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R07D - Bible & Prayer Journal Asa
R07D is a digital journal for keeping records of your prayers andbible readings in your devotional time. A monthly report can begenerated and sent. Studying the bible and praying are fundamentalaspects of the christian life. This application allows you to keeprecords of your devotional times with The Lord, for life.... Whathappened each month can be reviewed at the end of the year, usingthe generated reports. Also with these, you can share your visionand studies with your pastor or group leader. The app calendarindicates the month's progress. Red for days without a record,Green for days with a record. Each record includes: Time: Date andtime of the day in which it was made. Bible Reading: The books,chapters and bible verses that are read in that session.Meditation: What you learned, or were edified by, maybe somequestions/answers, others... Prayer meeting: Check if you attendeda prayer meeting at your local church during that week. ThanksGiving: Any grateful motive or feeling towards God is registered.It can be published in the app's Wall, sharing it with other userswho will witness God's faithfulness in your life. List of New: Thenames of people we want to get to know Christ, for the ones weought to pray for. Petitions/Intercession: Prayer requests areregistered. Also things that we are interceding for, or that we askothers to intercede for (to Pastor/Leader/Friend). Predefinedoptions can be used (Pastors/Leaders/Coordinators/GroupMembers/Disciples/The Harvest) or you can register anythingoriginal and personal. It can be published in the app's Wall,sharing it with other users to let them intercede as well. Eachreport includes: All the month's records with at least biblereading. Name of user or person who generates the report. Name ofpastor/leader/coordinator/friend whom we'll send the report. Setreading goal, for example: 3 daily chapters. Check to see if thereading goal was met for that period of time. The app has a scoresystem. Users get and accumulate points depending on the number ofrecords made in each month, the more the better. Reminders aregenerated at the beginning of the month, for you to be with thebest disposition regarding your devotional times. Also at the endof the month, in case you want to generate and send the report forthat period of time to your leader/pastor/friend/yourself/etc. Inthe R07D Wall you can interact with the community of users, seeingtheir thanks giving posts and joining them in gratefulness to Godfor His answers. Also joining them in prayer and intercession fortheir needs. Press and Hold on any of the Wall's records to send anemail to the user, to congratulate or show your support in prayer.