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Orenda Tech - En Espanol 4.5.4
iGlobal Apps
Estamos cambiando la forma de pensar acercadel aguacada revolución empieza con una persona.Simplemente, el agua es la raíz de toda la vida. Y mientrasmuchos de nosotros tomamos esta sustancia para el sustento de lavida, por supuesto, la gente de todo el mundo están luchando conpeligrosas fuentes de agua potable que no son aptos para el consumohumano.La plaga de impuro, el agua potable es un problema silencioso yalgo invisible. Muchas partículas tóxicas están presentes tanto enaguas recreativas y agua potable, pero a menudo pasan inadvertidospor profesionales debido al agua clara del aspecto.Trabajamos dentro de los estándares aceptados de la industriapara traer unsanitized, agua potencialmente peligrosa para unperfecto estado prístino utilizando el menor número de productos enlugar de tantos como sea posible.Aunque Orenda se especializa en el tratamiento de las aguas derecreo, o el agua utilizada en las piscinas y entornos similares,descubrimos que los mismos productos utilizados para limpiar lasaguas recreativas también podría ser utilizado para llevar aguapotable a los estándares. No sólo podemos hacer el bien por elmantenimiento de condiciones de seguridad en las aguas recreativas,pero tenemos la tecnología, los recursos y la obligación moral deeliminar las partículas perjudiciales que comprometan la seguridaddel agua potable.Después de viajar a la India en 2013, Tecnologías OrendaPresidente Harold Evans descubrió que la necesidad de agua potablese ha extendido mucho más allá de los Estados Unidos. Aquí vinocara a cara con agua potable peligrosas condiciones fácilmenteconsiderado uno de los peores del mundo.El río Ganges en la India es considerado sagrado y es adoradocomo la diosa Ganga Ma, que significa "madre" por los hindúes. Esla principal fuente de agua para millones de personas que viven enla India y se utiliza para cocinar, bañarse, lavar, y beber. Sinembargo, también es una de las fuentes de agua más contaminadas delmundo, donde el volumen de las aguas residuales vertidas al ríosupera los 1,2 millones de litros diarios. El 15% de los desechosindustriales, mucha de ella compuesta de fertilizantes químicos,pesticidas, materiales y tratamiento de los residuos de losmataderos, hospitales y fábricas textiles. Enfermedadestransmitidas por el agua es común, y las infecciones y lasenfermedades se propagan rápidamente. Incluso la industria pesqueraha sufrido, disminuyendo notablemente, debido a las malascondiciones de vida silvestre.Harold sintió una obligación inmediata para llevar agua potablea estas personas cuando él pensó que sus hijos y nietos, quienesaparentemente están facultados para agua limpia a lo largo de todasu vida, no son diferentes de las de los hijos y nietos de laIndia, o en cualquier otro lugar, que lucha por mantenerse con aguapotable sucia.Hemos hecho nuestras aspiraciones personales para hacer tomarconciencia de este grave problema y inspirar medidas que puedenrealmente hacer una diferencia.Orenda Technologies se esfuerza para hacer agua limpia paratodos, en todo el mundo, una realidad. Esta tarea no sólo esenorme, pero requiere que educamos a todos y cada uno de nuestrosclientes. Hemos deje nuestra tendencia hacia fines de lucro caigalejos de toma de decisiones y han puesto la prioridad en granjearsela confianza, lealtad, y alcanzar el éxito mediante el aumento dela sensibilización. Nuestra misión es poner la salud, bienestar yvida primero.Nuestra agua limpia revolución empieza ahora.We are changing the waywe think about waterevery revolution begins with one person.Simply, water is the root of all life. And while many of us takethis substance for sustaining life, of course, people around theworld are struggling with dangerous drinking fountains that areunfit for human consumption.The plague of unclean drinking water is a silent problem andsomething invisible. Many toxic particles are present inrecreational water and drinking water, but often go unnoticed byprofessionals because of the clear water of the appearance.We work within accepted industry standards to bring unsanitizedpotentially dangerous water for perfect pristine condition usingfewer products instead of as many as possible.Although Orenda specializes in treating recreational water, orwater used in swimming pools and similar environments, we find thatthe same products used to clean recreational waters could also beused to provide drinking water standards. We can not only do goodfor the maintenance of security conditions in recreational waters,but we have the technology, resources and moral obligation toeliminate harmful particles that compromise the safety of drinkingwater.After traveling to India in 2013, President Harold Evans OrendaTechnologies found that the need for drinking water has spread farbeyond the United States. Here came face to face with dangerouswater conditions easily considered one of the worst in theworld.The Ganges River in India is considered sacred and is worshipedas the goddess Ganga Ma, which means "mother" by Hindus. It is themain source of water for millions of people in India and is usedfor cooking, bathing, washing and drinking. However, it is also oneof the sources of contaminated water in the world, where the volumeof sewage discharged into the river than 1.2 million liters perday. 15% of industrial waste, much of it consists of chemicalfertilizers, pesticides, materials and processing of slaughterhousewaste, hospitals and textile factories. Waterborne diseases arecommon, and infections and diseases spread rapidly. Even thefishing industry has suffered declining significantly, due to thepoor condition of wildlife.Harold felt an immediate obligation to provide drinking water tothese people when he thought his children and grandchildren, whoare apparently entitled to clean water throughout their lives, areno different from those of the children and grandchildren of India,or anywhere else, struggling to keep up with dirty water.We made our personal aspirations to raise awareness of thisserious problem and inspire measures that can really make adifference.Orenda Technologies strives to clean water for all around theworld, a reality. This task is not only huge, but it requires thatwe educate each and every one of our customers. We let our tendencyto profit from falling away from decision-making and have put thepriority on gaining the trust, loyalty, and achieve success byincreasing awareness. Our mission is to put the health, welfare andlives first.Our clean water revolution begins now.
Dona Julias Mexican Restaurant 1.400
iGlobal Apps
Dona Julia's Mexican RestaurantOfficial APP:Dona Julia’s Restaurant opened in March 11, 2002 We have beenopen for business for 11 years now and we feel so blessed andhumble for everyone we have grown up with throughout the years manyamazing families and staff we love doing our job we cant wait tosee new faces and try new experiences with us. Here’s a littleabout us and here’s for 11 more years!
Southern Homes 4.5.7
iGlobal Apps
Southern HomesOfficial APP:Since 1991 Southern Homes has been providing affordable,quality-packed, energy efficient new homes to families acrossCentral Florida.Southern Homes has deep roots in Polk County. Their employees liveand work here. Their children attend the local schools and theirfamilies are involved in the local churches and communityorganizations. Southern Homes has a profound commitment to the areaand its success.Over the past 22 years Southern Homes has built brand new homesthroughout Polk County, Central Florida and is currentlyconstructing new homes for local families on their own land and inthe following areas:• North Lakeland• South Lakeland• Bartow• Auburndale• Winter Haven• Lake Wales• Haines CitySouthern Homes has thrived during the recent economic downturnbecause of their ability to remain agile and make the necessarychanges to remain competitive in the ever evolving housing market.Southern Homes has outperformed their local market by adding newproducts and updating their current product offerings, improvingthe available loan programs and down payment assistance programsfor their buyers, improving internal processes and procedures toensure the lowest costs with the highest possible profits, and bypurchasing land in good locations and a great price. Southern Homeswas able to grow its market share by over 600% from 2006 through2012 (from 2.23% to 16.82%) without sacrificing margins and netprofits.Southern Homes has many unique selling propositions (USPs) thathave helped them maintain their position of market leader. TheseUSPs include:• The MyHome MyWay customization program wherein buyers may makemodifications to their homes plans to make them trulyone-of-a-kind• Excellent community locations• Outstanding customer service, earning a fantastic customer“would recommend” rating of 99.0% in 2012.• Home elevations with the best curb appeal for the value• The best trained sales force reaching a staggering of 19.6% in2012• The ability to help buyers with their credit repair needsSouthern Homes is a marketing powerhouse. It has taken the worldof online sales to the very highest level, achieving 55% onlinesales in 2012.Southern Homes is well poised to take advantage of the improvinghousing market attributed to the company's financial stability, hasstrong leadership, has many team members with several years ofcontinuous service in the company and has a proven track record foroperational excellence.
Harris Seafood 4.0.1
iGlobal Apps
Downloading the interactive Harris SeafoodAndroid app - presented by iGlobalApps.com will give you quick andeasy access to our available inventory, photos, news and reviews.The Harris Seafood Android App from iGlobalApps will help youkeep up to date on the latest trends in fresh seafood and more!
Florida Marine Raiders 1.399
iGlobal Apps
Official mobile app of the Florida MarineRaiders Professional Indoor Arena X league Football Team.Stay connected to the Marine Raiders everywhere you go. Get MarineRaiders news, player profiles, stats and more. Watch the best ofthe Marine Raiders team highlights. Connect with our social mediaplatforms, buy season tickets and team merchandise with exclusivepromotions. Hear live audio feeds and team interviews right fromyour mobile phone.
Innovative Concrete Technology 4.5.13
iGlobal Apps
Innovative Concrete Technology is aFlorida-based corporation which manufactures acrylic based productsfor the professional coatings trade. Our products are widely usedon Pool Decks, Patios, Driveways, Hotels, Condominiums as well asRestaurant Floors and Countertops. Customer service and producingproducts of the highest quality rank at the top of the list ofcompany goals. Since 1996ICT products have been used all over the United States, theCaribbean and Central America with confidence of lifespan, quality,and aesthetics. A combined experience of over 80 years indistribution and decorative concrete installation has given us theknowhow to help resolve any problem that may arise. Our team iswilling and able to offer extraordinary assistance to add beauty toall of your concrete surfaces.
Regal KIA 4.5.5
iGlobal Apps
REGAL KIA IN LAKELAND, FLORIDASERVING BRANDON & WINTER HAVEN, FL, SALES, SERVICE, PARTS -USED CARSThe Regal Lakeland dealerships got started by the Campisifamily. Sal Campisi, Sr. started in the automobile business in1960, selling Pontiac's for Doug Wiley Pontiac in Birmingham,Alabama, where he worked his way through the ranks to General SalesManager. His brother, Nick Campisi, started in the automotivebusiness in November 1963, selling automobiles for Drennen MotorCompany, Birmingham, Alabama. Then in 1971, the Campisi brotherspurchased Olgetree Motor Company in Sylacauga, Alabama, which madefor the beginnings of the Regal Automotive Group family ofdealerships.The Campisi family has continued their tradition in theautomotive industry through today. Sal Sr. is still active in theoperation of the dealership, and he is joined by his family,including his children Sal Jr., General Manager, Ginger Harrison,Controller, Anne Greenhow, Sales Trainer and some of hisgrandchildren in various positions both full and part time. Overthe years, Regal has become the largest automotive dealership inLakeland, located in one of the fastest growing areas in the stateof Florida.Dedicated to serving Lakeland and the surrounding areas ofBrandon, Orlando, Winter Haven, Bartow, Plant City, and Auburndale,we donated over $250,000 to our community last year. Over $60,000of that amount was given to local high schools. Other donationswent to Polk State College, Lakeland Regional Medical Center, theWatson Clinic, Viste, Sante Fe Catholic High, and the FloridaBaptist Children's Home.Regal Kia is located at 1025 Bartow Road Lakeland, FL 33801. OurChevrolet store, Regal Chevy, is also at this location. Other Regalstores include Regal Honda, Regal Acura, and Regal GMC, which areall located just a few minutes down the road at 2615 Lakeland HillsBoulevard in Lakeland. Stop by or give us a call at (888) 876-4003today, and join our “Regal Rewards Club” where you can earn pointswith every purchase and save on future purchases.Downloading the interactive Regal KIA app - presented byiGlobalApps.com will give you quick and easy access to our new& used car inventory, daily specials, service and partsspecials, news and reviews.The Regal KIA App from iGlobalApps will help you keep up to datewith notifications right from your smartphone or tablet!
Natural Pool Products 1.0.1
iGlobal Apps
Welcome to the world of Natural Pool Products– an innovative line of pool and spa care solutions that ischanging the way people think about caring for their pools. We’rebringing to the marketplace a way to create healthy,environmentally friendly water for swimming and recreation, and theresponse has been nothing short of revolutionary.Find out more about how we’re encouraging care for the planetand good care for your investment, because we know that you do allthat you can for the people that you care about. Let Natural PoolProducts harness the power of nature, for your healthiest pool andspa.
KidneyFla.org 4.0.1
iGlobal Apps
Downloading the interactive National KidneyFoundation of Florida Android app - presented by iGlobalApps.comwill give you quick and easy access to our schedules, photos, newsand reviews.The KidneyFla.org Android App from iGlobalApps will help youkeep up to date on the latest trends in the fight against kidneydisease and more!
The Terrace Hotel 1.401
iGlobal Apps
The Terrace HotelOfficial APP:329 East Main St.Lakeland, FL 33801Lakeland, Florida's Historic Terrace HotelA full-service, executive-level luxury hotel with uncompromisinghospitalityAs Lakeland, Florida's only full-service, luxury hotel, The TerraceHotel has been beautifully restored, providing a glimpse intoLakeland's own history. Considered by many to be the centerpiece ofdowntown Lakeland's rebirth, The Terrace Hotel is home toexceptional comfort and exquisite accommodations. Our goal is, andalways has been, to provide each and every guest with a trulyunforgettable, equally restful, experience.There are promises we make to each guest of The Terrace Hotel. Thatyour experience will be unlike any other. That you'll be greeted bywelcoming comfort. That, regardless of where you stay in our hotel,you'll be surrounded by uncommon hospitality and be regarded as awelcomed, trusted friend.
Tanners Lakeside Restaurant 4.5.7
iGlobal Apps
For many years, folks have enjoyed the uniquebeauty and charm of the chain of lakes in Winter Haven and 'TannersLakeside' has created something special in this Lakeside settingand location.John and Debbie Tennick opened their first restaurant, ThymeSquare Bistro, in Downtown Winter Haven in 1998, moving on to openthe first Tanners Bar adjacent to that restaurant in 2000. Theconcept of Tanners Pub was developed, expanded and relocated acrossthe street from the original location in 2002, contributing to themajor revitalization efforts in downtown for the next tenyears.With the opening of Tanners Lakeside, the Tennicks have createdTanners Lakeside Restaurant & Bar, providing a destinationwhere residents and visitors can enjoy a unique dining andentertainment experience in a beautiful lakefront setting.We look forward to serving you at Tanners Lakeside Restaurant& Bar!-The Tennicks
Next Generation Water Science 1.0.1
iGlobal Apps
Next Generation Water ScienceSafe & Responsible Water Treatment SolutionsWelcome to the world of Next Generation Water Science – aninnovative line of water treatment solutions that is changing theway people think about caring for their pools. We’re bringing tothe marketplace a way to create healthy, environmentally friendlywater for swimming and recreation, and the response has beennothing short of revolutionary.Find out more about how we’re encouraging care for the planetand good care for your investment, because we know that you do allthat you can for the people that you care about. Let NextGeneration harness the power of nature, for your healthiest pooland spa.
The Sandbar Restaurant 4.5.3
iGlobal Apps
The Sandbar Restaurant, Anna Maria Island, FLThe Sandbar Restaurant, located on the north end of Anna MariaIsland, has for decades been a favorite of locals and touristsalike for its fresh Florida seafood. Enjoy a tropical cocktail anda beautiful sunset from our inside dining room and bar that wasnewly renovated in December 2012 or on our covered deck right onthe white sand beaches by the Gulf of Mexico.the knot - best of the best for Ceremony and Reception Site onthe West Coast of Florida.The Sandbar was chosen by brides for the Hall of Fame as well asthe Best of the Best for Ceremony and Reception Site on the WestCoast of Florida by the knot "Best of Weddings" issue for 2008,2008/2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 and was chosen Best ReceptionSite on the West Coast of Florida for 2007.Brides' Choice This is also the fifth year the Sandbar has beenchosen for the Bride's Choice Award by Wedding Wire. The WeddingWire Network is made up of four different wedding planningwebsites, Martha Stewart Weddings, Wedding Wire, Wedding Bee andProject Wedding. Over 750,000 newlyweds were surveyed. The Sandbarand Beach House ranked among the top five percent in the BestCeremony and Reception Site categories which presents us theprestigious "Bride's Choice Award."The Sandbar is also considered the perfect location for yourbeach wedding, reception, next corporate luncheon, businessmeeting, after hours function or family get together. We can easilyaccommodate small or large groups and can help with event andwedding planning and catering.We look forward to serving you at the Sandbar WaterfrontRestaurant for all of your special moments and events!Sincerely,Ed Chiles, Owner
Palace Italian Restaurant 1.301
iGlobal Apps
Palace Italian Restaurant5720 South Florida Ave.Lakeland, FL 33813The Palace Italian Restaurant was founded by the SchianoFamilyin 1997 in downtown Lakeland.The family began their journey from Italy in the 1970's.By 1980, most all of the family was in America. After thefirstlocation in Downtown Lakeland began to flourishofferingtraditional recipes and delicious dishes. This traditioncontinueswith all of the recipes that have travelled well fromItaly, toLakeland.Our friendly staff will welcome you with a friendly greetingforyour unique dining experience!
The Lakeland Loft - Downtown 4.5.3
iGlobal Apps
The Lakeland Loft delivers the highest levelof quality tobacco products and Spirits, while providing superiorservice in our lounges.Our Philosophy:Our primary goal to create an environment in which our patronsare treated like family.We constantly strive to build a culture and atmosphere where ourguests can relax or conduct a day's business meeting, host socialgatherings, or simply spend some leisure time.We carry the finest cigars and accoutrements in the industry.All carefully housed in our state-of-the-art temperature controlledhumidor on site.About Us:Lakeland Loft is an evolution in cigar & Jazz lounges.Featuring a luxurious interior decor, walls lined with hand paintedportraits from featured local artist, and local musiciansresonating the halls with Smooth Jazz.The Loft is a sanctuary for those who enjoy fine cigars, premiumspirits, art and culture.Created to offer perfection in service. The Loft is the perfectvenue to enjoy life’s pleasures.Featuring a fully stocked walk-in humidor, with a choice of PremiumCigars.The Loft also offers private lockers, where our guests can keeptheir cigars and accessories in perfect condition to enjoy wheneverthey visit.Call ahead to arrange for private parties and events,Our VIP rooms are the perfect place for an intimate gathering,as well as our balcony, which provides a stunning view of beautifulMunn Park and Downtown Lakeland.*Enjoy Our World Famous Cigar Selection*Only The Finest in Cigars - Include:CohibaCohiba, created in 1966 for President Fidel Castro himself, is theflagship brand of Habanos and is enjoyed by a wide range of cigarenthusiasts around the world.H. UpmannH. Upmann cigars are imbued with heritage that dates back to1844.Hoyo De Monterrey:Hoyo De Monterrey owes its origins to the town of San JuanMartinez. The flavor of the blend found here makes it an attractivechoice for those who seek a delicate yet aromatic cigar.Montecristo:Montecristo is the best known and probably the most appreciatedbrand of Habanos throughout the world. Montecristo’s perfectlybalanced blend of filler is created exclusively with selectedleave.Partagas:Partagas cigars , branded in the 1845 by Don Jaime Partagas , isone of the oldest and most well-known of all Cuban cigar brands.Partagas is one of the truly great, old Havana brandsRomeo & Juliet:Named after William Shakespeare’s tragic lovers, the origins ofRomeo & Juliet as a Habano, date back to 1875. Over 40 shapesand sizes are produced under this brand, some of which areconsidered the very best in their size.Davidoff:A brand created by the legendary Zino Davidoff, who originallystarted producing cigars in Cuba circa 1969. The great man himselfdied on 14th January 1994 but not before he had switched productionof his special brand to the Dominican Republic around 1990.Find these Premium Cigars and much more only available in ourexclusive walk-in humidor.The 'Lakeland Loft' Your Destination for The finest in Cigars,Spirits and Beautiful Downtown Lakeland, FL- Soloman Wassef, Proprietor
Benson's Canine Cookies 4.5.7
iGlobal Apps
Downloading the interactive Benson'sCanineCookies Android app - presented by iGlobalApps.com will giveyouquick and easy access to our photos, news and reviews.The Benson's Android App from iGlobalApps will help you keepupto date on the latest trends in healthy pet care and more!
Builder Promotions 4.5.8
iGlobal Apps
Welcome to Builder Promotions!The Home Builder's single source for branded productsusedthroughout the home selling cycle.Here you'll find products to help you engageProspects,merchandise Sales Centers, promote Community Events,rewardRealtors and thank new Homeowners.Can't find what you are looking for? Call us! We willgladlysource it or create it for you!For your convenience, we have categorized products to help youinthe following areas:Your Company StoreDoor Mats, Flags & InflatablesCommunity Event MarketingModel Home/Sales AccessoriesCustomer & Realtor GiftsHomeowner Closing GiftsBP Digital Tech Gifts
Coastal Angler Magazines 4.5.8
iGlobal Apps
ABOUT COASTAL ANGLER & THE ANGLERMAGAZINEAND DIGITAL MAGAZINE AND COMPANION MOBILE APPA FREE PUBLICATION ON BOTH PRINT AND DIGITALCoastal Angler Magazine & The Angler Magazine is afreefishing magazine dedicated to fishing, boating, andoutdoorenthusiasts.The free fishing magazine can be found on the West Coast,Hawaii,Gulf Coast, Southeast, East Coast, Northeast, and the GreatLakes,as well as the entire state of Florida and the Bahamas. Withacombined monthly circulation of more than 500,000 copies,CoastalAngler & The Angler Magazine has emerged as apreferredresource for anglers, boaters, conservationists, andoutdoorenthusiasts
Break Vacations 4.5.3
iGlobal Apps
Downloading the interactive BreakVacationsAndroid app - presented by iGlobalApps.com will give youquick andeasy access to our photos, news and reviews.The Break Vacations Android App from iGlobalApps will helpyoukeep up to date on the latest trends in spring break travelandmore!
Tech Pix 4.5.2
iGlobal Apps
TECH PIX Official Mobile App:The Tech Pix service solution based Mobile APP platformwasintentionally developed and designed to be simple for bothclientand provider; It allows any service related company andtheirpersonnel to streamline and optimize their workday andworkflow byquickly adding and submitting any job or service requestbyutilizing an extremely user friendly and concise JobSubmissionForm. Which includes pertinent client information andtheirultimate service needs. Providing a detailed and fullydocumenteddescription of the service to be performed, including thesize andscope of each project.The app is designed to effectively and efficiently uploadphotos,and voice communications of work to be performed before,during andupon completion. This data is securely encrypted thenuploaded tothe service providers instantaneously. This method ofmobilizingthe interface ultimately ensures the service provider andthecustomer an up to date and timely completion of scheduled jobsandservices to be performed. It easily tracks your clientsandservices to your schedule, resulting in a higher level ofcustomerengagement and client experience and seamlessly tracks timeagainstthe work performed.The TECH PIX APP is Designed for service companies andservicerelated industries that desires a higher level ofclientinteraction. The TECH PIX APP is a solution based utilityappdesigned and developed to simplify and enhance the clientandprovider experience!
The Lakelander Magazine 4.5.15
iGlobal Apps
Downloading the interactive LakelanderMagazineAndroid App - presented by iGlobalApps.com will give youquick andeasy access to our articles, photos, news and reviews.The Lakelander Magazine Android App from iGlobalApps willhelpyou keep up to date on the latest trends in Lakeland, Floridaandmore!
The Club at Eaglebrooke 4.5.5
iGlobal Apps
Welcome to Eaglebrooke!The Club at Eaglebrooke golf course was designed byrenownedarchitect Ron Garl and opened for play in 1996. Located insouthernPolk County, Eaglebrooke is convenient to Orlando and theTampa Bayarea. The Club at Eaglebrooke is nestled among the oaks ofsouthernPolk County – – a gem awaiting discovery. From the lush,rollingfairways to the meticulously manicured greens you knowyou’ve founda treasure as soon as you approach the first tee.Undulating fairways meander along bunkers and scenic lakestomulti-leveled greens giving this championship golf courseachallenging yet forgiving appeal. With six sets of tees,everylevel of golfer from the beginner to the more experiencedplayerwill find just the right challenge. Golf Digest hasconsistentlyrated Eaglebrooke Four and One-Half stars and hasdesignated ourcourse as one of the Best Places To Play for the pastnine years.Currently semi-private, Eaglebrooke is a full servicecountry clubcommitted to the highest standards.Eaglebrooke's professional team can arrange golf outingsandevents as well as teaching clinics held independently orcombinedwith meetings, seminars or other banquet events.Individualinstruction is also available and can be arranged to fitinto eventhe most hectic schedule. Our Head Golf Professional hasachieved aClass A rating from the PGA.The fully stocked Golf Shop is staffed by experiencedgolfersready to assist you with club selection, fitting, andlessons. Youwill always find the latest in apparel and accessoriesto meet theneeds of even the most discriminating golfer.
Ric's Wine Market 1.402
iGlobal Apps
Ric’s Wine MarketOfficial APP:Finding ones passion in life escapes many of us for years. Ionlytouched my passion in the beginning, but have since reunitedwithit. As a young man getting out of college and then a stint inthemilitary my first employment was with a local major departmentstorein Indianapolis as the asst. buyer for the gourmet food andwinedepartments. Back then wine came from two major countriesFrance andItaly, America was still in the sacramental winebusiness and wasbranching out into the jug wine business. So I gotmy first glimpseof the business tasting wines that I could barelypronounce.Fortunately for me I had a good mentor. He understoodmyshortcomings and my strengths and allowed me to gradually grasptheart and education of wines. As my career advanced so did mypassionfor wine.Moving to Lakeland, FL, with my wife Sherry, allowedmyexperience in business and my passion to come together. Tim’sWineMarket arrived at the same time. After meeting with Tim Varananddiscussing his business I was able to persuade him to sell meTim’sWine Market in Lakeland. Since purchasing Tim’s in 2008 wechangedthe name to Ric’s, due to the persistence of our daughter(Lindsay)and son-in-law (Greg) and the fact that they created ourbusinesslogo. We recently changed our location to the old DeliDelicacieslocation. Here we hope to continue to create anenvironment that iscomfortable and fun to learn about wine. Tofurther enhance thatexperience we have the Enigmatic WineDispenser. You can receive a2oz. pour and taste 16 different winesfor a minimal cost. Also, onFriday evening from 5–7pm, we offer“Wine Down” where you can tastea couple of wine styles that are newand interesting.Our concept is simple;•Knowledgeable customer service providing you withapleasurableshopping experience•A selection of Quality wines from small independentwinegrowersfromaround the world•Reasonable pricesEnjoy!Ric
Hookah Palace 1.301
iGlobal Apps
Lombardi's Seafood Market 4.5.9
iGlobal Apps
Lombardi’s Seafood of Winter Park is athirdgeneration retail and wholesale premium seafood company.Tony Lombardi, Sr. started his seafood career as a deckhand ontheTampa shrimping fleet in the early 1950's. After learningtheshrimp business, he then landed a job with a localseafoodwholesaler. A few years later, he and his brothers openedawholesale and retail seafood market in Tampa. In 1961, astheOrlando market started to grow, Tony Lombardi, Sr. and hiswife,Angie Lombardi, decided to leave the Tampa area and starttheir ownbusiness in Winter Park, FL, a suburb of Orlando. Theybegan theirnew business at the intersection of Orange Avenue andOrlandoAvenue where it has been located for over 50 years.Tony and Angie’s son, Tony Lombardi Jr., grew up helping hisdadin the early days of the business. After graduating college,TonyJr. would go onto help the family grow the business into afullservice seafood supplier. At one point, Lombardi’s hadventuredinto running retail stores, an oyster plant inApalachicola, aconsolidation warehouse in Miami, and a 69,000 sq.ft. state of theart processing and distribution facility in southOrlando. In 2006,the Lombardi family decided to divest the largebusiness.During the divestiture, Tony decided to purchase the WinterParkretail store. Tony and his wife, Terri Lombardi, anddaughter,Denise Lombardi Smith, took on the challenge to reinforcetheamazing reputation that Lombardi’s Seafood had in thecommunitywhile enhancing quality and service to its new andexisting loyalcustomers.In July of 2013, Tony and Terri’s son, Michael Lombardi, cameonboard to add both his level of management expertise andhisknowledge of seafood to the team. Both Mike and Denise havespent asignificant amount of time in the ‘family business’, so theybringa wealth of real world experience to the table.As Lombardi’s Seafood enters into the next phase, MikeLombardiwill be at the helm with his sister Denise beside him. MikeandDenise are third generation owners that will continue thetraditionof bringing high quality seafood to central Floridawhileintroducing the latest in seafood products. Their innovativevisionincludes a new & improved customer experience, bothonline andin store, as well as, an upscale gourmet café andseafoodmarket.Our commitment is to provide both our retail andwholesalecustomers with the finest selection and quality offreshseafood.Our mission has been and will always be to grow the companyandto keep seafood an important source of nutrition for generationstocome.We thank you for your business and we look forward to afuturewith your third generations as well!-The Lombardi Family
FSC Alumni 4.5.5
iGlobal Apps
Downloading the interactive FSC AlumniAndroidapp - presented by iGlobalApps.com will give you quick andeasyaccess to our events, news and notifications.The FSC ALUMNI Android App from iGlobalApps will help you keepupto date on the latest Florida Southern College Alumni activitiesandmuch more!
X-League Indoor Football 1.399
iGlobal Apps
Official mobile app of the Xleagueprofessional indoor arena football league.XLIF is built to bring football right to your mobile phone.Breakingnews, video highlights, schedule, game scores, custom teamnews.Catch the latest news from Commissioner Mink on thisnewestinnovative style of indoor arena play in America right fromyourmobile phone.
Orenda Technologies 4.5.6
iGlobal Apps
AN UNPARALLELED COMMITMENT TO SCIENCEOrenda Technologies has provided environmentally safesolutionsfor recreational and other water care systems since 2010.Our teamof professionals is dedicated to offering the highestqualityformulations to aquatic facilities professionals,municipalitiesand consumers. We take a proactive approach throughchemistry todeal with a range of water system issues that affect abroad rangeof industries.We are proud of our partnerships with some of thecountry’sfinest universities and scientific testing communities.Ourcommitment to innovation and research has made us a leader inthefield of water treatments.We invite you to explore the science and solutions ofOrendaTechnologies.WE’RE CHANGING THE WAY YOU THINK ABOUT WATEREvery revolution starts with an individual.Simply put, water is the root of all life. And while many ofustake this life-sustaining substance for granted, people alloverthe world are struggling with hazardous drinking water sourcesthatare unsuited for human consumption.The plague of unclean drinking water is a silent andsomewhatinvisible problem. Many toxic particles are present inbothrecreational water and drinking water but often go unnoticedbyprofessionals because of the water’s clear appearance.We work within accepted industry standards to bringunsanitized,potentially hazardous water to a perfect, pristinestate by usingthe fewest number of products instead of as many aspossible.Although Orenda specializes in the treatment ofrecreationalwater, or water used in swimming pools and similarenvironments, Wediscovered that the same products used to cleanrecreational watercould also be used to bring water up to drinkingstandards. Notonly can we do good by maintaining safe conditions inrecreationalwater, but we have the technology, resources, and moralobligationto remove harmful particles that compromise the safety ofdrinkingwater.After traveling to India in 2013, Orenda TechnologiesPresidentHarold Evans discovered that the necessity for safedrinking waterextended far beyond the United States. Here he cameface-to-facewith hazardous drinking water conditions easilyconsidered one ofthe worst in the world.The Ganges River in India is considered sacred and isworshippedas goddess Ganga Ma, meaning “mother” by Hindus. It’s themainwater source for millions of people living in India and is usedforcooking, bathing, cleaning, and drinking. However, it’s also oneofthe most polluted water sources in the world, where the volumeofsewage dumped in the river exceeds 1.2 billion liters a day. 15%ofthe waste is industrial, much of it consisting ofchemicalfertilizer, pesticide materials, and untreated wastefromslaughterhouses, hospitals, and textile mills.Water-borne illness is common, and infections and diseasesspreadrapidly. Even the fishing industry has suffered,diminishingsignificantly due to poor conditions for wildlife.Harold felt an immediate obligation to bring clean drinkingwaterto these people when he reasoned that his childrenandgrandchildren, who are seemingly entitled to clean waterthroughouttheir entire lives, aren’t any different from thechildren andgrandchildren of India, or anywhere else, who struggleto sustainthemselves with filthy drinking water.We’ve made it our personal aspiration to bring awareness tothisshocking issue and inspire action that can truly makeadifference.Orenda Technologies strives to make clean water for everyone,allover the globe, a reality. Not only is this task enormous, butitrequires that we educate each and every one of our customers.We’velet our tendency towards profit-driven decision-making fallaway andhave placed the priority on garnering trust, loyalty, andachievingsuccess by raising awareness. Our mission is to puthealth,well-being, and life first.OUR CLEAN WATER REVOLUTION STARTS NOW
Woman to Woman Magazine 4.5.14
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Celebrating its 15th year, Woman toWomanMagazine is one of Polk County’s longest running publications.Thispublication is a trusted and loved source of information forwomenof all ages, addressing many relative topics includinghealth,wellness, life, beauty, children, and elder-care. We arealwayslooking for ways to incorporate new information and staycurrent tobring our readers more of what they love, by deliveringthemagazine to over 1000 locations throughout Polk County,ourwebsite, and through our Mobile App!
The Property Shoppe of Florida 4.5.5
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The Property Shoppe of Central Florida'sagentshave been in the real estate services business in theLakeland,Winter Haven, Bartow, Haines City, and Davenport RealEstate marketsfor many successful years and will be here for manymore. Thislongevity and confidence comes from our real estateservices to agreat many buyers and sellers, and theirrecommendations to othersthat result in repeat and referralbusiness that keeps us productiveand successful.As a full service central Florida Real Estate team, we workwithbuyers, sellers and investors in Real Estate transactionsspanningall of the price ranges and property types.We look forward to serving you at the Property Shoppe!"'We'll Get You There"
Homestar Financial Lakeland 4.5.6
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About HomestarHomestar Financial Corporation is a full service mortgagebankerthat controls every aspect of the loan process with inhouseoriginating, underwriting, closing and funding of mortgageloantransactions. Having an in-house team separates Homestar fromothermortgage agencies because it is easier for mortgage lenderstocommunicate quickly and effectively with every department thatisneeded to close a transaction in a timely matter.Headquartered in Gainesville, Georgia Homestar Financialbeganoperation in April of 2002.HomeStar has become a regionallender inthe southeastern United States, licensed to conductbusiness inAlabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, SouthCarolina andTennessee. HomeStar’s leaders and employees are amongthe mostknowledgeable and experienced industry professionals.Our Mission“Our purpose is to maintain a strong reputation as anoutstandingand honest mortgage company offering great customerservice,exceptional community relationships, and a high level ofemployeesatisfaction. We strive as a company to meet the needs andwants ofour customers in a timely manner ensuring they arrive at“theeasiest way home”.