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ICSC Updates 1.1
ICSC Updates is a way to reach usefulnotifications from Islamia College of Science and Commerce,Srinagar.A personal e-notice board app with free access for everyone. Thepurpose and aim behind this app is only to keep students informedwith latest notifications. Waiting for your turn to read a noticeon traditional notice board is now old and ICSC Updates is breakingthe stereotype for the goodness of society. This is an effort forgood and we would love to hear from you if we are doing right.Please show your support by sharing this app with other studentsalso.If you are a part of this college and have anything important tobroadcast you can whatsapp at 9797033923.Feel free to contact for any kind of suggestion orcomplaints.ICSC Updates has been developed by Zaid Ajaz(B.tech CSE Studentat Amity University, Noida ) and Faiez Ajaz(BBA Student at IslamiaCollege Of Science and Commerce, Srinagar).P.S - ( Disclaimer) : We are also humans and if by any reason,attimes, we couldn't make it possible each and every notice reachyou, please don't blame us because we don't guarantee every noticepublished in collge will be published here also.So rely on us buttake your responsibilities along.
Wadi Informer 2.2
What we do?We collect news from different authentic sources and produce asmall crisp news in few words, because we know your time is veryprecious. We value your time and you can't waste it all readinglong and lengthy articles on internet.Why Wadi Informer?With increasing use of social media, spread of fake news havebecome very fast and easy and to avoid any confusion about newsbeing authentic and preventing from spread of fake news, wadiInformer tries its best to keep you aware and informed.In short read News in brief and that too with a single swipe.Disclaimer:We are humans too and if sometimes you found some kind of error inour content it is in no way intentional or intended to hurt anycommunity, individual or group.Although we try to keep our sources as authentic as possible, stillif you find any news irrelevant or ambiguous you can contact us sothat we may take required action.Submit a news:If you are a news agency and want to share a brief on WadiInformer, you can mail our editor at faiezajaz@gmail.com or contact viaWhatsApp at 9797033923.Your submitted brief will be accompanied with the link to full newsarticle on your website.Feedback:We are not any news agency but a group of people who believe inefforts for good for the benefit of society. Because of increase inspread of fake news over social media we came with Wadi informer tokeep you informed with only authentic news updates.We love feedback please tell if you love our effort and suggestionsalways hold a priority. If you think we are doing well please takea minute to share this app with others too.