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Oriflame Diamond Conference 1.0
Welcome to 2015 Diamond Conference – YourDiamond Island Singapore! For six inspiring days, you’ll have theopportunity to explore this fascinating destination with Oriflame!Cultural melting pot, garden city, a blend of old-world and newarchitecture, Singapore is truly a city like no other - a world ofpossibilities and dreams! Use this app to find out everything about2015 Executive Conference and to get some tips aboutSingapore!
IBM Forum 2015 1.0
Jest nam niezmiernie miło już po raz 11zaprosić na SolutionsConnect – IBM Forum, największą dorocznąkonferencję IBM dla pasjonatów nowoczesnych rozwiązań biznesowych.Konferencja odbędzie się 16 marca 2015 roku w nowejlokalizacji.Tym razem, inaczej niż w latach ubiegłych, zapraszamy do hoteluDoubleTree by Hilton znajdującego się przy ul. Skalnicowej 21 wWarszawie.Jak co roku, uczestnicy SolutionsConnect – IBM Forum, mogąspodziewaćsię wielu ciekawych prezentacji, pokazów nowych rozwiązańorazdyskusji dotyczących najważniejszych wyzwań stojących przed IT orazbiznesem. Koncentrujemy się na sześciu kluczowych tematach: chmurzeobliczeniowej, analityce biznesowej, rozwiązaniach mobilnych ispołecznościowych, bezpieczeństwie oraz infrastrukturze. Ponadtoprzygotowaliśmy odrębną sesję poświęconą programowi Managed ServiceProviders (MSP) – Dostawcom Usług Zarządzanych oraz programistom.Wwydzielonej sali Demo Room będzie można zobaczyć technologie IBMwakcji.We are pleased to haveonce 11 invite SolutionsConnect - IBM Forum, the largest annualconference for fans of modern IBM business solutions.The conference will be held on 16 March 2015 the newlocation.This time, unlike in previous years, we invite you to DoubleTree byHilton Hotel located at ul. Skalnicowej 21 in Warsaw.As every year, the participants SolutionsConnect - IBM Forum,can expectmany interesting presentations, demonstrations of new solutionsanddiscussions on the key challenges facing IT and the business. Wefocus on six key themes: cloud computing, business analytics,mobile, and social solutions, security and infrastructure. Inaddition, we have a separate session devoted to the program ManagedService Providers (MSP) - Managed Services Providers anddevelopers. TheDemo Room separate room will be able to see IBM technologiesaction.
Event Program 1.0.24
With Bartizan’s event app, Event Program letsattendees gain access to personalized schedules, networking, liveupdates from organizers and much more. Event Program is a nativeapp that functions offline and requires no Wi-Fi.The Event Program app allows your event attendees to:• Easily navigate through a conference program• View details of speakers, locations, sponsors and attendees• Stay up-to-date without being connected to the internet• Create customized daily schedules• Preview photo galleries from the event• Stay informed about program changes, Twitter feeds and organizermessagesEvent organizers will find this app flexible and easy-to-use. EventProgram offers powerful event analytics and helps generate eventrevenue from sponsorships and ads.
Wolves Summit 2015 1.0
Wolves Summit is not only a conference forstartups. It is a global gathering, where technology meets design,sales, marketing and investors all together. In one place. Theevent is dedicated to participants who are hungry for success andare willing to hunt their future. Young entrepreneurs are likewolves. Survival instinct helps them to create amazing solutionsthat affect the development of business and the environment. Theirgoal is to be at the top - the (Wolves) Summit.International environmentMeet startups, investors and industry leaders from countries suchas Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Norway, Sweden, Belarus,Russia, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Germany, Slovenia, Italy, Spain,United Kingdom, Ireland, Argentina, United Arab Emirates and theUSA. Wolves Summit will host 1500 participants and 300startups.More than 500 hours to nuzzle!Wolves Summit includes workshops and lectures with world's topbusinesses personas. They will help you to greatly improve themanagement of your company.We prepared 5 paths: Investors, Startups, Design, Marketing andTech. Each wolf will find something tailored for him.NetworkingThe core idea of our conference is networking. Contacts are the keyof maintaining relationships in business. The icing on cake isNight Summit - evening meetings, where you will be able to meet newpeople and exchange business cards with them.Speed DatesWe are the only one to organize private meetings with investors.Thanks to us, you will acquire new business partners, customers andinvestors. You will have face to face conversations in speciallyarranged rooms. Once-in-a-lifetime business opportunity, isn’tit?The Great Pit(ch)Startups from around the world will present their business modelsin front of a jury consisting of 20 experts, including startupmentors, experts, managers of MNC’s and investors. Only one startupwill become an Alpha pack and will get the main prize - $ 50 000 incash.During Wolves Summit Conference you will have a chance to meetrepresentatives from brands such as: Intel, Google, Facebook, 500Startups, Amazon and more!Wolves Summit is not onlya conference for startups. It is a global gathering, the wheretechnology meets design, sales, marketing, and investors alltogether. In one place. The event is dedicated this who areparticipants the hungry for success and are willing to hunt Theirfuture. Young entrepreneurs by are like wolves. Survival instinctthat helps them create amazing solutions: affect the developmentThat of business and the environment. Their goal is to be at thetop - the (Wolves) Summit.International environmentMeet startups, investors and industry leaders from countries dry asPoland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Norway, Sweden, Belarus,Russia, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Germany, Slovenia, Italy, Spain,United Kingdom, Ireland, Argentina, United Arab Emirates and theUnited States. Wolves will host Summit participants the 1500 and300 startups.More than 500 hours a nutty!Wolves Summit includes workshops and lectures with the world's topbusinesses personas. They will help you improve it greatly themanagement of your company.We prepared five paths: Investors, Startups, Design, Marketing andTech. Each wolf will find something tailored for him. NetworkingThe core idea of ​​our conference is networking. Contacts are thekey of Maintaining relationships in business. The icing on cake isNight Summit - evening meetings, the where you will be able to meetnew people and exchange business cards with them.Speed ​​DatesWe are the only one to organize private meetings with investors.Thanks to us, you will acquire new business partners, customers andinvestors. You will have face to face conversations in Speciallyarranged rooms. Once-in-a-lifetime business opportunity, is notit?The Great Pit (ch)Startups from around the world will present Their business modelsin front of a jury consisting of 20 experts, Including startupmentors, experts, managers of MNC's and investors. Only one startupwill become an Alpha pack and will get the main prize - $ 50 000 incash.During Wolves Summit Conference you will have a chance to meetRepresentatives from brands dry as Intel, Google, Facebook, 500Startups, Amazon and more!
IBM Business Analytics Forum
Zapraszamy do udziału w dorocznej konferencjipoświęconej zastosowaniom analityki biznesowej w obszarachfinansów, marketingu i sprzedaży, obsługi klienta oraz IT. Jesteśmyprzekonani, że konferencja będzie dla Państwa inspiracją dospojrzenia na analitykę jako narzędzie kreujące rzeczywistą wartośćbiznesową, wspomagające podejmowanie trafnych decyzji orazwzmacniające konkurencyjność organizacji. Pokażemy również w jakisposób, dzięki celowemu wykorzystaniu Analityki Biznesowej, możeciePaństwo skutecznie stawić czoła nowym wyzwaniom technologicznym ibiznesowym.Agenda konferencji, zaprojektowana z myślą o Państwazainteresowaniach, obejmuje podział na panele tematyczne skierowaneodpowiednio do Dyrektorów Finansowych, IT oraz Marketingu iSprzedaży, a także funkcji pokrewnych.Konferencja odbędzie się w Warszawie 22 czerwca 2015 w HoteluInterContinental przy ul. Emilii Plater 49.We invite you toparticipate in the annual conference on business analyticsapplications in the areas of finance, marketing and sales, customerservice and IT. We are confident that the conference will be aninspiration for you to look at analytics as a tool which createreal business value, supporting business decisions and enhancingthe competitiveness of the organization. We will also show how, bythe targeted use Business Analytics, you can successfully face newtechnological challenges and business.Agenda of the conference, designed for your interests, breakdowncover for panel discussions addressed according to the CFOs, IT,and Marketing and Sales, as well as related functions.The conference will be held in Warsaw June 22, 2015 at theInterContinental Hotel Street. Emilia Plater 49.
Conventica 1.3
Dear attendee! With Conventica you gain accessto personalized schedule, networking, live updates from organizersand much more!Conventica app allows you to:• easily navigate through a conference program,• view details of speakers, locations, sponsors andattendees,• be up-to-date without being connected to the Internet,• create your own daily schedule,• find your way around the spot,• preview photo gallery from the event,• stay informed about program changes, Twitter feeds and organizermessages.Dear Event Planner! Conventica will help you to generate revenuefrom sponsorships and ads. For more details visit orcontact us at
You’re attending a conference in Gdańsk andyou want to have all the information in your pocket? That’s whatGCB EVENT app is for!- Events schedules – find information about who, what, where andwhen- Maps and floor plans- My Agenda – personalize your schedule- My Briefcase – add your favorite contacts, events and write yourown notes- Speakers – get to know speakers via Twitter, Facebook, LinkedInand more!- Local Info – never been to Gdańsk before? Our app gathers infoyou might find helpful while visiting our city!
GSpeakers 1
Motivational, Keynote and Public Speakers forYour Next EventIf you are planning a major event, then you should engage any ofour powerful, funny or inspirational speakers. From inspirationaland motivational business leaders, through to well-known sportspersonalities, highly experienced TV hosts, former world leadersand futurists leading the way in developing tomorrows technologyand innovative ideas, we have a wide range of speakers for nextkeynote or after dinner speech.Global Speakers Bureau is a truly international speakers bureauwith speakers located around the world in Europe, USA , and Asia.Our listed speakers are consistently traveling to events while wearrange all the details to ensure a successful engagement.
Szybki rozwój metod diagnostycznych, technikendowaskularnych i łączonych metod z klasyczną chirurgiąnaczyniową, postęp w dziedzinie badań nad patofizjologią naczyń izaburzeniami hemostazy spowodował rozszerzenie wskazań do leczeniai coraz lepsze efekty naszych wspólnych działań: chirurgównaczyniowych, radiologów, angiologów, kardiologów, flebologów iprzedstawicieli innych nauk zajmujących się angiologią.Ta zwiększona dostępność do terapii chorób naczyń nie jest wolnaod niepowodzeń i powikłań wynikających z zaawansowania choroby, zuwarunkowań anatomicznych, ograniczeń sprzętowych, czy schorzeńwspółistniejących.O tym wszystkim będziemy dyskutować podczas naszegospotkania.The rapid development ofdiagnostic methods, techniques, endovascular and combined with theclassical methods of vascular surgery, advances in research on thepathophysiology of vascular and hemostasis disorders causedextension of indication for the treatment and getting betterresults of our joint activities: vascular surgeons, radiologists,angiologów, cardiologists, and representatives phlebologists otherdisciplines involved in angiology.This increased accessibility to treatment of vascular diseasesis not free from failures and complications related to the stage ofthe disease, with the anatomical, hardware limitations, andcomorbidities.All this we will discuss during our meeting.
AgileByExample 2015 1.0
AgileByExample, as usual, is a great place tomeet with all that’s Agile:· two days of inspiring and energizing talks, all held inEnglish· Lean Agile Dojo – a day of intensive workshops on practicaltopics· great people creating unique atmosphereAll that, combined with awesome venue, mingling networkingpossibilities and second to none organization creates fantasticopportunity to share what’s best in software development managementand creating modern organizations. Learn more atagilebyexample.comAgileByExample, as usual,is a great place to meet with all that's Agile:· Two days of inspiring and energizing talks, all held inAngielski· Lean Agile Dojo - a day of intensive workshops on practicaltopics· Great people creating unique atmosphereAll that, combined with the awesome venue, mingling networkingPossibilities and second to none organization Creates fantasticopportunity to share what's best in software development managementand creating modern Organizations. Learn more
Event Biznes 1.0
Konferencja Event-Biznes poświęcona jest wpełni tematyce eventu, jako jednego z najskuteczniejszych narzędzimarketingowych, pozwalających dotrzeć bezpośrednio do grupdocelowych realizowanych projektów i z powodzeniem realizować celebiznesowe. Konferencja skierowana jest przede wszystkim domanagerów i dyrektorów działów marketingu, do managerów ispecjalistów z działów zakupów oraz członków zarządówodpowiedzialnych za komunikację w swoich firmach oraz do agencjieventowych. Spotkanie ma na celu zapoznanie uczestników znowoczesnymi formami promocji służącymi budowaniu marki orazukazanie możliwości i korzyści sprzedażowych i wizerunkowychpłynących z wykorzystania event marketingu. Na konferencjęzaproszeni zostali prelegenci stanowiący niepodważalny autorytet wświecie Event Marketingu z bogatym porfolio projektów,zrealizowanych dla największych marek np. Paweł Tkaczyk, NataliaHatalska.Event-Business Conferenceis dedicated to fully-themed event, as one of the most effectivemarketing tools that allow direct access to the target groups ofprojects and successfully realize business goals. The conference isaimed primarily at managers and directors of marketing departments,to managers and professionals with purchasing departments andmembers of the board responsible for communication within theircompanies and event agencies. The meeting is to familiarizeparticipants with modern forms of promotion servants brandbuilding, and to show the opportunities and benefits of sales andimage stemming from the use of event marketing. The conferenceinvited speakers representing undisputed authority in the world ofevent marketing with an extensive portfolio of projects completedfor major brands such. Paul Tkaczyk, Natalia Hatalska.
Digital Marketing Revolution 1.0
Digital Marketing Revolution is an eventdevoted entirely to the digital marketing. This is the time to lookat revolutionary changes and new technologies that supportmarketing and communication. DMR means relevant topics, outstandingexperts, practitioners and creators of trends from Poland, Europeand the USA. On two large scenes, during more than a dozenworkshops and round tables, we will show and discuss the latesttrends, tools and techniques of digital marketing and we will touchupon current topics. This is also the presence of innovativeproducts and services in the large, digital Expo area and strongrepresentation of ideas hidden in start-ups. DMR also means plentyof attractions, the chillout area and after party which allow toconsolidate the stablished contacts and relations in a lessofficial atmosphere.Digital MarketingRevolution is an event devoted entirely to the digital marketing.This is the time to look at revolutionary changes and newtechnologies That support marketing and communication. DMR Meansrelevant topics, outstanding experts, practitioners and creators oftrends from Poland, Europe and the USA. On two large scenes, duringmore than a dozen workshops and round tables, we will show anddiscuss the latest trends, tools and techniques of digitalmarketing and we will touch upon current topics. This is also thepresence of innovative products and services in the large, digitalExpo area and strong representation of ideas hidden in start-ups.Means DMR also plenty of attractions, the chillout area and afterparty Which allow it consolidate the stablished contacts andrelations in a less official atmosphere.
DOHA Executive Conference 2016 1.0
Welcome to 2016 Executive Conference Doha.Doha is an extraordinary destination where the rich spirit of thepast meets the modern splendour of the future. It is a city madefamous for its spectacular buildings, premier shopping, majorinternational sporting events and exceptional hospitality. For sixinspiring days, you’ll have the opportunity to explore thisfascinating destination with Oriflame! Cultural melting pot, gardencity, a blend of old-world and new architecture, Doha is truly acity like no other - a world of possibilities and dreams! Use thisapp to find out everything about 2016 Executive Conference and toget some tips about Doha!
Grupa Trip 1.0
Grupa Trip jest firmą z ponaddwudziestoletnimdoświadczeniem w dziedzinie organizacji turystykibiznesowej.Specjalizujemy się w organizacji kongresów ikonferencji, a takżeszkoleń i wyjazdów integracyjnych. Naszymatutem jestprofesjonalny, zgrany zespół ekspertów z różnychdziedzin pomyślnierealizujący najbardziej wymagające projekty.Wspólnie planujemy,przygotowujemy kongresy, konferencje iszkolenia.Trip Group is acompanywith over twenty years experience in the field of businesstourismorganization. We specialize in organizing congressesandconferences, as well as training and integration trips.Ouradvantage is professional, well-coordinated team of expertsfromvarious fields of successfully implementing the mostdemandingprojects. Together we plan, prepare congresses,conferences andtraining.
PTCHN 2015 1.0
Mamy zaszczyt zaprosić Państwa naspotkanieśrodowisk zainteresowanych leczeniem schorzeń naczyń –VIIMiędzynarodowy Kongres Naczyniowych Towarzystw Naukowych.Kongresodbędzie się w maju 2015 roku w Poznaniu, a jego tematykaobejmowaćbędzie aktualną wiedzę z kraju i ze świata z zakresuszerokopojętej chirurgii naczyniowej.Celem Kongresu będzie również zaprezentowanie dorobkunaukowego,wymiana opinii i doświadczeń dotyczących wszystkichdziedzinleczenia chorób naczyń. Tematami przewodnimi będąproblemydiagnostyczne i terapeutyczne związane z niedokrwieniemkończyndolnych, schorzeniami aorty, urazami naczyniowymi,przygotowaniemchorych do zabiegów naczyniowych oraz powikłaniamipoza biegach naukładzie naczyniowym.Przewidziane są również wykłady plenarne autorytetów wdziedziniechorób naczyń z Polski i zagranicy ( z USA),wzbogaconetransmisjami zabiegów operacyjnych realizowanymi „nażywo” z saloperacyjnych.We are pleased toinviteyou to a meeting environments interested in the treatment ofblooddisorders - VII International Congress on VascularScientificSocieties. The Congress will be held in May 2015 inPoznan, and itstheme will include current knowledge of the countryand the worldin the field of vascular surgery at large.The aim of the Congress will also present thescientificachievements, exchange opinions and experiences on allaspects ofthe treatment of vascular disease. Topics will includediagnosticand therapeutic problems associated with limb ischemia,aorticdisease, vascular injuries, preparing patients for vascularsurgeryand complications outside of racing on the vascularsystem.Are also provided keynote speeches authorities in the fieldofvascular diseases of the Polish and abroad (including theUS),enriched with transmissions of surgical procedures carriedout"live" from the operating room.
Haxel 1.0.27
Aplikacja przeznaczona dla uczestników wyprawrealizowanych przez HAXEL Events & Incentive.Ciesz się z nami nadchodzącą przygodą! Profesjonalizm zfantazją!The application isdesigned for participants expeditions carried out by HAXEL Events& Incentive.Enjoy the upcoming adventure with us! Professionalism offantasy!
GDD 2016 1.0.27
Gdynia Design Days to corocznyfestiwalprezentujący najnowsze tendencje i dobre praktyki zzakresuprojektowania. Obfitujący w inspirujące wystawy,wykłady,warsztaty, prelekcje oraz dyskusje.Gdynia Design Days isanannual festival showcasing the latest trends and best practicesinthe field of design. Rich in inspiring exhibitions,lectures,workshops, lectures and discussions.
Szalone Dni Muzyki 2016 1.1.4
Szalone Dni Muzyki | NATURA to 7. polskaedycjamiędzynarodowego festiwalu muzyki klasycznej La FolleJournée. Wciągu 3 festiwalowych dni odbędzie się około 60koncertów, podczasktórych wystąpi łącznie prawie 1000 artystów. Waplikacjiznajdziecie:- program festiwalu- informacje o artystach- informacje praktyczne- aktualnościBądź na bieżąco!Crazy Days of Music|NATURE is 7. Polish edition of the international classicalmusicfestival La Folle Journée. Within 3 days of the festival willbeheld about 60 concerts during which there is a total ofnearly1,000 artists. In the application you will find:- The festival program- Information about the artists- Practical information- newsStay updated!
Oriflame Gold 2016 Copenhagen 1.0.27
It is with Great Pleasure and pride thatwewelcome you to the 2016 Gold Conference - a ScandinavianFairyTale. We are so happy to have You here with us to celebrate ,getinspired and gain valuable Leadership insight in thisenchantingland.It is with greatPleasureand pride in That welcome you to the 2016 Gold Conference -aScandinavian Fairy Tale. We are so happy to have you here withusto celebrate, get inspired and gain valuable insight Leadershipinthis enchanting land.
PTKT 2016 1.0.25
Polskie TowarzystwoKardio-Torakochirurgówzaprasza na VIII Kongres PTKT 2016, którytworzą najwybitniejsipolscy chirurdzy oraz renomowani zagranicznispecjaliści wdziedzinie kardio-torakochirurgii.Polish SocietyofCardio-Thoracic Surgeons offers VIII Congress PTKT 2016 tocreatethe most outstanding Polish surgeons and renowned foreignexpertsin the field of cardio-thoracic surgery.
Oriflame London Gold 2015 1.0
It is with great pleasure and anticipationthatwe welcome you to the 2015 Gold Conference in London, England.Get ready for 6 incredible days of networking,inspiringleadership seminars and celebrating in one of the world’smostpopular and exciting destinations. Iconic sights, richculture,excellent shopping and famous attractions make London theperfectlocation for this year’s event.This is your conference and you’ve worked really hard togethere, so we will do our very best to make theexperienceunforgettable. We encourage you to take part in all ofthe businesssessions, meet new people and share knowledge and,mostimportantly, have fun! This is a wonderful oppor- tunity foryou tolearn new and effective ways to grow your business anddevelop yourleadership capabilities from some of the mostsuccessful leaders inOriflame.We would like to take this occasion to thank you for all ofyourhard work and dedication this year, and we wish you evenmoresuccess in the future. We look forward to meeting you in personandgetting to know more about what inspires and motivates you.Congratulations and best wishes for a successful conference!
Oriflame Executive Conference 1.0
It is with great pleasure that we welcomeyouto Your Dream Tour – 2015 Executive Conference, where you willbetaking part in 6 inspiring days of professionaldevelopment,networking and unforgettable memories. Between 19th-25th Januarywe will visit beautiful and enchanting Bangkok andwill continueour visit in Siem Reap Cambodia. Please use this appto find outeverything about 2015 Executive Conference.
Oriflame Abu Dhabi 2016 1.0
Welcome to the 2016 Oriflame DiamondConferencein Abu Dhabi. It is with great excitement andanticipation that wewelcome you to Abu Dhabi for the 2016 DiamondConference. For sixinspiring days, you’ll have the opportunity toexplore thisfascinating destination, participate in dynamicbusiness seminarsand get inspired in one of the most luxuriescities in the world.All your hard work and determination hasbrought you to this dreamdestination.Famously known as the “Garden City of the Gulf”, Abu Dhabi isthevibrant capital of the United Arab Emirates and one of theMiddleEast’s most cosmopolitan cities. You will discover a placethatwill intrigue, captivate and leave you with lastingmemories.Please use this app to find out everything about 2015ExecutiveConference.
Neckermann Connect 1.1.1
Biuro podróży Neckermann Polska przedstawiaaplikację Neckermann Connect.W aplikacji znajdziesz wszystkie niezbędne informacje na tematdanego wydarzenia, w tym program, mapę dojazdu, sylwetkiprelegentów i wiele innych! Spotkania urozmaicone innowacyjnymirozwiązaniami zyskują zupełnie nową jakość!Travel agency NeckermannNeckermann Poland shows the application Connect.In the application, you will find all the necessary information onthe event, including program, map directions, profiles of speakersand much more! Meetings varied innovative solutions are gaining awhole new level!
Montibello 1.1.6
Montibello is a tool for hairdressers
Ptartro 1.0.2
Po dużym sukcesie I Zjazdu PTA w Ożarowie, w naszejdziałalnościskupiliśmy się głównie na edukacji i pomocy kolegomrozpoczynającymswoją przygodę z artroskopią stawów. Dziękiwspółpracy z wielomaśrodowiskami ortopedycznymi i naukowymi udajesię nam cały czaspozyskiwać darmowe miejsca szkoleniowe ikonferencyjne dla naszychmłodych członków.