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Chime for Samsung Gear 1.2.3
First install the watch app Chime on your GearS2. Chime for the smart watch is only available in the Gear appstore! It is a paid app. This companion app for your phone is freeand works together with the Chime on your Gear S2.Chime is the perfect app for your Gear S2 smart watch to getvibrations and/or sound at the full hour, half past hour, quarterpast hour and quarter before hour. You can choose your own soundfiles in this companion app and upload them to the Chime app onyour Gear S2. This app (Chime for Samsung Gear) is the companionapp for Chime on your Gear S2. You can configure all the settingsfor the Chime app on the smart watch. It is easy to use.
Dog Keeper 5.1.5
Does your dog bark too much when you are notat home? Or does your absence causes stress for your dog?The Dog Keeper app will help your dog to keep quiet and feelsafe whenever you are away from home. The app will use your voiceto speak to the dog when he is starting to bark of whine. Yourrecorded voice commands or soothing phrases will the dog surprise.The dog will notice that you are still present in some way and thateverything is safe and OK. Barking or whining will stop. If yourdog needs more of your voice, you can use as many recordings as youwant. Probably after a few weeks of using Dog Keeper, you willnotice that your dog even doesn't try to bark or whine anymore, nowhe knows that you are in some kind of way omnipresent.You start Dog Keeper listening to your dog (or dogs) when youleave home or at a predefined time. Dog Keeper will take care ofyour dog as long as needed. When you come back home, you can seewhen and how many times your dog was barking or whining. If youlike, you can Dog Keeper ask to make a short audio recording everytime your dog is barking or whining and Dog Keeper plays one ofyour voice responses. You can play these recordings to listen towhat happened and how your dog reacted on the intervention of DogKeeper.Dog Keeper works good for your dog if your dog listens good toyou. If your dog listens to your commands when you are at home andyou do not allow barking or whining when you are at home, then DogKeeper can easily take over when you leave. The voice responsesthat you record when configuring Dog Keeper should be the same asthe commands and phrases you use when you are at home. It isimportant to mention the name of your dog at least once within eachvoice response.Dog Keeper is easy to configure and use. It runs on smartphonesand tablets. Use a device that you can leave at home when you areaway. The device should be in the room where the dog is. Thedefault setting of Dog Keeper is to play your recorded response atmaximum volume. The maximum volume of most devices is not veryloud, but it will be loud enough for your dog if he is in the sameroom.Dog Keeper is continuously listening if your dog starts barkingor whining. It runs as a service on your device and uses as littleprocessing power as possible. It uses the microphone input level todetermine if the dog starts to bark or whine. When needed you canadapt the sensitivity of the microphone input in the settingsmenu.Dog Keeper is free, but the free version has a restriction onthe listening duration. The free version of Dog Keeper has amaximum of one hour continuously listening. Inside the app you canbuy the full version. With the full version, there is norestriction on the listening duration. The purchase uses GooglePlay Store in-app billing.The app is extensively tested, but please send an e-mail if you encounter a bug or missingfunctionality.Known problems exist with a few old Android versions on specificdevices. It is a bug in the Media Recorder on these devices. Anoption is now available in the Settings menu to bypass this bug.Please select this option if you encounter this problem.
Smart Alert 3.0.0
Smart Alert is de app die je helpt om op tijd op te merken dat hetminder goed met je gaat (misschien een beginnende depressieveepisode) of juist een beetje te goed met je gaat (misschien eenbeginnende manische episode). Smart Alert doet dit door slim tekijken naar hoe je je smartphone gebruikt. Hiervoor kijkt SmartAlert naar je smartphone gebruik, hoe lang het scherm aan staat,hoe vaak het scherm aan en uit gaat, het gebruik van social mediaapps, hoe vaak en hoe lang je telefoongesprekken voert, hoe veelafstand je aflegt, hoeveel je loopt (alleen als je smartphone eenstappenteller heeft) en hoe het met je nachtrust gaat. Smart Alertleert steeds beter te herkennen wat normaal is bij jou en watmogelijk afwijkend is. Smart Alert vraagt je om dagelijks bij tehouden hoe je zelf vindt dat het met je gaat. Smart Alert gebruiktdeze informatie om je nog nauwkeuriger op het juiste moment tewaarschuwen. Dat leert Smart Alert gaandeweg, dus het kan enkeleweken duren voordat Smart Alert dit optimaal doet. Ook kun jeinstellen dat je een melding wilt krijgen als je vandaag jesmartphone veel langer gebruikt of meer met social media apps bezigbent dan je zelf wilt. Er zijn geen kosten voor het gebruik vanSmart Alert. Smart Alert verstuurt geen informatie van jesmartphone naar anderen. Meer informatie over hoe Smart Alert metje privacy omgaat, vind je in het menu van Smart Alert, onderprivacy, of via de privacy link bij Smart Alert in de Play Store.
Health Sync
Sync health data between Samsung Health, Google Fit, Fitbit, Garminand others
Health Sync
Sync your health data from Coros, Diabetes:M, Fitbit, Garmin,Google Fit, Health Mate (Withings), InBody, Oura, Polar, SamsungHealth, Suunto and Huawei Health. You can sync to Diabetes:M,Fitbit, Google Fit, Samsung Health, Schrittmeister, FatSecret(weight only), Runalyze, Smashrun or Strava. Activity data can alsobe synced as FIT, TCX or GPX file to Google Drive. Health Syncworks automatically and syncs the data in the background. It willsync data from the time you first use the app. Historical data (alldata before the day of installation) can be synced after the freetrail period. You can't sync historical data from Polar (Polardoesn't allow this). Warning: Samsung decided that no partner appcan write steps to Samsung Health anymore. Reading steps data andother data, and writing other data will continue to work. One weekfree trial Health Sync is very easy to use. It offers you a oneweek free trial period. After the trial period, you can make aone-time purchase or start a six-month subscription to continueusing Health Sync. For the Health Mate (Withings) sync anadditional subscription is required. The additional subscription isrequired due to recurring additional costs that we incur for thisintegration. Just try the app and see if it fits your needs. Whatdata you can sync depends on the source app from which you syncdata, and the destination app(s) to which you sync the data. Youcan choose different source apps for different types of data. Forexample: sync activities from Garmin to Samsung Health, and syncsleep from Fitbit to Samsung Health and Google Fit. After the firstinitialization actions, you can define the different syncdirections. Syncing between health data apps sometimes doesn't workas expected. Don't worry, almost all issues can be solved easily.You can check the Help Center menu in Health Sync. And if you can'tsolve the issue, you can send a Health Sync problem report (thelast option in the Help Center menu), or send an email You will get support to solve the sync issue.
Tonal Tinnitus Therapy
Tonal Tinnitus Therapy offers you acoustic neuromodulationtreatment.