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The Weeknd Lyrics 1.0
View the weeknd lyrics, The weeknd's "TheHills" isone of the most populr tracks from the singer's albumBeauty behind The madness
Potty Training for Kids 1.0
Many parents are unsure about when to starttoilet teaching or "potty training." Not all kids are ready at thesame age, so it's important to watch your child for signs ofreadiness, such as stopping an activity for a few seconds orclutching his or her diaper.Most children begin to show these signs between 18 and 24months, although some may be ready earlier or later than that. Andboys often start later and take longer to learn to use the pottythan girls.
Breastfeeding 1.0
Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended up to 6months of age, with continued breastfeeding along with appropriatecomplementary foods up to two years of age or beyond.Breastfeeding is the normal way of providing young infants with thenutrients they need for healthy growth and development. Virtuallyall mothers can breastfeed, provided they have accurateinformation, and the support of their family, the health caresystem and society at large.
Avocado for Baby 1.0
Avocado is easy to digest, making it one ofthemost preferable solid foods for babies. The fruit iseasilyaccessible and you can begin giving your baby avocado from 4to 6months old.One of your most important duties as a mother is to ensure thatyourbaby is well fed with highly nutritious foods. Avocado babyfoodrecipes are the good choices when introducing solid foods intoyourbaby’s diet and the creamy nature of avocado makes it one ofthefirst fruits that a baby can eat. Avocados can be preparedinvarious ways without cooking and one of the easiest methodsofpreparation is mashing.
What is Chemotherapy 1.0
Chemotherapy (often abbreviated to chemoandsometimes CTX or CTx) is a category of cancer treatment thatuseschemical substances, especially one or more anti-cancerdrugs(chemotherapeutic agents) that are given as part of astandardizedchemotherapy regimen. Chemotherapy may be given with acurativeintent, or it may aim to prolong life or to reducesymptoms(palliative chemotherapy). Along with hormonal therapy andtargetedtherapy, it is one of the major categories of medicaloncology(pharmacotherapy for cancer). These modalities are oftenused inconjunction with other cancer treatments, such asradiationtherapy, surgery, and/or hyperthermia therapy.Chemotherapy is alsoused to treat other conditions, including ALamyloidosis,ankylosing spondylitis, multiple sclerosis, Crohn'sdisease,psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, systemic lupuserythematosus,rheumatoid arthritis, and scleroderma.
Resep MPASI ala Rumahan 1.0
Bayi sebaiknya hanya mengonsumsi ASI padaenambulan pertama hidupnya. Setelah enam bulan, dia dapatmengonsumsimakanan pendamping ASI atau disebut MPASI. Namunpemberian MPASIharus dilakukan dengan cermat dan hati-hati.Banyak orang memberikan makanan padat pada bayi bahkan saatbayimasih berusia kurang dari empat bulan. Padahal sebaiknyamakananpadat mulai diberikan saat usia bayi telah mencapai enambulan.Pada usia setengah tahun ke atas, makanan berperansebagaipendamping ASI atau disebut MPASI.
Vege Fruit Recipes for Baby 1.0
We all know that the peels of many fruitsandvegetables contain valuable nutrients. It is often a good ideatoleave the peels and skins on fruits and vegetables to takefulladvantage of those nutrients that are found in the peelsandskins.When making fruit or vegetable baby foods, it may be a good ideatoremove the peels and skins; the reasons for this are found below.Peeling fruits and vegetables for use in homemade baby food isatypical recommendation because leaving the peel on fruits&vegetables may give your baby tummy upsets.
Visit Manchester 1.0
Manchester lies at the heart ofGreaterManchester, in the north west of England. The city properhas apopulation of around half a million, while the largerconurbation,referred to as either Greater Manchester or ManchesterCity Region,has over 2.7 million inhabitants.Dubbed (unofficially) "The Capital of the North", Manchesterisknown for its influence on the histories of industry and music,aswell as its world-renowned sporting connections. It is seen bymanyas the 'second city' of the United Kingdom, and is home to theUK'slargest airport outside London. As the most visited city inEnglandby overseas visitors aside from the capital, a multitudeofshopping, cultural and entertainment facilities set out tocharmtravellers and students alike.City informationManchester is in the northwest region of England andischaracterised by its friendly, approachable inhabitants.Manchesteris located about equidistant between Liverpool and Leeds,which areroughly 1 hour's travel each by road or rail fromManchester citycentre. The expansion of the modern city has itsroots in the1800's when it became the world's first industrial citythrough thedevelopment of the cotton industry. The remnants ofthisdevelopment are still commonly visible through the red-brickmillsof the period. The city had challenges following the declineofthis industry in the twentieth century, however Investment inthecity's regeneration following the 1996 IRA bomb and2002Commonwealth Games paid off and Manchester is well worthavisit.
Streaming radio Muslim 1.0
Streaming Radio Muslim merupakanaplikasiberupa player untuk radio streaming dakwah Islam, yangberisichannel radio streaming islam online. Dengan aplikasi ini,parapengguna dapat mendengarkan berbagai channel radio streamingIslamsecara online tanpa harus membuka browser atau situs radio.Cukuppilih channel yang diinginkan maka otomatis streamingberjalanasalkan server radio sedang tidak offline. Sebelummenjalankanaplikasi ini, pastikan anda sudah terhubunginternet.
Toddler Development 1.0
A toddler is a child between the ages ofoneand three. The toddler years are a time of greatcognitive,emotional and social development. The word is derivedfrom "totoddle", which means to walk unsteadily, like a child ofthisage.Mastering new skills such as how to walk, talk, and use thepottyare developmental milestones. It is exciting to watch yourtoddlerlearn new skills.
Streaming Radio Majelis 1.0
Streaming Radio Majelis merupakanaplikasiberupa player untuk radio streaming dakwah Islam khususnyauntukmajelis, yang berisi channel radio streaming islam online.Denganaplikasi ini, para pengguna dapat mendengarkan berbagaichannelradio streaming Islam secara online tanpa harus membukabrowseratau situs radio. Cukup pilih channel yang diinginkan makaotomatisstreaming berjalan asalkan server radio sedang tidakoffline.Sebelum menjalankan aplikasi ini, pastikan anda sudahterhubunginternet.
Pharmaceutical Drug 1.0
A pharmaceutical drug (also referred to asapharmaceutical, pharmaceutical preparation, pharmaceuticalproduct,medicinal product, medicine, medication, medicament, orsimply adrug) is a drug used to diagnose, cure, treat, or preventdisease.Drug therapy (pharmacotherapy) is an important part of themedicalfield and relies on the science of pharmacology forcontinualadvancement and on pharmacy for appropriatemanagement.
Visit Los Angeles 1.0
Los Angeles Tourist AttractionsAmusement Parks, Shopping Centers and Malls, Hollywood, Thingstodo near Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), FreeTouristActivities, Sightseeing, Tourist Attraction Links, Museums,OutdoorActivities and Los Angeles Travel Guides.TV Show TicketsFind out how to be in the studio audience for game shows,attendfree TV talk shows or even be in a movie! Some game showschooseparticipants from the audience. One website recruits peopleto beextras in movies.Shopping in L.A.Los Angeles is a world-class premium shopping destination. Notonlydo we have a variety of stores to suit every taste and budget;wealso have several different types of shopping venues. This listofLos Angeles-area malls, shopping districts (such as the GroveandThird Street Promenade) and open-air markets is organizedbylocation. It includes factory outlets and farmers markets.Featured Guided Tours ofLos Angeles and HollywoodA variety of Los Angeles guided tours that you can purchaseonline,from the time-tested Grand Tour to the brand-new helicoptertours.See beaches, movie star homes, downtown and all of theattractionsthrough the eyes of an expert! This is a great way toexplore ourgreat city, even if you've been here before.Guided Tours of Los Angeles and HollywoodA huge list of guided tours in Los Angeles, including toursfromHollywood Boulevard, Walking Tours, Private Tour Guides, Tipsontaking a guided tour and more! This list includes companynames,website links, pictures of the vans and phone numbers!Los Angeles Sports Teams and VenuesLos Angeles hosts a number of world-famous sports teams,includingprofessional organizations like the Dodgers and theLakers, as wellas college teams such as the UCLA Bruins and the USCTrojans. Seethe list of Venues for links to sports centers such asLos AngelesMemorial Coliseum and Staples Center.
Visit Milan Italy 1.0
Milan (Italian: Milano) is financially themostimportant city in Italy. It has the second most populous cityproperin the country, but sits at the centre of Italy's largesturban andmetropolitan area. While incorrectly not considered asbeautiful assome Italian cities, having been partly destroyed bySecond WorldWar bomb raids, the city has rebuilt itself into athrivingcosmopolitan business capital. In essence, for a tourist,what makesMilan interesting compared to other places is that thecity is trulymore about the lifestyle of enjoying worldlypleasures: a paradisefor shopping, football, opera, and nightlife.Milan remains themarketplace for Italian fashion – fashionaficionados, supermodelsand international paparazzi descend uponthe city twice a year forits spring and autumn fairs. Don't getfooled by the modern aspectof the city, since it's one of the mostancient cities in Europewith more than 26 centuries of history andheritage!Milan is famous for its wealth of historical and modern sights -theDuomo, one of the biggest and grandest Gothic cathedrals intheworld, La Scala, one of the best established opera houses intheglobe, the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele, an ancient andglamorousarcaded shopping gallery, the Brera art gallery, with someof thefinest artistic works in Europe, the Pirelli tower, amajesticexample of 1960s modernist Italian architecture, the SanSiro, ahuge and famed stadium, or the Castello Sforzesco, a grandmedievalcastle and the UNESCO's World Heritage Site Santa Mariaalle GrazieBasilica, containing one of the world's most famouspaintings:Leonardo da Vinci's The Last Supper.
Perkembangan Bayi 0-1 Tahun 1.0
Akhir-akhir ini, kita sering mendengaristilahseribu hari pertama kehidupan. Gerakan ini sebenarnyasudahdipelopori dalam Perpres No. 42 Tahun 2013 Tentang GerakanNasionalPercepatan Perbaikan Gizi, yang memfokuskan pada percepatandanperbaikan gizi terutama pada 1000 hari pertama kehidupan.Sebenarnya, ada apa di fase 1000 hari pertama kehidupan ini?Seribuhari pertama atau sejak dalam kandungan hingga usia 2 tahunialahperiode penting dalam tumbuh kembang anak. Sebab, semuapondasidasar kemampuan anak terjadi dalam rentang ini. Padaawalperkembangan anak usia 2 tahun terdapat beberapa prosesyangmengiring tumbuh kembang kognitif, afektif, danpsikomotorikanak.
Visit Siem Reap Cambodia 1.0
The town of Siem Reap in northern Cambodiaisthe primary gateway for the Angkor Archaeological Park.The name Siem Reap literally means "Siam Defeated". Thesedays,however, the only rampaging hordes are the tourists heading totheAngkor Archaeological Park. This once quaint village has becomethelargest boom town and construction site in Cambodia. It'squitelaid-back and a pleasant place to stay while touring thetemplesand a nice compromise between observing Cambodian life andenjoyingthe amenities of modern services and entertainment, thanksto alarge expatriate community.Since Siem Reap is a major tourist destination, prices inmanyinstances are higher than elsewhere in Cambodia. Expect toreceivealmost constant offers for motodop and tuk-tuk rides, alongwitheverything else which drivers may be able to offer to you.Be sure to pick up your free Siem Reap Angkor Visitors Guideandthe equally free and useful Siem Reap Pocket Guide fromyourhotel/guesthouse. It contains lots of info on Siem Reap andtheAngkor Archaeological Park, includinghotel/bar/restaurant/shopinfo, travel info, and maps. For theeco-sensitive tourist, checkout "Stay Another Day: Cambodia," adetailed guide with local spotsthat support the environment andcommunity. Another address is theConCERT tourist office, a localNGO committed to raising thestandards of responsible tourism andecotourism activities andproviding information on the causes andeffects of poverty inCambodia, volunteering opportunities andecotours.
Visit Perth Australia 1.0
Perth is the capital city of WesternAustraliaand is the most isolated capital city of over 1,000,000people inthe world.Perth sprawls along a flat coastal plain, centred along theSwanRiver and bounded by the Darling Scarp to the east and theIndianOcean coastline in the west. Perth has a population of around1.6million (2009), making it the fourth largest city in Australia.Themany uncrowded beaches along the Perth coastline definethelifestyle: Perth is laid-back, quiet and safe.HistoryThe Perth region has been home to the indigenous Nyoongar peopleforat least the past 40,000 years.British settlers established a free settler colony in 1829 aspartof the Swan River Colony. The settlement was given the name"Perth"after the city of Perth, Scotland, the hometown of SirGeorgeMurray, the British Colonial Secretary at that time. From1850, aninflux of convicts boosted the size of the colony and theirlabourhelped shape the early architecture of the city. Thediscovery ofgold in the 1890s triggered a boom which, withsubsequent mineraldiscoveries, has been key to the city's economy.As capital of thestate Western Australia, Perth joined theCommonwealth of Australiain 1901.Once a small, isolated city, the mining boom in WesternAustraliafollowing the end of World War 2 has led to a high rateofmigration to Perth, which allowed its population to overtakethatof Adelaide in the 1980's. While the actual mining takes placesindistant, more remote parts of the state, much of themining-relatedservices sector is based in Perth. Today, Perthremains Australia'sfastest growing city, and in recent years hastransformed from arelatively laid back city to a fairly vibrantone. Due to the factthat Perth's population growth was relativelyrecent, it lacks thedense Victorian core of the eastern cities, butmakes up for itwith its own charm, particularly seen in thenumerous parks andother green spaces within close proximity of theCBD.
Visit Istanbul Turkey 1.0
Istanbul (Turkish: İstanbul) is Turkey'smostpopulous city as well as its cultural and financial hub.Located onboth sides of the Bosphorus, the narrow strait betweenthe BlackSea and the Marmara Sea, Istanbul bridges Asia and Europebothphysically and culturally. Istanbul's population is estimatedto bebetween 12 and 19 million people, making it also one of thelargestcities in Europe and the world.Expanding the ancient Roman colony of Byzantium by the orderofthe Roman Emperor Constantine the Great, the imperial cityofConstantinople was for nearly a thousand years the lastremainingoutpost of the Roman (later termed Eastern Roman orByzantine)Empire. It was finally conquered by the Ottoman SultanMehmed II on29 May 1453, an event sometimes used to mark the end ofthe MiddleAges. It was the nerve centre for military campaigns thatwere toenlarge the Ottoman Empire dramatically. By the mid1500s,Istanbul, with a population of almost half a million, was amajorcultural, political, and commercial centre. Ottoman rulecontinueduntil it was defeated in WWI and Istanbul was occupied bytheallies. When the Republic of Turkey was born in 1923 after theWarof Independence, Kemal Atatürk moved its capital to the cityofAnkara. However, Istanbul has continued to expanddramatically;today its population is approximately 14 million andincreases atan estimated 400,000 immigrants per year. Industry hasexpandedeven as tourism has grown.
Healthy Drink Fruit Recipes 1.0
A smoothie (occasionally spelled smootheeorsmoothy) is a thick beverage made from blended raw fruitand/orvegetables, with other ingredients such as water, ice,dairyproducts or sweeteners.The health of a smoothie depends on its ingredients. Manysmoothiesinclude large servings of fruits and vegetables whicharerecommended in a healthy diet. However, too many sweet fruitscanlead to too much sugar. Similarly, ingredients such asproteinpowders, sweeteners, or ice cream are often used insmoothierecipes, but are not necessarily healthy.
Visit Cappadocia Turkey 1.0
Cappadocia (Turkish: Kapadokya) is an areainCentral Anatolia in Turkey best known for its uniquemoon-likelandscape, underground cities, cave churches and housescarved inthe rocks.The Cappadocian Region located in the center of theAnatolianRegion of Turkey, with its valley, canyon, hills andunusual rockformation created as a result of the eroding rains andwinds ofthousands of years of the level, lava-covered plain locatedbetweenthe volcanic mountains Erciyes, Melendiz and Hasan as wellas itstroglodyte dwellings carved out of the rock and cities dugout intounderground, presents an otherworldly appearance. Theeruptions ofthese mountains which were active volcanoes ingeological timeslasted until 2 million years ago. A soft tuff layerwas formed, 150m in thickness, by the issuing lavas in the valleysurrounded bymountains. The rivers, flood water running down thehillsides ofvalleys and strong winds eroded the geologicalformationsconsisting of tuff on the plateau formed with tufflayers, thuscreating bizarre shapes called fairy Chimneys. Thesetake on thenames of mushroom shaped, pinnacled, capped and conicshapedformations. The prehistoric settlements of the area areKoskhoyuk(Kosk Mound) in Nigde, Aksaray Asikli Mound, NevsehirCivelek caveand, in the southeast, Kultepe, Kanis and Alisar in theenvirons ofKayseri. This area with unusual topographiccharacteristics wasregarded as sacred and called, in theScythian/Khatti language, asKhepatukha, meaning "the country of thepeople of the chief godHepat", although there are more poeticclaims on the origin of theregion's name, such as the Old PersianKatpatuka, which allegedlymeans "the land of beautiful horses". Thetablets calledCappadocian Tablets and the Hittite works of art inAlisar are ofthe important remains dating from 2000s B.C. After1200s B.C., theTabal principality, of the Khatti Branches ofScythians, becamestrong and founded the Kingdom of Tabal. Followingthe Late Hittiteand Persian aras, the Cappadocian Kingdom wasestablished in 332B.C. During the Roman era the area served as ashelter for theearly escaping Christians. There are also severalundergroundcities used by early Christians as hideouts inCappadocia.
Visit Granada Spain 1.0
Granada is a mid-sized provincial capitalinthe Andalucia region of Spain.Rich in history and culture, Granada is arguably the singlemostworthwhile city in Spain for visitors.In addition to a rich multicultural history, the Alhambra andothermonuments, a student-driven nightlife, and skiing and trekkinginthe nearby Sierra Nevada, Granada offers a break from thesummerheat of other Andalusian cities such as Córdoba or Seville.Spring and autumn are also both excellent times to visit.Withmuch more cultural interest than other cities like Malaga,Granadais never overcrowded (although you should still book ticketsto theAlhambra at least one day in advance).
Visit Hawaii 1.0
When you think of a tropical vacation,youcan’t help but think of the beautiful islands of Hawaii. Nestledinthe warm waters of the pacific and formed by volcanoes,theHawaiian Islands are a popular vacation destination all yearround.At Go Visit Hawaii, we help thousands of people researchtheirHawaii vacations each year and find the best deals forHawaiihotels, activities, and restaurants. What sets Go VisitHawaiiapart from other Hawaii travel sites, is our unbiased advicebasedon our personal vacations to all the islands. What’s uniqueaboutthis site, is that it’s written from a tourist’s perspective.We’velearned many tips and tricks and are eager to share them withyouan a very practical way. No matter what type of Hawaii vacationyouare looking to book, at Go Visit Hawaii you will find thebestresources to ensure a memorable Hawaii vacation.You’ll find many money savings tips here. You’ll also findtipsfor where to go and what to see on each island. We endeavortoinclude the important information on Hawaii that we thinkeveryvacationer will need. We sincerely hope that we can beofassistance to help you make the most of your Hawaiivacation.Sometimes readers contact us to tell us how Go VisitHawaii helpedthem have a great Hawaii vacation. We love gettingthatfeedback.
Visit Melbourne Australia 1.0
Melbourne, at the head of Port Phillip Bay,isAustralia's second largest city and the capital ofthesouth-eastern state of Victoria.Melbourne is Australia’s cultural capital, withVictorian-eraarchitecture, extensive shopping, museums, galleries,theatres, andlarge parks and gardens. Its 4-million residents arebothmulticultural and sports-mad.Reasons to visit Melbourne include major sporting events, usingitas a base for exploring surrounding regions such as theGrampiansNational Park, The Great Ocean Road, and visiting PhillipIsland toview the penguin parade. Many UK visitors come toMelbourne fortours of filming locations of the TV soap operaNeighbours.Yarra River and Melbourne skylineNotable inner city suburbsClimateOverall: Melbourne can get many days in summer above 35 and40°C.Summer is the warmest season. Autumn and Spring changedramaticallyduring the week and very much similar. Winters can becool withtemperatures around 14 degrees. Melbourne is the thirddriestcapital city in Australia with half of Sydney's rainfall(600mm)and (1200mm).Summer: Melbourne summers are generally warm with anaveragetemperature of around 26 degrees. Summers consist of veryhot days.Melbourne is known for its days of extreme heat. Severaldays eachsummer nudge 40°C. Night time temps are around 16°C. Thehottestday ever recorded was 46.4°C, the hottest of any capitalcity inAustralia. After a few days of extreme heat, it is usuallyfollowedby a cool change dropping the temp back to around 20 to 30degrees.An average summer day is warm and sunny and usually lightpatchesof rain every five or six days. January and FebruaryareMelbourne's hottest months.Winter: Winters are usually cool and damp with day time highsofaround 14 degrees in June and July, in August, the average is16.The average winter day is cloudy with sunny breaks. Thetemperaturecan get colder than 10 degrees but higher than 21. Itrainsaveragely 2 in 5 days with around 38 'rain' days. Melbournewinterscan get below 10 once every 3 years. Minimums are around 7degreesbut can get colder than 2 and higher than 12. Light snowusuallyfalls on top of Mount Dandenong once a year.
Visit Barcelona Spain 1.0
Barcelona is the capital and largest cityofCatalonia and Spain's second largest city, with a populationofover one and half million people (over five million in thewholeprovince).This city, located directly on the northeasternMediterraneancoast of Spain, has a rich history, having been underRoman, thenFrank law before declaring its independence.In 1992, Barcelona gained international recognition byhostingthe Olympic games which brought a massive upturn in itstourismindustry.This had the effect of changing the city in ways that arestillfelt today with neighbourhoods renovated (and in somecasesleveled) and the intense focus of modern design permeatingallaspects of life in Barcelona from public buildings to somethingassimple as a park bench or an event poster.For visitors, this has translated into the very modern,yetincredibly old city you see now in the 21st century, where thenewelements work to both preserve and celebrate the ancient.This beautiful city is full of what European cities are knownfor(outdoor markets, restaurants, shops, museums and churches) andisfantastic for walking with an extensive and reliable Metrosystemfor more far-flung destinations. The core centre of town,focusedaround the Ciutat Vella ("Old City") provides days ofenjoyment forthose looking to experience the life of Barcelonawhile the beachesthe city was built upon provide sun andrelaxation during the longperiods of agreeably warm weather.
Visit Berlin Germany 1.0
Berlin is the capital city of Germany andoneof the 16 states (Länder) of the Federal Republic ofGermany.Berlin is the largest city in Germany and has a populationof 4.5million within its metropolitan area and 3.5 million fromover 190countries within the city limits.Berlin is best known for its historical associations astheGerman capital, internationalism and tolerance, livelynightlife,its many cafés, clubs, bars, street art, and numerousmuseums,palaces, and other sites of historic interest.Berlin'sarchitecture is quite varied. Although badly damaged in thefinalyears of World War II and broken apart during the Cold War,Berlinhas reconstructed itself greatly, especially with thereunificationpush after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989.It is now possible to see representatives of manydifferenthistoric periods in a short time within the city centre,from a fewsurviving medieval buildings near Alexanderplatz, to theultramodern glass and steel structures at Potsdamer Platz. Becauseofits tumultuous history, Berlin remains a city with manydistinctiveneighbourhoods. Brandenburger Tor is a symbol ofdivision duringthe world war, which now shows German reunification.It was builtafter the Acropolis in Athens and was completed in 1799as theroyal city-gate.Germany was later on divided into east and west, InAugust13,1961, East Germans permanently closed the border betweenEastand West. The wall had 45,000 sections of reinforced concreteandincluded 79 miles of fencing, nearly 300 watchtowers and 250guarddogs. Still more than 5,000 people escaped to freedom.
Visit Krakow Poland 1.0
Kraków is not only an historic and visualgem,it's Poland's second largest city and covers both banks oftheWisla (or Vistula) river. At the foot of the CarpathianMountains,the metropolitan area has more than 1.4 millioninhabitants if youinclude the surrounding communities.Kraków is the capital city of Lesser Poland Voivodeship(Polish:Małopolskie) in the southern region of Poland and had apopulationof 756,000 in 2007 (1.4 million after includingsurroundingcommunities).Kraków is also known as Cracow, or Krakow (without thediacritic)and dates back to at least the 7th century. It was thecapital ofPoland from 1038 to 1569 and then of thePolish–LithuanianCommonwealth from 1569 to 1596 (1609 by someaccounts) and this longhistory has made it one of the leading hubsof Polish academic,cultural, and economic life.HistoryKraków is one of the oldest cities in Poland, with evidenceshowingsettlements there since 20,000BC. Legend has it that it wasbuilton the cave of a dragon whom the mythical King Krak hadslain.However, the first official mention of the name was in 966 byaJewish merchant from Spain, who described it as an importantcentreof trade in Slavonic Europe.Through trade with the various rulers of Europe, it grew fromasmall settlement in 1000AD to a large wealthy city, belongingtothe Vistulans. However, through the 9th and 10th centuries, itfellunder the influence of the Great Moravians, then theBohemians,before being captured by the Piast Dynasty of Poland. In1038,Kazimierz the Restorer made Krakow the capital of Poland.In 1241, the city was almost entirely destroyed by Tatars. Itwasrebuilt to a design that remains largely unchanged to thepresentday. However, after more successful attacks by the Mongolsin thelate 13th century, Kazimierz the Great set about defendingthe city.Walls, fortifications, and the original Wawel Castle wereadded. TheUniversity was also established. King Kazimierzestablished thedistrict of Kazimierz for Jews to live in free frompersecution.This area remained mainly Jewish for centuries untilthe Nazioccupation.The 16th century was Krakow's golden age. Under the influenceofthe joint Polish-Lithuanian Jagiellonian dynasty, Krakow becameacentre of science and the arts. In 1569, Poland wasofficiallyunited with Lithuania and as a result government activitystartedto move to Warsaw. King Zygmunt III officially moved thecapital in1609.However, the 17th century was a return to troubled timesforKrakow and Poland. After being invaded by Russians,Prussians,Austrians, Transylvanians, Swedes, and the French, itwent througha phase of various forms of political control. Theseincluded beingpart of the Duchy of Warsaw, established by Napoleon,and becomingan "independent city". However, it mostly fell underthe sphere ofinfluence of the Austrian Habsburg Empire, in theprovince ofGalicia.In the First World War, Józef Piłsudski set out toliberatePoland and the Treaty of Versailles (1919) establishedanindependent sovereign Polish state for the first time in morethan100 years. This lasted until the Second World War, when Germanyandthe USSR partitioned the country, with German forcesenteringKrakow in September 1939. Many academics were killed andhistoricrelics and monuments were destroyed or looted.Concentration campswere established near Krakow, including Plaszowand Auschwitz.After German withdrawal, the city escaped completedestruction andmany buildings were saved.In the Communist period, a large steel works was establishedinthe suburb of Nowa Huta. This was seen as an attempt to lessentheinfluence of the anti-Communist intelligentsia andreligiouscommunities in Krakow. In 1978, UNESCO placed Krakow onthe WorldHeritage Sites list. In the same year, the Archbishop ofKrakow,Karol Wojtyła, was made Pope John Paul II.
Daily Diet Food Program 1.0
Part of sliming down involves asimple,sensible exercise and eating plan. Here's a week-long menufor ourLose 20 Pounds Fast Diet program: Over the next 90 days youshouldaim to consume 1,200 calories a day plus calorie-freebeverages asdesired, and take a multivitamin and a 400-milligramcalciumsupplement daily.This 1,200-calorie meal plan is designed by EatingWell'sregistereddietitians and culinary experts to offer healthy anddeliciousmeals for weight-loss. We've done the hard work ofplanning for youand mapped out seven full days of meals and snacks.The calorietotals are listed next to each meal so you can easilyswap thingsin and out as you see fit. Note, this meal plan iscontrolled forcalories, fiber and sodium. If a particular nutrientis of concern,consider speaking with your health care provideraboutsupplementation or altering this plan to better suityourindividual nutrition needs.
Visit Zermatt Switzerland 1.0
Zermatt is a car-free village in theupperValais, one of the alpine cantons of Switzerland. It'sprobablybest known as a platform for skiing and mountaineering,especiallyon the mountain which towers above the village, theMatterhorn .The surroundings are breathtaking but this comes at aprice:Accommodation in Zermatt is among the most expensiveinSwitzerland.The Matterhorn in winter as seen from ZermattZermatt is surrounded by a range of fabulous mountains, amongwhichthe highest of Switzerland: Monte Rosa, but it is famous fortheMatterhorn. It was one of the last alpine mountains to beconquered(in 1865), and the first expedition that reached the topendeddramatically (only 3 of the 7 climbers survived).If you've never experienced a car-free city of any sizethenZermatt could be a bit of a surprise: during the high seasonnearly20,000 people living in a town with only 5 or 6 streets andmoresignificantly almost no internal combustion vehicles exceptveryoccasional outside delivery and specialist services. Thismeansthat you can leave a noisy bar or party, and a few minuteslater onfoot find yourself in utter tranquility. You can sit on thehotelbalcony and listen to dozens of varieties of songbirdswhilewatching the sun set on one of the most striking mountains inthewestern world. Wake up with the sun in a four or five-star roomora canvas tent to the sound of the aforementioned birds,crickets,church bells, and children's laughter.Almost all vehicles in Zermatt are battery driven andalmostcompletely silent. Taxi drivers have a habit of assumingthatpedestrians have eyes in the backs of their heads, withoccasionalalarming though seldom injurious consequences. Horsedrawn vehiclesare equipped with bells and many startled pedestriansmight wellwish taxis were similarly provided.Incidentally there is a version of the standardZermattskimap/summer walking map in English although for somereason thelift stations only seem to hand out the German/Frenchversions withtickets. The map is free - you can generally find iton one of thestands in the lift stations or in the TouristInformationcentre.The name "Zermatt" is a contraction of the local dialectwords"zer", which means "to", and "matta", which means "field"or"meadow". Therefore: "to the field", although many of thefieldshave since had hotels of apartment houses built on them.
Visit The Hague Netherlands 1.0
The Hague (Dutch: Den Haag or 's-Gravenhage)isa city in the province of South Holland in the Netherlands. Itisthe seat of the Dutch parliament and government, and theresidenceof King Willem-Alexander, but it is not the capital city,which isAmsterdam. The municipality has about 500,000 inhabitants,with thegreater urban area numbering about one million. The Haguelies onthe North Sea and is home to Scheveningen, the most popularseasideresort of the Netherlands, as well as the smaller resortofKijkduin.Internationally, The Hague is often known as the"judicialcapital of the world" due to the many international courtsthat arelocated in the city. Among these are the InternationalCourt ofJustice, the International Criminal Tribunal for theformerYugoslavia and, since 2004, the International CriminalCourt.Beside these institutions, The Hague is home to more than150international organizations, as well as many EUinstitutions,multinational companies and embassies. This gave thecity adistinct international character — one that is noticeablydifferentfrom Amsterdam. Rather than having the many foreigntourists andfortune-seekers attracted by Amsterdam's reputation forexcitementand liberalism, The Hague generally has more expatriatesworkingand living in the city because of the number ofinternationalinstitutions and companies. Because of this, The Haguehas areputation as a wealthy, conservative and somewhat sedatecity.
Visit Maldives 1.0
The Maldives (Dhivehi: ދިވެހިރާއްޖެDhivehiRaajje) are an archipelago of 1,192 coral islands groupedinto 26coral atolls (200 inhabited islands, plus 80 islands withtouristresorts) in the Indian Ocean. They lie south-southwest ofIndia andare considered part of Southern Asia.Maldives was for the most part unknown to tourists until theearly1970s. Just 185 of the islands are home to its 300,000inhabitants.The other islands are used entirely for economicfunctions, of thattourism and agriculture are dominant. Tourismaccounts for 28% ofthe GDP. Over 90% of the state government incomecomes from importduties and tourism-related taxes.HistoryFormerly a Sultanate under Dutch and British protection,theMaldives are now a republic. Long ruled over with an iron fistbyMaumoon Abdul Gayoom, who did not hesitate to jail dissidentsandwas re-elected five times in more or less riggedelections,resistance to his rule culminated in violent rioting in2003 and2004. Under international pressure, free and fair electionswerefinally held in 2008, and Gayoom gracefully conceded defeattoopposition leader Mohamed Nasheed, "Anni".Following protests that started on 1 May 2011, MohamedNasheedwas forced to resign from office on 7 February 2012.MohammedWaheed Hassan, supported by the former dictator, wasappointedpresident of the Maldives. There have been reports ofviolence andhuman rights violations by the security forces againstprotestersbacking Nasheed.The Tsunami of 26 December 2004 caused extensive damage totheMaldives - of a population of only 290,000, over a thirdwasdirectly affected by the tsunami and more than 15,000 peoplewereleft homeless. The economic damage alone was over 62% of theGDP orUSD470 million.The immediate response from international donors andagenciesmobilized more than USD400 million in aid after thedisaster, muchof which was used to help misplaced persons rebuildtheir homes andinfrastructure damaged by the waves. As of December24, 2010, sixyears after the tsunami, the number of persons livingin temporaryshelters had fallen from 15,000 to only 1,600people.
Visit Sparta Greece 1.0
Sparta is the administrative capital ofLaconiaPrefecture, Greece.At the decree of King Otto of Greece, the present day city ofSpartawas built in 1834 near the site of the original city. Withits wide,tree lined boulevards, the city was designed to be aparagon for allGreek towns.The modern town still reflects this original vision, and isavery pleasant and green city set before a backdrop oflushhills.Until modern times, the site of ancient Sparta was occupied byasmall town of a few thousand people who lived among the ruins,inthe shadow of Mystras, a more important medieval Greeksettlementnearby. The Palaiologos family (the last Byzantine Greekimperialdynasty) also lived in Mystras. In 1834, after the GreekWar ofIndependence, King Otto of Greece decreed that the townshould beexpanded into a city.In the center of the city there is the Archaeological Museum andinthe North West end is the Tomb of Leonidas, also knownasLeonidaion and there is a tavern in front of the templenamedLeonidas. The city's Cathedral is at the South West end. Northofthe modern city start the ruins of the ancient Sparta. Enteringbythe South Gate of the Acropolis, known as Lakedaemonia, thereisthe Rotunda, the Theatre and the Temple of Athena Chalkioikostothe West and to the North is the 10th Century AC Monastic ChurchofOsios Nikonas. Exiting the Acropolis by the North Gate therearethe remains of the earliest ancient walls, the Heroon and theAltarof Lycourgos, whereas to the East there is the Sanctuary ofArtemisOrthia.The Museum of the Olive and Greek Olive Oil in the South Westendhighlights the culture of the olive and the technology ofoliveproduction.
Visit Dubai 1.0
Dubai has emerged as a global city andbusinesshub of the Middle East.It is also a major transport hubforpassengers and cargo. By the 1960s, Dubai's economy was basedonrevenues from trade and, to a smaller extent, oilexplorationconcessions, but oil was not discovered until 1966. Oilrevenuefirst started to flow in 1969. Dubai's oil revenuehelpedaccelerate the early development of the city, but itsreserves arelimited and production levels are low: today, less than5% of theemirate's revenue comes from oil. The emirate'sWestern-style modelof business drives its economy with the mainrevenues now comingfrom tourism, aviation, real estate, andfinancial services.Dubaihas recently attracted world attentionthrough many innovativelarge construction projects and sportsevents. The city has becomeiconic for its skyscrapers and high-risebuildings, in particularthe world's tallest building, the BurjKhalifa. Dubai has beencriticised for human rights violationsconcerning the city'slargely South Asian workforce.Dubai's propertymarket experienced amajor deterioration in 2008–09 following thefinancial crisis of2007–08,but the emirate's economy has made areturn to growth, witha projected 2015 budget surplus.As of 2012, Dubai is the 22nd most expensive city in theworldand the most expensive city in the Middle East. In 2014,Dubai'shotel rooms were rated as the second most expensive in theworld,after Geneva. Dubai was rated as one of the best places tolive inthe Middle East by American global consulting firmMercer.
Visit Munich Germany 1.0
Munich (German: München, Bavarian: Minga)[1]is the capital city of Bavaria. Within the city limits, Munichhasa population of more than 1.4 million, making it thethird-mostpopulous city in Germany. Greater Munich including itssuburbs hasa population of 2.6 million. The Munich metropolitanregion whichextends to cities like Augsburg or Ingolstadt had apopulation ofmore than 5.6 million in 2008.Munich, located at the river Isar in the south of Bavaria, isfamousfor its beautiful architecture, fine culture, and theannualOktoberfest beer celebration. Munich's cultural scene issecond tonone in Germany, with the museums even considered by sometooutrank Berlin in quality. Many travelers to Munich areabsolutelystunned by the quality of the architecture. Although itwas heavilydamaged by allied bombing during World War II, many ofits historicbuildings have been rebuilt and the city center appearsmostly asit did in the late 1800s including its largest church,theFrauenkirche, and the famous city hall (Neues Rathaus).Munich is a major international center of business,engineering,research and medicine exemplified by the presence oftwo researchuniversities, a multitude of smaller colleges,headquarters ofseveral multinational companies and world-classtechnology andscience museums like the Deutsches Museum and BMWMuseum. It isGermany's most prosperous city and makes it repeatedlyinto the top10 of global quality-of-life rankings. Munich's abilityto stay atthe forefront of technological developments and maintainitscultural heritage is often summarized in the characterization asacity of "laptop and lederhosen".
Visit Tanzania East Africa 1.0
Tanzania [36] is the largest country inEastAfrica, bordered by Kenya and Uganda to the north; Rwanda,Burundi,and the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the west, andZambia,Malawi, and Mozambique to the south.HistoryThis is probably one of the oldest known continuouslyinhabitedareas on Earth; fossil remains of humans and pre-humanhominidshave been found dating back over two million years.Tanzania isbelieved to have been populated by hunter-gatherercommunities,probably Cushitic and Khoisan speaking people. About2000 yearsago, it is believed that Bantu-speaking people began toarrive fromwestern Africa in a series of migrations. Later,Niloticpastoralists arrived, and continued to immigrate into theareathrough to the 18th century.Travelers and merchants from the Persian Gulf and WesternIndiahave visited the East African coast since early in thefirstmillennium CE. Islam was practised on the Swahili coast asearly asthe eighth or ninth century CE.In the late 19th century, Imperial Germany conquered theregionsthat are now Tanzania (minus Zanzibar), Rwanda, and Burundi,andincorporated them into German East Africa. The post-World WarIaccords and the League of Nations charter designated the areaaBritish Mandate, except for a small area in the northwest,whichwas ceded to Belgium and later became Rwanda and Burundi.Britishrule came to an end in 1961 after a relatively peacefultransitionto independence. In 1954, Julius Nyerere transformedanorganization into the politically oriented TanganyikaAfricanNational Union (TANU). Nyerere became MinisterofBritish-administered Tanganyika in 1960 and continued asPrimeMinister when Tanganyika became officially independent in1961.After the Zanzibar Revolution overthrew the Arab dynastyinneighboring Zanzibar, which had become independent in 1963,theisland merged with mainland Tanganyika to form the nationofTanzania on 26 April 1964.From the late 1970s, Tanzania's economy took a turn fortheworse. Tanzania aligned with China, seeking Chinese aid.TheChinese were quick to comply, but with the condition thatallprojects be completed by imported Chinese labor. From themid1980s, the regime financed itself by borrowing fromtheInternational Monetary Fund and underwent some reforms. Fromthemid 1980s Tanzania's GDP per capita has grown and poverty hasbeenreduced.
Visit Brazil 1.0
Brazil (Portuguese: Brasil) is thelargestcountry in South America and fifth largest in the world.Famous forits football (soccer) tradition and its annual Carnavalin Rio deJaneiro, Salvador, Recife and Olinda. It is a country ofgreatdiversity, from the bustling urban mosaic of São Paulo totheinfinite cultural energy of Pernambuco and Bahia, the wildernessofthe Amazon rainforest and world-class landmarks such as theIguaçuFalls, there is plenty to see and to do in Brazil.CultureCapoeiristas Porto AlegreOwing to Brazil’s continental dimensions, variedgeography,history and people, the country’s culture is rich anddiverse. Ithas several regional variations, and in spite of beingmostlyunified by a single language, some regions are so differentfromeach other that they look like different countriesaltogether.Music plays an important part in Brazilian identity. Styleslikechoro, samba and bossa nova are considered genuinelyBrazilian.Caipira music is also in the roots of sertanejo, thenationalequivalent to country music. MPB stands for BrazilianPopularMusic, which mixes several national styles under a singleconcept.Forró, a north-eastern happy dancing music style, has alsobecomecommon nationwide. New urban styles include funk - name givento adance music genre from Rio's favelas that mixes heavyelectronicbeats and often raunchy rapping - and techno-brega, acrowd-pleaserin northern states, that fuses romantic pop, dancemusic andcaribbean rhythms. Brazilian funk is the most popular typeof musicthey listen to. It has a constant and repeated beat that isalwaysthe same, it never changes. They keep the beat, and singsongs toit. There are more than 1000 songs that are funk. You mightthingthat people get tired of the same beat, but no. It is soimpressivethat there are so many songs that it never gets old. Funkcould beconsidered tradition because of its strength in rhythm,andbringing people together.A mixture of martial arts, dance, music and game, capoeirawascreated by African slaves brought to Brazil, mainly fromPortugueseAngola. Distinguished by vivacious complicated movementsandaccompanying music, it can be seen and practiced in manyBraziliancities.In the classical music, the Modern Period isparticularlynotable, due to the works of composers like HeitorVilla-Lobos andCamargo Guarnieri, who created a typical Brazilianschool, mixingelements of the traditional European classical musicto theBrazilian rhythms, while other composers like CláudioSantorofollowed the guidelines of the Second School of Vienna. IntheRomantic Period, the greatest name was Antonio Carlos Gomes,authorof some Italian-styled operas with typical Brazilian themes,likeIl Guarany and Lo Schiavo. In the Classical Period, themostprominent name is José Maurício Nunes Garcia, a priest whowroteboth sacred and secular music and was very influenced bytheViennese classical style of the 18th and early 19th century.
Visit Rio de Janeiro 1.0
Rio de Janeiro is the second largest cityinBrazil, on the South Atlantic coast. Rio is famous foritsbreathtaking landscape, its laidback beach culture and itsannualcarnival.The harbour of Rio de Janeiro is comprised of a unique entryfromthe ocean that makes it appear to be the mouth of ariver.Additionally, the harbor is surrounded by spectaculargeographicfeatures including Sugar Loaf mountain at 395 meters(1,296 feet),Corcovado Peak at 704 meters (2,310 feet), and thehills of Tijucaat 1,021 meters (3,350 feet). These features worktogether tocollectively make the harbor one of the Seven NaturalWonders ofthe World.It is a common mistake to think of Rio as Brazil's capital,adistinction it lost on 21 April 1960 when newly builtBrasiliabecame the capital. Beaches such as Copacabana and Ipanema,theChrist The Redeemer (Cristo Redentor) statue, the stadiumofMaracanã and Sugar Loaf Mountain (Pão de Açúcar) are allwell-knownsights of what the inhabitants call the "marvelous city"(cidademaravilhosa), and are also among the first images to pop upintravelers´ minds, along with the Carnaval celebration.Sadly, most people also know Rio for its violence and crime.Thedrug lords and the slums, or favelas, are the tip of veryoldsocial problems. The favelas are areas of poor-qualityhousing,slums usually located on the city's many mountainslopes,juxtaposed with middle-class neighborhoods. But now, withthe UPP's(Unidade de Polícia Pacificadora = Pacifying Police Unit)almostall the favelas are safe to go, because the police took theareafrom the drug dealers, so you can go there for someculturalgathering. A pretty calm and safe favela is "Morro doPinto". It isso calm that it doesn't look like part of this urbanRio and it isin the center of the city.The South Zone holds most of Rio's landmarks andworld-famousbeaches, in an area of only 43.87 square km (17 mi²).Many of themare within walking distance of each other (forinstance, the SugarLoaf lies about 8 km/5 mi from Copacabanabeach). Most hotels andhostels are located in this part of thecity, which is compressedbetween the Tijuca Range (Maciço daTijuca) and the sea. There areimportant places in other regions aswell, such as Maracanã stadiumin the North Zone and the manyfascinating buildings in theCentre.If you plan on staying in Rio for more than a couple of daysitwould be good to invest in a copy of ``How to beaCarioca``(Priscilla Ann Goslin, Livros TwoCan Ltda, R$32). Thisisan amusing look at the people of Rio and will help you enjoythecity as well as appear less of a `gringo` when you hitthestreets.
Visit Madrid Spain 1.0
Madrid is the capital and largest cityofSpain, as well as the capital of the autonomous community ofthesame name (Comunidad de Madrid). The population of the cityisroughly 3.3 million with a metro area population of almost6.5million. Madrid is best known for its great cultural andartisticheritage, a good example of which is the El Prado museum.Madridalso boasts some of the liveliest nightlife in the world.Madrid is located just northeast of the geographical centerofthe Iberian Peninsula, in the middle of the SpanishcentralCastillian plateau (Meseta central), at an average altitudeof650m. Nearly all of the most famous tourist areas are locatedinthe center of the city including Puerta del Sol, PlazaMayor,Palacio Real, and Plaza de Colón. The major streets inMadridinclude the Gran Via, Alcalá Street, and Paseo delaCastellana.
Fruits Puzzle 1.0
Free Fruit puzzle games for everybody, asimplegame allow you to pass the time.
Visit India 1.0
India (Sanskrit, Hindi: भारत, Bhārat) isthelargest country in the Indian Subcontinent and shares borderswithPakistan to the west, China and Nepal to the north, Bhutan tothenorth-east, and Bangladesh and Myanmar to the east. Sri Lankaliesto the south, Maldives to the south-west and Indonesia tothesouth-east of India in the Indian Ocean.India is the seventh largest country in the world by areaand,with over a billion people, is second only to China inpopulation,although its much higher birthrate makes it likely toreach poleposition in less than ten years.It is an extremely diverse country, with vast differencesingeography, climate, culture, language and ethnicity acrossitsexpanse, and prides itself on being the largest democracyonEarth.terrorism, and ethnic and religious strife. But thecurrentobsession, at least among the educated elite, is overwhether Indiawill be able overtake China in economic growth.
Visit Rome Italy 1.0
Rome (Italian: Roma), the Eternal City, isthecapital and largest city of Italy and of the Lazio region. It'sthefamed city of the Roman Empire, the Seven Hills, La Dolce Vita(thesweet life), the Vatican City and Three Coins in theFountain.Rome, as a millenium-long centre of power, culture (havingbeen thecradle of one of the globe's greatest civilisations ever)andreligion, has exerted a huge influence over the world initsroughly 2800 years of existence.The historic centre of the city is a UNESCO World HeritageSite.With wonderful palaces, millennium-old churches, grandromanticruins, opulent monuments, ornate statues and gracefulfountains,Rome has an immensely rich historical heritage andcosmopolitanatmosphere, making it one of Europe's and the world'smost visited,famous, influential and beautiful capitals. Today,Rome has agrowing nightlife scene and is also seen as a shoppingheaven,being regarded as one of the fashion capitals of the world(some ofItaly's oldest jewellery and clothing establishments werefoundedin the city).
Visit Malaysia 1.0
Malaysia is a country in SoutheastAsia,located partly on a peninsula of the Asian mainland and partlyonthe northern third of the island of Borneo.West (peninsular) Malaysia shares a border with Thailand,isconnected by a causeway and a bridge (the 'second link') totheisland state of Singapore, and has coastlines on the SouthChinaSea and the Straits of Malacca.East Malaysia (Borneo) shares borders with BruneiandIndonesia.UnderstandMalaysia is a mix of the modern world and a developingnation.With its investment in the high technology industries andmoderateoil wealth, it has become one of the richer nations inSoutheastAsia. Malaysia, for most visitors, presents a happy mix:there ishigh-tech infrastructure and things generally work well andmore orless on schedule, but prices remain more reasonable than,say,Singapore.
Visit Prague Czech Republic 1.0
Prague (Czech: Praha) is the capital cityandlargest city of the Czech Republic. It is one of the largestcitiesof Central Europe and has served as the capital of thehistoricregion of Bohemia for centuries.Jan PalachA university student, Jan Palach became a Czechoslovakianmartyrwhen he set himself ablaze in protest to the WarsawPactintervention against the Prague Spring reforms, whichliberalisedgovernment policies and human rights restrictions.Palach diedthree days later from his injuries. Palach's funeralerupted intomass protests against the government. ManyCzechoslovakians mournedPalach and sympathized with his idealsincluding Jan Zajíc, whokilled himself in the same fashion asPalach to encourage hiscountrymen to fight the Warsaw Pactoccupation of theCzechoslovakian nation. A little more than twomonths later, onGood Friday, Evžen Plocek also set himself ablazein the town ofJihlava. However, Plocek's protest went largelyunnoticed since hisdeath was not reported by the media. In 1989,twenty years afterPalach's death, large scale protests were held inwhat became knownas Palach Week, a precursor to the VelvetRevolution later the sameyear.
Visit Portugal 1.0
Portugal shares the Iberian peninsula atthesouth-western tip of Europe with Spain. Geographicallyandculturally somewhat isolated from its neighbour, Portugal hasarich, unique culture, lively cities and beautifulcountryside.Although it was once one of the poorest countries inWesternEurope, the end of dictatorship and introduction ofDemocracy in1974, as well as its incorporation into the EuropeanUnion in 1986,has meant significantly increased prosperity. It maynow be one ofthe best value destinations on the Continent. This isbecause thecountry offers outstanding landscape diversity, due toitsNorth-South disposition along the western shore of theIberianpeninsula. You can travel in a single day from greenmountains inthe North, covered with vines and all varieties oftrees to rockymountains, with spectacular slopes and falls in theCentre, to anear-desert landscape in the Alentejo region andfinally to theglamorous beach holidays destination Algarve. Theclimate, combinedwith investments in the golfing infrastructure inrecent years, hasalso turned the country into a golfing haven.Portugal was recentlynamed "Best Golf Destination 2008" by readersof Golfers Today, aBritish publication. Fourteen of Portugal'scourses are rated inthe top 100 best in Europe. If you want acondensed view ofEuropean landscapes, culture and way of life,Portugal might verywell fit the bill.
Visit Osaka Japan 1.0
Ōsaka (大阪) is the third largest city inJapan,with a population of over 2.5 million people in itsgreatermetropolitan area. It is the central metropolis of theKansairegion and the largest of the Osaka-Kobe-Kyoto trio.Districts"Osaka" can mean either the larger Osaka prefecture (大阪府Ōsaka-fu),covered in a separate guide, or central Osaka city (大阪市Ōsaka-shi),the topic of this guide. The city is administrativelydivided into24 wards (区 ku), but in common usage the followingdivisions aremore useful:Osaka's districtsKita (キタ)The newer center of the city, including the Kita ward (北区).Umeda(梅田) is the main terminal. Department stores, theatersandboutiques are clustered around JR Osaka Station and UmedaStation,which serves several city and private railwaysMinami (ミナミ)the traditional commercial and cultural center, composed of theChuo(中央区) and Naniwa (浪速区) wards. Namba (なんば, 難波) is the mainrailwaystation, and the surrounding area has the department storeand showyshopping. Shinsaibashi (心斎橋) and Horie (堀江) is thefashion area.Dōtonbori (道頓堀) is the best place to go for a bite toeat.Semba (船場)straddles the line between Kita and Minami, andcontains thebusiness districts of Yodoyabashi (淀屋橋), Doujima (堂島)and Hommachi(本町); and the financial district of Kitahama(北浜).Tennoji (天王寺)generally means the area around JR Tennōji Station, AbenoandTennoji subway stations and Kintetsu rail lines, located atthesouth end of Tennōji ward. The ward was named after thehistoricalShitennoji temple. Tennōji Park and Zoo are in the area,and so isthe Tsūtenkaku Tower. To the west of Tennōji is Shinsekai(新世界),which was an amusement area in the past and has now becomequiteseedy.Osaka castleOsaka Castle (大阪城) is one of the most visited tourist attractionsinJapan. Kyōbashi (京橋) is northeast of Osaka Castle, home toOsakaBusiness Park (OBP).Northcovering the area north of Osaka. Includes Shin-Osaka(新大阪)andJuso(十三).EastThe eastern suburbs of Osaka.SouthThe southern suburbs of Osaka containing various districts,whichhas the Sumiyoshi-Taisya Grand Shrine.Bay AreaHuge amusement area with many gigantic facilities.
Visit Bali 1.0
Bali, the famed Island of the Gods, withitsvaried landscape of hills and mountains, rugged coastlinesandsandy beaches, lush rice terraces and barren volcanic hillsidesallproviding a picturesque backdrop to its colourful, deeplyspiritualand unique culture, stakes a serious claim to be paradiseon earth.With world-class surfing and diving, a large number ofcultural,historical and archaeological attractions, and an enormousrange ofaccommodations, this is one of the world's most popularislanddestinations and one which consistently wins travel awards.Balihas something to offer a very broad market of visitors fromyoungback-packers right through to the super-rich.
Visit Cairo Egypt 1.0
Cairo (ؓلقاهرة al-Qāhirah) is the capitalofEgypt and, with a total population in excess of 16 millionpeople,one of the largest cities in both Africa and the Middle East(theregions which it conveniently straddles). It is also the19thlargest city in the world, and among the world's mostdenselypopulated cities.On the Nile river, Cairo is famous for its own history,preservedin the fabulous medieval Islamic city and Coptic sites inOld Cairo.The Egyptian Museum in the centre of town is a must see,with itscountless Acient Egyptian artefacts, as is shopping at theKhanal-Khalili bazaar. No trip to Cairo would be complete, forexample,without a visit to the Giza Pyramids, and to the nearbySaqqaraPyramid Complex, where visitors will see Egypt's first steppyramidbuilt by the architect Imhotep for the third dynastyPharaoh,Djoser.
Visit Cape Town South Africa 1.0
Cape Town is the second largest city inSouthAfrica and is the capital of the Western Cape Province, aswell asbeing the legislative capital of South Africa (the HousesofParliament are here). It is located in the south-west corner ofthecountry near the Cape of Good Hope, and is the most southerncityin Africa. It is a stone's throw from South Africa'sworld-famousCape Winelands around Stellenbosch, Paarl andFranschhoek.Cape Town is also known as Kaapstad (in Afrikaans) or theMotherCity/Moederstad in South Africa. It is also one of the mosticoniccities in the world.
Visit Alexandria Egypt 1.0
Alexandria (Arabic: الإسكندريةal-Iskanderiyya)is Egypt's second largest city (3.5 millionpeople), its largestseaport and the country's window onto theMerranean Sea. It's afaded shade of its former gloriouscosmopolitan self, but stillworth a visit for its many culturalattractions and still-palpableglimpses of its past.Few cities of the world have a history as rich as thatofAlexandria; few cities have witnessed so many historic eventsandlegends. Founded by Alexander the Great (Iskander al-Akbar) in331BC, Alexandria became the capital of Greco-Roman Egypt; itsstatusas a beacon of culture is symbolized by Pharos, thelegendrylighthouse that was one of the Seven Wonders of the World.The Lighthouse of Alexandria (Pharos) was built in thethirdcentury BC by Ptolemy I on the island of Pharos. The height ofthelighthouse was between 115 and 150 meters, so it was amongthehighest structures in the world, second only to the GreatPyramids.The lighthouse was built on 3 floors: a square bottom withacentral heart, a section octagonal average and above anuppersection. And on the top there was a mirror that reflectedsunlightduring the day and used fire for the night. But it wasdamaged by 2earthquakes in 1303 and 1323.
Visit Marrakech Marocco 1.0
Marrakech (مراكش), also known as Marrakesh,isone of the imperial cities of Morocco.The name Marrakech originates from the Amazigh (Berber) wordsmur(n) akush, which means "Land of God." It is the third largestcityin Morocco, after Casablanca and Rabat, and lies near thefoothillsof the snow-capped Atlas Mountains. It is a few hours fromthe footof the Sahara Desert. Its location and contrastinglandscape hasmade it an enviable destination in Morocco.The city is divided into two distinct parts: the Medina,thehistorical city, and the new European modern district calledGuelizor Ville Nouvelle. The Medina is full of intertwiningnarrowpassageways and local shops full of character. In contrast,Guelizplays host to modern restaurants, fast food chains and bigbrandstores.
Visit Buenos Aires Argentina 1.0
Buenos Aires (the official name 'isCiudadAutónoma de Buenos Aires/Autonomous City of Buenos Aires,alsocalled Capital Federal/Federal Capital) is the capital oftheArgentine Republic. The name means fair winds, or literallygoodairs in Spanish. It is one of the largest cities in LatinAmerica,with a lot of cultural offerings, and is the point ofdeparture fortravelling to the rest of the country. Inhabitants ofBuenos Airesare called porteños, "people from the port", implyingthat many ofthe inhabitants are immigrants in some ways or another.BuenosAires is a singular, open, and integrating destination thatallowsthe visitor not only to view the city but also to haveanexceptional urban adventure.