high-pressure system,there is considerable variation in temperature and humidity. Thetwo main differences in the climate of Saudi-Arabia can be feltbetween the coastal areas and the interior. The average summertemperature is about 45° C, but readings of up to 54° C are notunusual. The heat becomes intense shortly after sunrise and lastsuntil sunset, followed by surprisingly cool nights. In the winter,the temperature seldom drops below 0° C, but the almost totalabsence of humidity and the high wind-chill factor make a quitecold atmosphere. In the spring and autumn the heat is temperated,temperatures average around 29° C. The region of Asir along theWestern coast is influenced by the Indian Ocean monsoons, usuallyoccurring between October and March. An average of 300 millimetersof rainfall occurs during this period, that is about 60 percent ofthe annual precipitation. For the rest of the country, rainfall isvery low and erratic. The entire year's rainfall may consist of oneor two local, heavy cloudbursts or Thunderstorms. We cover themajor ,cities of Saudi Arabia especially Riyadh Jeddah Mecca MedinaSulţānah Dammam Ta’if Tabūk Buraydah Khamis Mushait Al Hufūf AlMubarraz Hayil Najrān Al Jubayl Abha Yanbu‘ al Baḩr Khobar Unaizah‘Ar‘ar Sakākā Jizan Al Qurayyāt Dhahran Al Qaţīf Al Bāḩah TārūtQal‘at Bīshah Ar Rass Ash Shafā Sayhāt Al Mithnab Al Khafjī AdDawādimī Şabyā Az Zulfi Abū ‘Arīsh Şafwá Rābigh Raḩīmah Ţurayf‘Afīf Ţubarjal Ad Dilam Umm Lajj Al ‘Ulá Abqaiq Badr Ḩunayn ŞāmitahAl Wajh Al Bukayrīyah An Nimāş As Sulayyil Turabah Al Jumūm Duba AţŢaraf Al Qayşūmah Al Baţţālīyah Al Munayzilah Al Majāridah TanūmahAl Qurayn Umm as Sāhik Sājir Al Awjām Farasān Al Mindak AlArţāwīyah Al Jubayl Al Qārah Marāt Al Jafr Şuwayr Tumayr At Tūbī AlJarādīyah Al Muwayh As Saffānīyah Al Hadā Al Markaz Mislīyah AlMuţayrifī Mizhirah Ad Darb Julayjilah Mulayjah Al Fuwayliq Tabālahshokhaibٍ Ḩajrat al Khinbish Alrmtheiah Shaybah. Features : - Weshow you the next 6 days forecast - Different color for differentweather - A widget is integrated to see weather from your homescreen - 5 beauty theme available - 9 available weather wap - UsesGPS location to detect your location
Weather Malaysia 1.0
See weather of Malaysia forecast maps including high and lowtemperatures, rain, snow, ice, and thunderstorm probability.Malaysia weather gives you all you need to know about the weatherof Malaysia with informations about the temperatures , rain , windand more. we deliver consistent, timely and accurate weatherinformation for the world. We are a team of highly skilled peoplededicated to working to give you the best. The main variable ofMalaysia's climate is not temperature or air pressure, butrainfall. In general, the climate of Malaysia can be described astypical tropical climate, with the coastal plains averaging 28°C,the inland and mountain areas averaging 26°C, and the highermountain regions, 23°C. The area's relative humidity is quite high,and ranges between 70 and 90 percent. Malaysia has extremevariations in rainfall that are linked with the monsoons. Generallyspeaking, there is a dry season (June to September), and a rainyseason (December to March). Western and northern parts of Malaysiaexperiences the most precipitation, since the north- andwestward-moving monsoon clouds are heavy with moisture by the timethey reach these more distant regions. Typhoons can sometimes hitMalaysia from July to mid November, and can cause heavy damage,flooding and erosion. We cover the major ,cities of Kenyaespecially Kuala Lumpur Seberang Perai Kajang Klang Subang JayaPenang Island Ipoh Shah Alam Petaling Jaya Selayang Johor BahruTengah Malacca City Muar Ampang Jaya Kota Kinabalu Sungai PetaniKuantan Alor Setar Tawau Sandakan Kuala Terengganu Kota BharuSeremban Kulim Padawan Taiping Kulai Miri Kangar Kuala LangatKubang Pasu Bintulu Manjung Batu Pahat Sepang Kuala Selangor NilaiLahad Datu Hulu Selangor Kinabatangan Pasir Mas Penampang AlorGajah Keningau Kluang Kemaman Kuching North Sibu Kuching South.Features : - We show you the next 6 days forecast - Different colorfor different weather - A widget is integrated to see weather fromyour home screen - 5 beauty theme available - 9 available weatherwap - Uses GPS location to detect your location
Weather Indonesia 1.0
See Indonesian weather forecast maps including high and lowtemperatures, rain, snow, ice, and thunderstorm probability.Indonesia weather gives you all you need ti know about the weatherof Indonesia with informations about the temperatures , rain , windand more. we deliver consistent, timely and accurate weatherinformation for the world. We are a team of highly skilled peoplededicated to working to give you the best. We cover the major,cities of Indonesia especially Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, Bekasi,Medan, Tangerang, Depok, Semarang, Palembang, Makassar and SouthTangerang. The main variable of Indonesia's climate is nottemperature or air pressure, but rainfall. Split by the equator,indonesia has an almost entirely tropical climate, with the coastalplains averaging 28°C, the inland and mountain areas averaging26°C, and the higher mountain regions, 23°C. The area's relativehumidity is quite high, and ranges between 70 and 90 percent. Theextreme variations in rainfall are linked with the monsoons.Generally speaking, there is a dry season (June to September), anda rainy season (December to March). Western and northern parts ofIndonesia experience the most precipitation, since the north- andwestward-moving monsoon clouds are heavy with moisture by the timethey reach these more distant regions. Western Sumatra, Java, Bali,the interiors of Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Irian Jaya are the mostpredictably damp regions of Indonesia, with rainfall measuring morethan 2,000 millimeters per year. Typhoons can hit the Islands ofthe Indonesia between September and December, and can causerainstorms and heavy winds. However, not every Typhoon that hitsIndonesia is a strong one, and in some years only a few Typhoonsoccur durind the tropical storm season. Features : - We show youthe next 6 Days Forecast - Different color for different weather -A Widget is Integrated to see weather from your home screen - 5beauty theme available - 9 Available Weather Map (Temperature, WindSpeed, Precipitation, Rain, Rain Classic, Snow, Cloud, Cloudclassic, Sea Pressure) - Uses GPS Location to detect your location
Weather Philippines 1.1
See Philippines weather forecast maps including high and lowtemperatures, rain, snow, ice, and thunderstorm probability.Philippines weather gives you all you need ti know about theweather of Philippines with informations about the temperatures ,rain , wind and more. we deliver consistent, timely and accurateweather information for the world. We are a team of highly skilledpeople dedicated to working to give you the best. We cover themajor ,cities of Philippines especially Quezon City , Manila,Caloocan,Davao City, Cebu City, Zamboanga City, Antipolo, Pasig ,Taguig and Cagayan de Oro. Because of the geographical location onthe planet, the Philippines has a "Tropical Rainforest Climate" allover the country. Though some rainfall can be expected in everymonth, the rainfall differs greatly through the year. In the periodJune - October it's raining cats and dogs! The influence of thesouthwest monsoon is very clear. In the period December - May thereis no monsoon anymore. The wind, the "trade wind", is coming fromthe northeast and brings hardly rainfall. The two maincharacteristics of this climate are: high temperatures and highatmospheric humidity Both the high temperatures and the humidityare the whole year through. In theory rainfall can be expected inevery month of the year. A third characteristic feature of theclimate of the Philippines is the presence of strong typhoons. ThePhilippines is tortured by typhoons every year. In the wholeWestern Pacific typhoons occur in the period June - November. Themonsoon is a very rainy wind coming from the southwest. The "tradewind", coming from the northeast, is dominating in the periodDecember -May. It's a rather 'dry' wind and brings hardly anyrainfall. Features : - We show you the next 6 Days Forecast -Different color for different weather - A Widget is Integrated tosee weather from your home screen - 5 beauty theme available - 9Available Weather Map (Temperature, Wind Speed, Precipitation,Rain, Rain Classic, Snow, Cloud, Cloud classic, Sea Pressure) -Uses GPS Location to detect your location
Morocco Weather 1.0
Application to track the weather and sky conditions of all thecities of Morocco with forecasts of rain, snow, sea state as wellas moisture and wind. Simple and intuitive interface accessible toall the world with clear and simple indicative icons. Ourapplication of weather in Morocco covers most cities: Casablanca,Fez, Tangier, Marrakech, Salé, Meknes, Rabat, Temara, Agadir,Oujda, Tetouan, Kenitra, Beni Mellal, Nador, Safi, Khouribga ElJadida, Berkane, Taza, Mohammedia, Laayoune, Khemisset, Taourirt... If you can not find your city thank you to contact us, we willadd it as soon as possible.
Weather Nigeria 1.0
See Nigerian weather forecast maps including high and lowtemperatures, rain, snow, ice, and thunderstorm probability.Nigeria weather gives you all you need ti know about the weather ofNigeria with informations about the temperatures , rain , wind andmore. we deliver consistent, timely and accurate weatherinformation for the world. We are a team of highly skilled peoplededicated to working to give you the best. We cover the major,cities of Nigeria especially Lagos , Kano , Ibadan and Abuja. Theclimate of Nigeria is tropical, however there are wide climaticvariations in different regions of the country. Near the coasttemperatures rarely exceed 32 degrees Celsius (90 degreesFahrenheit), but humidity is very high and nights are very hot.Inland there are two different seasons. A wet season from April toOctober, with lower monthly temperatures and the wettest monthbeing June. Also a dry season from November to March, with middaytemperatures that rise above 38° Celsius (100° Fahrenheit) butrelatively cool nights, dropping as low as 12° Celsius (54°Fahrenheit). Average rainfall along the coast varies from about 180cm (70 in) in the west to about 430 cm (170 inch) in certain partsof the east. Inland, it decreases to around 130 cm (50 inch) overmost of central Nigeria and only 50 cm (20 inch) in the extremenorth. The hot Harmattan wind from the Sahara sweeps across thenortheastern areas which. The Harmattan wind is hot and dry andcarries a reddish dust from the desert. The southwest wind bringscloudy and rainy weather. Features : - We show you the next 6 DaysForecast - Different color for different weather - A Widget isIntegrated to see weather from your home screen - 5 beauty themeavailable - 9 Available Weather Map (Temperature, Wind Speed,Precipitation, Rain, Rain Classic, Snow, Cloud, Cloud classic, SeaPressure) - Uses GPS Location to detect your location
Weather Mexico 1.0
See Mexican weather forecast maps including high and lowtemperatures, rain, snow, ice, and thunderstorm probability. Mexicoweather gives you all you need ti know about the weather of Mexicowith informations about the temperatures , rain , wind and more. wedeliver consistent, timely and accurate weather information for theworld. We are a team of highly skilled people dedicated to workingto give you the best. We cover the major ,cities of Mexicoespecially Mexico City , Ecatepec , Guadalajara , Puebla , Juárez ,Tijuana , León and Zapopan. The Climate in Mexico varies accordingto its topography. Along the coast (on both sides of the country)it is hot and humid, unbearably so in the summer. Inlandcommunities at higher elevations such as Guadalajara (5200 ft abovesea level) and in particular close-by Lake Chapala, are much dryerand more temperate. Mexico City (Ciudad de Mexico), with its muchhigher elevation of 7545.93 ft (2300 sq meters) above sea level,can reach freezing temperatures in the winter. You'll be surprisedto find snow-capped volcanoes. San Miguel de Allende alsoexperiences colder winters due to its close proximity to MexicoCity. Features : - We show you the next 6 Days Forecast - Differentcolor for different weather - A Widget is Integrated to see weatherfrom your home screen - 5 beauty theme available - 9 AvailableWeather Map (Temperature, Wind Speed, Precipitation, Rain, RainClassic, Snow, Cloud, Cloud classic, Sea Pressure) - Uses GPSLocation to detect your location
Weather Vietnam 1.0
See Vietnamian weather forecast maps including high and lowtemperatures, rain, snow, ice, and thunderstorm probability.Vietnam weather gives you all you need ti know about the weather ofVietnam with informations about the temperatures , rain , wind andmore. we deliver consistent, timely and accurate weatherinformation for the world. We are a team of highly skilled peoplededicated to working to give you the best. We cover the major,cities of Vietnam especially Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, Da Nang,Haiphong, Bien Hoa, Hue , Nha Trang , Can Tho, Rach Gia and QuiNhon. Vietnam`s Climate can be divided a tropical and a temperatezone. It is characterized by strong monsoon influences, has aconsiderable amount of sun, a high rate of rainfall, and highhumidity that makes it sometimes feel quite uncomfortable. Regionslocated near the tropics and in the mountainous regions have aslightly cooler, more temperated climate. The annual averagetemperature ranges from 22°C to 27°C year-round. There are almostno significant differences in temperature in the southern parts ofVietnam, while the northern regions can be quite cold in thewinter. There are essentially four distinct seasons, which are mostevident in the northern provinces. There are two distinguishableseasons in the southern areas. The cold season occurs from Novemberto April and the hot season from May to October. The northern partsof vietnam have essentially four distinct seasons, it can be quitecool in the winter there, but very warm in summer. Features : - Weshow you the next 6 Days Forecast - Different color for differentweather - A Widget is Integrated to see weather from your homescreen - 5 beauty theme available - 9 Available Weather Map(Temperature, Wind Speed, Precipitation, Rain, Rain Classic, Snow,Cloud, Cloud classic, Sea Pressure) - Uses GPS Location to detectyour location
Weather Ukraine 1.0
See weather of Ukraine maps including high and low temperatures,rain, snow, ice, and thunderstorm probability. Ukraine weathergives you all you need to know about the weather of Ukraine withinformations about the temperatures , rain , wind and more. wedeliver consistent, timely and accurate weather information for theworld. We are a team of highly skilled people dedicated to workingto give you the best. The climate of the Ukraine can be describedas dry and continental influenced climate with warm, dry summersand fairly severe winters. January is the coldest month withdaytime temperatures usually around 0°C, but in some cases wintermonths can be quite colder with temperatures far below zero, about-20°C or lower and strong, cold northeasterly winds, called Bora.Heavy snowfall or even snowstorms are also possible on some days.There are more than 290 sunny days in the year. Since Odessa regionis drawn out along the meridian, the climate in the narrow - 30-40km. - stretch along the coast is practically ideal, with the softtang of the sea mixing with the dry climate of the steppe furtherinland. In summer daytime temperatures reach 25-30°C, but sometimesquite higher, 35°C or more, especially in the inland areas. Thesummer months enjoy dry weather with sunny spells most of the time,rain often falls with sometimes heavy Thunderstorms, but mostlyalong the coastal areas of the Black Sea. These Thunderstorms oftenoccur at the end of the day. July is the warmest month with anaverage Temperature of 24°C. Annual Precipitation is about 400-600mm, but lower in the inland areas of the Ukraine. We cover themajor ,cities of Ukraine especially Kiev Kharkiv DnipropetrovskDonetsk Odessa Zaporizhzhya L'viv Kryvyi Rih Mykolayiv MariupolLuhansk Khmel’nyts’kyy Sevastopol Makiyivka Simferopol VinnytsyaKherson Poltava Chernihiv Cherkasy Sumy Zhytomyr Horlivka RivneKirovohrad Dniprodzerzhyns’k Chernivtsi Ternopil’ Kremenchuk Luts’kIvano-Frankivs’k Bila Tserkva Kramators’k Melitopol’ Kerch Nikopol’Syevyerodonets’k Sloviansk Berdyans’k Uzhhorod Alchevs’k PavlohradLysychans’k Yevpatoriya Yenakiyeve Oleksandriya Kamieniec PodolskiKonotop Kostyantynivka Krasnyy Luch Brovary Uman’ Berdychiv ShostkaStakhanov Chervonohrad Izmayil Mukacheve Artemivs’k Yalta DrohobychNizhyn Novomoskovs’k Nyzhn’ohirs’kyy Feodosiya Shakhtars’kPervomays’k Krasnoarmiys’k Torez Sverdlovs’k Kalush Smila Kovel’Korosten’ Khartsyz’k Rubizhne Pryluky Druzhkivka Lozova KolomyyaAntratsyt Stryi Novovolyns’k Novohrad-Volyns’kyy Energodar SnizhneBoryspil’ Illichivs’k Izyum Roven’ky Lubny Bryanka KomsomolskZhovti Vody Fastiv Nova Kakhovka Marhanets’ Bilhorod-Dnistrovs’kyyOkhtyrka Dymytrov Krasnodon Romny Svitlovods’k Shepetivka BuchaVoznesensk Dzerzhyns’k Dzhankoy Pervomays’k Myrhorod Irpin Kotovs’kKirovs’k Kuznetsovs’k Vasylkiv Yuzhnoukrains'k Volodymyr-Volyns’kyyDubno Yasynuvata Kakhovka Boryslav Pereyaslav-Khmel’nyts’kyyChuhuyiv Dobropillya Zhmerynka Avdiyivka Hlukhiv Sambir TokmakBoyarka Dolyns'ka Starokostyantyniv Vyshneve Slavuta NetishynMohyliv-Podil’s’kyy Kupjansk Synel’nykove Obukhiv BalakliyaKrasnoperekops’k Kostopil’ Alushta Debal’tseve Miskhor Pereval’s’kChortkiv Novoyavorivs'k Tsyurupyns’k Saky Znomenka Krasnyy LymanKhmil’nyk Khust Zolotonosha Lebedyn Vynohradiv Sarny MalynTruskavets Bakhchysaray Armyans’k Berehove Kaniv Molodohvardiys’kKozyatyn Popasna Korostyshiv Славутич Yuzhne Haysyn SelydoveKrolevets’ Dokuchayevs’k Volnovakha Zdolbuniv Merefa KreminnaBakhmach Brody Yahotyn Hadyach Zolochiv Lyubotyn Polonne VyshhorodStarobil’s’k Kiliya Heniches’k Sokal’ Krasnohrad Ladyzhyn PolohyAmvrosiyivka Kremenets’ Kurakhovo Dolyna Piatykhatky DniprorudneNadvirna. Features : - We show you the next 6 days forecast -Different color for different weather - A widget is integrated tosee weather from your home screen - 5 beauty theme available - 9available weather wap - Uses GPS location to detect your location
African Cup of Nations 2017 1.5
CAN 2017 is the edition n ° 31 of the africancup of football nations organized in Gabon; After dismissal of thelybia who should have acceuillir this edition because of itsunstable political situation.This championship will take place from 14 January to 5 February2017 on the grounds of the four stadiums of Libreville,franceville, Port-Gentil and Oyem. The champion of this cup willqualify directly to the cup of confederations 2017 which is goingto be organized in russia.The official sponsor of CAN 2017 is Total, and will also competefor other African competitions over the next eight years.The four stages that will host the competition are:1. Stade d'Angondjé in Libreville with a capacity of 45,000seats.2. Stadium of Oyem with a capacity of 20000 places.3. Stade de Franceville with a capacity of 20000 places.4. Stadium of Port-Gentil with a capacity of 25000 places.Countries participating in CAN 2017 are Gabon as host country,Morocco, Algeria, Cameroon, Senegal, Egypt, Guinea Bissau with itsfirst participation, Ghana, Mali, Zimbabwe, Côte d'Ivoire, BurkinaFaso, Uganda, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tunisia andTogo.The competition is organized in 4 groups:Group A:Saturday 14 January 2017 17h00 Gabon - Guinea-BissauSaturday 14 January 2017 20h00 Burkina Faso - CameroonWednesday 18 January 2017 17h00 Gabon - Burkina FasoWednesday 18 January 2017 20h00 Cameroon - Guinea-BissauSunday 22 January 2017 20h00 Cameroon - GabonSunday 22 January 2017 20h00 Guinea-Bissau - Burkina FasoGroup B:Sunday 15 January 2017 17h00 Algeria - ZimbabweSunday 15 January 2017 20h00 Tunisia - SenegalThursday 19 January 2017 17h00 Algeria - TunisiaThursday 19 January 2017 20h00 Senegal - ZimbabweMonday 23 January 2017 20h00 Senegal - AlgeriaMonday 23 January 2017 20h00 Zimbabwe - TunisiaGroup C:Monday 16 January 2017 17h00 Ivory Coast - TogoDemocratic Republic of the Congo - MoroccoFriday 20 January 2017 17h00 Ivory Coast - Rep. Dem. Of theCongoFriday 20 January 2017 20h00 Morocco - TogoTuesday 24 January 2017 20h00 Morocco - Ivory CoastTuesday 24 January 2017 20h00 Togo - Dem. Dem. Of the CongoGroup D:Tuesday 17 January 2017 17h00 Ghana - UgandaTuesday 17 January 2017 20h00 Mali - EgyptSaturday 21 January 2017 17h00 Ghana - MaliSaturday 21 January 2017 20h00 Egypt - UgandaWednesday 25 January 2017 20h00 Egypt - GhanaWednesday 25 January 2017 20h00 Uganda - Mali-Saturday 28 JanuaryQuarter-final at 5 pmQuarter-final at 8 pmSunday, January 29Quarter-final at 5 pmQuarter-final at 8 pmWednesday 1 FebruarySemi-final at 8 pmThursday 2 FebruarySemi-final at 8 pmSaturday 4 FebruaryMatch for 3rd place at 8pmSunday 5 FebruaryFinal at 8pmOur application will allow you to follow live all the results ofthe matches, and the complete program of the matches to come, aswell as the best players, buffers, defensors of the differentteams.The African Cup of Nations 2017 in Gabon is a great footballevent to follow, the 16 participating teams will give the best toensure you beautiful shows.We are at your disposal for any comment or suggestion.
Euro 2020 - Qualifiers 1.5
Euro 2020 is the 16th edition of the European FootballChampionship.It will take place from June 12 to July 12, 2020. Thequalifyingphase will be held between March 21, 2019 and March 31,2020 with250 group matchs and 12 matchs of barings. The countriesthat willparticipate in the Euro 2020 will be known after theplayoffs:England Czech republic Bulgaria Montenegro KosovoPortugal UkraineSerbia Lithuania luxembourg Netherlands GermanyNorth IrelandEstonia Belarus Swiss Denmark Ireland GeorgiaGibraltar CroatiaWales Slovakia Hungary Azerbaijan Spain SwedenNorway Romania FaroeIslands Malta Poland Austria Israel SloveniaNorth Macedonia Latviala France Iceland Turkey Albania MoldovaAndorra Belgium RussiaScotland Cyprus kazakhstan San Marino ItalyBosnia and HerzegovinaFinland Greece Armenia liechtenstein Our appwill allow you tofollow live all matches scores, and the fullprogram of upcomingmatches, as well as the best players, scorers,defenders ofdifferent teams. the playoff games will also befollowed(qualifying). We are at your disposal for any remark orsuggestion.
African Championship 2018 1.2
During the month of January and February 2018 to follow the newsandresults of the 2018 African Nations Football Championshiporganizedin Morocco known as CHAN 2018. The competition lasts fromJanuary 13to February 4, 2018 in the following four cities:Tangier: IbnBattuta Stadium with Capacity of 45,000. Casablanca:Mohammed VSports Complex with capacity of 67,000. Marrakech:Marrakech Stadiumwith capacity of 45,000. Agadir: Adrar Stadiumwith capacity of45,000. There are 4 groups: Group A: Morocco,Guinea, Sudan,Mauritania. Group B: Ivory Coast, Zambia, Uganda,Namibia. Group C:Libya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Equatorial Guinea. GroupD: Angola,Cameroon, Congo, Burkina Faso. The list of matches is asfollows:January 13, 2018 7:30 PM GMT Casablanca Morocco -Mauritania 14January 2018 14h30 GMT Casablanca Guinea - Sudan 17January 201816h30 GMT Casablanca Morocco - Guinea 17 January 201819h30 GMTCasablanca Sudan - Mauritania 21 January 2018 19h00 GMTCasablancaSudan - Morocco 21 January 2018 19h00 GMT MarrakechMauritania -Guinea 14 January 2018 16h30 GMT Marrakech Ivory Coast- Namibia 14January 2018 19h30 GMT Marrakech Zambia - Uganda 18January 201816h30 GMT Marrakech Ivory Coast - Zambia 18 January2018 19h30 GMTMarrakech Uganda - Namibia January 22, 2018 7:00 PMGMT MarrakechUganda - Ivory Coast 22 January 2018 19h00 GMTMarrakesh Namibia -Zambia 15 January 2018 16h30 GMT Tangier Libya- Equatorial GuineaJanuary 15, 2018 7:30 PM GMT Tangier Nigeria -Rwanda 19 January2018 16h30 GMT Tangier Nigeria - Libya 19 January2018 19h30 GMTTangier Rwanda - Equatorial Guinea January 23, 20187:00 PM GMTTangier Rwanda - Libya January 23, 2018 7:00 PM GMTTangierEquatorial Guinea - Nigeria 16 January 2018 16h30 GMTAgadir Angola- Burkina Faso 16 January 2018 19h30 GMT AgadirCameroon - Congo 20January 2018 16h30 GMT Agadir Angola - Cameroon20 January 201819h30 GMT Agadir Congo - Burkina Faso January 24,2018 16h30 GMTAgadir Congo - Angola 24 January 2018 19h30 GMTAgadir Burkina Faso- Cameroon Follow the results of thiscompetition live via our appfrom January 13 to February 3, 2017.Thank you for leaving us yourcomments regarding CHAN 2018 inMorocco.
African Cup 2022 in Cameroon - Playoffs 1.7
N.B: This is NOT an official application of African Cup ofNations2022, and we do not represent the CAF, the data are fedmanuallyduring the matches by our teams. The 2021 African CUP isthe 33thedition of the African Cup of football organized inCameroon. Itmust take place in January 2022 in Cameroon. Thequalificationphase will be held between 11 November 2019 and 17November 2021.Cameroon is automatically qualified as the organizingcountry. Theother 23 countries will be known after thequalifications phase.Five stadiums are planned to host thecompetition. The Stade deLimbe in the South West has been completedsince 2014, that ofBafoussam in the west should be delivered inNovember 2016, theworks of the Douala stadium, 50,000 seats, andthose of the YaoundeStadium, 60,000 seats (Stade Paul Biya) beganin March 2015 andshould be completed by 2018. Other stadiums willbe renovated,including the Ahmadou Ahidjo stadium in Yaounde, whichis plannedto serve as a training stadium, but will have to host theCAN final(F ) 2016, the Reunification Stadium of Douala, 40 000places(training) and the Stade Roumdé Adjia de Garoua which willwelcomethe Pool B and will have 40 000 places. The five stadiumsthat willhost the competition are: 1. Yaoundé Stadium 2. DoualaStadium 3.Garoua Stadium 4. Bafoussam Stadium 5. Stadium of LimbéThecountries that will participate in the CAN 2022 will be knownafterthe playoffs of the 48 teams: Mali Guinea Nambia WinnerofLiberia-Chad Burkina Faso Uganda Malawi Winner ofSouthSudan-Seychelles Ghana South Africa Sudan Winner ofMauritius-SaoTome and Principe DRC Gabon angola Winner ofDjibouti-GambiaMorocco Mauritania Central African Republic BurundiCameroon (hostcountry, already qualified, but still engaged in theplayoffs)green cap mozambique Rwanda Egypt Kenya Togo ComorosAlgeria ZambiaZimbabwe botswana Senegal Congo Guinea-BissauEswatini TunisiaLibya Tanzania Equatorial Guinea Ivory Coast NigerMadagascarEthiopia Nigeria Benign Sierra Leone Lesotho Thecompetition isorganized in 6 groups: Group A, Group B, Group C,Group D, Group E,Group F. Our app will allow you to follow live allmatches results,and the full program of upcoming matches, as wellas the bestplayers, scorers, defenders of different teams. Theplayoffs are aswell covered. The Africa Cup of football 2022 inCameroon is agreat football event to follow, the 24 participatingteams willgive the best to ensure you enjoy beautiful shows. We areat yourdisposal for any remark or suggestion.