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IZIP has prepared application "Mobilníelektronické zdravotní knížky" (EZK) in cooperation with VZP ČR.The application works on telephone with Android. The application istargeted at clients of VZP ČR, who can have access to all of theirhealth information on their phone.Setup of your Mobile EZK is easy. After downloading andinstallation of the application, you can configure the applicationsecurity with few easy steps. If you already have arranged EZK,please enter your identification number and password to the loginform. Immediately you will receive access to the most importantinformation in your EZK.In case, you still do not have your EZK and you are a client of VZPČR, you can register online at https://reg.izip.cz/.The registration of use of EZK is free of charge for you.The application is very easy to use and intuitive. Through thisapplication you will easily get information about your healthexaminations, prescriptions, health insurance status, and muchmore.EZK application offers:• Records - overview and detailed information about healthexaminations• Health - a basic overview of your health (allergies,vaccinations, etc.)• Medications - list of all drugs and products including theirdescription• Doctors - List of medical workers who entered into your EZK• Insurance status - the current state of your health insurance,including any non-payments or penalties• Billing - A complete overview of paid health care from yourhealth insuranceThe application allows you to work with multiple accountssimultaneously. This means you can easily monitor your children'smedical records all in one place on your phone.
Prší 1.1.103
Klasická česká karetní hra je konečně navašich Androidech! Více informací na http://prsi.zentity.comPevně věříme, že vám nové vydání hry Prší zpříjemní volnéchvilky.Co všechno hra nabízí?★ Nádherná kreslená grafika, která skvěle vykresluje hospodskouatmosféru.★ 32 licencovaných dvouhlavých karet od společnostiBonaparte★ Vezměte kartu a prstem ji vyneste. Prší obsahuje propracovanédrag & drop ovládání. Budete tak mít pocit, že kartu skutečnědržíte.★ Máte po ruce kamaráda? Vyzvěte ho na duel a oberte ho oposlední korunu! Díky hře dvou hráčů na jednom telefonu má zábavadalší rozměr navíc.★ Klasická česká hudba a rozmanité zvukové efekty. To všepřispívá ke skvělé atmosféře Prší.★ Prší obsahuje kromě české lokalizace také kompletní českýdabing. Protihráč vám tak zahlásí známé hlášky, jako "Bereš dvě!"nebo "Stojíš!"★ Hra by nebyla hrou, kdyby nenabízela nějakou výzvu. Každý hráčPrší má svoje peněžní konto, na které mu jsou přičítány peníze zavýhry nebo odečítány v případě prohry. Dokážete vyhrát tisíce, nebozůstanete na nule?★ Porovnejte svoje rekordy na internetu a staňte se nejlepšímhráčem Prší. Nejvyšší dosažené stavy vašich kont můžete přímo zmenu hry odeslat na online server.Classic Czech card gameis finally on your Android! More information http://prsi.zentity.comWe firmly believe that a new edition of the game will enjoy freetime raining.What game has to offer?★ Beautiful cartoon graphics that perfectly renders the pubatmosphere.★ 32 licensed dvouhlavých cards from Bonaparte★ Take the card and finger her plot. Raining includessophisticated drag & drop operation. This will give you thefeeling that the card really quite.★ You have a handy friend? Vyzvěte him to a duel Obere him thelast crown! Thanks to the game of two players on one phone toanother dimension of fun addition.★ Classic Czech music and various sound effects. It all adds tothe great atmosphere raining.★ raining contains, besides the Czech localization also completeCzech dubbing. Reports an opponent you so familiar messages like"You take two!" or "You're standing!"★ The game would not be a game if they did not offer anychallenge. Each player has its raining cash account, which areattributed to him for winning money or deducted in case of failure.Can you win thousands, or stay at zero?★ Compare your records on the Internet and become the bestplayer raining. Highest attained the status of your contactsdirectly from your game menu to send to the online server.
Czech money
Czech National Bank's official app informsusers about all valid Czech banknotes and coins and the protectiveelements they contain. Using cutting-edge technology such as touchscreen and accelerometer control, the application realisticallyshows the behaviour of the individual protective elements ofbanknotes. In addition to detailed pictures, it containsdescriptions of all valid versions of Czech banknotes andcoins.The Czech Money app offers:- detailed pictures of all valid versions of Czech banknotes andcoins- interactive demonstrations and descriptions of protectiveelements using touch screen andaccelerometer control- backlighting of banknotes- pictures of banknotes under UV light- the app is available in Czech and English
DuoF@X.com 1.2
This application allows you to send faxesandSMS messages worldwide at competitive rates usingDuoF@X.comservices directly on your mobile.The advantages of this application include:* Send a fax to any fax number in the world* Any fax will be sent as e-mail. Fax number can be chosen inover40 countries.* Send SMS to any mobile phone in the world* Recipient can be selected from the address book* The possibility of sending SMS delivery or fax to youremail* For SMS, you can set your own mobile number as sender, themessageto anyone you meet and SMS will be sent directly to yourmobilephone* Fax and SMS prices very competitive compared to other methods
Zenefit merchant 1.2
App for merchants.