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Beauty Face Scanner 1.0
Beauty Face Scanner is a free applicationwhich scan your photo and detects your beauty level.Do you want to find out with this calculator how beautiful are youor your friends? Play with your friend with this funny applicationand find out who is ugly or beautiful.Perform this test is easy no problem with it:- Choose a photo- In a few seconds the photo reader will scan your photo- And finally, the application will show you the beauty percentageand it will classify you saying if you are ugly, attractive,good-looking or very handsome.If you want to know if you are the prettiest person to Mars,perform this test, it never fails. Forget mirrors, no longer needto take a mirror and you look up to how are you to know.Your partner is the most beautiful person to you? Love can doeverything so this test together and see what you scan says thisfunny, joking with this entertaining game.Install this free app and jokes knowing your level of beauty andpeople who want to know.important:We work to improve the functionality of our free application. Ifsomething does not work or have any suggestions, please send us negativelyto qualify before applying.We appreciate your participation.
Beauty Scanner Calculator 1.0.7
Beauty Scanner Calculator is a freeapplication which scan your thumb and detects your beauty levelthrough fingerprint.Do you want to find out with this calculator how beautiful are youor your friends? Play with your friend with this funny applicationand find out who is ugly or beautiful.Perform this test is easy no problem with it:- Put your thumb on the box.- In a few seconds the biometric fingerprint reader will scan yourthumb fingerprint- And finally, the application will show you the beauty percentageand it will classify you saying if you are attractive, good-lookingor very handsome.If you want to know if you are the prettiest person to Mars,perform this test, it never fails. Forget mirrors, no longer needto take a mirror and you look up to how are you to know.Your partner is the most beautiful person to you? Love can doeverything so this test together and see what you scan says thisfunny, joking with this entertaining game.Install this free app and jokes knowing your level of beauty andpeople who want to know.important:We work to improve the functionality of our free application. Ifsomething does not work or have any suggestions, please send us negativelyto qualify before applying.We appreciate your participation.
Animal Fingerprint Scanner 1.0.1
Find the animal in you.Which animal you would be according to your personality?Each animal has its own features which differentiate from otherones. Your personality makes you different from other people.Doing this test is very simple, there is not any poblem withit:- Put your thumb on the scanner box.- In a few seconds the fingerprint biometric reader will scan yourthumb.- It will appear the animal soul inside you.With what animal do you most identify? With a lovely pet like acat or a dog or with an exotic animal like an a snake?Find out which animal are you in each moment according to yourmood. Are you a lovely pet or a fierce animal?Have fun with this free application. Do this test with yourfriends or family and find out the animal soul inside them.This app has been done in order to entertain, so joke with yourfriends.Important:We work to improve the functionality of our free application. Ifsomething does not work or have any suggestions, please send us negativelyto qualify before applying.We appreciate your participation.
Kiss Test Calculator 1.0.1
Kiss Test Calculator is a free app that testyour ability to kiss. It's really fun and easy to use. Now you canfind out if you kiss like a film star or you kiss like a frog. It'seasy to know just:*Kiss the lips you can see on the phone or tablet screen.*Phone detector wil scan your lips while you're hearing an amazingkiss sound.*You'll see the percentage that measures your passion, romance andkissing experience.This could be used to test if there is real love between you andyour girlfiend of boyfriend. There isn't anything stronger thanlove. Try it and have a good time with your boyfriend or girlfiend.Check the compatibility with your couple and have fun!- Do you want to know if that special person can be yourcouple?- Do you want to break the ice with that boy or girl you like? Youhave to be prepared, practice your jkiss with our app!- Do you want to have fun or joke with your friends?- Are you a passionate person? Your kiss quality isimportant!- Are you a romantioc person?- Are you an experienced person?Leave doubts, download this amazing android application in yourphone or tablet. It's free! You can have a good time in summer oron Valentine's Day.There are several kiss styles, if you want to find out what'syours or the quality of your kissing, Kiss Test Calculator is yourapp. Our application scan your lips and tell you if you haveromantic kiss, passionate kiss and so on. It's a great applicationif you want to learn to kiss or you want to improve it. Our appwill show you a percentage of your ability to kiss so that you canlearn and see if you're doing better.surprise your couple and show him or her that your kissing isthe best, now you can know it. You wil laugh with your friends orwith your couple with this free app. Download this application inyour phone or tablet. Don't waste more time.Important:We work to improve the functionality of our free application. Ifsomething does not work or have any suggestions, please send us negativelyto qualify before applying.We appreciate your participation.
Talk Snowman Christmas 1.0
Speaks Snowman is a fun free application to beplaying Christmas. - Talk to the snowman, he hears what you say. - He will repeat what you say in his own voice. - Even moves her mouth. - He moves very fun wayIt is very easy to use, you only have to tap the button to hearyou, he loves to talk to him, repeats what you say and also sayshis own sentences.It touches the snowman, moves in a fun way!Kids will love it! Download this application which is also free toplay with family and friends during the Christmas holidays. AllfunHe speaks playing with snowman! It's great for socialgatherings!This snowman is very funny and will give very funny moments.It's like a talking parrot who repeats everything you say.Your playing with snowman Christmas. Snowmen chatting areincredible.This game is perfect for this winter season and spend a happyholiday.Important:We work to improve the functionality of our free application. Ifyou have any problems or suggestions, please send us an negativelyto qualify before applying.We appreciate your participation.
Valentine Love Globe 1.0.2
"Valentine Love Globe" it's a beautiful freeapp to play in valentine's day. It's a crystal globe with a funnylovely teddy bear and a heart inside.It's very easy to use:* Shake the device to see little hearts moving inside thecrystal globe. Meanwhile you can hear a beautiful and romanticmelody.* When you shake the device, it vibrates.* You can use it as wallpaper!* Personalize the globe, select a romantic photo with yourgirlfriend or boyfriend from your device. An special picture or apicture with your friends. And put it inside the crystal globe.It's very funny seeing your photos inside the crystal globe withthe little hearts moving around it.Draw a smile to your boyfriend or girlfriend on February 14thwith "Valentine Love Globe". It's a beautiful and romanticapplication.Do you want to surprise someone special for you? Maybe yourboyfriend or girlfriend? Do you want to win someone over onvalentine's day? Do you want to surprise your friends?Select one photo in the crystal globe and surprise someonespecial. People love this kind of applications.Congratulate valentine's day with this beautiful free app and beas romantic as you can on February 14th. Cupid came and wanted toconnect your souls. Have a good time with your boyfriend orgirlfriend and have a happy valentine's day with "Valentine LoveGlobe"Love is international. Your nationality doesn't matter; american,chinese, spanish, italian, russian and so on. Love is internationallanguage.People like love applications so you can check out our free loveapps. We have all kind of games: christmas, halloween, talking,love, friendship, lucky and so on. Download them all and entertainwith them.Important:We work to improve the functionality of our free application. Ifsomething does not work or have any suggestions, please send us negativelyto qualify before applying.We appreciate your participation.
Lucky Color Scanner 1.0
Lucky Color Scanner is a free application thatscans the fingerprint of your thumb and predicts your lucky coloras the body temperature of the person at the time.The operation is very simple no problem, because in a few steps,you can discover your lucky color:- Put your thumb on the box- In a few seconds the biometric fingerprint reader fingerprintscan your thumb- A nice balloon will appear with your lucky colorThere are many balloons as many as you have the rainbow colors.Each balloon represents a lucky color.Suggest your friends to play with this application if you wantto discover your true color of luck.important:We work to improve the functionality of our free application. Ifsomething does not work or have any suggestions, please send anemail to before scorable application.We appreciate your participation.This game is intended to entertain.
Friendship Calculator Free 1.0
Are you a good friend? Do this test and findout if yours is a real friendship.What is te compatibility between you and your friend?What do the stars say about your friendship?Will the friendship triumph?Will your friendship be stable in the future?Are you soulmates?This free application calculates your friendship percentagethrough your singos zodiac.It's very easy, just type your sign and your friend's sign. In afew seconds it calculates your compatibility.Install this app for free and you will know the compatibilitywith someone and absolutely free.Dare with this challenge and have a good time with yourfriends.Try this test and find out the strength of your friendship.Are you more compatible with a man or with a girl?It's really fun to play with people, with your friends. Find outwith who you get on best.Important:We work to improve the functionality of our free application. Ifsomething does not work or have any suggestions, please send us negativelyto qualify before applying.We appreciate your participation.
Friendship Quiz Calculator 1.0
Find out which is the compatibility betweenyou and your friend. Response all questions and you will know thepercentage of compatibility.You can try with your relatives, girlfriend or boyfriend.Download this FREE application and get you out of doubt.Are you a good friend? Do this test and find out if yours is a realfriendship.What is te compatibility between you and your friend?What do the stars say about your friendship?Will the friendship triumph?Will your friendship be stable in the future?Are you soulmates?This free application calculates your friendship percentagethrough a easy test.It's very easy, just response to the questions, be careful eachquestion counts in the final score. You will find out which is thecompatibility between the two. It is easy, it calculates yourcompatibility.Install this app for free and you will know the compatibilitywith someone and absolutely free.Dare with this challenge and have a good time with yourfriends.Try this test and find out the strength of your friendship.Are you more compatible with a man or with a girl?It's really fun to play with people, with your friends. Find outwith who you get on best.Important:We work to improve the functionality of our free application. Ifsomething does not work or have any suggestions, please send us negativelyto qualify before applying.We appreciate your participation.
Magic Number Mentalist 1.0
This application guesses and knows the numberyou are thinking of.Do you want to surprise your friends with this mentalism game?Download this free app to test it.You have to think of a number between 1 and 60 and remember it.This app will guess that number.Put your thumb on the scanner. The biometric reader scans yourfingerprint. Finally you will see the number you thoughtmagically.If you want you can bee the magician with this magic trick andguess the number your friends or relatives are thinking.You can be a real mentalist with this entertaining magictrick.Impress your friends and relatives guessing the number theythought.The mentalist will concentrate to guess the number you arethinking. With telepathy, the mentalist can know the magic numberyou are thinking.This magic trick is perfect to amaze people anywhere, at home, atschool and so on.Important:We work to improve the functionality of our free application. Ifsomething does not work or have any suggestions, please send us negativelyto qualify before applying.We appreciate your participation.
Talking Elf Christmas 1.0
"Talking Elf Christmas" is a funny freeapplication to play this Christmas.- Talk with the magical Christmas elf, he hears what yousay.- He will repeat what you say with his own voice.- Even he moves his mouth.- Touch the elf image, he will laugh funnily.It is very easy to use, you just push the button below the elfto hear you, he likes people who talk with him, he repeats what yousay with his own voice.Touch the elf picture, he will make you laugh.Children love it! Download this app which is free to play with yourfamily and friends during this Christmas holidays. Everybody willhave a good time playing"Talking Elf Christmas"! It's awesome to social gathering!This Santa Claus assistant is very funny and he will give youfunny moments. He is like a talking parrot, talkative who repeatswhat you say.Have a good Christmas holidays playing with "Talking ElfChristmas".Important:We work to improve the functionality of our free application. Ifsomething does not work or have any suggestions, please send us negativelyto qualify before applying.We appreciate your participation.
Naughty Nice Photo Scanner 1.0.1
How have you behaved this year? Have you beennaughty or nice person?Will you receive a nice gift?Will you receive an ugly coal?Perform this test with your photo is very simple and it has noproblem:- Choose a photo- In a few seconds, the reader scanner will scan your photo- It will calculate if you've been naughty or nice person- If you've been naughty, you will receive an ugly coal- If you were good, you will receive an amazing giftDo not leave with doubt, with this funny application you willfound out if you were naughty or nice.You're writing a Christmas letter with a list of gifts for thespecial night of Christmas Eve, if you want to anticipate and findout what kind of gifts you will receive this Christmas, with thisfree application that scans your photo and it detects if this yearyou have been a naughty or nice person, you'll find out.Discover what's behind the surprising gifts given by the elves.Santa Claus and reindeer Rudolph leads in the sleigh with SantaClaus from house to house, there are beautiful Christmas melodiesand free applications for a happy and entertaining holidays.Play with your friends, ask your family to play with this app tofind out how they have behaved this year and see who gets moresurprise gifts.Everyone loves Christmas gifts, both adults and children, the wholefamily.Calculate how was your behavior this year is fun with this freeapp.important:We work to improve the functionality of our free application. Ifyou have any problems or suggestions, please send an emailto beforescorable application.We appreciate your participation.
Naughty Nice Scanner Test 1.0.4
In the world of Santa Claus, his magical elvesare receiving christmas letters. If you want to anticipate to itand check what kind of gifts you will receive on Christmasholidays, with this free application which scans your thumb youwill find out if you have been naughty or nice through yourfingerprint.It's easy:- Put your thumb on the scanner- After your thumb analysis, this app calculates if you have beennaughty or nice.- If you have been naughty, you will receive an ugly piece ofcoal.- If you have been nice, you will receive a surprising gift.Find out what's behind these surprising gifts which Rudolphreindeer carries with Santa Claus, There are beautiful Christmasmelodies and amazing free applications to have a good time and niceChristmas holidays.Play with your friends, your family or someone else. Do the testand find out if who has been naughty or nice and who will receivemore gifts.Important:We work to improve the functionality of our free application. Ifsomething does not work or have any suggestions, please send us negativelyto qualify before applying.We appreciate your participation.
Valentine Fingerprint Love 1.0
Maybe you are wondering if you are compatiblewith someone. Now you can be near to know the response. You cancheck it with our free application. Check the compatibility withsomeone. You can download our app for FREE.It's very easy to use. Just type your names and put your thumbson the next screen, our app will scan your thumbs. Our secretalgorithm will find out your compatibility percentage. Rememberthat love is energy and you have to be positive when you are doingthis test. Notice that the position of the moon and the starsenergy influences with the result. So you can check yourcompatibility every day!People like this kind of applications. You can have a good timewith your friends, hang around with family, boyfriend, girlfriendand so on. It's really funny and is completely freeapplication!- What's your compatibility with someone?- Is this the perfect moment to tell someone something?- Do you want to see the compatibility with someone you love?- Do you want to know the compatibility percentage withsomeone?- Do you want to achieve your dream and be with someone youlove?All this things can be possible if you fight by your dreams.Talking about love it would be to be with someone you love.Love is an international language. This application is designedfor all kind of people.It doesn't matter if you are american, chinese or from othercountry in the world. This free app is for all kind of cultures andpeople. Specially focused for youngest people but anyone can useit.We have done the application with beautiful colors and loveimages and animations. It's nice to see and to play.The wisdom of our algorithm is awesome. He takes into accountseveral things before his veredict, your compatibilitypercentage.Remember that the results given by this app are based on asecret algorithms created by us we don't have the love formula butthis results can help you to make some decisions around yourrelations or you can feel more confident.Important:We are constantly improving this free application. If somethingdoesn't work or have any suggestions, please send us an email beforequalify negative qualification.We appreciate your participation.
Valentine Love Frames 1.0.1
"Valentine Love Frames" it's a freeapplication you can download to create and customize your owndevice wallpaper using your photographs with beautiful Valentine'sday love backgrounds.People like device customizations, now it's time to do it withour free app.It's very easy and intuitive:- Select one of your favorite photo. Select one with yourgirlfriend or boyfriend, with your relative or even with your cator dog.- Rotate the photo if the position is not correct.- Select desired background, there are with different styles: lovehearts, flowers and so on.- Put your creation as wallpaper in your device.Are you in love? If so there are good news, the fortune knockedyour door, if not don't worry you will find your soulmate in thefuture. Love is something important in our lives and with this freeapplication you can surprise your boyfriend or girlfriend with acustomized wallpaper background in the device. Don't think twice,download it, it's completely free."Valentine Love Frames" it's the application you are lookingfor, have a good time with it.Important:We work to improve the functionality of our free application. Ifsomething does not work or have any suggestions, please send us negatively to qualify before applying.We appreciate your participation.
Magic Ball Free 1.0
Magic Ball Free is FREE application based onthe famous toy with the same name. This game consist of a ballwhich gives you the answer to any affirmative or negative question.To play with this free app download it, ask a question, shakethe device and get the response for it, as simple as that, themagic of our code will do the rest. More than thirty differentanswers. Now you can know the response of any question. Peopleusually have questions about the present and future they need toknow. Play alone, with your friends, family and so on, it's a funnyexperience. Have a good time with our application.- Need you some advice before making a decision?- Aren't you sure to accept someone on facebook?- Will I make a fortune?- Did you heard some news you need to confirm?- Is tomorrow weather forecast reliable?- Am I handsome?Check it out!Remember the fact that this is a game, do not make importantdecissions with it :)You can download too our other apps, they are all FREE.Important:We work to improve the functionality of our free application. Ifsomething does not work or have any suggestions, please send us negatively to qualify before applying.We appreciate your participation.
Christmas Talking Cat 1.0
"Christmas Talking Cat" is a funnyfreeapplication to play and have a good time.- Talk with the cat, he hears what you say.- He will repeat what you say with his own voice.- Even he moves his mouth.- Touch the cat and every image you see in he app, each oneincludesa funny sound, try to touch all of them.- Open your gift and find out new free applications.It is very easy to use, you just push the button below thecatpicture to hear you, he likes people who talk with him, pushthebutton again, he repeats what you say and he has his ownphrasestoo.Children love it! Download this app which is free to play withyourfamily and friends at any time. Everybody will have a goodtimeplaying"Christmas Talking Cat"! It's awesome to social gathering!This Crazy Cat is very funny and he will give you funnymoments.He is like a parrot, talkative who repeats what yousay.Have a good time playing with "Christmas Talking Cat".Important:We work to improve the functionality of our free application.Ifsomething does not work or have any suggestions, please send usanemailasasga1@gmail.comnegativelyto qualify before applying.We appreciate your participation.
Talking Zombie Free 1.0
"Talking Zombie Free" is a funnyfreeapplication to play and have a good time.- Talk with the zombie, he hears what you say.- He will repeat what you say with his own voice.- Even he moves his mouth.- Touch the zombie and every image you see in he app, eachoneincludes a funny sound, try to touch all of them.- Touch the eye and find out new free applications.It is very easy to use, you just push the button below thezombiepicture to hear you, he likes people who talk with him, pushthebutton again, he repeats what you say and he has his ownphrasestoo.Children love it! Download this app which is free to play withyourfamily and friends at any time. Everybody will have a goodtimeplaying"Talking Zombie Free"! It's awesome to social gathering!This Crazy Zombie is very funny and he will give youfunnymoments. He is like a parrot, talkative who repeats whatyousay.Have a good time playing with "Talking Zombie Free".Important:We work to improve the functionality of our free application.Ifsomething does not work or have any suggestions, please send usanemailasasga1@gmail.comnegativelyto qualify before applying.We appreciate your participation.
Talking Rudolph Christmas 1.0
"Talking Rudolph Christmas" is a funnyfreeapplication to play this Christmas.- Talk with the magical Christmas Rudolph, he hears whatyousay.- He will repeat what you say with his own voice.- Even he moves his mouth.- Touch the Rudolph image, he will sings.It is very easy to use, you just push the button belowtheRudolph to hear you, he likes people who talk with him, herepeatswhat you say with his own voice.Touch the Christmas Reindeer picture, he will make you a nicecarolsinging.Children love it! Download this app which is free to play withyourfamily and friends during this Christmas holidays. Everybodywillhave a good time playing"Talking Rudolph Christmas"! It's awesome to social gathering!This Santa Claus assistant is very funny and he will giveyoufunny moments. He is like a talking parrot, talkative whorepeatswhat you say.Rudolph is one of nine reindeer pulling Santa Claus sleigh fullofgifts to hand out good Christmas night.Have a good Christmas holidays playing with "TalkingRudolphChristmas".Important:We work to improve the functionality of our free application.Ifsomething does not work or have any suggestions, please send usanemailasasga1@gmail.comnegativelyto qualify before applying.We appreciate your participation.
Dog or Cat Fingerprint 1.0
Do you want to have fun with your friends?Thisdog or cat scanner/detector will entertain you. This free appwillshow you your favorite pet.It's really easy:1. Put your thumb on the fingerprint biometric scanner.2. The scanner will scan your fingerprint.3. In a few seconds you will see if your favorite pet is alovelydog or a sweet cat.This application is perfect for joking in social meetings tofindout if you are a dog lover or you like cats. People likeit!Which of your friends like the same pet as you? Doing this testyouwill find out. You will have a good time playing with it.Important:We work to improve the functionality of our free application.Ifsomething does not work or have any suggestions, please send usanemailasasga1@gmail.comnegativelyto qualify before applying.We appreciate your participation.
Colormania Guess the Color 1.1.1
Colormania is an entertaining free game.Ittests your memory to guess the color of logos, plants, birds andsoon.What is the colour of this famous brand or trademark?Could you guess the colours of your favoritecelebrity'sclothings?Train your brain with this addictive free game. How manycolorscan you guess? Check it yourself, you will like it.People love this kind of games! Have a good time! Have fun!You can play with someone else or alone, play in family orwithyour couple. Who can guess more colors?Take on the challenge and have a good time. In this gamethereare several levels with different difficulties which willincreasewith upcoming updates.You will find everithing from a tasty candy to unexpectedstuff.Important:We are constantly improving this free application. If youhaveany problem or have any suggestions, please send us an emailtoasasga1@gmail.combeforequalify negative qualification.We appreciate your participation.
Funny Ringtones Free 1.0
"Funny Ringtones Free" it's a freeapplicationwith funny ringtones.It's really easy to use:- Press the smiley images to hear the ringtones.- With a long press you can select the melody as ringtone.These funny ringtones will surprise to people, your friends,mate,family and so on. It's a good way to express your happiness tothepeople you love.Happiness expressed with music.If you are bored always with the same type of ringtones,withthis application you have a collection of beautiful funringtones.There are 12 different ringtones.Music it's important in our lives that's why "Funny RingtonesFree"has the best collection of ringtones perfect for every days.Youcan have a good day. There is completely free. Select theringtoneyou prefer to your contacts. There are funny andbeautiful.Draw a smile to your girlfriend or boyfriend. It's abeautifuland fun application that people like.Important:We work to improve the functionality of our free application.Ifsomething does not work or have any suggestions, please send usanemailasasga1@gmail.comnegativelyto qualify before applying.We appreciate your participation.Legal information:The tones you can find in this app can be used for acommercialpurpose.
Ringtone Love Free 1.0.1
"Love Ringtones Free" it's a freeapplicationwith romantic ringtones.It's really easy to use:- Press the heart images to hear the ringtones.- With a long press you can select the melody as ringtone.These romantic ringtones will surprise to people, yourfriends,mate, family and so on. It's a good way to express yourlove to thepeople you love.Love expressed with music.If you are bored always with the same type of ringtones,withthis application you have a collection of beautifulromanticringtones you can use on Valentine's day. There are 12differentringtones.Surprise your partner on February 14th, it's perfect foraspecial Valentine's day. Best gift for this special day it'sabeautiful melody that expresses your feelings and love. It'sthebest way to express to your girlfriend or boyfriend whatyoufeel.Music it's important in our lives that's why "LoveRingtonesFree" has the best collection of ringtones perfect forValentine'sday. You can have a good day. There is completely free.Select theringtone you prefer to your contacts. There are romanticandbeautiful.Draw a smile to your girlfriend or boyfriend on February14thwith "Love Ringtones Free. It's a beautiful andromanticapplication that people like.Do you want to surprise to your couple? Do you want to seducetosomebody on Valentine's day? Do you want to surpriseyourfriends?Congratulate to your soulmate with our free app and showyourromantic side.Cupid has come and want to connect your souls.Important:We work to improve the functionality of our free application.Ifsomething does not work or have any suggestions, please send usanemailasasga1@gmail.comnegativelyto qualify before applying.We appreciate your participation.Legal information:The tones you can find in this app can be used for acommercialpurpose.
Halloween Scratch 1.0
Discover and guess the hiddenlandscapeHalloween cards.Young children like to find pictures of landscapeshiddenHalloween.Scratch game is like the lottery game you have to scrape a layertosee the prize. Reveals the touching imagethe screen with your thumb and get your reward. Each card hasapicture filled with terrifying creatures.Download this entertaining game your child will love. Thescratchgame fun the whole family. This game is ideal becauseThey will have to guess the different and frightening imagesofmonsters, ghosts and witches on Halloween night. Take alookthe mysterious cards."Scratch Halloween" enhances creativity and skills ofyoungchildren. Enjoy discovering Halloween pumpkins and manyscary images. This mystery game Halloween is appropriate forthescariest night of the year.Play and have a Happy Halloween. "Scratch Halloween" will makeyourhair stand on end.Important:We work to improve the functionality of our free application.Ifsomething does not work or have any suggestions, please send usanemailasasga1@gmail.comnegativelyto qualify before applying.We appreciate your participation.
Christmas Game 1.1.4
Christmas Game it's a great free gamethattests your memory to guess the colors of typical christmasstuff,stuff like christmas food, christmas sweets and so on.Guess the colors of things like Santa Claus clothes orchristmastree.Train your brain with these addictive game. How many colorscanyou guess? Check it yourself, you'll love it.You can play with somebody or alone, play with a relative orwithyour partner. Who will guess more colors?Take on this challenge and have a good time. In this gamethereare several levels with different levels of difficulty whichwillincrease with future updates, you can find delicious cakes,candyand so on.With this game children will learn at Christmas with this puzzletocolors with Christmas stuff.With this game, you can see Christmas typical symbols,giftsbrought by Santa Claus in his sled from the North Pole withthehelp of his reindeer Rudolph to all the houses of theworlddodging impediments like snow.Enjoy and have good time and Merry Christmas withChristmasGame.Compatible with Facebook. You can get lives with Facebookandnever stop playing.Important:We are constantly improving this free application. If youhaveany problem or have any suggestions, please send us an emailtoasasga1@gmail.combeforequalify negative qualification.We appreciate your participation.
Talking Fairy Beauty Princess 1.0
"Talking Fairy Beauty Princess" is a funnyfreeapplication, you can have a good time.- Talk with the fairy, she hears what you say.- The fairy repeats what you say with her funny voice.- She moves her lips when she repeats the phrases.- Touch the fairy and she will laugh.- The fairy flies and gives kisses.Play with this sweet fairy and find out all the actions she isableto do, with beautiful sounds.It's very easy to use, just press mic button, then you cantalkwith the fairy, press the button again and she will repeatwhatyou've said.Hear her beautiful voice.Touch the lips button and the fairy will give you a sweetkiss.There are several buttons each one has his own action.Kids like it! Download this app which is free to downloadandperfect to play with your family or friends anytime. Everybodywillhave a good time playing with this free application."Talking Fairy Beauty Princess" is awesome for asocialgathering.This beautiful and tiny fairy is very funny and will giveyoufunny moments. She is like a parrot, repeats what you say.Have a good time with "Talking Fairy Beauty Princess"Important:We work to improve the functionality of our free application.Ifsomething does not work or have any suggestions, please send negatively to qualify before applying.We appreciate your participation.
Shake Love Compatibility 1.0.0
Install this application for FREE to knowwhichis your compatibility with other person, completely free. Ourlovecalculator is a good choice to have a romantic date. You willhave agood result! Just shake your device strongly!Valentine Love Compatibility app calculates yourcompatibilitywith the person you choose. It's easy to use, justtype your namesand shake the device strongly to have an answer.Have in mind thatdepending on your energy, the moon phase, thestars and severalparameters we handle to give you a result, youwill have adifferent result. So play every day, anytime. Enjoy!You surely want to know what's your compatibility withyourboyfriend or girlfriend. Try this app or check out our freeappsrelated with love.People love this kind of applications. You can have a goodtimewith the person you want. You can enjoy playing with thisawesomeapplication. Play with friends, relatives, family,boyfriend,girlfriend and so on.There are 8 moon phases is not surprising that the force ofthemoon is able to change our mood and as a result thecompatibilitybetween two people.Which is your compatibility with your boyfriendorgirlfriend?What do the stars say?Have love will triumph in your relationship?Have future with your boyfriend or girlfriend?Are you soul mates?Love is international. It's related with the humanbeing.Everybody loves. It doesn't matter your nationality,american,chinese, spanish, italian...You have many questions about love but here you are andourcompatibility test (Valentine Love Compatibility) will help yououtof doubt and calculates the compatibility from your names.Thislove calculator game will answer you.A good game for a romantic date full of intimacy inValentine'sDay, you will see if you and your love are compatibleand have asolid relationship.Dare this challenge and have a fun time with your soul mate.Take into account that this apps are made to have a good time,wedon't have the love formula but with our app you can enjoyplayingwith it.You can check out all our free apps. We have all kindofapplications.Important:We are constantly improving this free application. Ifsomethingdoesn't work or have any suggestions, please send us anemail before qualify negativequalification.We appreciate your participation.
Friendship Fingerprint 1.0
Scan your fingerprint and that your friendandfind out which is the compatibility between the two. It iseasy,place the thumbon the scanner a few seconds and once analyzed will telltheoutcome.You can try every day! Every day a new result because ourmoodalso varies depending on the day.Download this FREE application and get you out of doubt.Are you a good friend? Do this test and find out if yours is arealfriendship.What is te compatibility between you and your friend?What do the stars say about your friendship?Will the friendship triumph?Will your friendship be stable in the future?Are you soulmates?This free application calculates your friendshippercentagethrough your names.It's very easy, just type your name and your friend's name.Scanyourfingerprint and that your friend and find out which isthecompatibility between the two. It is easy, place the thumbon the scanner a few seconds and once analyzed will telltheoutcome. In a few seconds it calculates your compatibility.Install this app for free and you will know thecompatibilitywith someone and absolutely free.Dare with this challenge and have a good time withyourfriends.Try this test and find out the strength of your friendship.Are you more compatible with a man or with a girl?It's really fun to play with people, with your friends. Findoutwith who you get on best.Important:We work to improve the functionality of our free application.Ifsomething does not work or have any suggestions, please send negatively to qualify before applying.We appreciate your participation.
Friendship Test Calculator 1.0.1
Are you a good friend? Do this test andfindout if yours is a real friendship.What is te compatibility between you and your friend?What do the stars say about your friendship?Will the friendship triumph?Will your friendship be stable in the future?Are you soulmates?This free application calculates your friendshippercentagethrough your names.It's very easy, just type your name and your friend's name. In afewseconds it calculates your compatibility.Install this app for free and you will know thecompatibilitywith someone and absolutely free.Dare with this challenge and have a good time withyourfriends.Try this test and find out the strength of your friendship.Are you more compatible with a man or with a girl?It's really fun to play with people, with your friends. Findoutwith who you get on best with "Friendship Test Calculator"Important:We work to improve the functionality of our free application.Ifsomething does not work or have any suggestions, please send negatively to qualify before applying.We appreciate your participation.
Kiss Test Calculator 2 1.0
Kiss Test Calculator is a free app thattestyour ability to kiss. It's really fun and easy to use. Now youcanfind out if you kiss like a film star or you kiss like a frog.It'seasy to know just:*Kiss the lips you can see on the phone or tablet screen.*Phone detector wil scan your lips while you're hearing anamazingkiss sound.*You'll see the percentage that measures your passion, romanceandkissing experience.This could be used to test if there is real love between youandyour girlfiend of boyfriend. There isn't anything strongerthanlove. Try it and have a good time with your boyfriend orgirlfiend.Check the compatibility with your couple and havefun!- Do you want to know if that special person can beyourcouple?- Do you want to break the ice with that boy or girl you like?Youhave to be prepared, practice your jkiss with our app!- Do you want to have fun or joke with your friends?- Are you a passionate person? Your kiss quality isimportant!- Are you a romantioc person?- Are you an experienced person?Leave doubts, download this amazing android application inyourphone or tablet. It's free! You can have a good time in summeroron Valentine's Day.There are several kiss styles, if you want to find outwhat'syours or the quality of your kissing, Kiss Test Calculator isyourapp. Our application scan your lips and tell you if youhaveromantic kiss, passionate kiss and so on. It's a greatapplicationif you want to learn to kiss or you want to improve it.Our appwill show you a percentage of your ability to kiss so thatyou canlearn and see if you're doing better.surprise your couple and show him or her that your kissing isthebest, now you can know it. You wil laugh with your friends orwithyour couple with this free app. Download this application inyourphone or tablet. Don't waste more time.Important:We work to improve the functionality of our free application.Ifsomething does not work or have any suggestions, please send negatively to qualify before applying.We appreciate your participation.
Marriage Proposal Free 1.0.1
an option in the app.Propose marriage to somebody originally through thisapplication,you can select a response. What will yourboyfriend/girlfriendchoose?It's really easy to use and you will have a good time:1. Touch the heart shaped box2. The box opens and you could see a beautifull engagementringaccompanied by a romantic and magical music3. If you choose affirmatively you'll hear a cheerful music4. If you choose negatively you'll hear angry people booingIt's a good way to declare your love to the person you love.Thedigital ring has a beautiful design for thatspecialoccasion.It's perfect for Valentine's day, couple anniversary or anyspecialdate of your choose.Make your boyfriend or girlfriend happy with this beautifulvirtualgift that could end in a wedding.Important:We work to improve the functionality of our free application.Ifsomething does not work or have any suggestions, please send negatively to qualify before applying.We appreciate your participation.
Lucky Future Teller 1.0
This app is a free application which gives youadvices about life situations. This free app encourages you in yourdaily situations. People sometimes need some help and with theadvices of our application, you will have some help.This application gives you smart advices given by importantpeople in the history of the world. You can try as many times asyou want. There are tens of different phrases.It has beautiful images colors and sounds. Try it every day.Depending on the position of the moon and stars the result can bedifferent.To play with this free app, first of all, download it, ask aquestion, and press the crystal globe to get the response for it,as simple as that, the magic of our code will do the rest. Morethan one hundred different answers. Now you can know the responseof any question. People usually have questions about the presentand future they need to know. Play alone, with your friends, familyand so on, it's a funny experience. Have a good time with ourapplication.- Need you some advice before making a decision?- Will I make a fortune?- Did you heard some news you need to confirm?- Is tomorrow weather forecast reliable?- Am I handsome?Check it out!Remember the fact that this is a game, do not make importantdecissions with it :)Important:We work to improve the functionality of our free application. Ifsomething does not work or have any suggestions, please send us negatively to qualify before applying.We appreciate your participation.
Talking Santa Claus Free 1.0.1
"Talking Santa Claus" is a funnyfreeapplication to play this Christmas.- Talk with Santa Claus, he hears what you say.- He will repeat what you say with his own voice.- Even he moves his mouth.It is very easy to use, you just touch Santa Claus picturetohear you, he likes people who talk with him, he repeats whatyousay and he has his own phrases too.children love it! Download this app which is free to play withyourfamily and friends durin this Christmas holidays. Everybodywillhave a good time playing"Talking Santa Claus"! It's awesome to social gathering!This Santa Claud is very funny and he will give youfunnymoments. He is like a parrot, talkative who repeats whatyousay.Have a good Christmas holidays playing with "TalkingSantaClaus".Important:We work to improve the functionality of our free application.Ifsomething does not work or have any suggestions, please send negatively to qualify before applying.We appreciate your participation.
Love Horoscope Comapatibility 1.0
Love Horoscope Compatibility is a freeandroidapplication that predicts daily love compatibility betweentwopeople. To do so this app checks the compatibility betweentwozodiac signs.Discover what the stars say about love and see ifyourrelationship has a future, it is very easy and simple:* Choose your zodiac sign* Choose the zodiac sign of that special person* Then a percentage with your love compatibility for today,everyday you will obtain a new result.Do not forget that you can also try more combinations withotherzodiac signs:- FIRE SIGNS (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius)- EARTH SIGNS (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn)- AIR SIGNS (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius)- WATER SIGNS (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)The horoscope is the divination system of astrology mostcommonlyused, but it is a mystery. The transit of the planet Venusin yoursign influences thelove and your love compatibility with that special someone.Is there a person you really like, who is special to you?Would you like to know if you have chances to have arelationshipwith somebody?Want to check love compatibility with someone important foryou?Friends, family, boyfriend or girlfriend.How does Venus transit of your sign?With this game you will leave doubts.
Scanner Angel or Devil 1.0
Do you want to have fun with your friends?Thisangel/devil scanner/detector will entertain you. This free appwillshow you if you are a good person or a naughty person.It's really easy:1. Put your thumb on the fingerprint biometric scanner.2. The scanner will scan your fingerprint.3. In a few seconds you will see if you are as good as an angeloras naughty as a devil.This application is perfect for joking in social meetings tofindout who is best person. People like it!Which of your friends is as good as an angel or as naughty asadevil? Doing this test you will find out. You will have a goodtimeplaying with it.Important:We work to improve the functionality of our free application.Ifsomething does not work or have any suggestions, please send negatively to qualify before applying.We appreciate your participation.
Fingerprint Mood Scanner 1.0.4
"Fingerprint Mood Scanner" is an awesomefreeapplication whose purpose is to entertain and and have a goodtime.It's really easy to use, just place your finger on thescannerand our app analyzes your mood through your fingerprint.Have fun knowing the mood of people. You can try withyourfriends, family, girlfriend, boyfriend and so on- Easy to use, just put your thumb on the scanner and waitforthe result- You can make as many attempts as you want- Have fun!Download "Fingerprint Mood Scanner" for FREE and find outwhatsyour mood.Remember that this app it has been done to entertain and haveagood time with other people. Despite the fact that we don't haveanabsolute formula, we have used a secret algorithm to find outwhatsthe mood of the person who is putting his thumb on thefingerscanner.Important:We work to improve the functionality of our free application.Ifsomething does not work or have any suggestions, please send negatively to qualify before applying.We appreciate your participation.
Love Fingerprint Calculator 1.1.14
Scan your fingerprint and that specialsomeoneand find out which is the compatibility between the two. Itiseasy, place the thumb on the scanner a few seconds andonceanalyzed will tell the outcome.You can try every day! Every day a new result because ourmoodalso varies depending on the day.Download this free app and will leave doubts.Important:We are constantly improving this free application. Ifsomethingdoesn't work or have any suggestions, please send us anemail before qualify negativequalification.We appreciate your participation.
Kiss Lips Talking Free 1.0
"Kiss Lips Talking Free" is a funnyfreeapplication to play and have a good time.- Talk with the Kiss lips, the lips hears what you say.- He will repeat what you say with his own voice.- Even they move his mouth.- Touch the lips and you will hear a sonorous, nice andsweetkiss.- Shake the device and the lips will whistle.- Touch the lip print and find out new free applications.It is very easy to use, you just push the button below thelipspicture to hear you, then you can talk to the, they like peoplewhotalk with them, push the button again, he repeats whatyousay.Children love it! Download this app which is free to play withyourfamily and friends at any time. Everybody will have a goodtimeplaying"Kiss Lips Talking Free"! It's awesome to social gathering!This Crazy lips are very funny and they will give youfunnymoments. They are like a parrot, talkative who repeats whatyousay.Have a good time playing with "Kiss Lips Talking Free".Important:We work to improve the functionality of our free application.Ifsomething does not work or have any suggestions, please send negatively to qualify before applying.We appreciate your participation.
Kiss Love Calculator 1.0
Kiss Love Calculator is a free app thattestyour ability to kiss, especially to that special person inyourthoughts. It's really fun and easy to use. Now you can find outifyou kiss like a film star or you kiss like a frog. It's easytoknow just:- Type the name of your love's name.- Kiss the lips you can see on the phone or tablet screen.- Phone detector wil scan your lips while you're hearing anamazingkiss sound.- You'll see the percentage that measures your passion, romanceandkissing experience.This could be used to test if there is real love between youandyour girlfiend of boyfriend. There isn't anything strongerthanlove. Try it and have a good time with your boyfriend orgirlfiend.Check the compatibility with your couple and havefun!- Do you want to know if that special person can beyourcouple?- Do you want to break the ice with that boy or girl you like?Youhave to be prepared, practice your jkiss with our app!- Do you want to have fun or joke with your friends?- Are you a passionate person? Your kiss quality isimportant!- Are you a romantioc person?- Are you an experienced person?Leave doubts, download this amazing android application inyourphone or tablet. It's free! You can have a good time in summeroron Valentine's Day.There are several kiss styles, if you want to find outwhat'syours or the quality of your kissing, Kiss Love Calculator isyourapp. Our application scan your lips and tell you if youhaveromantic kiss, passionate kiss and so on. It's a greatapplicationif you want to learn to kiss or you want to improve it.Our appwill show you a percentage of your ability to kiss so thatyou canlearn and see if you're doing better.surprise your couple and show him or her that your kissing isthebest, now you can know it. You wil laugh with your friends orwithyour couple with this free app. Download this application inyourphone or tablet. Don't waste more time.Important:We work to improve the functionality of our free application.Ifsomething does not work or have any suggestions, please send negatively to qualify before applying.We appreciate your participation.
Love Quiz Calculator 1.0.1
Find out which is the compatibility betweenyouand your boyfriend or girlfriend. Response all questions andyouwill know the percentage of compatibility.You can try with your couple, girlfriend or boyfriend.Download this FREE application and get you out of doubt.Are you a good lover? Do this test and find out if yours is areallove.What is the compatibility between you and your friend?What do the stars say about your love?Will the love triumph?Will your love be stable in the future?Are you soulmates?This free application calculates your love percentage throughaeasy test.It's very easy, just response to the questions, be carefuleachquestion counts in the final score. You will find out which isthecompatibility between the two. It is easy, it calculatesyourcompatibility.Install this app for free and you will know thecompatibilitywith someone and absolutely free.Dare with this challenge and have a good time withyourcouple.Try this test and find out the strength of your love.Are you more compatible with a man or with a girl?It's really fun to play with people, with your couple. Findoutwith who you get on best.Important:We work to improve the functionality of our free application.Ifsomething does not work or have any suggestions, please send negatively to qualify before applying.We appreciate your participation.
Christmas Talking Dog 1.0
Talk with Christmas Talking Dog,he hearsandrepeats what you say with his voice."Christmas Talking Dog" is a funny free application to playandhave a good time.- Talk with the dog, he hears what you say.- He will repeat what you say with his own voice.- Even he moves his mouth.- Touch the dog and every image you see in he app, each oneincludesa funny sound, try to touch all of them.- Open your gift and find out new free applications.It is very easy to use, you just push the button below thedogpicture to hear you, he likes people who talk with him, pushthebutton again, he repeats what you say and he has his ownphrasestoo.Children love it! Download this app which is free to play withyourfamily and friends at any time. Everybody will have a goodtimeplaying"Christmas Talking Dog"! It's awesome to social gathering!This Crazy Dog is very funny and he will give you funnymoments.He is like a parrot, talkative who repeats what yousay.Have a good time playing with "Christmas Talking Dog".Important:We work to improve the functionality of our free application.Ifsomething does not work or have any suggestions, please send negatively to qualify before applying.We appreciate your participation.
Real Love Compatibility 1.0
Install this application for free and knowhowcompatible you are with that person and totally free.What support have with your boyfriend, girlfriend or thatspecialsomeone?What do the stars say?Will Win out love in your relationship?Have future with your boyfriend or girlfriend?Are ye kindred spirits?You have many questions about love but you're here andourcompatibility test (Real Love Compatibility Calculator) willgetyou out of doubt and calculate the compatibility among youfromyour names and your photos. This calculator will answer gameoflove.It is easy no problem:Enter your name and your special someone* Choose a picture of you and that special someone.* The scanner will scan your photos and you tell yourlovecompatibility.A good game for a romantic date full of intimacy in Valentine,willsee if love unites you and triumphs happiness and forgedacompatiblesolid relationship.Take on the challenge and have a fun time with yourotherhalf.Important:We work to improve the functionality of our free application.Ifsomething does not work or have any suggestions, please sendanemailto before scorable application.We appreciate your participation.
Scratch off Fairy 1.0
Discover and guess the world of fairiesthathide the cards.Young children like to find pictures of fairy tales.Scratch game is like the lottery game you have to scrape a layertosee the prize. Reveals the touching imagethe screen with your thumb and get your reward. Each card hasapicture filled with fantasy.Download this nice game your child will love. The scratch gamefunfor young children. This game is perfect for girlsThey will have to guess the different and beautiful imagesofprincesses and fairies."scratch off Fairy" enhances creativity and skills ofyoungchildren.Important:We work to improve the functionality of our free application.Ifsomething does not work or have any suggestions, please send negatively to qualify before applying.We appreciate your participation.
Talking Cat FREE 1.0.4
"Talking Cat" is a funny free applicationtoplay and have a good time.- Talk with the cat, he hears what you say.- He will repeat what you say with his own voice.- Even he moves his mouth.- Touch the cat and every image you see in he app, each oneincludesa funny sound, try to touch all of them.It is very easy to use, you just push the button below thecatpicture to hear you, he likes people who talk with him, pushthebutton again, he repeats what you say and he has his ownphrasestoo.Children love it! Download this app which is free to play withyourfamily and friends at any time. Everybody will have a goodtimeplaying"Talking Cat"! It's awesome to social gathering!This Crazy Cat is very funny and he will give you funnymoments.He is like a parrot, talkative who repeats what yousay.Have a good time playing with "Talking Cat".Important:We work to improve the functionality of our free application.Ifsomething does not work or have any suggestions, please send negatively to qualify before applying.We appreciate your participation.
Love Compatibility Calculator 1.1.12
Because there are 8 moon phases isnotsurprising that the force of the moon is able to change ourmoodand thus the compatibility between two people.So Love Compatibility Calculator app calculates yourdailycompatibility with the person you choose.Install this application for FREE to know which isthecompatibility between you and that person, completely free.Which is the compatibility between you and your boyfriendorgirlfriend?What do the stars say?Have love will triumph in your relationship?Have future with your boyfriend or girlfriend?Are you soul mates?You have many questions about love but here you are andourcompatibility test (Love Compatibility Calculator) will helpyouout of doubt and calculates the compatibility from your names.Thislove calculator game will answer you.A good game for a romantic date full of intimacy inValentine'sDay, you will see if you and your love are compatibleand have asolid relationship.Dare this challenge and have a fun time with your soul mate.Important:We are constantly improving this free application. Ifsomethingdoesn't work or have any suggestions, please send us anemail before qualify negativequalification.We appreciate your participation.
Fortune Cookie Free 1.0.2
Free Fortune Cookie is a freeapplicationinspired by the popular fortune cookies. The objectiveof this gameis to open a cookie with a message inside that willserve you forinspiration or it can bring you luck. Sometimes you'llfind funnymessages, sometimes deeper messages about differentaspect of lifeand love. It will be a good experience for you.Sometimes peopleneed some advice or just have fun ... break afortune cookie andwisdom of his messages will help you.Download this funny game today, play with your friends, familyorcouple and open the cookies to see what your future holds. Youwillsee that is funny. You can take as many messages as you wantbut useit sparingly and if you want every day. People do love thiskind ofapplications. Searching luck opening one of these cookiesand readtheir wise messages. There is an endless variety ofmessages thatyou can found. This app is a good way to pass thetime. It willbecome your favorite application.Contrary to popular belief, fortune cookies are notoriginallyfrom China, it is thought to be an american product. Theyare adelicious food with a message inside. These cookies have averydistinctive shape made ​​with flour, sugar, butter andsometimeschocolate coated presented.Important:We work to improve the functionality of our free application.Ifsomething does not work or have any suggestions, please send negatively to qualify before applying.We appreciate your participation.
Mood Face Scanner 1.0
Mood Face Scanner is a fun applicationwhosepurpose is to entertain and is free.This app will analyze your mood through your photo.You can share your mood with friends. Have fun knowing the moodofyour friends or familyPerform this test is easy no problem with it:- Choose a photo- In a few seconds the photo reader will scan your photo- And finally, the application will show you mood.-You can make as many attempts as you want.Download this FREE application and get you out of doubt.Important:We work to improve the functionality of our free application.Ifsomething does not work or have any suggestions, please send negatively to qualify before applying.We appreciate your participation.
Christmas Games Scratch 1.0
Scratch and guess the hiddenlandscapeChristmas cards.This game is pretty typical Christmas drawings. There aremanylevels to play Scratch Christmas.Young children like to find out the Christmas landscapephotoshidden.Scratch game is like the lottery game you have to scrape a layertosee the prize. Reveals the touching imagethe screen with your thumb and you'll get your reward, ahappyChristmas Carol. Each card has a picture full ofChristmasstamps.Download this entertaining game your child will love. Thescratchgame fun the whole family. This game is ideal becauseThey will have to guess the different and beautiful images ofSantaClaus, reindeer Rudolph and children decorating the Christmastree.Take a lookthe mysterious cards."Christmas Game Scratch" enhances creativity and skills ofyoungchildren. Enjoy the Christmas party discovering snowylandscapesand typical ornamentsthis time of winter. Christmas This game is appropriate fortheChristmas holidays.Play and spend a happy holiday. Scratching Christmas game youspreadthe spirit of ChristmasImportant:We work to improve the functionality of our free application.Ifyou have any problems or suggestions, please send us negatively to qualify before applying.We appreciate your participation.