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Uruguay Natural Oficial 0.0.4
Plataforma de información, ubicación yservicios en Uruguay. Con el apoyo del Ministerio de Turismo yDeporte.Information platform,location and services in Uruguay. With support from the Ministry ofTourism and Sports.
Axe Music Quiz 0.0.4
"Axe Music Quiz" es un juego parademostrarcuanto sabés de música uruguaya.Consiste en adivinar el nombre del tema y/o el artista luegodeescuchar un fragmento de unos segundos de determinada canción.Teofreceremos 4 respuestas de opción múltiple, siendo una de ellaslacorrecta.También, podrás elegir la respuesta correcta leyendo fragmentosdeletras de canciones o adivinando el nombre del artista, dellugarde un concierto o de la caratula de un disco, al verdistintasfotos.Podes jugar Mano o Mano contra un amigo a elección o unoponenteelegido al azar. También habrá competencias para quepuedasdemostrar cuánto sabés de determinado género o dedeterminadoartista"Axe Music Quiz" is agameto show how much you know of Uruguayan music.It is to guess the name of the subject and / or the artistafterhearing a fragment of a moment of particular song. We willofferfour multiple-choice answers, one of which is correct.Also, you can choose the correct answer by reading fragmentsoflyrics or guessing the name of the artist, rather than a concertorthe cover of an album, to see different pictures.Podes hand or hand play against a friend or choosing anopponentchosen randomly. There will also be competitions so you canshowhow much you know of a certain gender or certain artist
VectorMe 2.0
A meeting point in your cellphone.VectorMe is a compass that guides you and your friend toeachother..does not require registration, just install and startusingit..can be cancelled at any time or auto-cancels after 30 mins.Pick me upYou want your friend to pick you up but she doesn't know whereyouare? Send a 'VectorMe'! Share your location just pressingonebutton, a SMS will be sent to a friend and after sheapprovesVectorMe will let you both see the distance and orientationto eachother.Follow me with the carYou are visiting some friends, and in the road, some otherfriendscall you and want to go with you. You tell them to followyou withthe car. How do they do? You send them a VectorMe, and yourfriendswill be able to see how far you are and in which directionyou aregoing. They will follow you until you reach destination, andyou’llmeet for the party!Find me in the concertToday you have your favorite band’s concert but you want to enjoyitwith your friend. In order for your friend to find you, youonlyneed to send him/her a VectorMe. He or she will receive a SMS,andafter clicking the link, VectorMe will show he or she atwhatdistance and in which direction you are. Following the arrow,theywill be able to find you. It’s very easy!VectorMe is a free application.Note 1: VectorMe sends a SMS to invite your friend to findyou,in that case the SMS costs you usually pay, will apply.Note 2: VectorMe sends data of your position to yourfriendthrough Wi-Fi or LTE (or 3G), although the data sent is verysmall,the connection costs will apply when you are connectedthrough LTEor 3G.
Cutcsa 3.0.6
Official application with all you need to know about our service.