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香港APPLE蘋果二手買賣Second Hand Store 1.5
網頁版:新增APPLE新聞資訊及iphone 6s / iphone 6s Plus 回收價分享新增Apple 產品買賣 FB GROUP:香港 Apple 蘋果產品買賣交易專門店( Apple Store Second Hand HK),分享最新APPLE蘋果新聞資訊,Apple iReserve 預約,apple store iPhone 6s 及 iPhone6s Plus 等最新消息.香港會員買賣任何Apple 產品, 例如, IPHONE二手買賣, MAC二手買賣, IPAD二手買賣, IPOD二手買賣,IWatch二手買賣,macbook二手買賣, macbook pro二手買賣, macbook air二手買賣等等Web version: APPLE news and iphone 6s / iphone 6s Plus share pricerecoveryNew Apple products traded FB GROUP: Kong Apple Apple buying and selling stores (Apple StoreSecond Hand HK), to share the latest news APPLE Apple, AppleiReserve reservation, apple store iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus, thelatest news.Hong Kong members of the sale of any Apple product, for example,IPHONE second-hand sale, MAC secondary trading, IPAD second-handsale, IPOD second-hand sale, IWatch second-hand sale, macbooksecond-hand sale, macbook pro second-hand sale, macbook airsecondary trading, etc.
無人機航拍資訊APP ( Drone Camera) 1.3
新增FACEBOOK 飛行器航拍天下Group:此APP 是給航拍及飛行器愛好者一同分享討論所有航拍飛行器的資訊, 也可以在此APP內進行航拍飛行器買賣等.FACEBOOK new aircraftaerial world Group: APP is aerial and aircraft enthusiasts to share informationto discuss all aerial vehicles, can also be aerial vehicles such asthe sale within this APP.
香港紅酒網 (Red Wine Asia) 1.1
ecstudiowork 是資訊最齊全的香港紅酒網/葡萄酒討論區分類:紅酒買賣或交換-私人紅酒買賣或交換-其他物品買賣或交換-酒類公司服務/宣傳綜合紅酒討論區:-新人報到及自由講場-紅酒新聞/展覽會/活動--子版塊: 紅酒課程/考試-紅酒書籍討論-紅酒投資或其他物品投資討論紅酒知識/紅酒入門討論區:-紅酒選購討論交流--子版塊: 紅酒黑店/好店討論-紅酒品嚐評價討論交流-紅酒食療討論交流-紅酒健康討論交流-紅酒用品相關討論--子版塊: 紅酒儲存討論交流-品酒文化/酒莊及出產地交流討論其他酒類討論區:-白酒討論區-香檳討論區-酒吧/Disco/Clubbing討論-其他酒類討論區 Hong Kong is themost complete wine information network / Wine ForumCategory:Wine sale or exchange- Private Wine sale or exchange- Sale or exchange other items- Wine Company Services / publicityComprehensive Wine Forum:- The new report and the freedom to speak field- Wine News / Exhibitions / Events  - Sub-forum: wine courses / exams- Wine Books discussion- Wine investment or other articles discuss investmentWine Knowledge / wine Getting forum:- Wine purchase discuss and exchange  - Sub-sections: Wine unscrupulous / good shopdiscussions- Wine tasting evaluation discuss and exchange- Red Wine Diet to discuss and exchange- Red wine healthy discussions and exchange- Wine Supplies discussion  - Sub-sections: Wine Storage discuss and exchange- Wine Culture / Winery and origin exchanges and discussionsOther liquor forum:- Liquor Forums- Champagne forum- Bar / Disco / Clubbing discussion- Other Wine Forum
寵物討論/寵物交友/寵物遊戲百科 ( Pets Forum) 1.3
ecstudiowork 是資訊最齊全的香港寵物討論區分類:寵物綜合資訊新人報到/問題區子版塊: 新人報到, 寵物報到/介紹, 綜合教學心得區, 投票專區動物/寵物新閒資訊討論└ 歡迎提供任何寵物最新資訊子版塊: 香港動物法例綜合寵物閒聊區子版塊: BARF 交流專區, 寵物有關的星座/測驗, 會員Blog分享, 連接到--各類寵物專區寵物書籍交流討論子版塊: 寵物故事寵物展覽會/活動/節目└ 可於此區提供任何寵物活動/節目/展覽會,可一同與寵物玩樂子版塊: 寵物配對/配種, PetSay會員活動專區, PetSay 活動專區遺失寵物尋找區└ 報上相關資料及照片,希望各主人早日尋回各位之心愛寵物!子版塊: 尋找遺失寵物, 拾獲寵物寵物領養或徵求寵物子版塊: 寵物有待領養(免費), 寵物有待領養(付費), 徵求寵物領養, 其他非香港地區寵物領養/徵求寵物領養寵物診所及專門店子版塊: 寵物黑店/好店討論, 寵物優惠情報, 工作招聘/尋找, 寵物酒店/寄養寵物記念館子版塊: 寵物殯儀/離世寵物身後事寵物用品買賣/服務/團購└ 任何寵物用品買賣,但不得買賣任何寵物!子版塊: 寵物用品買賣/服務(不得買賣任何寵物), 團購各種寵物用品(寵物團購網), 其他物品買賣新增:Petsay會員優惠區(歡迎各大商店提供優惠)各類寵物專區討論(如純圖片分享,可到寵物貼圖)狗狗論壇└ 歡迎提供任何與狗相關的最新資訊子版塊: 綜合狗狗討論區, 狗狗圖片, 狗狗影片, 狗狗綜合心得分享, 狗狗疾病與防治, 狗狗美容, 狗狗飲食, 狗狗用品,狗狗訓練, 狗狗問題求助區, 哥基犬, 八哥犬, 貴婦狗, 松鼠狗, 西施狗, 史納莎, 芝娃娃, 拉布拉多, 牧羊犬貓貓論壇└ 歡迎提供任何與貓相關的最新資訊子版塊: 綜合貓貓討論區, 貓貓圖片, 貓貓影片, 貓貓綜合心得分享, 貓貓疾病與防治, 貓貓美容, 貓貓飲食, 貓貓訓練,貓貓用品, 貓貓問題求助區魚類討論(海洋生物)論壇└ 歡迎提供任何與魚相關的最新資訊子版塊: 綜合魚類討論區, 心得分享, 魚類圖片, 魚類影片, 疾病與防治, 問題求助, 養魚工具DIY交流討論, 水族用品器材討論,孔雀魚, 短鯛, 花羅漢, 鬥魚, 龍魚, 蝦/蟹/螺, 水草/珊瑚/藻類, 釣魚討論雀鳥論壇└ 歡迎提供任何與鳥相關的最新資訊子版塊: 綜合雀鳥討論區, 心得分享, 鳥類圖片, 鳥類影片, 疾病與防治, 雀鳥訓練, 問題求助區鼠/兔/龍貓論壇└ 歡迎提供任何與鼠相關的最新資訊子版塊: 鼠類, 兔類, 龍貓, 鼠/兔/龍貓圖片, 鼠/兔影片蜥蜴類論壇└ 歡迎提供任何與蜥蜴類相關的最新資訊子版塊: 綜合蜥蜴類討論區, 心得分享, 問題求助區, 蜥蜴類圖片, 蜥蜴類影片蛇類論壇└ 歡迎提供任何與蛇類相關的最新資訊子版塊: 綜合蛇類討論區, 心得分享, 問題求助區, 蛇類圖片, 蛇類影片節肢類論壇└ 歡迎提供任何與節肢類相關的最新資訊子版塊: 心得分享, 問題求助區, 蜘蛛, 蠍子, 甲蟲, 節肢類圖片, 節肢類影片龜類論壇└ 歡迎提供任何與龜相關的最新資訊子版塊: 綜合龜龜討論區, 龜龜圖片, 龜類影片, 心得分享, 問題求助區, 水龜, 陸龜, 箱 龜生活休閒討論興趣交流討論女士專欄討論 is the most completeinformation of Hong Kong pet discussion areaCategory:Pet comprehensive informationNew Registration / problem areasSub-sections: new report, Pets report / presentation, comprehensiveteaching experience zone, zone voteAnimals / Pet discuss new Busy Information└ welcome any pets NewsSub sections: Hong Kong animal legislationComprehensive Pet chat areaSub-forum: BARF exchange area, pet-related constellations /quizzes, Member Blog share, connect to the - all kinds of petzonePet Books exchanges and discussionsSub sections: Pet StoriesPet Exhibitions / Events / program└ may provide any Pet / program / exhibition in this area, alongwith pet funSub sections: Pet pairing / breeding, PetSay membership activityarea, PetSay activity areaLost pet search area└ report on relevant information and photos, hope that all of youand the owner lost beloved pet as soon as possible!Sub-forum: Looking for lost pets, pet picked upPet Adoption or solicitation petsSub sections: Pet pending adoption (free), Pet pending adoption(paid), solicit pet adoption, pet adoption of other non-Hong Kong /solicit Pet AdoptionPet Clinic and shopSub sections: Pet unscrupulous / good shop discussion, petspreferential intelligence work recruitment / search, pet hotel /foster carePet Memorial HallSub sections: Pet Funeral / death pet funeralPet Supplies trading / service / Customers└ any pet supplies business, but not the sale of any pet!Sub sections: Pet Supplies trading / services (not to deal in anypet), buy a variety of pet supplies (pet buy nets), the sale ofother itemsAdded: Petsay Member Benefits Area (Welcome to the major storesoffer discount)All kinds of pet zone discussion (such as pure photo-sharing can bemade to pet maps)Dog forum└ welcome any latest news and dog-relatedSub-forum: General Discussion dogs, dog picture, dog video, dogintegrated experience to share, and prevention of disease dogs, dogbeauty, dog food, dog supplies, dog training, dog problem help area, Corgi dogs, Pugs, lady dog, squirrel dog, Shih Tzu dogs, ShinaSha, Chihuahua, Labrador, ShepherdCats forum└ welcome any latest news and cat-relatedSub-forum: General Discussion cats, cat pictures, cat videos, catintegrated experience to share, and prevention of disease cats, catbeauty, cat food, cat training, cat supplies, cat problem helpareaFish Forum (marine organisms) Forums└ welcome any updated information and related fishSub sections: Comprehensive Fish Forum, to share experiences, fishpicture, fish movie, disease and prevention, problem help,pisciculture Tools DIY exchanges and discussions, aquarium suppliesequipment discussion, guppies, short snapper, Flower Horn, betta,arowana, shrimp / crab / snails, aquatic plants / coral / algae,Fishing discussionBird Forum└ welcome any latest information related with birdsSub-forum: General Discussion birds, experience sharing, birdpictures, bird movie, and prevention of disease, bird training,problem help areaMouse / Rabbit / Chinchilla Forum└ welcome any latest news and mouse-relatedSub sections: rodents, rabbits, chinchillas, mice / rabbit /Chinchilla pictures, rat / rabbit VideosLizards Forum└ welcome any date-related information and lizardsSub sections: Comprehensive lizards forum, share experiences,questions help area, lizards picture, lizards movieSnakes Forum└ welcome any date-related information and snakesSub-forum: General Discussion snakes, experience sharing, problemhelp district, snakes pictures snakes VideosArthropods Forum└ welcome any updated information and related arthropodsSub sections: experience sharing, problem help area, spiders,scorpions, beetles, arthropod pictures, arthropods movieTurtles Forum└ welcome any updated information and turtle-relatedSub-forum: Discussion comprehensive turtle, turtle picture, turtlemovie, experience sharing, problem help area, water turtles,tortoises, box turtlesCasual discussionInterest discussions and exchangeMs. Rubric discussion
台灣APPLE蘋果二手買賣Second Hand Store 1.2
網頁版:台灣Apple 產品買賣交易專門店( Apple Store Second Hand TW),分享最新APPLE蘋果新聞資訊,apple store iPhone 6s 及 iPhone 6s Plus 最新消息.台灣會員買賣任何Apple 產品, 例如, IPHONE二手買賣, MAC二手買賣, IPAD二手買賣, IPOD二手買賣,IWatch二手買賣,macbook二手買賣, macbook pro二手買賣, macbook air二手買賣等等Web version: Apple products trading transactions stores (Apple StoreSecond Hand TW), to share the latest news APPLE apple, apple storeiPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus the latest news.Taiwan's membership in any sale of Apple products, such as,IPHONE second-hand sale, MAC secondary trading, IPAD second-handsale, IPOD second-hand sale, IWatch second-hand sale, macbooksecond-hand sale, macbook pro second-hand sale, macbook airsecondary trading, etc.
Indian dating apps nearby chat 3.5
India dating app is for Indian singles andpakistan singles and nearby people chat with local friends andspeed dating.Only 3 steps, you can easy to find your Mr. Right:1. upload your picture and write profile.2. update your location on the map3. Start match with nearby teen and singles, see who around you,free private chat with all members.Just open your GPS, you can easily search members near you and yourneighborhood, find other singles around you. easy to meet someoneyou like, local chat with people nearby free.India dating app is the newest and best social network formeeting new friends. This app is not only a online dating app makefriends, chat, flirt, or go on a date. And find people nearby orfrom every corner around the world.All indian cities's singles can date and make friend with thisapp, such as Mumbai,NewDelhi,Kolkata,Chennai,Bangalore,Hyderabad,Ahmedabad,Kanpur,Pune,Surat,Jaipur...India Online dating app is a new concept of speed dating for allmembers ,members can easily make friends with the single man andsingle woman in india, chat with strangers, and then be friend orlovers.Members can log in directly using FACEBOOK. We are not adultdating app, we DO NOT accept any adult photos.Features:‧ Nearby dating app‧ Nearby chat live, find Indian and Pakistan people nearby, Indianbeautiful girl and Indian handsome man‧ Meet new people quickly through Match Meet Me, it's a datinggame.‧ Browse and chat with Indian girls and Indian boys near you.‧ Chat with girls through messaging.‧ Find girls nearby using near me function, meet and chat withlocal Indian girls nearby‧ Date Indian guys from around the world with near mefunction‧ 100% Totally Free to join, 100% Totally Free to use allfunctions, NO any hidden fee.15ebd2515a
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Chinese dating app nearby chat 2.8
China dating app is for Chinese singles andnearby people chat with local friends and speed dating.Only 3 steps, you can easy to find your lover:1. upload your picture and write profile.2. update your location on the map3. Start match with nearby teen and singles, see who around you,free private chat with all members.Just open your GPS, you can easily search members near you and yourneighborhood, find other singles around you. easy to meet someoneyou like, local chat with people nearby free.China dating app is the newest and best social network formeeting new friends. This app is not only a online dating app makefriends, chat, flirt, or go on a date. And find people nearby orfrom every corner around the world.All Chinese cities's singles can date and make friends with thisapp, such as Beijing, Chongqing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Hong Kong,Macau, Guangzhou, Taiwan, Guangxi...China Online dating app is a new concept of speed dating for allmembers ,members can easily make friends with the single man andsingle woman in China, chat with strangers, and then be friend orlovers.Members can log in directly using FACEBOOK. We are not adultdating app, we DO NOT accept any adult photos.Features:‧ Nearby dating app‧ Nearby chat live, find Chinese people nearby, Chinese beautifulgirl and Chinese handsome man‧ Meet new people quickly through Match Meet Me, it's a datinggame.‧ Browse and chat with Chinese girls and Chinese boys nearyou.‧ Chat with girls through messaging.‧ Find girls nearby using near me function, meet and chat withlocal Chinese girls nearby‧ Date Chinese guys from around the world with near mefunction‧ 100% Totally Free to join, 100% Totally Free to use allfunctions, NO any hidden fee.
US Christian Dating Chat 2.3
It is a 100% free dating app for nearbyChristian people and singles chat and meet.Nearby Christian Dating App is for Christian people, single guysand single girls who want to know more local friends.If you're a single Christian and seeking friendship and longterm relationship, romance or marriage, you are right to downloadthis app and Meet single Christian with the this dating app,Messaging, and Meeting Local single guys and single girls. The bestdating site for single Christian people.Just open your GPS, you can easily search members near you and yourneighborhood, find other singles around you. easy to meet someoneyou like, local chat with people nearby free.Find Nearby Christian Dating App is the newest and best socialnetwork for meeting new friends. it is not only a online dating appto make friends, chat, flirt, or go on a date. And find peoplenearby or from every corner around the world.Find Nearby Single Christian Dating App is a new concept ofspeed dating and matching for all members ,members can easily makefriends with the single man and single woman in the world, chatwith strangers, and then be friend or lovers.Members can log in directly using FACEBOOK.Features:• Nearby dating app• Nearby chat live, find Christian people nearby• Meet new people quickly through Match Meet, it's a datinggame.• Browse and chat with Christian girls and Christian guys nearyou.• Chat with Christian girls through messaging.• Find Christian girls nearby using near me function, meet and chatwith local girls nearby• Date Christian guys from around the world with near mefunction• 100% Totally Free to join, 100% Totally Free to use allfunctions, NO any hidden fee.
ZachKing Magic Tricks Fun Gag 1.7
This App is sharing ZachKing Magic Tricksvideos, and best funny videos and funny gags, jokes,lol... make youwow and smile daily^^We have 3 parts now:1.Zach King magic videos2.Best Funny Videos3.Best Funny GagsWe will update more later!!!
Emoji Game Adventure time 1.2
It is a emojo game free for kids, girlsandeveryone, You should fall down quickly and get coins as manyaspossible and MUST pay attention to the bad guys and obstaclesaswell.After you finished the whatsapp emoji game, you can findtheemojis and guess the emojis as many as you can.-Tap the screen to jump-Tilt the screen to move left and right, then Emoji willfollowyour directions-Hit the Angry Bird Emoji button to break through the blockswhenEmoji is in trouble0e45d3742b