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Calculadora metabolismo basal 1.1
Aplicación para calcular el número de caloríasaproximadas que gasta una persona, y recibir una orientación de lascalorías que debe de consumir para mantenerse, adelgazar o cogerpeso.Para el cálculo de dichas calorías se utiliza la ecuación deHarris-Benedict.Application to calculatethe approximate number of calories you expend a person, and receivean orientation of the calories you should consume to maintain, loseor gain weight.To calculate these calories the Harris-Benedict equation isused.
Comedores Granada 3.2
Consulta el menú semanal de los comedoresuniversitarios de Granada (UGR).Check the weekly menu ofthe dining halls of Granada (UGR).
Drupalcamp Spain 2016 1.2
Official application of Drupalcamp Spain2016,a quick and easy guide to the schedule of meetings andeventinformation. Download it on your phone and can make their owntrackwith those sessions that you like.Main features:  - Full conference schedule  - Information Sessions  - Create a personal calendar  - Keeping up to date of any noticeFor more information about the event, visit the officialwebsiteof Spain Drupalcamp 2016 -