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COMPLETE ASTROLOGICAL PORTRAIT (an Astral Mirror) Aldebaran-83.0
Analysis and interpretation of a birth chart from the sky chart.The interpretation includes the following chapters: ➊ Temperament ➋Character and personality ➌ Psychological analysis ➍ Professionaldiagnosis ➎ Spheres of personal realization ➏ Summary and advice ➐Astrological Dominants ➑ Astro-psychological profile ➒ Technicaldata astrological ➓ Chart map of birth sky - European or Americanformat For a total of about thirty pages of astrological analysis.➽ TEMPERATURE The analysis of temperament is based on theastrological elements that characterize the primordial vital forcesin which the development of the subject is inscribed. More than aformal description, this chapter describes the "operating modes"that seem to dominate the dynamics of the native. ➽ THE CHARACTERThis second chapter is a description of the different facets of thesubject's personality. Based on the position of the planets in signand on the position of the ascendant and his "master", he describesthe various instinctual and behavioral tendencies, endeavoring todraw the modalities - arduous or easy - of their integration intowithin the whole that seeks to synthesize the individuality of thesubject. ➽ PSYCHOLOGICAL ANALYSIS The psychological study uncoversthe basic structure of the native's personality. The followingfacets are discussed: self-ideal, affectivity and sexuality, mentalabilities and dynamic resources. ➽ PROFESSIONAL DIAGNOSIS Afterhaving identified the underlying motivations of the subject, theessential psychological functions that contribute to his social andprofessional integration, the study then completes this descriptionby a behavioral analysis and advice on the best behavior to take inthe face of social reality. ➽ SUMMARY AND ADVICE In this chapter,it is the complex astrological figures that draw the specificity ofthe subject that are studied. From their analysis follow generaladvice and warnings. ➽ SPHERES OF PERSONAL REALIZATION Thischapter, analyzing more particularly the terrestrial position ofthe planets, sets out to define the different areas of life wherethe subject will meet the major opportunities to grow and develop.➽ ASTROLOGICAL DOMINANTS Returning to the more general and'archetypal' aspects, this chapter discusses astrologicaldominants. ➽ ASTRO-PSYCHOLOGICAL PROFILE This chapter draws agraphical profile with 17 opposing pairs of fundamentalpsychological components. This graph sketches the psychologicalprofile of the subject. Each of the elements composing this profileis then the object of an explanatory commentary. ➽ CONCLUSIONSeveral readings are usually necessary to grasp the meaning of sucha study; We also advise you to keep it and read it over the comingmonths, in order to have a bigger perspective. Following thisreading, you can also get in touch with an astrologer for an oralconsultation - direct contact is often valuable. The free versionof the app is fully functional. The interpretation of the secondchapter (Character and personality) is issued to you free of chargeso that you realize the richness of your "Astral Mirror". You canacquire online as much interpretation of astral themes as you want.We loath commercial advertisements concerning our work. But, if youare enjoying this app, we would appreciate that you tell to peoplewho could have a use of it and interest to it, how much you didenjoy it yourself.
L'Astrologie met en relation les astres et les différentes facettesd'une personnalité. Cette étude astrologique traite les chapitressuivants: ➽ Chapitre 1: Tempérament ➽ Chapitre 2: Caractère ➽Chapitre 3: Analyse psychologique ➽ Chapitre 4: Diagnosticprofessionnel ➽ Chapitre 5: Sphères de réalisation personnelle ➽Chapitre 6: Synthèse et conseils ➽ Chapitre 7: Dominantesastrologiques ➽ Chapitre 8: Données astrologiques techniques ➽Chapitre 9: Carte du ciel Les saisie des coordonnées de naissancesont facilitées par la suggestion des pays, états et villes.L'application détermine aussi le fuseau horaire et l'éventuelleheure d'été à la date de naissance indiquée. Le domification -système des maisons astrologiques - est calculée selon la méthodedite de "placidus". Cette étude astro-psychologique comporte unetrentaine de page qui peut être imprimée pour une lecture surpapier. Il est recommandé de lire cette analyse plusieurs fois pouren faire tout son profit.
Dictionnaire d'Astrologie AstroConcepts V22.0
Ce dictionnaire présente et explique tous les termes astrologiquesutilisés par les astrologues. Tous ces termes sont décrits encorrélation avec la pensée et les techniques astrologiquestraditionnelles. Les explications sont souvent accompagnées degraphismes ou de schémas. Liste complètes des mots: Affinité(Synastrie), Âges de la vie, Amas planétaires, Alchochoden,Anarète, Anges (liste des), Année (Grande Année), Aphélie (del’oribe d’une planète), Application/séparation (aspects), Ascendant(AS), Aspects planétaire, Axes, Bioryhtmes, Calcul des dominantes,Calendriers, calendrier grégorien, calendrier julien, calendrierlunaire, Calendrier solaire, Carte du ciel, Cazimi (planète en),Cérès, Chakras et astrologie, Chiron, Chute d’une planète,Conbustion planétaire, Comète, Constellations, Coordonnées(systèmes de), Coordonnées astronomiques, Coordonnées écliptiques,Coordonnées équatoriales, Coordonnées géographiques, Coordonnéeshoraires, Coordonnées horizontales, Copernic, Corps zodiacal,Coucher des planètes, Cuspides de maison, Cycle (définition),Cycles (données), Décans (système des), Descendant (DS), Directions(systèmes des), Domiciles planétaires, Domification (les maisons),Dominante astrologique, Doriphorie, Éclipses (les), Écliptique(l’), Éléments astrologiques, Éphémérides (les), Esthétique dessignes astrologiques, État terrestre/celleste (des planètes),Éxaltations (système des), Éxils (système des), Extérieures(planètes), Fond du ciel, Genres astrologiques, Géomancie,Héliocentrique/Géocentrique, Hémisphère, Heures (les différentstype d’), Histoire (brève) de l’astrologie, Horaire (astrologie),Hyleg, Indice de concentration planétaire, Intérieures (planètes),Interprétation astrologique, Inter-cycle, Judiciaire (astrologie),Kepler, Lever des planètes, Maison astrologiques, Maîtres (systèmedes maîtrises), Médicale (Astrologie), Milieu du ciel (MC), Nœudslunaires, Numérologie, Orbes planétaires, Orbite d’une planète,Parts (système des), Pérégrinité (d’une planète), Périhélie (del’orbite d’une planète), Phases de la lune (les), Planètes dusystème solaire, Planetes (liste), Luminaires (les), Soleil, Lune,Mercure, Vénus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturne, Uranus, Neptune, Pluton,Lune noire, Planètes et leur fonction physiologique, Précession(des équinoxes), Prévisions astrologiques, Progressions (systèmedes), Ptolémée (Claude), Rétrogradation planètaires, Révolutionlunaire, Révolution solaire, Saisons et signes, Sciences etastrologie, Séparation (d’une planète), Septénaire, Signes duZodiaque, Signes (index), Bélier, Taureau, Gémeaux, Cancer, Lion,Vierge, Balance, Scorpion, Sagittaire, Capricorne, Verseau,Poissons, Significateurs astrologiques, Symboles, Symboles etsignes astrologiques, Symbole: le cas de saturne, Tarot, Tarot(liste des Lames), Le fou (Le mat), Le bateleur, La papesse,L’impératrice, L’empereur, Le pape, L’amoureux, Le chariot, Lajustice, L’hermite, La roue de fortune, La force, Le pendu, Lamort, La tempérence, Le diable, La maison-dieu, Les étoiles, Lalune, Le soleil, Le jugement, Le monde, Transits planètaires,Triplicités, Vernal (point), Zodiaque Cette version dedémonstration est gratuite. Vous pourrez acquérir la versioncomplète directement depuis l'application.
The I-CHING is both a divinatory art and a book on wisdom.TheTaoist philosophers who conceived it and formulated itssentencesdominated the culture of the east during the millenniumwhichprecedes the Christian era. But it was not until the 17thcenturythat various translations made it known in the West.Starting fromthe first principles of Taoism, the opposition /complementarity ofYin (receptive, passive, feminine) and Yang(creative, active,masculine), the inventors of Yi-King designed thefigure whichsystematically combines all the possibilities of thesetwo basicprinciples: it is the hexagram, combination of twotrigrams of 3lines, in total, 6 lines Yin or Yang. The developedoctave of thetwo principles is therefore available in 64 possiblehexagramswhich represent all of the possible archetypal situations,eachconsisting of two trigrams among the 8 possible. "Treatyofmutations", the I-Ching offers a catalog of changes thataffectlife, people and their relationships. In addition to thesixty-foursimplified transitions described by the 64 hexagrams, itdepictsthe 384 transformations which affect in positive or negativetheevolution of beings and situations. The elliptical language oftheI-Ching, which is poetic but also sometime impenetrable, opensthemind of the consultant to new truths. This version offers youtheinterpretation of an oracle which can be drawn according totheChinese tradition or according to the fun way proposed bytheapplication. At any time you can acquire interpretationsofadditional oracles via Google Play.
The application delivers a complete numerology report. With yournames and birth date, the application builds a full numerologicalreport revealing the following numerological calculations: ➽ Vour"Way of Life" ➽ Your "Realization Number(s)” ➽ Your "IntimateNumber” ➽ Your "Number of Projects” ➽ Your "Heredity Number” ➽ Your"Active Number” ➽ Your "Expression Number” ➽ Your "Balance Number”➽ Your "Number of Strength” ➽ Your "Number of Reaction” ➽ Your"Unique Number” ➽ Your "Missing Number(s)” Experience also the“missing numbers” and the “numbers in excess”. For each of thesenumerological data, the application gives you a completeinterpretation according to Tradition. Consulting your personalreport, you will learn about some hidden parts of you; it willreveals you some hidden ways of your destiny! A section will alsoteach you all your lucky numbers day by day and month by month! Theapp give you the ability to acquire more numerological reportsonline. We loath commercial advertisements concerning our work.But, if you are enjoying this app, we would appreciate that youtell to people who could have a use of it and interest to it, howmuch you did enjoy it yourself (Thank you in advance).
Astro Profiles of your Business 8.0
The app uses astrology to create a "portrait" of yourbusiness,whether existing or still in the making. The date and thetime ofcreation (if known) will allow to build a map of the skywhich,interpreted, gives indications on the strengths andweaknesses ofthis company. The results of the astrological analysisarepresented in the form of a graphic profile showing thestrengthsand weaknesses of the company with regard to the followingitems: ➽The image, the representation; ➽ Recognition; ➽Communication; ➽Dynamism; ➽ Development; ➽ stability; ➽ Innovation;For each item,a text highlights the particularities of this companyand givessome personalized advice. With this tool, the entrepreneurwill beable to improve or correct his organization, compensate foritsweaknesses and make better use of its strengths. Incidentally,ifthe statuses are not yet filed, calculating multiple profilesbasedon different dates can help determine the best time to launchthatbusiness. The application comes in the form of a demo versionwiththe possibility of purchasing new "Business Profiles"
L'application ausculte 13 domaines de votre vie en couple (oudevotre éventuelle liaison): ➤ L'ENTENTE ET L'AMOUR ➤ LA SEXUALITÉ➤VIE PROFESSIONNELLE ➤ LE TRAVAIL ➤ LES PLAISIRS ➤ LA VIE AMICALE➤LA VIE DOMESTIQUE ➤ L'ARGENT ET L'AVOIR ➤ LES ENFANTS ➤ LAFAMILLEET LES CHOSES DU PASSÉ ➤ IDÉAUX ET VUES PHILOSOPHIQUES ➤ LESIDÉESET LA COMMUNICATION ➤ SPIRITUALITÉ ET RELIGION Pour chaquedomaine,l'application indique une note (de –––– à ++++) et uncommentaire.
Affinités électives (☉☽ - ♀♂) Découvrez vos affinitésastrologiqueset votre entente avec votre (vos) partenaire (s) surle plansentimental, mental, social et érotique. Observez commentlesdifférentes facettes de vos deux personnalités se complètentets'harmonisent ou s'opposent et rentrent en conflit. Lesaffinitésastrales (aussi dénommées Synastrie) met en relation lesplanètesdes ciels de deux partenaires pour découvrir l'harmonie oulesconflits existant entre les fonctions psychologiques de chacunetdiagnostiquer l'entente ou la mésentente du couple. Sommairedel'interprétation: § - Avant-propos ➊ - Tableau des affinités ➋-Portraits amoureux ➌ - La vie à deux ➍ - Influences réciproques ➎-Données techniques ➏ - Cartes du Ciel
The app examines 13 areas of your life as a couple (or yourpossibleaffair): ➽ Love and Mutual understanding ➽ Sexuality ➽Professionallife ➽ Work ➽ Pleasures and creativity ➽ Friendly life➽ Domesticlife ➽ Money and assets ➽ Children ➽ Family and roots ➽Ideals andphilosophical views ➽ Ideas and communication ➽Spirituality andreligion For each domain, "ASTRO SYNASTRY (☉☽ -♀♂)" indicates anote (from –––– to ++++) and a short comment thatgives you all thekeys to understanding the qualities and defectsof the relationshipin this particular area of the couple's life.
Astrology Dictionary Urania V42.0
This dictionary includes all the astrological terms usedbyastrologers. All these terms are described and explainedincorrelation with thought and astrological techniques.Explanationsare often accompanied by graphics or diagrams. Discoverwhatsynastry (astral affinities) is, how astrology considers theagesof life, the angels and their planetary correlation, what theGreatYear means, the technical terms such as the aphelion, theecliptic,cazimi or burning of a planet. Address the variousastrologicaltechniques: domification, transits, progressions, solaror lunarrevolutions and the philosophical systems that inspirethem.Discover the symbolism of planets and astrological signs,thesystem of masteries and exiles, exaltations and falls. Learnthemeaning of seasons and cycles, phases of the moon,planetaryrelations (aspects) and so-called Arab parts. Discover themeaningof astrological houses in the interpretation of the astralthemeand in various forecasting techniques. Learn to recognizeVenusVenus (so-called Lucifer) Venus of the evening calledEsperus,Mercury Prometheus Mercury Epimetheus and especially tointerprettheir astrological meaning.
Ages of life - Masters of time Kronos V32.0
Key periods of your personal growth from birth to 84 delimited andexplained
Âges de la vie et Astrologie Chronos-v36.0
Numérologie et Destinée Pythagoras 22.0
The application determines and illuminates the numbers that presideover your destiny.
Yi-King Oracles Conceive 27.0
Oriental divination: an help to unveil the hidden meaning ofYi-King's Oracles
Tarot Answers ORACLES-16.0
Two ways to question the Tarot - ❶ Cross draw - ❷ Astrological draw
Annual predispositions + key dates for the 12 months + comments andadvice
Astro Workshop Uranus 115.0
Calculations and essential tools for the confirmed astrologers orstudents
Astrological ephemeris Sirius - 39.0
Solar system planets instant information
L’Atelier Astrologique Sirius.137
All the calculations and all the essential tools for the astrologeror student